Carry a Different Space with You

v4 Chapter 680 - Advertising and investment [seeking flowers! 】

Industry chain. . . This truly represents an economy. A successful company drives the development of the entire industrial chain. This is why in the past few years, and even now, there is such a fierce competition for some large companies in attracting investment. It even involves some key reasons for dark side transactions. Because one family can bring pressure on the industrial chain, it may drive the overall economic development of a region.

Just like the current Daxing Group, why can it be assumed that there is no relationship with Li Xing, and the Daxing Group in Jicheng can also exist like the Emperor? The reason is simply too simple. Because now every enterprise under the Daxing Group can form an industrial chain development. Take Xingyi Technology for example, the theme of Xingyi Technology Company is the processor. So where does the steel come from? It can be said that Xingyi Technology alone has driven the rapid development of the steel industry in Jecheng and Shan Province. And there are some gadgets on the supporting processor. . . You know, subcontracting out some less important gadgets is also the key to a company that can free up more energy to do more important things. Xingyi Technology seems to be very small to let go. . . What brought is the launch of the entire supporting enterprise. In this regard alone, how much economic development opportunity does Jecheng bring? There are even supporting facilities in the surrounding area on one side. It’s because it is close to Jecheng. It is no exaggeration to say that with the development of Xingyi Technology, as Xingyi Technology continues to launch its own products, it is not a fantasy to form a central industrial belt with Xingyi Technology as the core. After all, where is the output value of Xingyi Technology Company.

It’s the same as a large automobile manufacturer can drive the automobile industry in a region.

Let’s take a look at Xingkang Tobacco. Tobacco planting in the Xingkang Tobacco Project can also be said to be an industrial chain. And some small things in a pack of cigarettes, such as cigarette cases, etc., these Xingkang tobacco can not be held tightly in the hand, which has brought the development of some downstream industries.

Xingrong Soup Restaurant’s demand for medicinal materials and some tableware. . .

Tianxue Beauty Salon needs some equipment and some less important materials. Even when it is mature, let go of the demand for some key materials. What kind of collateral influence can this have?

Xingqiu Perfume’s demand for raw materials, Xingxiang Tea Culture Company’s demand for tea planting, packaging demand, picking demand, Xingji Construction’s demand for some building materials, and now Xingyang Beverage’s packaging, etc. And other requirements. It can be said that no company can be said to be completely independent. It’s just a different location. And when these are combined, what kind of industrial chain will be formed under the condition of continuously developing healthy clubs and developing agricultural products? And this industry chain radiates the entire mountain province without any problem. Because anywhere from Jecheng to Shan Province. All can complete the transportation task within three hours. While the high-speed traffic makes traffic more convenient, it also greatly improves the radiation range of Yijia pressure. Under such circumstances, let me ask, what does the Shan Provincial Association think of Daxing Group?

Originally, Shan Province and Jiangsu Province took turns to occupy the position of China’s second largest economic province. And now. . . It can be said that with the existence of Daxing Group, it is not too difficult to surpass Guangzhou. From this aspect, you can better understand the role of Daxing Group in Shan Province, right? Coupled with a series of industrial chains brought by Daxing Group. . . No wonder the officials of Shan Province raise their thumbs when they mention the Daxing Group!

A company has achieved this level of success. But is Li Xing satisfied? It’s just a mountain province now! Although Daxing Group has great influence in the country. However, in the final analysis, it is far from possible to say that it has the same influence as in Shan Province in the whole country. Therefore, Li Xing has been working hard. Efforts to expand their branches to the whole country. And then. . . It’s the whole world!

Now Xingyang Beverage is undoubtedly a company that can go hand in hand both domestically and internationally. Moreover, Li Xing is very opinionated that his compatriots drink beverages produced by foreigners every day, and then put the money into the hands of those foreigners. And Xingyang Drink is here to break this situation!

Drink market! With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards. This market is getting bigger and bigger. The increasing variety of beverages on the market also demonstrates the popularity of this market. Whether it is carbonated drinks represented by Pepsi and Coca-Cola or tea drinks, sports drinks, fruit drinks and so on represented by Master Tong and Tang. In fact, this is telling everyone that this market is very big. . . Different people have different tastes. This is also the real reason why no one is the real boss in the beverage market. Look at the fact that Pepsi and Coca-Cola accounted for more than 90% of the Chinese beverage market 20 years ago, but now they only account for less than 50%, and you can see the changes and fierce competition they face.

But, sadly, whether it is Master Kong or Unity. They are not domestic enterprises, they are all foreign capital. The only national brand Huiyuan Group and Wahaha Group have also been acquired. It can be said that the beverage manufacturers that really dominate the market now. . . There is no place for domestic assets. Even in this aspect of mineral water, it is basically controlled by foreign capital. I don’t know it, but if you look closely, it feels shocking.

Regardless of the regional beverage market outside of China, just look at the domestic beverage market in China. Last year’s figure was that the annual sales of various beverages were 30 billion U.S. dollars! More than 200 billion yuan! Of course, the development of the beverage market allows us to see the improvement of people’s lives. However, watching the money is taken away by foreign companies. . . It’s really not a taste. Well, it’s not an angry youth to say so, but. . . How good would it be if the money were received in my hands?

“Another one is advertising. Now our advertisements are on various TV stations, newspapers, and the Internet. The spokespersons are also superstars. I think the momentum has risen. Now it should be time for us to reap the results.” Sun Han said confidently.

