Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 412 - 153: Magic Energy Hot Melt Knife and Mechanical Gorilla_5

Chapter 412: Chapter 153: Magic Energy Hot Melt Knife and Mechanical Gorilla_5

Translator: 549690339

Leonard Churchill felt a sense of familiarity.

Although modified and thus somewhat different, he recognized that it was the most powerful single-unit Mechanical Battle Armor currently available to the Federal Military -the same one that Young Master Kak always had by his side when they were in Flood Gang.

Yet, how could such a suit of battle armor have been thoroughly destroyed?

Previously, Sophia Jones had effortlessly demolished many of these while at Flood Gang.

But she was a legendary powerhouse, after all!

However, they were now in an Alternate Dimension that was limited to Second Order Card Masters!

The giant battle armor, touted as the strongest single-unit battle machine that even Third and Fourth Tier professionals found hard to deal with, was reduced to a heap of junk. What could have caused this?

And it wasn’t just this suit of armor. There were several bodies nearby, clad in Mechanical Skeletons, but twisted like pretzels.

Their monster’s power was frightening to behold!

At that instant, Leonard Churchill’s hair stood on end. He extended all his senses, listening carefully for any sounds in every corner.

But what was strange was that, even in his werewolf form, he didn’t smell the monster’s scent?

Leonard quickly deduced something, and said to Seven Brown at his side, “I didn’t detect a living creature’s scent, so it could be a mechanical monster. Be careful when the time comes and act according to the situation.”

Seven Brown nodded in response: “Hmm.”

After taking a few steps, Leonard pondered, “I’ve seen fourteen bodies already, but there are six people still alive. Is there really a ‘Safe House1…”

Seven Brown, sharp as a blade, suspected the same.

The two of them began searching around the lab.

Those guys left a scent trail, so it was easy for Leonard to find where they were.

It was behind a glass wall with a door nearby that was locked with a code.

Inside the glass room, the six people were dumbfounded upon seeing Leonard and Seven Brown suddenly appear: could there really be people who managed to survive reaching the third floor?

Immediately, they guessed that these two must be the hidden masters that caused the abnormal team distribution previously.

At another glance at Leonard’s highly recognizable Ancestral Werewolf form and Seven Brown’s flashy Gungnir Gold Armor, they instantly guessed the identities of the two.

Headed by Deputy Commander Kelson, the six people coldly stared at the two outside the glass.

The ability to reach the third floor was indeed surprising.

But that was all there was to it.

No one understood better than they did how terrifying the monster outside was.

Leonard, with his huge wolf head slanted, looked at the six people inside who were shocked and then extremely indifferent. He grinned.

He didn’t ask them to open the door of the Safe House.

Because he knew it would be useless even if he did.

These guys would absolutely not open the door.

Underneath Seven Brown’s helmet, her brows furrowed.

Looking at the advanced Mechanical Battle Armor on the bodies of the individuals inside, all hiding within the Safe House, indicated that the third floor concealed a lethal crisis.

But without a password, they couldn’t get into the Safe House.

However, before she could ponder more, Leonard’s voice came from beside her, “There must be a way to open this Safe House. Look around and see if there are any clues hidden, like special patterns, regular numbers, formulas…”

As he spoke, his gaze carefully scanned the surroundings of the Safe House.

His mind worked like a high-speed computer, processing all the information he received earlier.

Of course.

The purpose of the Alternate Dimension wasn’t to kill all the adventurers.

Within the specified difficulty, there will always be an opportunity to break through any desperate situation.

Right now, it seemed as though the third floor of the research facility harbored an unbeatable monster.

The Safe House was the only lifeline left in such a deadly situation!

Therefore, there must be a way to open it.

Hearing Leonard’s calm words, Seven Brown next to him regained her composure and once again thought: No matter what, he was always able to remain absolutely calm.

Her thoughts flashed, and without any further delay, her gaze also quickly started searching for clues.

Special patterns, regular numbers, formulas…

Seven Brown’s mind swiftly ran through Leonard’s prompts.

Leonard’s ears quivered slightly as he listened attentively to any abnormal sounds from around the research facility.

His mind seemed to have numerous independent thoughts that simultaneously processed the information his eyes received.

Interestingly enough, one of his thoughts took a longer look at the ventilation grille overhead and realized it wasn’t completely symmetrical!

But after looking for a while, he still had no idea. He had a vague feeling that it contained some mathematical regulation.

Leonard said, “Rita, look at that ventilation grille.”

This was a mechanical Alternate Dimension, and Seven Brown was more proficient in mechanical knowledge than he was.

As expected, once Seven Brown looked, her pupils dilated to take in the grille and she immediately realized those were rows of numbers.

She had seen it before!

In ancient books!

Seven Brown exclaimed, “This is the ‘Hoennheim mechanical code’! Give me some time, I can calculate it out!”

As expected, huh.

Leonard chuckled lightly when he heard this.

However, at that moment, his face suddenly went pale as the floor seemed to quiver with a “thud,” “thud,” “thud.”

Leonard turned his head and a silver Mechanical Gorilla was already charging at him!

The six people inside the Safe House watched their actions with cold smiles.

They had known for a long time that the difficulty of the third floor of this research facility wasn’t about deciphering any password.

It was about surviving under that monster’s hand!

[Mechanical Gorilla Number 013]

Details: Second Order A-rank Catastrophe; an experimental subject modified with machinery, its body is 95% mechanically modified and possesses invincible defense and exceedingly terrifying strength; it was originally dead, but a mutation brought it back to life;

The moment Leonard saw this monster, he was hit squarely by the monster and flew backwards, vomiting a mouthful of blood in mid-air.

So strong!

Strong to… an absurd degree!

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