Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 150 Cat Dad Sorted His Inventory

Chapter 150 – Cat Dad Sorted His Inventory

‘Right! There might be potential allies!’

Xiaomao regained hope. He thought of Mimir and Taotie, who seemed to be unusually friendly even though they were supposed to be Pangu’s servants. Now that Xiaomao’s karma was invisible, he believed that Pangu and Nian might not be able to find him.

Still, there was a flaw in this plan. Had Xiaomao been in Pangu or Nian’s shoes, couldn’t they simply trace back Taotie and Mimir to find the cause?

Xiaomao scratched his head. He doubted Mu-Nyang’s suggestion, and he disliked the idea – It was too risky.

Since it was a waste of time to overthink and the cats were no longer with him, Xiaomao changed his plan.

“Let’s go to Labor Guild. We’ll sort our inventory first.”


Labor Guild

The main guild headquarters looked different from the guild branches in other towns. The Labor Guild’s building was a 20-story skyscraper, which covered 300 square meters. The first floor to the fifth floor belonged to the guild, but the sixth floor onward was the residential area for slaves and retainers.

Xiaomao entered the guild building with Lucky, Peter, and John. Both Lucky and Peter wore the set of bone armor while John still wore his priest robe. As for Xiaomao, he hid his name and sat on Lucky’s shoulder.

They went to the available counter and the receptionist behind it greeted them.

“Is there available room to sell here, munya?”

The receptionist smiled, “I’m sorry, sir. All rooms are sold out. However, many room owners are selling their rooms. You may check the prices in the Real Estate Department.”

Xiaomao sighed as he had expected it – The Gold Farmer Guild and crypto miners bought all of them for their retainers.

As the game promised a cryptocurrency as a reward for playing, crypto miners and gold farmers rushed into the game to make profits. Some professional players also migrated here to exploit the economic system to make real money.

These guys always chose major cities as their starting points, and they plundered every resource they found. They were like pests, devouring everything in their paths to get richer and fatter.

The Labor Guild was no exception. As the game sold a room for as cheap as one PACT, many investors gobbled all the rooms and resold them for profits.

Xiaomao didn’t give up hope. He probed for more information.

“Do you know how much the cheapest room is, munya?”

The receptionist brightly smiled, “10,000 PACT per unit without furniture, sir.”

Buying a room for one PACT and reselling it for 10,000?

These capitalism bastards were naïve! Had Xiaomao had a thousand rooms, he would have quickly resold them and kept the PACTs. After all, once the Landlord Patch arrived, these rooms would become the houses of beggars.

In the future, lands and newly built houses could do much more than rooms. Players could run shops, operate cities, or run a nation and enjoy taxes! NPCs would flock to the most prosperous lands and settle there, paying taxes and joining the land owner’s forces without using the retainer slots!

When guilds and gold farmers scrambled for lands, these rooms would become obsolete!

Xiaomao shook his head and discarded the thought of buying a room for his future comrades. He left the Labor Guild and went to the local bank.

The Bank’s building was next to the Labor Guild. This place was crowded with players as well as regular players used the service of this place to access their warehouse storage.

Xiaomao’s group blended in with the players. He directed Lucky and the gang to the second floor, where they could access premium warehouses.

The second floor was packed with players as well. They simply loitered in the lobby in groups, talking and texting their friends. None of them paid attention to Xiaomao as no one could see his name.

Lucky pushed through the crowd and manage to reach a service counter. A male elf banker, who had been sitting behind the counter, glanced at Lucky’s bone armor, which revealed half of her round assets. His glasses gleamed, and he smiled.


Xiaomao hopped on the table, blocking the view.

“I’m here to access the warehouse, munya!”

The NPC squinted his brows. He shifted his glasses by pushing them up with his middle finger.

“Who might you be, sir?”


“Your ID, please. Could you reveal your name?”

Xiaomao didn’t want to reveal his golden name to the public. Moreover, he was still under the penalty of murdering people from the Spartan Guild.

These NPCs would have been alarmed had Xiaomao turned off the Chameleon skill. Thus, Xiaomao chose the other way around.

He put down a proof of adventurer, which he had gotten from the Seaside Town.

“Is this enough, munya?”

The NPC banker glanced at it and muttered, “It doesn’t matter. Even if you’re a fake, you can only access the warehouse that you own in the end.”


