Catgirls and Dungeons

Chapter 8: Fear



A loud, embarrassing rumble erupts from my belly, shattering the quiet atmosphere like a clap of thunder in a still night.

“AAaa!!! I’m so sorryyyy!!!”

My face burns with embarrassment, heat rising to my cheeks as I quickly turn away, too mortified to meet Eris’s gaze.

But Eris just chuckles softly. “I see. You’ve been sleeping for two whole days, so you must be starving,” she says with a gentle smile.

“Ah, yes…” I mumble, still avoiding her gaze. “Ermmm… is there… anything to eat?”

“Well, of course!” Eris says cheerfully. “Let’s go downstairs, the owner’s cooking is amazing!”

And then, Eris grabs my hand, and we leave the room.


Now, with Eris by my side, her hand holding mine, I’m feeling more secured. The hallway feels less suffocating, and for a brief moment, I’m comforted by her presence. I’m not alone anymore.

But as we walk closer…

Closer to that place—

The place where I encountered those drunk bastards—

Suddenly, the memories crash into me like a tidal wave, overwhelming and suffocating.

I’m drowning.

My heart pounds, thundering so hard I can feel it in my throat.

I can’t breathe.

The air is gone.

I’m choking, suffocating under the weight of it all.

Their faces flash before me, twisted and cruel, as vivid and real as the moment I first saw them.

And their voices… vile, mocking, echo in my head, growing louder, more insistent, until they become an inescapable, twisted chant.

“Hey, don’t be shy!”

“Come on, have a drink with us!”

“Little kitty, how about you show us how playful you really are?”

My throat tightens as if invisible hands are squeezing the life out of me.

And then, the nausea hits, violent and sharp. My stomach twists painfully, turning over and over, threatening to tear me apart from the inside.

I force myself to move.

I have to move.

But each step feels like I’m dragging heavy chains, the weight unbearable.

Then… I glance at that door.

That cursed door.

In my mind, I see it swinging open, the creak of the hinges sharp in the silence. And there they are—those horrible, grinning faces. Leering at me with hungry eyes.

They’re stumbling toward me, hands reaching, eager to grab me again.






My pulse pounds in my ears, deafening, each beat a hammer against my chest. My hands are shaking, my whole body trembling uncontrollably as the fear consumes me, devours me.


The scream is trapped inside me, clawing at my throat, desperate to escape but suffocated by the terror. I grip Eris’s hand like a lifeline, holding on as if letting go would send me spiraling into the abyss.

I squeeze my eyes shut, blocking out the nightmare that’s swallowing me whole.

I have to move.

I have to keep going.

One step.

Then another.

Each step feels like I’m dragging the weight of the world with me, the fear pressing down harder with every inch I cover.

I just have to make it past this.

Just a few more steps…

Before I even realize it…


I bump into Eris, my eyes still squeezed shut.

The impact jolts me, pulling me back to reality like a sudden, icy splash of water.

I blink, disoriented, my heart still hammering in my chest, the rapid beats echoing in my ears.

“Huh? Felicia?” Eris’s voice is soft but filled with concern. She turns to face me, her hand still wrapped securely around mine. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”

I open my mouth to speak, but the words won’t come. For a moment, I can’t find my voice. My throat feels constricted, and my legs tremble beneath me, threatening to give way.

“N-no…” I finally manage to stammer, shaking my head weakly. “It’s… nothing…”

Of course… I could tell her. I should tell her. About those guys, about the fear that’s eating me alive,a nd about the terror that has me shaking like a leaf.

I could tell her how scared I was—how scared I still am.

But for some reason, I can’t.

The words get caught, tangled in the knot of fear lodged in my throat.

“I… I’m fine,” I lie, forcing the words out, trying to make them sound steady.

Eris narrows her eyes, studying me carefully, as if she can see straight through the facade I’m trying so hard to hold up.

“Are you sure? You don’t look well,” she says gently, her grip on my hand tightening ever so slightly, her concern deepening.

“M-maybe I’m just… too hungry, hehe…” I force a shaky laugh, trying to mask the turmoil inside with a smile that feels far too fragile to be convincing.

“Ah, right,” Eris says, her smile returning, though the worry in her eyes hasn’t faded.

I think she knows something isn’t right, but she just doesn’t press any further.

Somehow, I’m grateful for that.

We then continue walking, slower now.

Step by step.

I focus on the rhythm of our movements, on the simple act of walking, using it to ground myself, to steady the storm of emotions swirling inside me.

Finally, we reach the main dining area of the inn. The noise of clattering dishes and lively conversation rushes to greet us.


“Alright, this is the dining area,” Eris says with a smile.

I take a moment to look around, absorbing the scene. The dining room is massive, bustling with life and energy. Large chandeliers hang from the wooden beams above, their golden light warm and welcoming. The room feels cozy, with long wooden tables lined with benches for large groups, and smaller tables for smaller groups as well. The smell of roasted meat, fresh bread, and spiced ale drifts through the air, making my stomach rumble in response.

Business seems to be going well. People are chatting and laughing. I see many different races. There are humans, yes, but also others—figures with cat ears, wolf ears, and towering beings covered in thick fur, looking like a mix between men and bears. I also spot two women with glistening scales, their tails swishing behind them, their skin in unique shades—one a deep grey, the other a pale white. The room is alive with chatter and laughter, the clink of mugs and plates adding to the lively atmosphere.

However, I can’t help but scan the room cautiously, my eyes darting over every face. My heart skips a beat as I search, fearing I might see those two men from earlier.


Lucky for me… they’re not here.

“Felicia, where do you want to sit?” Eris asks, her voice gentle, breaking through my swirling thoughts.

I glance around, eyes lingering on the crowd before spotting a table tucked away in a dim corner. “Can we… sit there?” I ask softly, pointing toward the secluded spot.

After what happened… being around so many people feels overwhelming. I need a quiet place to breathe, to gather my thoughts.

“Alright, let’s go there!” Eris says with a nod, smiling reassuringly.

We then weave through the crowd, the lively chatter and clinking mugs fading as we settle into the darker, quieter part of the room. The dim lighting and shadows in this corner feel like a protective barrier, muffling the overwhelming noise just enough to calm my nerves.

We sit in silence, waiting for a waitress to approach.

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