“Hehe, everything is up to you, and advertising cannot be stopped. It is not that simple to get a share in this highly competitive beverage market. Moreover, we are not just taking a share, but wanting to be The boss in this industry, isn’t it? Let Pepsi and Coca-Cola go to hell, the future is our genius for prospering beverages.” Li Xing said, waving his arm. The specific affairs are Sun Han, even. . . Li Xing just made some suggestions of his own. I believe that the person I chose is what Li Xing has been insisting on, and he is not prepared to make any changes. Unless this person is really incompetent. . . Obviously, the current Sun Han does not belong to this rank.

“Yes, boss, we want to become the boss of this industry!” The core fist’s products with strong advantages and competitiveness gave Sun Han infinite motivation and strong confidence.

After talking with Sun Han, Sun Han’s immediately began to act.

Xingyang Beverage’s high-profile announcement will be held in Jecheng in two weeks’ time for agent investment promotion across China. Moreover, a total of 36 first-level agents have been set up in 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing) and two regions (Hong Kong, Macau). As for the agents under the first-level agents, the first-level agents attract investment by themselves. However, the secondary agent needs to file with Xingyang Beverage.

It can be said that the investment promotion plan of Xingyang Beverage has caused a sensation in China. Countless enterprises and companies have been in motion. If it were not for Xingyang Beverage to maintain the absolute number of first-level agents at thirty-six, someone might have the idea of ​​acting for several regions at the same time. But even so, many businesses flock to Jecheng. No way, judging from the reaction in the market and the Daxing Group standing behind Xingyang Beverage, this is an opportunity with a bright future!

As for some economists, etc., they are really taking Xingyang Drinks with a positive eye.

Of course, there are various comments. Some say that Xingyang drink is very inappropriate. How can a beverage manufacturer that has proven to be slightly competitive in a local market can take such a big step at once. This may bring endless hidden dangers to Xingyang Beverage.

And some are chanting that China’s real national brand has arrived. The war to challenge the domestic beverage giants will begin at this moment. Moreover, everyone has reason to believe that Xingyang Beverage, which has the support of Daxing Group, will never be acquired. This is truly domestic. Moreover, the taste of Xingyang drink is really great!

Obviously, this is an ‘expert’ conquered by Xingyang Drink!

In the face of the massive development of Xingyang beverages. Giants such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Uni-President, and Master Kong did not seem to react at all. Of course, everyone can see that these giants will have a series of means to launch. There hasn’t been any action yet, maybe it’s just because Xingyang beverages will be fully distributed on the Chinese market and there are still more than two months away. Maybe that time is when they really make the move.

However, no one in Xingyang Drinks cares about this. Drink. . . This is a very special market. Indeed, in the case of the same quality, the brand effect will always occupy an absolute advantage. This has been proved to be completely correct in countless commercial wars. However, what if it is a big lead in quality? So, faced with such a situation? In fact, before the start, the scale of competition has already tilted. After all, this is a special market. It is a special market that relies on the taste of the seller to gain absolute market share. Taste. . . This core competitiveness. . . In this regard, Xingyang Beverage has an unparalleled huge advantage.

Time is getting closer. During this time, Li Xing was really busy. . . Whether it is the development of Tianxue Beauty Salon, Xingji Construction Company, and Xingjian Club, Xingyi Technology’s finishing of processors, Xingkang Tobacco’s promotion and plans, and the tentative launch of Xingqiu Perfume, Xingxiang Tea Culture Company started the master plan, and started its own huge planting plan in Yimeng Mountain, or Xingzhi Company followed up on the Shenzhen project and Myanmar Petroleum. Li Xing needs to pay attention. No way, now is a critical period of development. As long as this period of time has passed, and it really develops, there is no need to stare at that time. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. . . Under the premise that the product has advantages and capital has advantages, as long as the first step is successfully taken, then the follow-up matters will become simpler. Especially when there is no shortage of talents.

And Li Xing also understands that he has not only begun to deal with the large-scale development and planning of Xingnong Foodstuffs for a century*. Moreover, both Chen Jing, Zhang Qian and Bo Xuan protested against Li Xing more than once in Shanxian County. Therefore, Li Xing wanted to go to Shanxian immediately after the end of the investment promotion conference for Xingyang Beverage. Then began the real layout of the development of Xingnong Food.

To be honest, Li Xing used to feel that his stall was a bit too big. But now I get busy, and I look at the people under my team in an orderly manner. Li Xing really liked this busy feeling. Li Xing discovered a completely different world inside. In this world, Li Xing has slowly begun to become stronger. . . No matter how powerful!

The reason why Li Xing did not leave Jicheng now and give everything to Sun Han and Lin Yuru was because his old friend came again.

Zhu Lu in Beijing, Yu Qiu in Shanghai, and Bo Jun in Guangdong. There are even Lin Feng from Tianjin and Feng Qing from Chongqing. And people like Lin Feng and Feng Qing. . . It really represents a large number of forces with wide-ranging influence.

No wonder people say that doing business in China is absolutely inseparable from officialdom. Just look at the current situation.

With so many people coming, if Li Xing did not personally entertain him, it would be impossible to justify.

Of course, if only one of them appears here, even two of them. . . Li Xing will become very difficult to handle, don’t you give face? In this circle, no matter how strong you are, you still want friends. But now? The more people came, Li Xing became more relaxed. Why? The reason is very simple. If so many people let me make an appointment, then I still make a fart? I am doing business. . . What a good excuse!

Of course, a little care is still possible. But the qualification of the agent is the way of auction. In the end it depends on how much money you take. However, relying on the power and influence of these people, it is not too difficult to win the agency. Moreover, behind them all represent an enterprise. . . But they are not going to do this. It’s just a matchmaking. . . Therefore, Li Xing is more relaxed.

However, Li Xing held a high-standard cocktail party. . . After all, it’s not easy for everyone to get together, isn’t it?

——————————————Updated, please support me with flowers!

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