Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 153 Cat Dad is Richer

Chapter 153 – Cat Dad is Richer

Xiaomao hummed as he watched the increasing cash.

Initially, he didn’t want to do this as he planned to maximize the profit. However, as Pangu, Nian, and the Chinese government played dirty, Xiaomao decided to amass fund as quickly as possible to prepare for the potential threat. Thus, Xiaomao flooded the market with his excess spellbooks and skill books.

The first 50 books were sold out in seconds. But when Xiaomao added the next batch of 20 books to the market, 15 of them were sold, but the rest were ignored.

Xiaomao glanced at the ignored books. They were the duplicate books that Xiaomao had sold earlier.

‘So they’ve caught on to the scheme. I bet they’re waiting for the price to go down, or they’re investigating the origins of these books.’

He looked at the remaining books in his inventory. There were still many useless skill books. However, some spellbooks could still be useful, such as Shaman Fireball, Shaman Heal, and Shaman Curse.

Since Xiaomao had nothing to lose, he auctioned all skill books. However, Xiaomao raised the price of all spellbooks by 100%, increasing the buyout price to four million USDT per book. He also sold unusable ingredients, rare items, and gears at a market price.

Afterward, he transferred PACTs and USDT in the market to his hardware crypto wallet’s address and collected the gold coins.

He admired the balance of his wallet.

71,859,584 PACT

129,550,000 USDT

Xiaomao became a multi-millionaire! Soon, he could touch the barrier of the billionaire threshold!

‘I just lost a million dollars because of that stupid tax! I should have earned more!’

Although Xiaomao earned a hundred million dollars, he didn’t look happy. He clicked his tongue as he thought of the 1% auction house tax.

Xiaomao now understood why millionaires evaded taxes like there was no tomorrow. The frustration of losing a million dollars of profit to tax was more vexing than losing a million because of bad trades. At least, bad trades could be used as research materials to learn and improve one’s technique, but losing money to taxes hurt.

‘Just you wait. I’ll create my own kingdom, and I won’t be paying taxes EVER AGAIN! Hell, you will be the one paying taxes to me!’


Abu Dhabi

Marwan Deeb, aka Absolute Halal, was an Arabian young man in his early 20s. He sat at his computer table, exploring the internet and killing time, waiting for the death penalty time to end.

His game character was killed by Karen. Thus, he needed to wait for the three-day death penalty.

Marwan scratched his head and sighed, lamenting the previous day’s incident.

“I shouldn’t have joined that stupid hunt. I was too greedy.”

While complaining, Marwan opened the auction website and gazed at Xiaomao’s fruits. In a few hours, these items would be sold to the highest bidders.

Looking at the price of these items, Marwan felt a lot better. The lowest bid was now 13 million dollars, which was too high for one point of status. The super rare spellbook he got from Xiaomao was a lot cheaper, compared to these items.

‘Come to think of it, I haven’t put any item request in the auction market yet. I should set a pre-bid for some skill books and spellbooks.’

Even though Marwan couldn’t enter the game, he could still check the in-game auction market and use the cryptocurrency to bid for items. He opened the game website and navigated to the auction market.

As soon as Marwan entered the website, the game highlighted the hottest items in the public auction house in a banner popup.

At first, Marwan moved his mouse and almost clicked on the close button. But when he noticed that the items were super rare skill books, his index finger paused.


Marwan clicked the banner to see the highlighted items. Then, a list of skill books appeared. The starting bid was as cheap as 500,000 USDT, and the buyout price was two million for each book.

Marwan raised his brows. He wondered who the naïve seller was as the price tag was too low.



As Marwan had expected, many items were taken right in front of his eyes. Someone purchased the books by pressing the buyout button and paying two million USD per item. Still, many skills were ignored as some skills were too niche and difficult to use.



Yet, new skill books appeared. This time, they were super rare spellbooks.

Marwan’s eyes were bloodshot when he found the same spell that he bought from Xiaomao.

“Shaman Fireball?!”

The starting bid was set to a million, and the buyout price was four million.

Marwan internally screamed in frustration. Although he wasn’t mad that he bought the same spellbook for four million USD, the feeling of despair and helplessness when he lacked the money to buy rare items was unbearable. As Marwan had already used up his allowance and savings to buy Xiaomao’s spellbook, he couldn’t purchase the goodies in the market.



The items disappeared in front of his eyes. Marwan smacked the computer table with his fist and groaned.


Unable to control his desire, Marwan grabbed his phone and texted his father.

“I need 20 million for gaming purposes ASAP!”

A minute later, Marwan’s father, Amir Deeb, replied.

“That’s quite a lot. What do you need that for?”

“Super rare spellbooks, dad,” replied Marwan.

“Spellbooks, as in, the spellbooks from the game I told you to play?”

“Yes. That game.”

“I see. Are they that good?”

“It’s not about good or bad, but someone is flooding the market with spellbooks right now. If we are too slow, the others will get them before us!”

Amir stopped replying for several minutes, which made Marwan anxious. He looked at the auction website and saw that many spellbooks were gone in real-time.

All Shaman-Series were sold out. However, there were still many dark element spells in the market.


Amir wire-transferred money to Marwan. Unfortunately, he got only five million.

The father also scolded Marwan, “You don’t need many spellbooks. Pick one and raise its mastery to 100%. Then, you can evolve the spell to a higher tier. That’s how you get a better superpower!”

“Oh, okay.”

Marwan was delighted. After converting the cash to crypto USDT, he rushed to pick a spellbook.

Because of the panic and the anxiety, Marwan purchased a spellbook, which he had roughly skimmed through the detail.


It cost four million dollars, but it was worth the investment. Marwan checked the item description.

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