Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 282 - 121: Seeing Dong Qi again as a Meat Ticket (Seeking Subscriptions, Seeking Monthly

Chapter 282: Chapter 121: Seeing Dong Qi again as a Meat Ticket (Seeking Subscriptions, Seeking Monthly

Tickets )_2

Translator: 549690339

The two sides immediately engaged in a fierce battle.

However, the Brotherhood had the advantage in numbers, and their firepower was evidently more aggressive.

Then there was Abel, a Second Order Card Master, his body emanating a flaming black Curse Power Gang Air, charging headfirst into the hail of bullets and gunfires, swiftly killing the Second Order security leader from the Commerce Guild on the spot.

The fight ended quickly.

No survivors were kept and it didn’t seem like they were interested in any ransoms either.

The robbery went very smoothly.

Leonard Churchill was observing from a distance in the dark this whole time.

Having seen all this, he suddenly understood, “Aha, they must have detailed intelligence before they came…”

Clearly, the members of the Brotherhood knew about the circumstances of Great Ivan’s convoy like the back of their hand.

The timing, the route, and even the security personnel configuration were all clear to them.

Relatively speaking, obtaining such information is much more difficult than intercepting the goods.

Information of this level seems to have leaked from within.

Having seen this, Leonard was sure that this wasn’t the end of it.

These individuals were likely not only after the goods.

While everyone from the escort side was eliminated, the Brotherhood also lost a few henchmen.

The gang members pried open the tightly sealed carriage and were immediately excited.

“Wow, P2 Type Explosive Bear Mechanical City Boilers, and they’re brand new! This thing is worth tens of millions…”

“Hahaha, all this military-grade ammunition. This one carriage alone must be worth over a hundred million.”

“Guys, check this out, there’s a whole carriage of Mechanical Exoskeletons! And they all come equipped with the seventh generation ‘T-VI Storm Individual Steam Boilers’! My God, these are the real Mechanical Equipment. Each set must sell for two to three million…We’ve hit the jackpot!”


The gang members excitedly started grabbing and fitting the mechanical equipment onto themselves.

For the Card Disciples and low-level Card Masters, these goods provide a substantial enhancement to their combat power.

It was like trading their bird guns for cannons; the members of the Brotherhood were ecstatic.

Abel, known as the ‘Fist King’, looked at the loot, his eyes filled with joy of sudden wealth: “Great Ivan’s store truly is loaded. If I had known about this earlier, I would rob them every time!”

This batch of goods alone would be enough to provide a comfortable living for the rest of their lives.

But the task assigned by the gang leader this time was not robbery.

Abel took a glance and said, “Pack the goods first, we’ll move them later.”

Hearing these words, confusion spread among the henchmen.

“Boss, shouldn’t we hurry away?”

“Yeah, now that the goods have been intercepted, Great Ivan is under the protection of Flood Gang. They will definitely send people here. If we delay, it could be troublesome…”


Abel, hearing this, flashed a stern look in his eyes. He said nothing more and simply stated: “We didn’t come here just to hijack the goods today, our plan is to deal with the scum of Flood Gang!”

At these words, the henchmen became excited again.

Leonard, watching from a distance, found it interesting that the gang didn’t leave right away: “So they’re not just robbing, but also preparing to ambush a big figure from the Flood Gang?”

He didn’t find anything amiss.

Fights and killings are commonplace when it comes to the gangs.

Last night, someone from Flood Gang had assassinated ‘Boss Christ’ at the gambling den. Today’s retaliation is justifiable.

This desolate place was also suitable for an ambush.

Even if a fight broke out, reinforcements would not arrive in time.

However, it was precisely because everything seemed logical that it felt strange.

It was like playing chess.

The pieces appear free, but they must follow certain hidden rules and must proceed in a certain way.

Leonard had nothing better to do so he thought about it some more.

However, his chief concern was Abel.

He was still hoping to obtain the subsequent Breathing Method from him.

After observing Abel’s combat power, Leonard was not confident that he could take him down quickly.

Sinless City was not like the Old Continent.

If the fight dragged on, attracting the attention of a master, it would be troublesome.

And if Flood Gang people came, the two parties fought and ended up both losing, then he could perhaps swoop in and get an advantage.

“Hmm, not bad.”

Having thought of this, Leonard continued to watch with patience.

Twenty minutes later, the roar of motorcycles suddenly exploded in the distance.

In Leonard’s line of sight, he spotted about a dozen people riding motorcycles, speeding towards them for reinforcements.

As soon as the two parties met, they didn’t hold back and immediately unleashed their full firepower.

All sorts of colourful bullets and explosives illuminated the night.

Flood Gang’s people seemed in a hurry to get here. They were outnumbered but their firepower was exceptionally ferocious!

Their motorcycles were also heavily modified with various military-grade heavy firepower. As soon as the dozen or so motorcycles stopped, they transformed like Transformers, with mechanical arms popping out and several Gatling guns firing blue flames.

As soon as they opened fire, their firepower immediately suppressed the Brotherhood.

Among their bullets were many special ammunition, which when they hit the metal, left a hole each time.

The members of the Brotherhood hiding behind their armoured vehicle were being hit hard, howling in pain, the hits resulting in broken arms or legs.

Under this technological suppression, Flood Gang clearly had the upper hand by relying solely on firearms.

Looking at the bloody scene covered in gunfire, Leonard lifted an eyebrow: “No wonder they dared to come with so few people. With this firepower, even a First Tier Card Master would be shot down…”

Great Ivan’s shop was protected by Flood Gang.

Given their wealth, it was not surprising for Leonard to think that Flood Gang had top-tier mechanical equipment and firearms in Sinless City.

With such a sizeable force, even if ten times the Brotherhood members came, they would still be forced to kneel..

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