Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 462 - 167: "The Polluted Slit-Mouthed Woman

Chapter 462: Chapter 167: “The Polluted Slit-Mouthed Woman

Upon hearing Catherine Carter’s words, Leonard Churchill realized that the story behind Elder Clinton was even more mysterious than he had imagined.

Glimpsing once more at the lewd old man still sitting by the bonfire, telling crude jokes while drinking, and laughing uproariously with the rest of the team around.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Leonard’s face.

This old man has forgotten who he is, forgotten his past, more like he’s been forgotten by the world.

Whoever gets involved with him would be in serious trouble.

He gave off a strange feeling.

But it was hard to pinpoint exactly why.

His level was so high that it was beyond comprehension.

However, Leonard didn’t really care.

No matter what situation the old man was in.

Meeting an interesting friend was indeed a highlight in life.

Compared to him, Catherine Carter’s attitude appeared to be very cautious.

She didn’t dare to rashly approach Elder Clinton.

After all, not even her legendary grandfather dared to take this elderly predecessor, who might have lived for countless years, lightly.

Even when mentioning the top-secret family files handed down, she was exceedingly careful.

That’s why she chose to make contact with Leonard “the mediator” first.

Though Leonard and Catherine Carter have met a few times before, previously there were always some ulterior motives.

This time, free of utilitarian motives, the atmosphere of the conversation was noticeably better.

The two of them chatted intermittently.

Gradually, Leonard discovered that Miss Carter had shed her previous aristocratic arrogance and appeared to be slightly different.

She no longer projected the clever and witty image that was evident at first glance.

Now, her sharpness had receded, giving off a wise and unassuming aura instead.

After dinner, the time was late.

The hunters too tired from a day of fighting, gradually fell silent, each finding their own place to nap and rest.

The dilapidated building was breezy, with the firelight flickering softly, and a slight chill in the air.

Taking advantage of the alcohol, Elder Clinton wrapped himself in a ragged blanket and soon fell asleep, snoring loudly.

Seeing Leonard chatting with the team’s female physician, Colin chuckled and wisely chose not to interrupt.

Anyway, they had already guessed each other’s identities, so Catherine Carter didn’t bother to hide.

She started arranging her sleeping bag right next to Leonard and seemed to be preparing to rest.

This act made Leonard curious. He cautiously observed his surroundings and asked, “Miss Carter, didn’t you bring any guards?”

He had checked, and indeed couldn’t find any.

Or they were only high-tiered guards.

But that didn’t seem likely.

That’s why Leonard was puzzled.

This was indeed a top-tier aristocratic lady.

She was going to sleep alone among a group of hunters, with no guards for protection?

Everyone knew that hunters in the wild were not bound by any moral laws.

Catherine Carter had already laid down, and replied unconcernedly, “Yes. Is there something you want to say, Sir Charles?”

Really none?

Leonard didn’t think she was joking and responded, “I was going to say that this ruin is very dangerous. Especially since our team’s destination is the seal…”

He knew this woman also had her own secrets.

But now he knew about Elder Clinton’s unusual situation.

Plus, he had the aura of the gambler of misfortune.

With the double negative BUFFs overlaid, being close to them might not be a good thing for this woman.

His impression of her wasn’t particularly negative.

At least there were no grievances between them.

He really didn’t want to bring trouble upon her for no reason.

Catherine Carter seemed completely indifferent and casually said, “That’s why it’s called the ‘Hero Trial’.”

Hearing this, Leonard frowned slightly but didn’t ask further.

It seemed this woman had her own plans.

Catherine Carter then said, “But speaking of which… Sir Charles, why do I feel like I meet you everywhere?”

Upon hearing this, Leonard was slightly taken aback, feeling as though there seemed to be some implications in her words. He queried, “Oh? If I remember correctly, Miss Carter, we’ve only met three times, haven’t we? The Miller’s family banquet, Rose manor and the previous dance…”


A hint of coldness flickered in Catherine Carter’s crystal eyes, and she chuckled lightly, indifferently.

She had guessed what Leonard’s previous words were trying to convey. She didn’t carry on with the topic but said, “In that previous siege against the Silver Moon Sect, I was certain you would die, yet you survived. Also, your acquaintance with that predecessor… Your fate is very special indeed. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could become friends?”

Upon hearing this, Leonard didn’t say anymore.

This woman was not foolish, and further talk would be pointless.

Catherine Carter zipped up her sleeping bag, showing no intention of continuing the conversation.

Despite being incredibly calm inside, this was her first experience sleeping in the wild with a group of strangers.

Compared to the sweaty, rough hunters not far away, she still felt it would be better to stay with “Charles,” a somewhat familiar face.

Leonard saw this and maintained a silent smile.

Usually sleeping very little, he sat cross-legged against a stone pillar, deep in contemplation.

Practicing the breathing method and meditating for spiritual power could also rejuvenate the body, but the process was incredibly tedious and tested one’s will, so few people could keep it up all night.

However, Leonard was used to it.

More importantly, his intuition was telling him that danger seemed to be approaching.

Click, Click, Click…

The hands on his pocket watch moved, making a soft mechanical noise.

Unknowingly, it was already midnight.


Around three or four in the morning, a scream of sheer terror echoed through the entire dilapidated building.

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