Catgirls and Dungeons

Chapter 3: Oh no…

After that, I spend a few more minutes testing out my new body.

My new body feels strangely light and nimble. My hair is short and white. I don’t have human ears, I only have cat ears that have pads of very soft fur that really tickle when I touch them.

And regarding the tail, I still don’t know how to control it yet, it just wiggle and sway on its own like it has its own mind or something. But at least, it’s my favorite kind of tail. It’s sleek and elegant, just the way I like it—no messy fluff to deal with.

But, out of everything, the most mysterious thing is… my face.

I’ve managed to find a tiny mirror in the drawer under the table, and thanks to it, I saw my true face.

It’s her…

I look exactly like the catgirl I tried to save earlier!

Short, tousled white hair and red eyes…

She’s so pretty…

Or rather…

I’m so fucking pretty now.

There’s a bit of dirt on my face from rolling around on the floor earlier, and my hair is a bit tousled, but even so, I’m stunning as heck.

Outside of the window, I can hear people talking and chatting.

It’s not in English, but for some reason, I can understand it. They’re just talking about their days, bargaining with shopkeepers on the street. Normal, everyday stuff.

“All right!” I slap my face lightly. “I can’t just sit here and do nothing! I need to go outside and explore!”

Maybe someone out there will explain where I am.

Maybe I can learn more about this new world I’ve reincarnated into!

Thus, I stand up.

There’s a key on top of the table.

I grab it, unlock the door, and step outside.


Step. Step.

I’m moving forward, taking a deep breath, somewhat exited to explore this new world.

But before I can even reach the stairs, the door in front of me swings open. Two massive figures stumble out. The smell hits me like a wall—an overwhelming stench of alcohol, sweat, and something rotten. My stomach churns, but before I can react, they’re already in the hallway, blocking the narrow passage. Their looming shadows stretch over me, swallowing me whole.

My blood turns to ice.

“Well, well… what do we have here?” one of them slurs, his voice thick with menace. His breath is rancid, like rotting meat left out in the sun, and as he lurches forward, the floor creaks beneath his weight.


For the first time in my life, I’m scared.

This dude, he’s a giant! A hulking brute, with broad shoulders that strain against his filthy, torn shirt. His face is a nightmare: a greasy, unkempt beard clings to his chin, and his bloodshot eyes are glazed over, gleaming with hunger. Predatory hunger. Those eyes lock onto me like a wolf cornering its prey.

But the second man… he’s worse. Much worse.

He’s taller, leaner, with greasy black hair slicked back. His lips curl into a sneer, revealing yellowed, crooked teeth. His skin is sickly pale, almost gray, and a jagged scar twists down his cheek, distorting his already grotesque face. He licks his lips slowly, his eyes boring into me with a sick fascination.

I freeze. My legs turn to jelly. Every instinct screams at me to run, but my body won’t respond.

“Hey hey! Looks like a cute little kitten wandered into the wrong place,” the taller one chuckles, his voice a low, rough rasp that sends chills down my spine. His eyes trace over me slowly, lingering far too long, making my skin crawl. My tail puffs out, my hair stands on end, completely out of my control.



My heart races. I can’t breathe. I try to step back, but they close the distance effortlessly, their hulking forms towering over me, blocking out the light.


I’m so fucked…

I was so used to walking around freely as a man in my previous life. I never had to think twice about my safety.

But I’m not that man anymore. I’m a girl now. And as a girl… I’m vulnerable.

“Hey, don’t be shy,” the bearded man growls softly. He reaches out with a thick, grubby hand, his fingers twitching as they close in on me. “Come on, have a drink with us. We’ll take real good care of you…”

His fingers graze my arm, and a shock of cold terror shoots through me.

“Come on, kitten, we’re just playing,” the second man whispers, his breath hot and rancid as he leans in closer, his hand snaking toward my tail. “How about you show us how playful you really are?”

Panic surges through me, cold and paralyzing. I feel like I’m drowning in it. My mind scrambles, clawing for a way out, but I’m trapped—just the wall at my back and these monsters closing in on me.

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