Carry a Different Space with You

v4 Chapter 739 - mutation! [Seeking flowers! 】

When Li Xing moved his body, the realm of different dimensions had already enveloped Wei Feng, so when Li Xing instantly reached Wei Feng’s and pinched Wei Feng’s neck with his hand, the outcome was decided.

The eyes of the ancient city shrank suddenly. . . Li Xing’s speed just now shocked Gucheng, even Gucheng thought that even he might not be able to escape. However, this is not what shocked the ancient city the most. The most shocking thing was that Wei Feng turned out to be like a wooden stake waiting for Li Xing’s hand to grab it. . . Yes, it is so weird, it is so incredible!

Gucheng associates with Li Xing only once. Combining with the information of Li Xing, I was determined that this must be Li Xing’s field. It’s just that the field of the capable person seems to be different! This soundlessness and colorlessness alone is fundamentally different from the realm of understanding of the ancient city.

Wei Feng’s face was even paler.

It can be said that although Wei Feng is only an elementary-level strength of the sky, he can win with full confidence in the face of the same level of Qi trainers. The key reason is Wei Fengshen’s wind power. Originally, at the moment he was restrained, Wei Feng was still secretly regretting how he didn’t show the speed of the wind. But it looks like Li Xing’s speed just now. . . It is not comparable to Wei Feng!

Attack, you can’t get in. Speed, can’t compare! So, what else is comparable? Just admit defeat.

Of course, it seems that it is okay not to admit defeat now.

“Accepted. The capable… But so!” Li Xing said with a slight smile. As soon as the figure flashed back to its original position, the restraint on Wei Feng was naturally released.

Wei Feng’s face was red, ah, red and white! This is white. . . Is pale! The consumption of Wei Feng just now was really too big.

He took a deep look at Li Xing, although Li Xing’s words gave Wei Feng an urge to kill Li Xing. But Wei Feng knew that with his own strength, he was afraid that he couldn’t do this at all. On the contrary, if Li Xing wanted to kill himself, he wouldn’t even bother at all! This made Wei Feng, who had always been full of confidence, a heavy blow.

“You…” Gucheng was secretly surprised by Li Xing’s strength, but he was still very dissatisfied with Li Xing’s words, “Then, let me learn and teach you your unique skills. Let you know Recognize the true ability of the capable.”

The ancient city can’t help but stand up now, and all the capable people must come forward!

“Welcome and welcome, come here, Director Wei is the power of the wind, what is Director Gu? I really expected that.” Li Xing had just opened his eyes. However, the characteristics of the capable are diverse, so Li Xing is still very curious about what kind of ability the ancient city has and is looking forward to it.

“Huh…” Gucheng stood opposite Li Xing as soon as he flashed around. It is less than three meters away from Li Xing. Although I didn’t know that about Li Xing’s strength, subconsciously, Gucheng felt that the closer to Li Xing, the better the chance of winning.

Li Xing cursed secretly in his heart, but his body did not move. But the field of alien space has already been activated. It has already enveloped the ancient city, and the power of imprisonment can be activated at any time.

It can also be said that regardless of any changes in the ancient city, Li Xing could not escape the eyes.

Suddenly, Li Xing felt a burst of energy coming from the ancient city, and it came straight at his head!

Li Xing’s heart is tight!

It is certain that this is not a kind of qi, and the energy actually came out of the head of the ancient city. This made Li Xing secretly surprised what kind of energy it was.

But although he was very surprised, Li Xing’s movements were not slow. At the same time the energy left the ancient city, the realm of different dimensions had already been activated.

Successful imprisonment!

There is no suspense!

However, Li Xing was slightly surprised because. . . This energy is less than half a meter away from Li Xing! Moreover, the amount of space consumed by the power of imprisonment also surprised Li Xing. . . The rate of consumption is almost equivalent to imprisoning his master Tianyuan. This ancient city. . . Very powerful. It was just a simple attack. Just enough to catch up with the mid-level Tian Yuan to do it all. The strength of this ancient city is probably much stronger than that of Tian Yuan.

