Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 138 - Dingsheng Entertainment

No matter how Li Xing sighed, things had already happened. Therefore, life has to continue. Although the following problems are destined to be many, but in any case, it will be the future. As long as Li Xing believes that he has done nothing wrong, there is no big problem.

Li Xing drove Land Rover off-road to the company.

For Li Xing, what happened last night has passed, and a new day has begun, so he will start busy with company affairs. Now the company has just started, and money is being spent everywhere, but it has not yet made money. It is supported by Tianxue Beauty Salon and Yoga Fitness Club. This is not a long-term solution, is it?

Li Xing looked at the report yesterday. Excluding the two newly opened beauty salons of Tianxue Beauty Salon in Beijing and Shanghai, in fact, the market in Shan Province is still very large. Tianxue Beauty Salon is a membership system implemented. In order to collect dues to generate profits. This has two benefits. One is to give people the feeling that this is a high-end place. Although the reality is indeed high-end, it is still very important to not give people this feeling. The second is to be able to efficiently use resources and quickly gather funds.

For example, in Tianxue Beauty Salon, it is a kind of ordinary card that specializes in facial beauty. This kind of card has annual and monthly cards. Of course, the charges are based on annual and monthly fees. The monthly membership card of Tianxue Beauty Salon is two thousand yuan. The annual card is 20,000 yuan. Moreover, there is no limit on the number of times in between. In other words, even if you come to do beauty treatments every day, as long as you pay the money and hold the card, you can enjoy the service. In this way, if someone really does it every day, then 2,000 yuan a month, Tianxue Beauty Salon will definitely lose money. But this is not the case. Whether it is facial beauty or other beauty, not every day is good for beauty. Three to four times a month is best. In this way, there is no problem with the price.

In addition to this ordinary card, the rest are silver cards and gold cards. The annual fee of silver card is 100,000, and the annual fee of gold card is 150,000. Different cards have different service standards. The beauty salon has a detailed determination. Then there is the diamond card, which is equivalent to the service target on the seventh floor of the Tianxue Beauty Salon headquarters. This annual fee is 500,000 yuan.

Take the data from the headquarters of Tianxue Beauty Salon. There are more than 800 ordinary members. Most of them are annual cards. About one hundred and fifty silver members. There are also about one hundred gold members. There are more than thirty diamond members. Counting this up, the annual revenue of the headquarters is more than 50 million. In addition to costs and various expenses. After one year, it can balance about 30 million yuan. There are three Tianxue beauty salons in Jecheng. Even if there is a difference. The profit of Jicheng alone can reach at least 70 million yuan. As for the entire Shan Province, the annual net profit can reach about 300 million and 400 million.

Looking at these data, what does it feel like? I can only say that women’s money is really good.

After Gu Tianxue has been occupying the market in Shan Province, he has not expanded much, so he has such funds.

And the yoga fitness club. The profit of the entire mountain province is also around 80 million.

From this point of view, Tianxue Beauty Salon is more promising than Yoga Fitness Club. Moreover, the expansion of yoga fitness clubs is not that simple. Therefore, Li Xing does not intend to expand the yoga fitness club. But concentrate on the development of Tianxue Beauty Salon.

Li Xing calculated that if the effect of beauty products is very good, it will not be a problem to double the membership fees on this basis. Then if the expansion continues. It can be said that the prospects are still very broad.

Just like the beauty salons in Beijing and Shanghai, if they can really occupy the market here. Perhaps it is bigger than the market in Shan Province. After all, there are more wealthy talents in Beijing and Shanghai.

Even without new beauty products, relying on the current advantages of Tianxue Beauty Salon, it can still have a place. Of course, with the current conditions, if the current situation is still met, then it would be too uninteresting. In Li Xing’s view, the market in Shan Province alone is not yet saturated. There is still a lot of potential. It can be said that Tianxue Beauty Salon has not occupied half of the beauty salon market in Shan Province. Don’t be surprised, it is true. Therefore, Li Xing wanted to expand the huge influence of Tianxue Beauty Salon in Shan Province first.

