Casual Heroing



I'm not sure I have ever posted an 'update' chapter on Casual Heroing so far.

I wanted to stack some news together in order to avoid cluttering my next author's note. I'll try to be brief.

  1. Rewriting. I have already talked with a few publishing houses about Casual Heroing. I have received interesting offers that so far I have refused. However, this prompted me to think more about publishing the first volume as a whole and about the whole series. Some parts of Casual Heroing were lazily written, I think, and I'll be rewriting them as soon as I can organize a proper working schedule with my editor. I'll keep a changelog if possible and share it with all of you.
  2. Newsletter! I'm gathering emails to make it simpler for me to reach out to readers. So far, it's been very helpful in monitoring the beta-reader activity for one of the new novels I've been working on. Also, it's a nice way of sharing exclusive content with readers. If you are interested, you can sign up here. All those who sign up will receive the cover reveal for the two novels I've been working on. Also, I'll be sharing some stuff from my...
  3. Blog! Yay! It's currently empty, but I've finally put to use a domain I bought ages ago. I'll use my little blog to avoid making bloated author notes. I'll be writing about web novels, even posting a few reviews on stuff I liked or not. You can find the blog here!

    ! Or simply subscribe to the newsletter where I'll be sharing some of the articles I write!

  4. Reviews? I noticed a few people updating their reviews with lowered scores. The common denominator seemed to be 'lack of an actual story.' Now, I would have understood that ten or twenty chapters ago. But now? It seems a bit weird. The story is moving, and it's starting to move fast. But whatever. If you are enjoying the story and have not left a review yet, a nice review would really help bring this story in front of more people!
  5. Writing. I'm experimenting a lot lately and I think it has definitely benefitted the latest chapters. I'm trying to avoid thinking in terms of chapters and, instead, aiming for a more arc-wide narrative. I've noticed that, especially in volume 1, there are some chapters that break the narrative flow. I do think that some are wrongly criticized, but others are indeed not the best. For the old ones, I'll see what I can do with my editor. If I end up rewriting, enriching the story, I'll tell you. But for the future, I'll be writing in batches. That means that Patrons, as I already announced up there, get sparser updates, but even more chapters. So far, this new approach has led me to write more than 2 chapters per day on average. If that's not an even greater reason to subscribe to Patreon, I don't what is. Anyway, I'm saying this because I'm looking after the story's quality. Casual Heroing keeps growing in revenue and readers, but it's my mission to make it so that quality follows along with those two numbers.
  6. New Novels. I'm still adjusting. Both stories (and the third) have been sketched out. But I have yet to feel that quid about them. I got some good beta reading feedback, but I have now many things to consider and I'll probably push the release date further down the road. I want both a fatter backlog on hand and a clearer direction. I'll be taking my time, basically. Also, I'm not sure I'll be publishing them on RR. I'll decide as I go. I'll make them available on Patreon, but they may end up on KU. At least one of them, the other is probably going on RR. We'll see. I'll give further updates maybe in blog posts.
  7. Shoutout. As the last point, I was reading a couple of chapters of a nice story yesterday and I noticed it has barely a couple of followers. The story's 'The Aftermath,' and it has an interesting plot. Read its synopsis and if you like it, give it a read and leave a follow for it! Maybe even a review! (And be nice!)

With that being said, I hope you have a nice Sunday! I'll post the chapter in around three hours from now! I might have missed something, in which case you'll get an

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