Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 173 Cat Dad Lost his Ship

Chapter 173 – Cat Dad Lost his Ship

Although Joan told Wei Zhi to be courteous, she did the opposite. After Joan got on the ship, she and Mimir started an odd conversation.

“It’s been a while, Senior Mimir.”

“Joan. So, you’re babysitting this trainee?”

“Yes, for now.”

“And, what do you want? Taking a free ride?”

Joan turned to the kids. She smirked and came up with an absurd demand.

“It’s something very simple, senior. While you were fighting with that thing, you caused some damage to the local town, but we managed to save some of the kids. Since you caused this mess, could you please take responsibility and bring the kids back to their parents?”

Mimir sneered, “That’s none of our business. You saved the kids, they’re yours now.”

The children looked back and forth between Joan and Mimir. They hid behind Wei Zhi and looked at Taotie, who had transformed into an adult lion.

Taotie sensed the children’s wary eyes. He snickered and bore fangs at them.

The children screamed and trembled in fear. One of them ran away from the ship and tried to jump off. Fortunately, one of the spirits caught them and put them back on board.

Noticing Taotie’s immature behavior, Mimir bonked him with his cane.


“Be quiet!”


Taotie grumbled and sat still, watching the drama.

Mimir snorted and continued the conversation.

“As you can see, our ship is not appropriate for hosting children. They will be scared to death if you leave them alone with us.”

Joan glanced at Taotie and sneered, “Actually, we don’t care if you’re one of the Calamity-Class fiends on the loose. Just take the children off our hands. That’s an order.”

“Hohoh?” Mimir and Taotie narrowed their eyes. This girl got guts, “What if I say no?”

“We’ll report this mess to Asgard. You know what will happen, don’t you?”


The expression of Mimir and Taotie changed. They glared at Joan.

“Blackmailing us right away. How nice of you, Overseer.”



Xiaomao heard a new term, and he suddenly got interested in these people. He looked at Joan carefully to see her name and level.

Joan, Guardian Spirit of Battlefield Warlord, Valkyrie Overseer of Asgard, Level 3,700

Indeed, she was a big shot. Xiaomao wondered why she was following Wei Zhi around, and he wanted to converse with her.

However, for the sake of Wei Zhi’s growth, he chose not to interact with her for the time being. He needed to know the stance of Asgard if they would work with Chaos Demon Gods or Pangu.

While Xiaomao was thinking about the future, the negotiation became heated.

“Please. Calamity-Class monsters and fiends are common enemies of gods and mortals. Taotie is the criminal here while you and these people are helping him. Sooner or later, your names will be put on the immortal’s wanted list, and many hidden immortals will be mobilized to hunt you down.”

Taotie scoffed at Joan, “How about we kill all of you now and be done with it?”

Joan laughed at Taotie while the other five spirits revealed their true levels. Everyone’s level was over 3,000, and they were capable of contacting their headquarters with a thought.

She mocked Taotie, “Of course, we’re not your opponents, but we’re confident that we can send an SOS signal to Asgard fast enough before you can kill us all. Wanna try it?”

Meanwhile, Xiaomao sweated profusely. He had been listening to the conversation from the sideline, and he didn’t understand why it ended up like this.

He looked at Wei Zhi. The girl was also puzzled by her assistant’s threat and reactions. Behind her, one of her subordinates covered her mouth, not allowing her to talk.

Xiaomao was also in a similar situation. Mimir covered his mouth while he was bickering with Joan.

‘What’s the matter, Senior Mimir?!’ Xiaomao asked Mimir in his mind.

Mimir glanced down and sent his telepathic voice.

‘Since we’re helping Taotie, we’ve become the enemies of all immortals and gods. Asgard now has the excuse to mobilize their forces to capture us, and she’s blackmailing us.’

‘Err, didn’t she only ask us to bring the kids home? Why don’t we cooperate?’

‘There will be second and third demand if we agree too early. We’re trying our best to limit their negotiation power.’


Xiaomao still didn’t understand why Mimir made things complicated. He stopped what he was doing and continued to observe the situation.

Meanwhile, Joan looked at the ship and sneered. She came up with another bold idea.

“You know what? You don’t have to take the kids. We’ve changed our mind.”

Mimir was relieved, “Good. Now, take care of yourself. We’ll be leaving.”

“You misunderstand something, senior. We want the ship. Give it to us.”


Taotie and Mir glared at Joan and the spirits behind them. Their eyes were filled with killing intent.

