Carry a Different Space with You

v3 Chapter 664 - Lively network [seeking flowers! 】

The reports of various newspapers with great influence have attracted the attention of the whole world. And “Fortune” magazine’s report on Xingyi Technology is even more interesting. World number one! When this word appears in a company that can count as one year old, who can believe it? How long has Wal-Mart been established? It’s been half a century! And look at other super large companies, which one has not been in existence for decades?

In the past, perhaps no one would have imagined that a company could collect money at this rate in just one year. Moreover, this is not a big deal. In addition to the Xingyi car exhaust processor, Xingyi Technology also has a large processor. This is a technology that is not inferior to the speed at which Xingyi car exhaust processor makes money. Moreover, it is the kind of technology that people can’t refuse at all!

Therefore, “Fortune” magazine also put forward a point of view. That is, in the next five years, even if Xingyi Technology has only these two products, then it can stay in the world’s first position for five years. Of course, if any other super company turns out to be born, it’s a different matter!

A closer look at the development history of Xingyi Technology will give people a dreamlike feeling. Of course, Xingyi Technology itself is nothing. Although everyone can see the changes and tremendous progress of Xingyi Technology in the management and employees during this year. But this is all brought about by technology. It is hard to imagine that when the efficiency of the world’s top car exhaust processor is still below 15%, the Xingyi car exhaust processor has reached more than 95%! And Jiang Yi who created and invented all this! It is really a living money printing machine! Moreover, large processors are also in the hands of Jiang Yi. To put it bluntly, Jiang Yi can now be compared with Einstein. Moreover, Jiang Yi looks even better! It is a pity that Jiang Yi has never appeared in public. This is really a great regret. Even when the Nobel Prize was awarded to Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi did not appear. However, after thinking about it, Jiang Yi’s current achievements are no longer what the Nobel Prize can impress Jiang Yi. Moreover, the scary thing is that no one knows that Jiang Yi still has such an invention. What we have to say is that having a scientist like Jiang Yi is the happiest thing for every company.

Not to mention that people outside of China are talking about Xingyi Technology.

When the “Fortune” statistics were sent back to China, the whole of China was almost boiling. Because “Fortune” is known for its fairness, fairness and accuracy. So there is no doubt about the “Fortune” report. Moreover, for Xingyi Technology, this completely Chinese company can make Fortune magazine a special issue of hair style, which has never happened before.

The Chinese people are crazy, crazy excited. Every Chinese has a kind of instinctual pride and pride after learning such news.

I don’t know when, when I saw the long list of the world’s top 500 companies, and saw that the top rankings were all large foreign companies, what did it feel like? When only a few monopolistic enterprises in China can appear from above, a sad mood can’t help but arise. Although I am also very excited about the emergence of Chinese companies. But the sadness is still greater. Is it possible that Chinese companies can only achieve such results under monopoly? Searched over and over again, it is difficult to find the existence of private companies on it!

However, this situation is now completely gone! Even if what “Fortune” compares is only the data of last year’s Fortune 500, no one knows if super companies such as Wal-Mart and Mobil Oil Company have made progress this year. But even if it is temporary, it is satisfied! Yes, it is satisfied! Because they are proud now, even if they don’t have such glory in the future, at least they have had it before, right? This is actually enough. But before, I want to recall that there was never a meeting partner!

Especially on the Internet, there are now all posts discussing Xingyi Technology. Whether it is on Sina, Tencent, Netease, Sohu, the four major portal sites, or search on Baidu, or in various large and small forums and white society. As long as it is about this topic, the post will be topped immediately. Moreover, the number of people recovered is hundreds of thousands and millions!

Despite social development and economic progress, the number of Internet users in China has continued to increase. A conservative estimate is that 400 to 500 million people in China are netizens now! How big is this number?

Of course, while excited netizens sing hymns, some people are also singing the opposite!

This is a jealous psychology to blame. There is a saying that is so high that he can’t get jealous, but obviously, the rise of Xingyi Technology is too sudden. People simply don’t have a process of slow acceptance. So there are many people who are psychologically unbalanced.

It’s just that as long as a netizen says something bad, it will be immediately refuted by countless refuted posts and disappear without a trace! In a word, all netizens are excited by this news!

However, the only post that questioned Xingyi Technology was put on top. Moreover, tens of millions of people have recovered. Created a new record of online posts.

