Catgirls and Dungeons

Chapter 17: clothing store

It’s my first time seeing a clothing shop in a medieval fantasy world, and I’m excited.

Eris pushes the door open.

Ding ding!

The hanging brass bell rings, greeting us.

Eris holds the door, and I step in.

“Woaaaah!” I gasp.

It’s feels like stepping into an old wardrobe!!!

The shop is quiet and dimly lit, with just a few oil lamps suspended from iron brackets on the walls. The scent of wool and leather fills my nostrils, earthy and slightly musty, yet very pleasant, and beneath it, there’s a faint, calming fragrance that feels oddly nostalgic.

“Woah, is that lavender?” I ask, sniffing the air curiously.

“Yeah!” Eris nods with a smile.

I take another deep breath, following the scent until my eyes land on a bundle of dried lavender hanging by the window.

“Hello, welcome to The Eclipse!” A woman greets us as she steps out from behind the counter.

She appears to be in her early thirties, with a welcoming and professional appearance, dressed in simple yet elegant attire—black leather pants paired with a crisp white blouse. Her blue hair is neatly tied back into a long braid, and round glasses sit on her nose.

“I’m Lenore,” she says with a friendly smile and bows lightly. “How can I help you today?”

“Oh, we’re looking for some new clothes for my friend here,” Eris replies, motioning to me. “Mind if we take a look around?”

“Of course! Feel free to browse as long as you like,” Lenore says. “And if you need anything, just give me a shout.”

“Thanks,” Eris replies. “Actually, we might take a little while. Would it be okay if we stay past closing time, just in case?”

“That’s no problem at all! I close whenever I feel like it, so take your time. No rush.”

“Oh, that’s great! Thanks so much,” Eris says, her face lighting up.

Thus, with Lenore permission, we begin to explore the shop.

The floor creaks under our feet, the wooden planks seeming to sink slightly beneath our weight. I tread carefully, not wanting to disturb the quiet atmosphere.



I’m amazed.

This is just a simple clothing store for the working class, so I didn’t expect much at first. But now that I’m here, the selection is surprisingly impressive! Especially sections for woman’s clothing!

There’s an array of styles and designs to choose from. Cute dresses, colorful tunics, and lovely handcrafted items line the shelves and racks. There are even boots, hats, and scarves. The materials range from inexpensive linen to cotton, leather, and wool. While the colors aren’t as vibrant as modern clothes, there’s still a pleasant variety to browse. It’s more than I imagined for a shop like this.

After browsing for a few minutes, my eyes then land on a small, adorable pink dress displayed on a wooden mannequin. Drawn to it, I step closer and gently touch the fabric. It’s soft, with a delicate red ribbon tied to the side. For a moment, I let my imagination run wild—I can see myself wearing it, twirling in front of a mirror, looking absolutely adorable.

I wonder what Eris will say if I wear this.

“Oh, do you like this one?” suddenly, Lenore’s voice snaps me out of my little daydream.

“Y-yeah,” I turn and reply. “It’s very lovely!”

“Yes,” Lenore nods with a smile. “It’s indeed a lovely dress, and the color would complement your eyes perfectly. Why don’t you try it on?” she suggests.

“Really? Can I?” I ask, excitement bubbling up inside me.

“Of course! The changing room is right over there,” Lenore says kindly, pointing to a small, curtained-off area. “Let me know if you need any help!”

“Nnn!” I nod eagerly, carefully taking the dress off the mannequin and heading toward the changing room, heart pounding with anticipation.


Now, I’m standing in front of the mirror inside the changing room, clutching the new dress tightly in my trembling hands.

Badump… BADUMP…

My heart pounds in my chest, a nervous energy coursing through me. My fingers tremble as the reality sinks in. How could I possibly forget one simple, glaring fact…

That I’m freaking beautifu????


I scream internally.

If I want to try on this dress, I have to take off the one I’m wearing.

Which means… I’m about to get naked.

Which means…

I’m about to see everything.




Come on, Felicia!

I tell myself firmly, shaking my head to snap out of the panic. I give my cheeks a light slap, trying to focus.

I’m a girl now; I shouldn’t be weird about this, right?

I shouldn’t be!

I’m going to have to get used to it eventually. I mean, I’ll need to change clothes every day, I’ll have to take baths—it’s inevitable.

And besides, it’s not like I’ve never seen a naked woman before!


I swallow hard.

And then, with a deep breath, I gather my courage and reach for the hem of my current dress. In one swift motion, I pull it over my head, my heart pounding in my chest.

But then…

As my body is revealed, wearing nothing but simple undergarments, I freeze.

Holy shit…

I’m stunned. My mouth opens, but no words come out.


Oh boy…

Ooooooh boy… this is dangerous!

Spinning in front of the mirror, I take in every inch of myself from every angle.

My skin is flawless—smooth and white, with not a single imperfection. My legs are long and slender. My butt, surprisingly, is a bit curvier than I thought. And then there’s the tail. It’s attached perfectly just above my hips, swaying slightly with each subtle movement I make.

I know it’s sinful, to lust over my own body like this…

But… I just can’t stop.

It’s… perfect. Absolutely perfect!

Well, except for one thing…

The chest. I have no chest!

Yeah, that’s still a bit of a letdown.

But before I can dwell on that thought, Lenore’s voice calls from outside the changing room, snapping me out of my self-admiration.

“Miss Felicia, do you need any help?” she asks.

“A-ah, no! I’m good!” I reply quickly, my heart racing again from the sudden intrusion of reality.

Thank goodness she asked when she did—if she hadn’t, I probably would’ve spent an eternity in here, just admiring myself in front of the mirror.

I then immediately slip into the new dress, the soft fabric sliding effortlessly against my skin. Once it’s on, I step back to check myself in the mirror.


As expected, it’s cute. Really cute.

But… hmm… something’s missing.

It could use a little something extra to really make it stand out.

“Miss Lenore, a-are you there?” I call out.

“Yes, I’m here!” Lenore replies cheerfully from outside.

There’s something I need to ask for… something that will make this outfit perfect.

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