Suddenly, Joan’s subordinates manifested their true self and pointed their weapons at the children.

“We’ll kill the children if you refuse, and we’ll report this incident to Asgard.”

At that moment, Wei Zhi and Xiaomao were shocked. They couldn’t believe that Joan and the spirits dared to threaten kids for the sake of stealing a half-broken frigate.

Mimir’s expression turned dark, “Don’t be overbearing. You can’t handle the consequences of offending me.”

“Too bad, I doubt either Nian or Pangu will help you anymore. I don’t sense their karma on you two. You’re sponsorless now, right?”


Xiaomao sweated profusely again. The situation didn’t bond well.




10 minutes later, the deal was settled.

Wei Zhi and Joan would take over this ship, and the Asgard would ignore what they did today without sending their forces to hunt down both of them. They would also stay out of Mimir and Taotie’s business.

While Magdalene grudgingly brought the ship down to the sea, Wei Zhi guided the children to the ship, but she kept glancing at Xiaomao.

She looked for his name and level, but she couldn’t find any. As Wei Zhi couldn’t see Xiaomao’s general detail, she got curious.

“Erm, excuse me.”

Wei Zhi approached Mimir and Xiaomao.

“What?” Mimir stopped consoling Xiaomao, who was sulking because he had to give away the pirate ship.

“Why can’t I see your pet’s name?”

Mimir and Taotie looked at each other. Then, they burst into laughter.

“That’s none of your business.”

Taotie added, “Ignore the cat. He’s not someone you want to mingle with. Actually, we don’t talk to thieves.”

“Err, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to steal your ship,” Wei Zhi lowered her head and bowed 90 degrees, but Taotie and Mimir ignored her.

Xiaomao frowned and stared at his seniors, wanting to talk. Suddenly, Mimir covered Xiaomao’s mouth, and the elder’s voice entered Xiaomao’s mind.

‘Don’t strike a conversation with her for now.’

‘But why?’ Xiaomao didn’t understand why Mimir didn’t want him to talk with his friend.

‘Don’t let those spirits know about your relationship with the girl. She will become liable for you in the long run. You don’t want to harm your friend, right?’


Xiaomao slightly nodded, and Mimir patted him. The elder turned to Wei Zhi and controlled the conversation.

“Did you see our fight?” Asked Mimir.

“Err, yes. We briefly saw the fight.”

Mimir coughed, “Forget what you saw here. That was an immortal’s business, and a mortal like you shouldn’t be getting involved even if Odin is your sponsor.”

Wei Zhi pursed her lips. In fact, she didn’t want to get involved in the NPC’s quarrels as she knew that these game characters had their own fair share of troubles. She simply wanted to pet Xiaomao.

“You’re right. I’m so sorry that I bothered you. We will be on our way.”

Taotie smirked, “Yeah, it’s quite nice of you for stealing our ship and kicking us out. Go, go. Go away!”

“Hey!” Mimir bonked Taotie’s lion head with his cane. It caused no damage, but it still annoyed the lion.

“Dammit! What was that for?!”

“Don’t ask for trouble.”

“But I’m stating the fact here!” Taotie looked at Joan and the spirits next to Wei Zhi. He growled at them, “Think carefully. We fought so hard to survive, but these girls suddenly came to ask for our ship because they saw our fight? Nothing makes sense here!”

Mimir rolled his eyes and pinched the lion’s ear, pulling it closer. Then, he whispered Taotie.

‘Read the goddamn mood. I’m doing my best to get Xiaomao out of trouble. We don’t want Odin to notice him. He already has too many enemies.’

‘Err, whoops. Tee-Hee!’

Taotie stuck out his tongue.

While the seniors were conspiring, Xiaomao secretly opened his friend’s menu. Then, he noticed that Wei Zhi had sent over a hundred messages, and Xiaomao had 40 missed calls.


The cat sweated profusely. He looked at Wei Zhi, who was sulking, wanting to pet Xiaomao.

“Bye, kitty. Also, I’m so sorry.”


Without a choice, Xiaomao gave up his half-broken ship to Wei Zhi and Joan. He boarded his personal flying sword while Mimir and Taotie carried the crew with them. The trio flew north, heading toward Cernun Island and leaving this godforsaken area.


After Mimir’s party left, Joan snickered. She used her spells to navigate the frigate.

“Let’s go, master. We’ll send off the kids, complete your quests, and get some rewards.”


Wei Zhi lowered her head. She felt wrong and guilty. She no longer wanted to join Asgard anymore.

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