When Li Xing was thinking about the future development path of the company. Liang Xing is now an ant on a hot pot. Not in a hurry. When Liang Xing learned that his nephew had raped the young girl and was arrested, Liang Xing said he didn’t believe anything. I don’t believe that Liang Chao was arrested, but I don’t want Liang Chao to **** an underage girl. Liang Xing still knows his nephew very well, and he can’t deny that he is a little lustful. But definitely not to the extent of rape. But when Liang Chao rushed to the Hongjialou police station, he learned that Jicheng City Public Security Director Min Xiangcai had taken over the case. Liang Xing immediately knew what was the reason for this. But the current evidence, all the evidence, fully accuses Liang Chao of **** underage girls. When Liang Xing took a lot of effort to see Liang Chao, he learned that Liang Chao had been beaten into a disastrous situation. Liang Xing was furious. Although his identity was incomparable with Min Xiangcai, Liang Xing found the deputy mayor of Jicheng city.

The deputy mayor was also very angry, wondering if he knew Liang Xing was following me? If you don’t give me face like this, isn’t it just not giving me face? Therefore, the deputy mayor is on the move.

When the deputy mayor saw Min Xiangcai, Min Xiangcai told the deputy mayor that Mayor Li personally paid attention to the case. That is, in a disguised form, he rejected the possibility that the deputy mayor would resolve this matter privately.

Although Min Xiangcai cannot be ranked as the deputy mayor, Min Xiangcai followed Li Xiangrong, and the call to be promoted as secretary of the political and legal committee and head of the public affairs committee is very high this time. Therefore, Min Xiangcai is not afraid of the deputy mayor at all. Just a small vice mayor, not even a member of the Standing Committee, what drag?

However, the deputy mayor was furious, and knew that there must be some secret in Li Xiangrong’s intervention. This inquiries finally revealed something.

It turned out that Liang Chao wanted to punish Li Xiangrong’s nephew Li Xing, but after being blocked back and blocked the company, he hired the underworld to destroy Li Xing. Fortunately, Li Xing escaped. Li Xiangrong hasn’t waited for Li Xiangrong to investigate. Liang Chao raped an underage girl again. So, pay attention.

Of course, Min Xiangcai secretly released the news according to Li Xiangrong’s intention.

After the deputy mayor learned of this process, he understood that all rapes of underage girls were false, but now there is no evidence of fraud. Liang Chao didn’t admit it, but what’s the use of his denial? Moreover, you Liang Chao is capable, dare to scrap a leg of the mayor’s nephew, then what are you capable of looking for me for? Therefore, the deputy mayor clearly told Liang Xing that I could not manage this matter. You should think of a solution yourself!

When Liang Xing learned that his nephew was going to abolish one of Mayor Li’s nephew’s legs. I understand that it is completely finished.

In the afternoon of the same day, Licheng District received multiple reports. The finger was directed at Liang Xing. Hao Long Books immediately gave important instructions, immediately investigated and suspended Liang Xing’s all posts inside and outside the party. An hour after deciding to conduct a strict investigation, the Licheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection launched a double regulation on Liliangxing. It was discovered that Liang Xing had various economic problems.

The effect of the sudden trial of Liang Xing was very great. I learned an important clue from Liang Xing’s mouth. Zhang Defang, Secretary of the Jicheng Municipal Party Committee, gave important instructions to strictly investigate and thoroughly investigate!

Within a day, following this clue, a huge wealth-making network was completely breached. Twenty-three officials, including the deputy mayor of Jicheng City, were all regulated. Jicheng officialdom earthquake. The old secretary Zhang Defang patted the table and said that he would stand the last post for the party and the people. Even if he could only be in power for one more day, he must thoroughly investigate these officials.

Within a few days, as many as 30 officials fell. The amount of corruption involved exceeds 500 million. Everyone in Jicheng’s officialdom is in danger. Of course, this is something.

However, it is obvious that Li Xiangrong took the shot, and not only did it. Still generous. As soon as he shot, he didn’t give anyone any chance. Moreover, by the way, the local forces in Jechengshan Province can be said to be uprooted.

“Aunt Rong is really generous.” Three days later, Li Xiangrong, Li Xianglan, Gu Tianxue, and Lin Yuru accompanied Li Xing to check the situation in the mountains. Now the bidding has been completed. All projects including the experimental building were taken over by the Jecheng City Fourth Construction Group. With the funds in place, under the planned arrangements. The Fourth Construction Group has already started the preliminary work. It was several days earlier than originally scheduled.

