Catgirls and Dungeons

Chapter 16: A busy street

Moments later, we step outside into the evening air.

It’s my first night in this fantasy world, and I have to say—I like it. Gone are the blinding city lights and the constant roar of traffic. Instead, I’m surrounded by the gentle hum of life in Mistvale.

Mistvale is a small town nestled in the Löwenberg Duchy, part of the greater kingdom of Eldenwald. Though small, it’s famous among tourists and adventurers alike for its stunning natural surroundings, abundant resources, and the many beginner-friendly dungeons nearby. People flock here from all over—to vacation, trade, or try their luck at dungeon delving.

That’s why the Gilded Horn is always so busy. Sitting right in the heart of the bustling market and adventurer district, it’s constantly full of customers. Business is booming.

As we step outside, the lively energy sweeps us up, with humans and Furren alike bustling around. Carriages and carts rumble past, pulled not only by horses but also by massive, feathered birds, their talons clacking rhythmically against the cobblestone streets.

“Eris, what are those big birds?” I ask, curious about the creatures.

They are so chonky, their wings so small that I don’t think they can fly. But their feet are fast! Despite their bulk, they seem surprisingly agile.

“Oh, those are Filoan birds!” Eris replies with a grin. “Hehe, cute, aren’t they? I’d love to have one of my own someday. I’m actually saving up for one.”

“Wait, Filoan birds? didn’t we just eat them?!!” I gasp.


The memory is still fresh. My mouth can still taste it in my memories. We just had Filoan birds drumsticks at the Gilded Horns!!!

“But no way!!! Their leg look much bigger than the one we had!” I hug my head, a little bit horrified.

Honestly, now that I know what a Filian bird looks like, I feel really bad for eating them.

But… aaaaaaa… they are so delicious!!!

I’m very, very conflicted right now.

But luckily, Eris shakes her head.

“Haha, of course not.” she laughs.”These guys are also called Filoan birds, but they are not the same one! The ones we ate are wild Filoan. But the birds you are seeing are domesticated breed, mostly used to pull carts, but some people raise them as pets. They’re surprisingly intelligent and can even be trained to guard homes or deliver messages.”

“Oooooooh!” I exclaim, wide-eyed with wonder.

“So, as you can see, this district never really sleeps,” Eris adds.

“Yup, it sure doesn’t!” I smile, glancing around.

It’s a narrow street, but it’s packed with food vendors, restaurants, and inns—all open around the clock for adventurers and tourists. The smells of grilled meat, fresh bread, and sweet pastries fill the air, making me wish I hadn’t stuffed myself earlier.

I also take a moment to admire the architecture. The buildings here have a distinctly medieval European feel—stone walls, wooden beams, and steep, sloping roofs, with chimneys puffing soft trails of smoke into the night. The streets are lined with cobblestones, and tall iron street lamps flicker with warm candlelight.

The streets themselves are lively, though a bit rough around the edges. There’s some litter here and there—bits of food and scraps left by the crowd—but overall, it’s cleaner than I expected. I even spot a basic sewage system running alongside the road, with workers diligently clearing away debris.

Knights patrol the area as well, their armor gleaming in the lamplight. Each one wears a crest on their chest—a roaring lion’s head, the symbol of the Löwenberg Knights Order. Eris tells me they’re responsible for keeping the peace in Mistvale.

On the other hand, the weather is cool and refreshing, the breeze carrying a hint of autumn as it brushes against my skin. Overhead, the sky is clear, dotted with twinkling stars.

I pull my black hooded cloak a little tighter around myself, thankful for its warmth as it flutters slightly in the breeze. Beneath it, I’m wearing a simple white dress, but the cloak does a good job of keeping out the evening chill.

“Felicia, stay close to me,” Eris says gently, her eyes flicking to mine as we weave through the bustling crowd.

I nod silently, stepping a little closer to her side. The street is chaotic, filled with people moving in every direction. It wouldn’t take much to get separated.

“Actually… hold my hand,” Eris suggests with a soft smile.

I hesitate for a moment… then reach out and take her hand.

As our hand comes in contact, my heart aches slightly for no reason.

Her hand is warm—much warmer than mine. Her callused fingers brush against my skin. Her hold is firm but comforting, easing some of the anxiety I didn’t even realize I was carrying.

And just like that, we walk hand in hand through the vibrant streets of Mistvale, the newness of this world buzzing all around me.

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