Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 306 - 128: The Same Bet Returned

Chapter 306: Chapter 128: The Same Bet Returned

Translator: 549690339

Being restless is a big no-no in gambling.

Sophia Jones observed this, her expression unchanged.

Although she didn’t want to offend a noble lady, it seemed that the latter wouldn’t quit until the result was decided.

Without any further words, she signaled, “Rita, deal the cards.”

The atmosphere of the gambling game was noticeably different this time.

Miss Catherine Carter, although still arrogant, the air of assured victory had disappeared from her face.

It seemed like luck was evenly split between both sides.

Seven Brown dealt the cards again for both parties.

Sophia Jones did not take the seat, even standing naked, she remained elegant.

She turned over her cards: Heart J, Jack of Diamonds, 22 points.

Catherine Carter: Spades 10, Spade Q, also 22 points.

Same scores.

Sophia Jones looked at it without any surprise.

A tie was, in fact, somewhat of an upward trend for her luck.

Not having won, Catherine Carter’s expression was a bit complicated.

According to her plan, she should’ve won this fourth round!

Seeing the result, Sophia Jones’s lips slightly curved upward, offering a way out, “It’s a draw… Miss Catherine Carter, how about we call it quits?”

Catherine Carter coldly responded, “No! Continue!”

She needed a clear result.


Sophia Jones knew she wouldn’t back down. She was just provoking her a little.

Seven Brown continued dealing the cards.

The fifth round.

Sophia Jones: Spade 2, Diamond 2,4 points.

Catherine Carter: Spade A, Heart 3, 4 points.

It was a tie again.

Despite Sophia Jones’ low score, the fact that the opponent couldn’t win indicated something.

Just like what her opponent had done before, Sophia Jones took the initiative, pretending to muse: “A draw again…”

Before she could finish, Catherine Carter coldly interrupted her: “Deal the cards!”

Sophia Jones remained silent and smiled.

Seven Brown continued dealing the cards.

The cards were turned over for the sixth round.

This time, there was a clear result.

Sophia Jones: Spade K, King of Diamonds, maximum score 26 points.

Catherine Carter: Heart K, Heart 10, 23 points.


Catherine Carter’s face instantly became pale.

She sat weakly back in her chair, unable to believe the cards in front of her.

Sophia Jones had won, but she said nothing.

In the room, no one spoke for a long time. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

After a moment, Sophia Jones took the initiative to speak again: “Miss Catherine Carter, we have our winner and loser. How about we stop here?”

Upon hearing these words, Catherine Carter didn’t perceive this as pity but a great humiliation. This time, a female voice spoke, “No, continue to gamble!”

As a dignified member of the Lionheart Family, how could she possibly accept pity!

A flash of determination passed through her eyes.

“A bet is a bet.”

Catherine Carter’s words resounded with resolve.

She knew she lost. If she didn’t fulfill the bet, she would be bitten back by the Spell.

And she had no chance to turn the tables anymore.

Without much thought, she ripped off her bionic mask, and her gorgeous wavy golden hair fell gracefully.

Indeed, a young blonde beauty.

Perhaps feeling more humiliated by the continual embarrassment, she decided that it was better to get it over with at once.

The noble lady took off her suit all at once, followed by her shirt, revealing the bandaged breasts underneath.

Catherine Carter undressed to this extent, and then hesitated only for a moment.

But it was only for a moment.

Because she saw the look in her enemy’s eyes!

Catherine Carter continued to unfasten her chest wrap, her face cold as ice.

The two women in the room didn’t really bother her.

But there was also a man!

The lowest level commoner!

Although she didn’t say anything, those cold eyes seemed to say: If you dare to look, I’ll kill you!

However, she mistakenly assumed.

If it were any other man, they might have reconsidered because of the threatening Lionheart family.

But it just had to be Leonard Churchill.

He understood her menacing gaze but completely ignored it.

He didn’t look at Sophia Jones out of respect.

As for Catherine Carter, he didn’t care at all.

I’ve even dared to kill Young Master Kane, your cousin, or nephew. Don’t I dare to look at you?

Being threatened, he sneered inwardly.

When overwhelmed by debt, why bother to save face?

If I don’t look, would the Lionheart family stop hunting me?

Leonard Churchill not only didn’t constrain himself, instead, he evaluated and examined her carefully with great interest.

While he didn’t know what the stake, the “King’s Key,” was, he knew he couldn’t let the enemy get what she desired.

His train of thought was crystal clear.

At this moment, Leonard Churchill had already understood the tactics employed by both parties.

The less patient this noble lady became, the more her luck diminished.

She definitely couldn’t be allowed to have her way.

Highly skilled players, particularly Mysterious Type card masters, can often sense the movements of others’ gazes.

Catherine Carter felt three gazes landing on her.

For a moment, she even desired to back down.

However, remembering the humiliation from the failure, she hardened her face and ripped off the bandages in one pull.

With this strong pull, she set off waves of laughter.

Her entire upper body was completely exposed.

Not too exaggerated curves.

But given her young age, she naturally radiated youthful plumpness.

If Sophia Jones had only stripped her jacket before, she could stop there, but unfortunately, she had her stripped off everything earlier.

Now, she had to do the same.

Catherine Carter’s pretty face hardened again as she bent down to remove her trousers.

In an instant, the noble lady stood stark naked under the lights.

It’s hard to deny that the skin of a noble lady, rumored to soak in milk baths all year round, is impressively smooth and tender.

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