“It’s like this in officialdom, fighting back and forth. In fact, I can’t blame me. If they are clean, they won’t fall so easily.” Li Xiangrong smiled gently.

“How many years has Liang Chao been sentenced?” Li Xianglan asked with a smile.

“Eight years in a prison with his uncle, ha ha!” Li Xing said with a smile.

“Such people are simply not suitable to stay in the world, dare to scrap Xiaoxing a leg? Huh…” Lin Yuru said coldly.

“Hehe, sister Yuru is really powerful when she is fierce.” Li Xing looked at Lin Yuru and said with a smile.

“It’s the same in my opinion, this punishment is too light!” Gu Tianxue said seriously.

Li Xing nodded without saying anything. Zhang Jianbin has arranged for someone to go to prison. Neither Liang Chao nor Liang Xing will be better.

In fact, it is no wonder that Li Xing and the girls reacted so strongly. If it were not for Li Xing’s timely discovery of the magical effect of the different space, he would really lose a leg. Maybe, it’s more than that. How can they swallow this breath?

Moreover, when Li Xiangrong cleans up these people, the local forces in the province can’t say anything. Who told you to scrap one of my nephew’s legs? Struggle is struggle. Since you use this method, it is breaking the ‘rules’ and deviating! Then, I don’t need you to tell me what I want to do. The local forces in the province can only let their dissatisfaction into their stomachs. Not only was he unable to intervene in what happened in Jecheng, he even dared not intervene. In this way, it not only taught people, but also completely eliminated the influence of local forces in Jecheng.

In fact, not all local forces are locals. Just a representative. Many local officials are from Li Xiangrong’s side. The officialdom is very complicated. It was because of complexity that Li Xing did not enter.

“The construction will start in the next two days. I asked them. Within three months, everything except the experimental building will be completed, and the experimental building will be completed within six months.” Gu Tianxue said softly while looking at the huge mountain area. Said.

“Well, Sister Tianxue, how are the planting staff arrangements?” Li Xing nodded and said.

“The contact is almost done, and the day after tomorrow will be able to start grafting and planting. But why not use a different space?” Gu Tianxue asked suspiciously.

“Let’s keep a little secret. Besides, how long will it take for this 100,000 mu if we only rely on a different space? Explaining is troublesome.” Li Xing shook his head and said.

“Well, Xiao Xing’s idea is right. There is nothing wrong with the greatest possible preservation of the secrets of different spaces.” Li Xiangrong agreed with Li Xing.

At this time, Li Xing’s cell phone rang.

“Shao Li, um, I found someone to fix the integration plan you suggested to me last time. Would you like to give guidance?” Zhang Jianbin called.

“I can’t talk about the guidance. Suggestions. It’s still a bit. Tell me the address… Well, I’ll be there soon.” Li Xing said and hung up the phone.

“You go back to the villa first, Aunt Rong and Aunt Lan, you can’t run today. I want to eat the food you cooked. I have something to do, and I will go back soon!” Li Xing said with a smile.

“Go. Let’s see it again. I don’t know what will become here in a few months.” Li Xiangrong nodded. Helped Li Xing tidy up his clothes and said.

Li Xing drove the car and looked at the four women still standing on the mountain, Li Xing felt warm.

“Shao Li, take a look.” At a hotel, Zhang Jianbin respectfully gave Li Xing a pile of documents.

Li Xing picked it up and looked at it.

Dingsheng Entertainment Group!

It has 25 bars, 13 discos, and 4 hotels. Although the scale is small, it makes me look different. The other is some small businesses, such as Internet cafes, arcade halls and so on. With this integration, the total assets are one billion yuan (including real estate).

“All legal, right?” Li Xingyang asked the information in his hand.

“I own all eight bars, and I own different shares for the rest. I own all three discos. I own one hotel. I talked about the meaning of integration. They all agreed to be integrated. . Give them shares of the group.” Zhang Jianbin said with a smile.

“Well, not bad.” Li Xing nodded. The gangsters can be mixed into such assets, already very powerful.

“Well, we all agree to let Li Shao you own 20% of the shares.” Zhang Jianbin said softly.

Li Xing was taken aback and looked at Zhang Jianbin playfully. He was really generous, 20%, equivalent to two hundred million!

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