Li Xing was surprised here, but even more surprised was the ancient city. . . Although the spiritual power of the ancient city has a faint cyan color, if you don’t look carefully, you really can’t find it. And the current situation is that Li Xing not only found out, but also imprisoned his mental power with a rapid reaction! How can this not surprise the ancient city?

However, the ancient city can also see that this spiritual force is less than half a meter away from Li Xing! I thought in my heart, if you go further, as long as you get in touch with Li Xing, I believe Li Xing will not be able to perform anything by then! Therefore, Gucheng resisted the discomfort and launched a mental attack again!

Ancient city, heavenly intermediate capable person, supernatural power-mental power!

This is a very special form of power. As long as it is attacked by the spiritual power of the ancient city. Then, unless the soul of the attacked object is abnormally strong, otherwise, it will immediately fall into a state of confusion and ignorance. Although it will not cause much harm to people. But if a person’s thinking is confused and ignorant, it is obvious how much combat effectiveness can be displayed.

However, this ability of the ancient city is often carried out in cooperation with the companions. It’s only the fourth time in the ancient city to face someone alone! But even so, the first three times were the final victory of the ancient city. Because the physical exercise in the ancient city can already be compared to Qi training to the level of intermediate level. Still very tough.

However, the second attack still had no effect. . . There is not even the first force to advance farther!

This gave the ancient city an urge to cry. . . Damn, how does this compare? The ancient city has never encountered such a situation. Often, once the ancient city activates its mental powers, others will only have to keep dodge, and at that time, it is the time when the ancient city displays its housekeeping skills. but now. . . Even if the ancient city wanted to use its abilities in this area, it seemed impossible.

The ancient city didn’t use any more spiritual power. With Wei Feng’s experience just now, Gucheng knew that even if he attacked all his mental power, it would not have any effect.

Obviously things that have no effect, the ancient city will not continue to do it stupidly. This is really a fool.

The ancient city has to be depressed. . . Speaking of it, the ancient city’s mental power abilities can be said to be among the top three in terms of singularity and power, among all the known types of abilities. Although the spiritual power of the ancient city has not yet grown into the state of being colorless and colorless, it still has a faint cyan color. However, this does not hinder the power of mental power. . . Having withstood the attack of mental power, in the lighter case, it is a confusion of thinking and ignorance. But if the ancient city wants to, it can completely make the mental power destroy all of a person’s mind in an instant. Although it can’t cause a person’s death, it can completely make the person lose his intelligence. . . What a terrible thing is this? Moreover, mental power attacks have various forms, which can also be said to be silent, so ordinary people with supernatural powers don’t want to match mental power. And once you encounter it, you can escape as far as you can immediately, unless you also have mental power abilities or your strength is much higher than that of the ancient city. Otherwise, no one would dare to resist the attack of the ancient city’s spiritual power!

However, it is such a strange mental power ability, but now there is nothing to do with Li Xing, the ancient city is not depressed, who else is depressed?

Originally, Gucheng let Wei Feng come out for the test first, but also with the idea of ​​not hurting Li Xing. After all, Li Xing is now not only the elder in the eighth game, but also the person whom the two elders named to meet in the ninth game. How can you not make Li Xing a fool? If you really did this, even though the Tang family outside was not very strong, the Tang family was able to be scattered in the ninth game. This is not surprising in the ancient city. but. . . Gucheng only now knows how redundant his thoughts are. He was also thinking about not doing any harm to Li Xing. . . This, this really is. . . . It’s too arrogant. Let alone cause any harm. No ability to connect and touch!

However, in the heart of the ancient city a thousand times, even waiting for Li Xing to come and grab his neck to promote victory. Even Gucheng was thinking about what kind of ugly words Li Xing would say. . . . But at this moment, the mutation suddenly appeared.

Because the ancient city suddenly lost contact with the two spiritual forces. . . It was as if someone had dug out a large group of brains from the head of the ancient city. The ancient city screamed almost subconsciously, and fell to the ground and rolled back and forth without being a master. . .

