Casual Heroing

Chapter 83: Stanimal

After a short conversation about magic, I part ways with Lucinda. She has obligations to attend to, and I can see that Stanimal has got back.

“Yo, Stanimal,” I wave while entering my little bakery. I mean, not really little. And it’s not like size matters that much, right?

“Joey! I bought a lot of supplies. I hope you do not mind this old man taking some liberties.”

“Nah, as long as you don’t gamble on dog races or something like that, you can do whatever,” I flare a thumbs-up in his direction.

“Is that a human gesture?”

“Oh yeah, right. It means ‘it’s good,’” I say as I do the thumbs-up again.

Stan shoots a thumbs-up himself and nods at me.

“So, what did we get? Did you buy a—what are those bags called again?”

“A bag of holding?” he asks.

“Yeah, that.”

“Oh, I have one. Don’t worry about me. Money is best spent wisely,” Stan looks at me with a deep gaze.

I know where this is going.

“Joey, we need to talk,” he says with a solemn tone.

“Oh, no, Stanimal. Whatever you say, I’m not going on a quest to save the world, [Druids], or whatever,” I backpedal and raise my hands defensively. “This is my project, the bakery. When Lucinda moves, I’ll just keep baking close to her. I’m not becoming a hero or anything like that! Hell, if I have to fight you, I will, Stanimal!”

The man looks at me with a frown, and for an instant, I can feel a profound aura engulfing the whole bakery. It’s earthy, as deep as the roots of the World’s Tree itself. It’s a tidal wave of unimaginable proportions.

The next moment, the aura goes away.

“Young man,” Stan shakes his head, “I wanted to talk about the ingredients I’ve sourced because I found everything and even brought back some samples. But you seem to know… things.”

He starts petting the head of the giant dog, which never looked so big before.

“I have a troubled past, Joey. I chose to live the rest of my life in peace, however long that is, and that was my plan before I met a young Human who wanted me as his helper. Some people would eat their ears if they could see me now, ha! And you, the same Human who accepted a class shunned by most, the one who doesn’t only possess magic far greater than these times allow, but who also offered a homeless person a job so well paid I could build a castle in a few years.”

My whole body is paralyzed, absorbed in what the man is saying.

“You… Twice in my life, I’ve been rescued by Humans. I don’t know where you come from, Joey, but I can feel the pull this time. And before you ask, let me explain.”

The man has gone deep into his monologue, and I have no intention of interrupting him. Especially because of the hungry gaze his huge companion is giving me.

“There is something about you. And it’s not the book you’re hiding in your room. Nor is it the royal magical aptitude you own. Both things are almost unique. Almost. In the same way, the young girl feels attracted to you; you are a catalyst for things. If you are destined to be a [Baker] or something else, just let this old man see such a story with his own eyes before he expires. I am curious to know what wonders will happen around you. My past may come knocking at some point, but I’m old enough to deal with anything Fate throws at me on my own.”

“So, I have to ask. Are you fine with having this old man keep you company?”

I look at him and slowly exhale.

“Stanimal, man, get an apron. We gotta get bakin’.”

I shoot a wink at him.

And he winks back.

“This should be the ‘Coffee’ you mentioned,” Stan shows me a few big red berries, and I nod. “This, the ‘Chocolate.”

He starts showing me other fruits and I nod again.

Man, Stanimal really knows his greens, huh.

I know what you are thinking.

‘Duh, he’s some kind of a world-ending-strong [Druid], Joey.’

Yeah, so what?

Can’t a guy and his insanely strong friend have a little bakery situation going on? What’s it to you?

“The process, as you described it, should take me a day or two if you let me use one of the rooms upstairs. I’ll partition it and make sure we get the product as soon as possible,” he says while stroking his silvery beard.

While he stands by my side, I realize just how tall the man is. It’s insane. He’s basically a giant. He must be seven feet tall, almost eight—maybe eight or more. I’ve never really met a person this tall, so it’s hard to judge.

He walked more hunched yesterday, didn’t he?

“I trust you, Stanimal. I’ll have you taste one of the most delicious things in your life, I promise. Plus, I wanted to ask if you were comfortable hiring more homeless people. I’m not sure they wouldn’t mug me and try to steal the money, but I guess you are enough to keep them at bay, right?”

The man's eyes get very sharp for a moment, and then he nods wisely.

“You would be better off hiring accomplished [Bakers]. With the kind of things you are pulling out of your sleeve, you could probably even get the top ones from Happy Bakery and the Three Roses.”

“Yeah, but they already have money. And we are going to make a boatload of gold with the [Adventurers], aren’t we? We have room, and for all I care, we could even rent the buildings adjacent to this one. We can probably house an army of homeless people. Plus, now that I’ve got a girlfriend, it wouldn’t do me good to have too many hot Elves around, would it?”

Old Stanimal gives me a deep laugh and a pat that almost throws me through the table.

“Truly a fine young man! Be careful around that little [Mage] of yours; she has a bite to her.”

“Yo, Stanimal, less aptitude, more work. If we get coffee before tomorrow night, we will make a killing! Chop-chop, man! Let’s get to it!”

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