Card making of three phantom gods, starting from infinite deduction

Chapter 30 Advanced Elemental Mage Naya

Chapter 30 Advanced Elemental Mage Naya

The little mage with the purple hat is Su Chengyang's next magic card monster.

It will be a four-star cyan quality monster that requires a magic card as a sacrifice to summon a powerful magic card monster.

"Rub the forbidden spell with your hands and release high-power magic. This setting..."

A white light shone on the table.

The shadows lengthened.

Su Chengyang held a pen and wrote and drew on the messy workbench, thinking about this plan and whether there was room for improvement.

To create a powerful card monster, you need to consider more than just constructing its form.

It is also necessary to consider its background setting and whether the many logics are self-consistent. The more logically self-consistent a monster is, the less mental energy it will consume and the most powerful combat power or certain characteristics can be released.

"If you just cast the forbidden spell, it lacks creativity, and the cooling time is too long. Is there a way... to obtain powerful destructive power without such a long cooling time." Su Chengyang murmured, thinking.

After a long time.

He made no progress.

I feel like I have fallen into a misunderstanding of my thinking.

This is also a painful state that card magicians often enter when creating magic cards.

After falling into such a state, it is as if every thought in the brain is blocked by a strange barrier.

The train of thought cannot function, and problems that could have been easily solved in the past have become extremely difficult and impossible to solve.

"Let's continue tomorrow." He was too lazy to run to the bedroom on the first floor.

Continuous work uses up the last bit of energy in the brain.

Su Chengyang waved his hand.

On the workbench and beside it, A4, A3, and various types of paper were flying all over the sky.

Landing on the wooden floor, Su Chengyang lay down directly on the floor covered with paper without any courtesy.

Let the paper float in the air, like flying pigeons, falling into sleep and falling on him.

Soon after, light snoring could be heard.

He was too tired.

In the past, he never snored when sleeping.

Five o'clock in the morning.

Among the students in the elite class, very few actually fall asleep.

Many of them have already left the campus and Qingbei University.

Under the guidance of family members, tribesmen, and even some powerful card magicians, I began to think about how to construct a four-star magic card monster that I could control.

Get ready for the most important selection competition in six days!

There is no luck in the selection, only true strength can be recognized by the supreme rules.

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

Sunlight and light penetrated the paper and hit Su Chengyang's face and his closed eyelids.

His eyebrows kept trembling, and his eyelashes trembled even more violently.

The whole person seemed to be trapped in a dream from which he could not escape. It was a hodgepodge of illogical dreams.

There are Erlang God who jumped out of the stone, a giant dragon who is addicted to game consoles, Emperor Keli who throws bombs like crazy, and many phantom gods who have transformed into dark evil gods.

All in all, it's all kinds of weird.

Su Chengyang sensed that he was in a dream, composed of countless pieces of digital information, with infinite possibilities for evolution.

Just when he was assuming the ultimate evolutionary stance.

woke up.

Opening his eyes, his face was covered with several pieces of scrap paper, on which he was writing and drawing plans that he had previously rejected.

"I'm really stupid." Su Chengyang sighed.

Indeed, very stupid.

Such a perfect treasure trove of creativity in my previous life, I completely ignored, as if I couldn't see it, and it had no value.

It is true that he is sitting on Jinshan Mountain begging for food.

Su Chengyang is naturally not stupid, nor is he really stupid.

Many imaginations in previous lives were based on utopias that were inherently unattainable.

But this does not mean that fantasy has no value.

Just like the ancients once thought, immortals can soar into the clouds and ride on the mist, walk on the clouds, control the thunder from the sky, inflict thunder punishment, and so on.

In modern times, everyone can take a plane and experience flying above the clouds. Furthermore, compared to mushroom eggs, thunder is nothing!

For another example, the ancients once imagined having clairvoyance and ears for the wind.

But that still takes time and has many limitations.

After the information age, you can have video chats or satellite detection anytime and anywhere without the need for a special deity.

What is the possibility of this?

"And I have a talent - deduction!" Su Chengyang was lying on many papers, but he became more and more excited.

Deduction has the possibility to realize any magic card monster.

The deduction also gives the magic card monsters a characteristic. As the creator of the magic card, Su Chengyang, as long as the amount and level of mental power allow, he can exert 100% of their strength.

No additional restrictions!

"The nuclear explosion is quite satisfactory and can be retained, but the real highlight... of course is the elemental reaction!"

Su Chengyang cleared the clouds and saw the sun, his thoughts clear, and his eyes were shining with excitement.

Got it! He has it!

His mental power propped up his body and floated incredibly vertically.

Various papers piled on the ground and pressed around floated one after another, forming a strange scene.

Used paper automatically flies to the shredder one by one.

Unused paper has its wrinkles automatically flattened, and various models are classified and stacked layer by layer.

And the moment Su Chengyang's feet landed on the ground.

The original papyrus - the little mage's papyrus with purple hat, floated in front of his eyes.

Su Chengyang hooked his finger, and a pen flew like a sword, hanging in the air, in the blank space of the papyrus.

I wrote a new name [Little Elemental Mage·Naya]!

Su Chengyang was in high spirits.

Be full of energy, open up the deduction space, and invest your own spiritual body.

The construction of the little elemental mage Naya began.

He carefully sketched the first line.

The little mage of the elements, Naya, is set as the darling of the elements - the elves, and her specific identity is unknown, laying some foreshadowing for her many possibilities in the future, and new modules can be added.

It is too difficult and almost impossible to successfully construct a magic card in one step.

For Su Chengyang, who has room for deduction, this process is not simpler, but more difficult and complicated.

Going from 0 to 1 is much more difficult than going from 1 to 99.

Time passes little by little.

Students in elite classes have very little time in class.

Su Chengyang returned to the dormitory after attending two classes that afternoon. He did not have to report to class all day tomorrow.

He continued to construct the little elemental mage Naya.

Carefully split her abilities and distribute some of her abilities to magic cards.

This combination will be more flexible and have more variety of tactical arrangements.

This day, it is approaching evening.

"It's done, it's's done!" Su Chengyang repeated the steps, and the joy on his face could not be suppressed.

Very pleasantly surprised!

It was not easy to create this magic card. We even asked for help from Mu Gaoyang and the class teacher Jiang Qingmiao to successfully create it.

"It's worth celebrating, yes, it's worth celebrating!"

When Su Chengyang ran downstairs quickly, he felt it was too troublesome.

With a hook of his hand, the refrigerator downstairs and the wires flew along the corridor to the second floor.

It landed somewhere out of the way and plugged in automatically.

"It's much more convenient."

He opened the refrigerator door and took out a bottle of refrigerated Coca-Cola.


Bubbles popped out.

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