A system window appeared, and the elf waved his hand, “Next, please. You can get out of my table, cat. As long as you’re still on this floor, you can now access your warehouse through your menu.”


Xiaomao hopped back on Lucky’s shoulder, and she led the party away from the counter. The elf snorted while he sneaked glances at Lucky’s rear.

“What a waste.”


Lucky brought the group to an area next to a wall, away from groups of players. John and Peter tagged along with her silently.

Xiaomao managed to access the warehouse inventory menu. However, the item transfer process was sluggish as Xiaomao had to bring the item out and put it in another inventory window instead of the usual drag-and-drop.

Because of such a process, Xiaomao had no choice but to reveal what he had to the public for a brief moment.

Furthermore, the bank didn’t feature the market inventory and auction house. Xiaomao still needed to bring the items to the merchant guild or the town square market to sell after this.

“So annoying, munya!”

Xiaomao kept the third remaining set of bone armor in his inventory. As for the unusable items, such as essence cores, ingredients, level-400 equipment, and excess books, Xiaomao kept them in the warehouse for now.

After clearing his inventory slots, he ran into another problem.

His premium warehouse was full. All slots were occupied. However, Xiaomao still had many items that he wanted to store!

This was a dilemma of a hoarder-type player. They always ran out of warehouse slots.

Xiaomao sighed and scanned through the old items that he had been keeping in the warehouse – Many spellbooks and skill books were the cause of this mess as one type of spell or skill took one slot of inventory. As for stackable and consumable items, they didn’t take up much space.

He sorted the warehouse again. This time, Xiaomao collected low-level skill books and spell books, which he had gotten from the Gnoll Dungeon, into his premium inventory and character inventory. Then, Xiaomao stored the high-level ones in his premium warehouse.

While he was at it, he checked John, Peter, and Lucky’s spiritual roots if they could learn skills or spells that he had.

10 minutes later, Xiaomao passed two skill books to Peter, three spellbooks to John, and two skill books to Lucky.

“Learn those, munya!”

Lucky and the gang dropped their jaws and gawked at the books in their hands. John reacted the quickest and used the three books right away.


<John Preacher has learned a new spell – Holy Light.>

<John Preacher has learned a new spell – Sacred Hammer.>

<John Preacher has learned a new spell – Love and Peace.>

One of the spells was the same as what Xiaomao had learned, which was good against the undead. As for the others, one was for combat and one was a supporting spell, which belonged to the light attribute.

Noticing that John got good spells, Peter and Lucky activated his books.


<Peter S. Fischer has learned a new skill – Armor Break!>

<Peter S. Fischer has learned a new skill – Weapon Break!>

<Lucky has learned a new skill – Get Over Here!>

<Lucky has learned a new skill – Rapid-Regeneration!>

The team was pleased and astonished by the choice of Xiaomao. They cheered and inspected their ability detail.

However, Xiaomao wasn’t satisfied yet. He shoved more books toward them.

“Upgrade those skills and spells to the max mastery, munya!”


The rest of the skills and spells were unsuitable for Xiaomao and the team. Thus, he decided to sacrifice as many of them as possible to free up space.

The trio reluctantly accepted them and upgraded their skills and spells to the max. Lucky and Peter used 20 each while John spent 30.

Once they were done, Xiaomao looked at his inventory slots and clicked his tongue. There were still many left, but the warehouse was full.

Suddenly, Xiaomao thought of Shepherd, Andrew, and James. He remembered that they hadn’t upgraded their characters and skills yet.

“I have an idea. Let’s visit the market and head back to our ship, munya!”

Lucky nodded. She led the team and waltzed through the crowd as usual.

But as Lucky was approaching the staircase to the lower floor, a massive group of 30 players surrounded them. The leader of the group stood before Lucky.

“Sir and Madam, could I have some of your time?”

Lucky, John, and Peter raised their brows. Their hands reached for their weapon, getting ready to fight.

Seeing the team’s reaction, the player quickly bowed down to apologize.

“No, no! We’ve come in peace! Please calm down!”

Xiaomao looked at the name of the group leader and others. Upon seeing their names, he understood what they want.

[KSG Farmer] Apple 052, Level 118

[KSG Farmer] Apple 057, Level 107

[KSG Farmer] Apple 072, Level 99

These guys were gold farmers!

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