Capture Target

Chapter 98 — Y5: Delegated Corruption

A special thanks to all of my subscribers, and a brief announcement below!

Hokay, I’ve done my stretches, I’ve eaten well, it’s time for sex!


No sex?

Not even a little sex?



Your stamina is becoming something else, let me tell you.  Are you sure we can’t have more --

-- fiiiine.

Storytime it is.

So, as a quick recap:  A little over one week had passed since the start of year five, and to become a goddess, I needed my last four blessings before the year was out.

Humiliation, Sensation, Addiction, and Mind Control.

And for Humiliation, I got a plan from Chastity, the goddess who rules over said fetish.

Become the Goddess of Bimbos.

Or, uh.

Close to it, anyway.

To be more precise it’s ‘put in effort toward becoming the Goddess of Bimbos until Chastity decides I've done enough’ but that’s an annoyingly vague finish line so moving on!

Before I start getting into the other three I needed to obtain, let me start with an explanation of what, exactly, Chastity was after regarding me.

It’s time to talk about bimbos and sluts.

Bimbos and bimbofication is a curious fetish that is somewhat based on the idea of hyper-femininity as a ‘weakness’.  Which, to be clear, isn’t true, but fetishes do what fetishes do.

The core idea of a ‘bimbo’ is ‘a feminine woman obsessed with looking pretty and sex’.  A person who is ‘vapid’ and ‘ditzy’, or ‘unintellegent’ and ‘incapable’ outside of her small subset of skills.  This tends to come with a few subfacets:  High heels, big tits, the color pink, fat ass, long legs, more pink, blonde hair, even more pink, and being boy crazy.

That’s just the ‘standard definition’, though.

Personally, I find hot pink fun occasionally, but I couldn’t live with it for my entire life.  

You can replace ‘hot pink’ with ‘vibrant colors’, really.  A vivid, deep blue.  Shimmering green.  Popping yellow.  So long as the colors, you know, don’t look like trash on you, and the outfit is sexy and-or slutty enough, it fits the bill on meeting the bimbo dress code.

As far as I’m concerned, at least.

Pink is a classic to be sure but there are all sorts of other ways to make yourself match with whatever miniskirt and high heels you want!  For example --

-- a-ah, right, um.

Moving on from color theory.


The point is that one of the things that bimbos have at their core is a form of -- dependency on others.  

Maybe that’s because they’re desperate for a man to tell them what to do.  Or a woman, for the lesbian bimbos.  Maybe it’s because they can’t get through the world on their own, and need a firm, guiding hand on their ass to make sure they know where to go.  Or maybe it’s just because they’re so slutty that they can’t figure out a single thing if they don’t get fucked three times a day.

That level of dependency is what Chastity was out to engage in me.

And moreso, to make that level of dependency public knowledge.

It was already known by now that I was something of a massive slut, but that didn’t mean I was known to be an easy slut.

…That -- !

Okay, yes, fine, I was known as an easy slut, shut up!

Yes, easy enough that the Slut Laws of the Kingdom all applied to me.  All of them.  Even the ones about -- questionable consent.  Honestly, for legalese, the Slut Laws are really quite hot.  The people who wrote them had clearly consulted with a lot of expert sluts on how to word them clearly and --

-- ack!  No!  Nevermind!


No more words!

I’m talking now!

Argh!  F-fuck, shut up and stop teasing me or fuck me already!

Oh now you shut up.

Deep breaths… deep breaths…


So.  I needed to make it known -- make it obvious -- that I was, for the most part, incapable of doing anything without a guiding hand.  Well, anything other than looking pretty and being great at sex, that is.

Now the actual facts of the situation?  Those didn’t matter.

I could have been as capable as Hayato, I just couldn’t let that be known.

…To be honest, the thought of making that my reputation was, ah… it was hotter than I thought it would be…

A-anyway.  That was what Chastity wanted out of me.  An act so humiliating that it would make masochists the world over cry out of envy.  Even Chastity is known to be capable, if she ever bothers to try!

It’s just known that she, uh.  You know.

Won’t try.

Now, this -- this plan of ‘becoming a bimbo goddess’, it had a minor problem.

That problem being that I was too capable.

Pffft hahaha!  Yes, yes, that look is what I was going for.  

Though, more seriously, it’s only half of a joke.

People all over campus knew that I was easy to fuck… so long as I wasn’t busy.  If I was busy or distracted, I’d just stomp all over them in my efforts to get where I needed to go.  Or, at least, that’s what Shimizu told me my reputation was.

From my perspective I just didn’t notice that people were flirting with me.  I mean, who has time for that when reality is going to collapse in just under a year?

Honestly I never paid my reputation that much attention.  It was just -- a thing that was there, but it wasn’t worth the effort to even glance at until then.

And now I had to shift it to one that viewed me as incapable, baring sex and looking hot.

…As I said, the problem was that I was ‘too capable’.  Another way to put it is that I couldn’t act for shit.

Oh in short bursts I absolutely could.  Over the course of a conversation, maybe even a day -- but over months?  Over a year?  Constantly enough that others wouldn’t question it?  Without Alchemical Corruption 12 giving me a script to follow?

That required something else entirely.  I spent maybe half a day pondering how to do it before I realized I was being silly, and got my friends together so we could brainstorm my corruption together.

Shimizu, Sumiko, Yuki, Takeo.  My swordsmistress, a genius, an oracle, and the hero, respectively.  The four that had been on my side the longest and the most reliably.

I called on them to help me become a bimbo!

…And also to gain some other blessings.

