Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 480 - 171: Time Rule_2

Chapter 480: Chapter 171: Time Rule_2

The old man has the least probability of causing trouble.

The question is, why did the train conductor approach Elder Clinton?

What was said just now?

So many thoughts flashed through his head.

At that moment, it seemed as though the conductor sensed something.

He surprisingly pulled out another teacup, poured half a cup of tea, then placed it in front of Leonard Churchill, uttering the same sentence as before.

“I also have some? But why only half?”

Leonard didn’t understand, but seeing the aromatic tea in the cup and sneaking

a glance at the lively Elder Clinton,

He didn’t hesitate too much and drained the cup in one gulp.

Even though the tea seemed to be steaming hot, it felt cool and refreshing as soon as it hit his throat.

Then came a surprise.

Enlightenment materialized promptly: “You have drank ‘Bazeks’ Nether Tea.

Your Undead Affinity in Summer Shepherd City has increased by + 5-‘


Only when Leonard saw the Enlightenment did he realize that the tea had a temporary status boost effect.

Nice stuff!

However, just as he thought everyone on board would receive a cup of tea.

The conductor put away the cup and turned to leave.

Even those sitting at the same table, Catherine Carter and Colin, did not have


In an instant, a strange atmosphere blanketed everything.

This sight left everyone bewildered: why did those two guys get tea, and we didn’t?

Everyone’s eyes shot to Leonard and Elder Clinton.

Even Leonard himself was equally perplexed.

Unable to understand, he could only turn to Elder Clinton who seemed to regard the full cup of tea as no big deal.

The old man, who had no clue what was happening, found himself being bombarded with stares, and asked defensively, “Why are you guys looking at me?”

After a moment’s thought, Leonard asked with a weird expression, “Elder, what did the conductor say just now?”

He himself also drank half a cup of tea, assumed it was the lingering effects of the “Blessing of the Split-mouthed Woman”.

But Elder Clinton, without any blessing, why did he drink a whole cup?

The most crucial point was, the conductor even bowed to him!

To figure out the mystery, he needed to know what the conductor said.

In response to his question, Elder Clinton casually replied, “Ah…he said ‘Welcome aboard1… something to that effect, I guess.”

Upon hearing his response, Leonard exuded a shocked demeanor, “Elder, can you understand Ancient Taren language?

Elder Clinton looked puzzled, “What?”

Leonard replied, “The words that the conductor just said.”

Reminded by him, Elder Clinton seemed to have forgotten again, his old face filled with bitterness, “Eh? I…I don’t know why I understood…

Leonard’s eye twitched inexplicably.

Just now, Elder Clinton was clearly having an “intermittent amnesia” when he understood what the conductor said.

Yet, this little detail sent shivers up his spine like a ringtone from a horror movie.

Giving each other a look, Leonard and Catherine Carter immediately felt a chill creeping up their necks.

The Taren Dynasty was an ancient civilization that had collapsed three thousand years ago!

Ignoring the fact that the Ancient Taren language had not been passed down, even those who could understand its ancient texts were rare.

Where did this old man learn it from?

Thinking again about how this man had lived for at least two hundred years, and how the ghostly conductor seemed to recognize him…

He hissed inwardly.

Both Leonard and Catherine Carter inhaled sharply: How long had Elder

Clinton lived?

Those who were unaware of the details could not comprehend the shock felt by Leonard and Catherine Carter.

Knowing that further questioning would yield no answers, Leonard initially intended to shift his perspective in order to break the deadlock.

However, at that moment, Colin, who had been silent by the side, furrowed his brows and chimed in, “Grandpa, Mr. Leonard Churchill, do you guys feel… that there’s something strange about this carriage?”

Elder Clinton naturally didn’t notice anything and was still muttering to himself about what had just occurred, “Yeah…why did I understand…”

Upon hearing this, Leonard looked over, “Oh? What seems odd?” When they had first met, he thought Colin was just an orphan picked up by Elder Clinton.

But now, he didn’t think so.

He had learned from Catherine Carter about Elder Clinton’s involvement with the Great Cause and Effect.

Those without Great Fortune would die if they were affected by it.

Yet, Colin had been with the old man all along.

This alone was extraordinary.

With this said, Catherine Carter also turned her gaze towards them.

She was more curious than anyone about the boy’s situation.

After thinking, Colin said with an uncertain tone, “It seems… ever since we boarded, I feel that time has sped up. Like a train, getting faster and faster… Upon hearing this, Leonard abruptly realized what the unease in his heart was, “Time is the issue?”

Earlier, he had recognized with the help of the Clown’s mask that this train was a Rule-based Catastrophe.

But he thought his tier was too low to understand the “rule” on this train.

Now, with Colin’s words, he seemed to vaguely grasp something.

Upon hearing his words, Catherine Carter’s face instantly became serious. “The Time Rule” belongs to the High-Level Laws, and lower-dimensional creatures are completely unable to perceive changes in the passage of time. Just like how some people feel that their whole life went by in a flash, while others feel like each day was a year…this is just a passive awareness of the existence of time.

They can’t change anything.

Unlike Colin, who clearly sensed a problem with the speed of time!

Leonard secretly praised in his heart, “What a strong intuition.

Just like sensing different Elements requires corresponding Elemental Affinity. Being able to perceive changes in time indicates that his Time Affinity is very strong!

Thinking again about Elder Clinton, who seemed to have been forgotten by time, Leonard suddenly understood why Colin was picked up by him..

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