Wei Feng was taken aback, and a person who stepped forward to the ancient city grabbed the ancient city and shouted at Li Xing loudly: “This is just a test. We surrender, can’t we give up? Why, why do we have to make such a heavy hand?”

Seeing Wei Feng’s red eyes now, there is no doubt that if he thought it was impossible to do anything to Li Xing, he would have done it long ago!

Li Xing was a little dumbfounded looking at the ancient city that seemed to be rolling like something, and almost dropped his jaw in surprise. This. . . How is this going?

Looks like just now. . . Just now I suddenly discovered that although these two cyan energies were imprisoned, they did not dissipate as slowly as the wind energy like Wei Feng, but existed intact. What made Li Xing puzzled was that these two energies Energy, seems to maintain a very special connection with the ancient city!

This discovery made Li Xing very happy. . . By the way, our little Li Dasha knows too little about capable people. I have made up my mind to seize all the opportunities that can be seized to get a good understanding. And now is undoubtedly a good opportunity. Li Xing thought to see if he could cut the connection between these two forces and the ancient city? After cutting off, what kind of response will these two energies have?

So, Li Xing tried. . . In other words, different space domains. . . It is called a domain. That is the power of control. And obviously. . . Li Xing, who controls everything in the space, easily cut the connection with the ancient city and these two energies!

The latter is simple. The change of the ancient city began when Li Xing severed the connection between the ancient city and these two energies. However, although this was part of Li Xing’s surprise, the other major part was the reaction of the two energy after being cut off. . . Because these two energies did not dissipate like Wei Feng’s wind energy, the two energies of the ancient city, um, also dissipated, but this kind of dissipation is. . . Converted! Transformed into what Li Xing relied on the most-the space point! Moreover, the number of transformed space points made Li Xing really surprised! Every energy has turned into a billion spatial points!

One billion space points! Suddenly two billion space!

Li Xing stared blankly at his own space point immediately soaring to a height of 5.4 billion. I don’t understand what is going on!

Li Xing is not a capable person, nor does he understand the capable, especially the mentally capable. How should I say, mental power. . . It can be regarded as the purest kind of energy. Moreover, this kind of energy is different from Wei Feng’s reliance on special means, using his own little energy to mobilize the energy between heaven and earth, the mental strength can only be increased slowly by a period of exercise. It is impossible to directly use mental power to mobilize external energy. To make it clear, this mental power is a kind of energy that exists alone! And, unfortunately, there are too many similarities between the energy of mental power and the spatial point. Although one is real, one is illusory. But there is a certain connection. At the beginning, there was no change between the two spiritual powers, because the two spiritual powers still maintained contact with the ancient city, and belonged to the ancient city. However, after Li Xing cut the connection between the two spiritual powers and the ancient city, they became masterless energy. And now it is in Li Xing’s field of different space, so a kind of transformation immediately took place. . .

Li Xing doesn’t understand this! However, it does not mean that Li Xing would not think about it! Although many of the key points are very difficult to understand, Li Xing is very clear that this kind of power possessed by the ancient city can be transformed into his own space point! And the number of space points is the most basic and fundamental guarantee for whether Li Xing is strong enough! This is too important for Li Xing.

In this case, isn’t it? . . Can the number of spatial points be quickly increased by this method in the future?

Li Xing thought badly. . .

But seeing the ancient city holding his head and looking a little bit painful, Li Xing smiled bitterly, seemingly. . . You can’t do this, the damage to the ancient city looks great! Gucheng would never agree to let Li Xing cut off from his mental power casually, no, no, Gucheng would never attack Li Xing actively!

“That… I don’t know what’s going on? What’s going on with Director Gu now?” Li Xing said slyly. Although I know that the ancient city is like this now, I made it myself. But Li Xing really didn’t know what was going on.

Wei Feng is no bird like Li Xing. Instead, he quickly pulled out a very simple vial from the ancient city, poured out a fingernail-sized blue pill and placed it in the ancient city’s mouth. . .

————————————Updated, please support me with flowers!

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