I explained the problem to them in simple terms, and asked for their help with their brainstorming.

Which was a -- fun experience, considering how much they all teased me about it.

Yuki suggested that they just make me constantly high on cum and pleasure, which would certainly work… but would also ruin my ability to help with the fifth landmass.

Sumiko suggested experimental brain surgery.

Which was.



No, I wasn’t going to do that.

I’m pretty sure she was joking, but still!

…Pretty sure.

Honestly I was and am too scared to make sure, in case she wasn’t.

Shimizu suggested some proper sex training and coaching.  That sounded the most fun to me, but it would take time, time that I wasn’t sure we had.  It’d been a while since Shimizu and I had fun with her ‘training’ me.

It was, inevitably, Takeo that came up with the solution.  Or, well, the ‘plan of action’, that is.

He pointed out that obtaining the other three blessings would actually aid in getting this one.  Just the process of being ruined and corrupted and broken by addiction, sensation, and mind control would certainly have effects on my behavior.

That’s when they, uh.

They split up.  Is the thing.


It’s kinda.  Embarrassing?  In a hot way?  Thinking about it.

I had four blessings that I needed.

I also had four friends.

The math is pretty simple.

Once the thought floated out of Takeo’s mouth, Sumiko immediately called dibs on ‘Sensation’ and rushed out of the room, fast enough that her cow tits actually slammed into the side of the doorway.

Which, ouch.

She just winced and moved on, but still!

With Sumiko gone, Shimizu was the first to act.  She claimed that she’d finish off the Humiliation blessing if I hadn’t obtained it by the time the other three were finished.

Given she had an unspent boon from Chastity, I was giving her a wary look when Yuki proclaimed that she would take Mind Control.

…To which Takeo said, “No, you won’t.”

Yuki paused, as I glanced towards, then to Takeo, and back again.

…She cautiously opened her mouth and questioned, more than said, “...Yes?  I will.”

Takeo just kind of.

Glared at her.

And she swallowed before standing up and saying, awkwardly, “I’ll take Addiction, then.”

And she fled.

…It was really hot to see him manage that with just a glare.

Of course, that left Takeo with only one option.

He just smirked at me as he stood up to leave himself, saying, “That leaves Mind Control to me.”

Said the jerk that already had me mind controlled to want him!

…At the time I was just happy for his attention, but in retrospect, the irony there was thick.

So, so so thick.

My friends might have been plotting my downfall behind my back, but that didn’t mean time didn’t keep on ticking by.  I asked each of them if they needed my help, but they all politely refused, insisting that they ‘had it under control’.  

…I sometimes saw them huddling together in a worrying fashion.

I was tempted to take control of the situation.  I was very, very tempted to just -- declare that I’d do it on my own, like I’d done so for the rest of my blessings.  And yes, I had help with a few of them, but I'd always taken the lead on them.  I'd taken the lead on almost everything up until now.  

…But my time was better spent focusing on the fifth land mass.  So I decided to trust them.

It itched at me, I’ll admit, to trust them this much.  If even one of them failed, I wouldn’t be able to become a goddess.  I needed all four to succeed, and I didn’t even have any backup plans if they failed!

Not good ones, at least.

Oh sure, if, say, Yuki failed, I could prostrate myself in front of the goddess of addiction and beg for her guidance.  Or I could stuff every addictive food I know of in MISSY down my gullet in a single time slot and see what happened.

But neither of those were, uh.

Good plans.

Or reasonable ones.

Especially not safe ones.

Don’t get me wrong, I still had my original plan in my head.  The one that I had when I was playing Alchemical Corruption Twelve, the plan to have a character obtain all twenty seven blessings.  But those plans weren’t valid anymore.

They required use of the Hall of Mirrors special abilities.  Humiliation and Sensation required that I use it to dictate my future so a specific event would happen, and from there, I could snowball that into Addiction and then, finally, Mind Control.

But instead of being able to dictate my future, as I should have been able to, I got a weird ‘probable-future’ vision that I don’t like admitting existed and a chat with a goddess that was kinda-sorta the equivalent of a limb of the chief god.  



Pandora is a thing.


Getting back on track, I had to trust that my four friends would find the proper ways to make me so depraved that the four hardest-to-impress goddesses would find my dedication to their respective kinks worthy of blessing.

And in the meantime, I gathered together with my magical girl sister Jessica, my two-bodied maid Zaylee, and a large number of agents from the two kings that were poorly disguised as students.

Our first target:  The Reflection Pool.

We got seriously lucky.  Of the problem hexes we needed to find, that was what we found first, just three hexes away from the starter border hex.  Given all hex movement patterns have hexes swapping places with their neighbors instead of just teleporting across the map, that meant that we would have close access to it for some time.

We couldn’t afford to ignore that opportunity.

Unlike the other landmasses, each hexagon required effort to pass through.  We couldn’t ‘skip’ any of them.  This might mean we had to clear up some monsters, or maybe we just had to walk through an aphrodisiac-filled pond, but we had to pass every time we moved.  So a problem hex, right near the start of the fifth landmass?

Whether it was a blessing or a curse, we had to deal with it right away.

It was time to Face Ourselves, But Sluttier.

It was a fun time!

This is the editor speaking, and on Calypso's behalf I'd like to convey both our apologies for the heavy delay. Life circumstances have made things difficult, and while we're still hale and healthy, it's unfortunately very unlikely that there's going to be a "next project" now. 

Public updates will resume to post up the remainder of the story and finish things out, and we'll be tinkering with substar tomorrow.

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