This is a post published by a person called “Ordinary World”: As a Chinese, I will be proud of the achievements of Xingyi Technology. I am not proud of this huge wealth created by Xingyi Technology. It’s that the prices adopted by Xingyi Technology are completely different in China and abroad, and it can even be said that the price is very different! I don’t remember when, foreign products have flooded every aspect of our lives. From big to airplanes, cars to all kinds of commodities that are all over life! The sad thing is that most people are accustomed to buying these foreign products! Whenever I hear someone say, the quality of others is good! For this sentence, I always, and I will never agree with it! Is domestic stuff really good? Perhaps! However, if you do not look at the quality aspect, and compare the prices of these products in China with the prices in their own countries, you will find that we are really stupid! Stupid to a degree that makes people feel sad. Just like a friend of mine went to Japan on a business trip and brought me a Sony camera from Japan. He spent three hundred dollars! But, what is the price of the same camera in China, even if the camera with good quality configuration that my friend brought back? No less than 8888! Yes, the four 8s are really nice. However, the conversion of three hundred dollars is only equivalent to a little more than two thousand yuan! And my friend paid thirty dollars in tariffs! That is a little more than two hundred yuan. In other words, we are fighting for one-tenth of this tax! And how many tenths is the difference between 8888 and the four-digit number starting with 2? At that time, I truly understood how foreign products earn our hard-earned money! We work hard to make money, but what about others? But it is 300% 400% or even 600% difference to earn our money. Heart hurts! However, as an ordinary Chinese, facing such a situation, I have nothing to do. Although my heart hurts, I never buy any foreign products. But what is my strength? And seeing the price at which Xingyi Technology sells car exhaust gas processors, I have an exhilarating feeling. When can Chinese goods be sold to foreigners at several times the price? Moreover, foreigners are still rushing to buy! As a Chinese, a Chinese with passion, I applaud Xingyi Technology! I will be happy and proud! Thank you Xingyi Technology Company for allowing me to have such excitement! Thank you Xingyi Technology for making people proud! Maybe, there must be many friends who have the same feelings as me? However, while thanking Xingyi Technology, while seeing the large amount of money that Xingyi Technology has earned, while seeing how Xingyi Technology has brought the country’s tax revenue growth. I must say, Xingyi Technology, do you make money to make money? What do you make money for? How many people in the country still live below the food and clothing line, and how many people still cannot afford to go to school for various reasons? How many people live in almost isolated places? Although this is not your obligation. But let me be more demanding of you. You should stretch out your hands to help the society. Don’t be completely lost by money! “

The number of resumes for this post is countless. Some agree, some oppose, some agree, some oppose! All kinds of people have all kinds of opinions.

The netizen “Independent Little Penguin” fully agrees with the view of “Ordinary World”: “I appreciate this post, because every sentence in this post is above my heart. I am like this friend, thank you Xingyi Technology, thanks to Xingyi Technology, or Xingyi Technology, it turns out that having such a world’s first company belongs to its own country, it can make people so excited and so excited. However, like this friend, I also want to ask , Xingyi Technology, you make so much money, why don’t you help the people around you? Although this is not your obligation. But I still hope to extend your loving hands!”

The netizen’rebellious dark angel’ is a completely opposed view: “You can’t ask others to do something, and you can’t ask others to do what others need to do. A company makes some money, but it’s not yours. What are you excited about? What? Does this bring you any benefit? It’s better to have this energy than to do a good job, because I doubt whether your next meal can be solved!”

Of course, the ‘rebellious dark angel’ is too rebellious this time. Countless netizens cursed ‘cold-blood’, ‘relentless’, and ‘go to death’ and other unsightly words.

The netizen “Bing Leng Han Xue” partly agrees and partly disagrees: “I fully agree with everything that was said in the first half of “Ordinary”. I also have the same feelings as “Ordinary”. Every time I see foreign products making a lot of money in China When I make a special profit, my heart seems to bleed! I have more opportunities than’ordinary’ because of the nature of the job. I often go abroad. But this is how I understand the price of the same product. What prices are we in China. It’s hard to imagine that this is true. It’s hard to believe that they are developed countries and we are developing countries. But the price of commodities is so different! So, I also thank Xingyi Technology, not only I am only grateful to Xingyi Technology for allowing us to satisfy the regrets in our hearts. I must also be proud of Xingyi Technology becoming the world’s number one. However, at the same time, I do not agree with the words behind “Ordinary”. To let Xingyi Technology come out to do so-called philanthropy? Although you keep saying that maybe you have no such obligation. However, no matter how you understand it, it is a kind of blame or a better blame! I don’t want to here. To say that is too rebuttal, I just want to tell “Plain Fan”! Because of Xingyi Technology, all cars in China can now be equipped with Xingyi car exhaust gas processors at an acceptable and satisfactory price. This is great for China’s overall atmosphere. How much help is the improvement of the environment! Can you see what kind of contribution has been made? And, if you think about it, if Xingyi Technology sets the price as much as foreign prices, what can we say? Responsibilities Are our duties useful? And, in this way, I believe that it will help Xingyi Technology to quickly occupy the global market. And Xingyi Technology’s choice? It is to choose such a price difference, and the result is Their development in the international market has not changed smoothly. Do you all see this? Also, how much tax revenue has Xingyi Technology brought to the country? And as far as I know, Xingyi Technology has always been fixed The amount of tax is not bad at all! Haven’t you seen such behavior? Xingyi Technology is making money, but you are not making money too? The difference is that Xingyi Technology makes a lot of money, and you make money The amount of money is very small, but do you think of the amount of money you earn to qualify some poor people the first time you make money? I don’t think anyone would be so when it’s not special. Let’s do it? So, push others with yourself! Why use the tone of questioning and blame to say that Xingyi Technology? Maybe you will say that the money I made is not worth mentioning for Xingyi Technology. They spend one ten-thousandth of it is enough to do a lot of things. And it has no effect on themselves. So, do you put out one ten-thousandth of your own funds have any fundamental impact on yourself? If everyone is like this What to do? Will this fund be less than one ten thousandth of Xingyi Technology? We should not stare at the rich and rich companies and give people an attitude of what they must do. This is not right. “

There are many, many comments like this. Moreover, what is rare is that this post is different from other posts in that it is no longer what characters are restored, but a clear point of view. Moreover, the organization of the language also reflects a quality. . .

——————————Updated, please support me with flowers!

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