Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 483 - 172: Time is a Perception Illusion_2

Chapter 483: Chapter 172: Time is a Perception Illusion_2

The four of them stared at each other in disbelief.

They couldn’t cheat anymore; they could only try to solve the puzzle through

the normal process.

They needed to figure out how to decrypt the Time Domain.

Colin warned: “I feel like time is moving faster now…”

Leonard Churchill went straight to the point and began to meditate.

As it turned out, the less you moved within this domain, the longer you lived, like a tortoise.

After all, there were negative examples right in front of them.

While they chatted idly, the frantic hunters nearby who were desperately searching for ways to exit the train had aged beyond recognition.

Outside the train, the waves lapped against it.

This feeling of death gradually approaching could drive a person mad.

Finally, unable to resist, another person tried to move to another carnage.

However, the result was the same.

The person left from the front and returned from the back.

Then he rapidly aged, his body disintegrated into a cloud of dust, disappearing.

Seeing there was no hope for survival, the remaining few started firing their guns in despair, hysterically causing damage… they were trying to find a solution by chance.

Their frantic actions only hastened their deaths.

It didn’t take long before two of the remaining five hunters, who were already thin and gaunt, had run out of life. They died suddenly and turned into dust.

The conditions of the four were not too good either.

Leonard’s hair had almost turned completely white, and he looked like he could die at any moment.

But his expression remained unchanged, as if held by a strong will.

He seemingly looked like he was going to die, but didn’t.

Catherine Carter next to him even felt, this guy doesn’t seem to have a normal fear of death.

No one could understand Leonard’s thoughts at this moment.

If he hadn’t come to this Extraordinary World, he would never have experienced something so extraordinary in his last life.

Moreover, if they didn’t solve the puzzle, they would die.

The closer death approached, the clearer the mixture of thoughts in his brain

felt, like a volcanic eruption.

A brilliant smile appeared on Leonard’s face.

Seeing more and more of Leonard’s white hair, Colin couldn’t hide his worry.

He remembered everything.

Colin was brought up by Elder Clinton since he was a child and knew his strength better than Elder Clinton himself.

Although he wasn’t extremely strong…

He always managed to turn danger into safety at critical moments.

He knew his grandfather was very powerful.

Finally, he couldn’t help but ask, “Grandfather, have you thought of a way to leave here?”

Among the four of them, the physical appearances of three of them including Leonard had changed dramatically.

But Elder Clinton’s face was still the same wax yellow old face.

At this moment, everyone was sure that this old man was really not affected by the Time Domain at all.

At this rate, the three of them were likely to die one by one here.

Only this old man could live to get out.

Leonard didn’t feel anything was wrong, instead it seemed to confirm what Catherine Carter had said: those who are tainted by the Great Cause and Effect of this old man, will die if they don’t have the Great Fortune.

If they hadn’t died before, it was because the time was not right.

Now, it was time.

The closer he was to death, the clearer Leonard’s thoughts became.

It was this persistent thought of deciphering the mystery that was the biggest support that had kept him alive till now.

And there was no longer any thought of cheating.

There were sparks of inspiration, but…

It felt like something was missing.

“I don’t know…” Elder Clinton was a bit anxious himself.

He didn’t have any ulterior motives, he just remembered that he was simply an ordinary hunter.

Now seeing people about to die, the old man felt a bit guilty.

He seemed to have thought of something in his heart, but couldn’t put it into words.

He then turned to Colin, who had grown from a boy into a young man, and muttered, “It’s a strange feeling… In the blink of an eye, you’ve grown so much. It feels like I’m hallucinating with my old blurry eyes.”

Colin was tense upon hearing this, all he wanted was to solve the puzzle as soon as possible.

Catherine Carter didn’t pay it much mind.

However, with that said, a ray of light pierced the oppressive gloom.

Leonard suddenly opened his eyes, exclaiming excitedly, “Time… is an illusion of cognition!”

Just now, during that moment of meditation, he had a myriad of thoughts, deducing countless solutions.

But none of them seemed feasible, at this moment his mind felt like a balloon that was about to burst.

And Elder Clinton’s words were like the needle that burst the balloon.

Leonard, with his Demon Mark “Enlightenment-no”, and the great realisation at the brink of death, had an instant epiphany!

The clouds parted to reveal the sun!

Hearing Leonard’s outcry, Catherine Carter and the others looked at him with curious yet expectant eyes.

Leonard’s eyes were sparkling with excitement as he said, “If we want to crack the rules of this Catastrophe Domain, we need to recognize the true nature of this ‘Time Domain’.”

Upon hearing this, the others present were stunned, mystified yet impressed. Catherine Carter, full of expectation, asked, “Did you figure out the rules to break this Catastrophe Space?”

Leonard nodded, stating, “Yes! The time on this train is an illusion of cognition! As long as we understand this, we will no longer be affected by this Catastrophe Domain.”

Colin, who was already sensitive to time, furrowed his brows in thought after hearing this.

Catherine Carter was full of confusion.

Leonard tried to choose his words carefully, attempting to describe his realization as best he could.

“The time that we are sensing, is not real time!”

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