Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 61 Cat Dad VS Warg Lord

Chapter 61 – Cat Dad VS Warg Lord


As if someone had dropped a napalm bomb in the grand hall, everything turned into a sea of flame. Items were ejected from Xiaomao as his inventory slots were full again.

One of the gnoll generals had already been critically injured. It died and dropped 15 skill books.

Warg Lord turned around and glared at Xiaomao. His eyes locked onto the fluffy thing on the wall, who was pointing a crossbow in his direction.


The boss bellowed and unleashed a shockwave, pushing all gnolls away. All monsters suffered 500 damage while a number [2,000] appeared on top of Xiaomao’s head.

Xiaomao sweated profusely as he gazed at his blinking HP bar. Fortunately, his max HP was over 2,000. Otherwise, the roar would have instant-killed him. He frantically drank HP potions and restored his HP to the full.

Before the regression, Warg Lord’s signature warcry was known as a back-rank killer move as most mages and non-close-combat classes had less than 2,000 HP at level 50. It always used the skill when it spotted a mage or a ranged attacker.

As such, only warriors, swordsmen, fighters, and other closed-combat-related players challenged the dungeon boss while other mages and ranged attackers avoided coming here.


<Warg Lord has used Warcry of Corrupted One!>

<You are immune to [Fear].>

<You are immune to [Confused].>

Not only the warcry could inflict AOE damage, but it could also inflict two status effects – Fear and Confused. [Fear] status effect disabled all attack abilities while [Confused] forced the character to move randomly for a few seconds.

Xiaomao searched for the token of war god for this purpose. Without it, he would have been killed on the spot.


That was not the end of Warg Lord’s terror. The boss leaped over the crowd and charged toward Xiaomao.

The catopus stopped playing around. He rode on the flying sword and flew toward the ceiling. He looked down and fired another shot at the giant hyena-man.

Warg Lord caught the bolt, but it exploded in his hand, causing his first health bar to deplete. After learning the characteristic of Xiaomao’s weapon, the boss monster crouched and turned toward the flying catopus.

Xiaomao sensed danger. He maneuvered the flying sword to circle around a Roman pillar.

Warg Lord ignored the random strikes and fireballs of gnoll shamans. He leaped forward and latched onto a Roman pillar. Then, he jumped like an ape, pursuing the cat.


On the ground, the remaining gnoll general was still living. He chased after Warg Lord and Xiaomao. The other shamans and gnoll soldiers barked and followed along.


The cooldown of Xiaomao’s volley skill had ended. But instead of firing at the crowd of gnolls, he glanced at the boss.

‘Nine health bars. That’s about 900,000 HP left. What a stubborn boss.’

As Warg Lord kept on moving, Xiaomao couldn’t use his skill randomly and waste time. He ordered the flying sword to stop moving, using himself as bait.

As soon as Xiaomao’s flying sword stopped, Warg Lord kicked the pillar that he was hugging and leaped toward the catopus.

At that moment, Xiaomao put the flying sword back into his inventory and fell to the ground. He aimed his crossbow toward the ceiling and unleashed the skill.


As if Xiaomao had calculated the timing, Warg Lord’s silhouette flew toward the place where Xiaomao had fired the bolt.


The bolt pierced Warg Lord’s fat belly!

That was not all. The volley skill of Xiaomao multiplied the bolt into 1,000 and got stuck inside Warg Lord’s belly!

“This is how you big-brain the boss, munya!”


Like a firework, the boss exploded in the sky. He suffered 1,000 consecutive damages from all 1,000 explosive bolts, and the AOE fire damage hit him!

Each hit caused 3,000ish magic damage. With one thousand consecutive hits, Warg Lord’s nine HP bar instantly dropped to zero!

Warg Lord widened his eyes in shock. He opened his mouth to say something, but his body was reduced to ash.


<You have slain Warg Lord!>

Countless messages flooded Xiaomao’s notification panel. However, the battle was far from over. The former boss’s bodyguards, aka level-50 gnoll shamans and gnoll soldiers, were still hostile toward Xiaomao. They barked and lunged at him!

“Crap, munya!”

Xiaomao brought out the flying sword and rode away from the crowd.

The shamans resumed their WOLOLO chant, sending fireballs at Xiaomao. The last remaining gnoll general also got back on his feet and bellowed.

“Formation! Corner him! Back ranks, grab the books!”

The shamans stopped sending random fireballs. They stood behind the soldiers and chanted healing spells. The soldiers also glanced at the items on the ground, and one of them picked up a skill book, which had been dropped from the dead gnoll general.


The gnoll soldier with a skill book suddenly evolved into Gnoll Knight and his level rose to 60!

The other gnoll soldiers grinned. They turned around to pick up skill books and spell books, which their friends left behind.

Instantly, 15 gnoll knights and 30 gnoll shamans emerged from the basic soldier units!


Xiaomao was enraged. He turned around and shot at one of the evolved knights.

The bolt pierced through his armor. However, its HP was reduced by 70% and survived.

The gnoll knight laughed as his body was covered by a blue aura while the other shamans healed his HP to the fullest. He leaped over his colleagues and used a gnoll soldier’s shoulders as his foothold, jumping and pursuing Xiaomao in the air.

Then, the knight used a slashing skill, which expanded his attack range!

Mountain Cleaver!


The crescent energy slash hit Xiaomao’s flying sword, knocking the cat off his vehicle.

The gnoll soldiers in front rushed toward Xiaomao and laughed. They raised their swords and waited to turn the cat into dog food.


Suddenly, the large gates were kicked open and a gnoll general rushed in. He swung a claymore sword and cleaved a dozen gnolls in half.

“Stand down, or else!”

It was the tamed gnoll general!

Unfortunately, the other gnolls didn’t listen. They barked and rushed at Xiaomao’s new slave, and the new knight also led the charge.


Gnoll General used his personal skill. His body turned red, increasing his physical attack power and defense. Then, he swung his claymore like a spinning top.

Because of Gnoll General’s ceaseless spinning, the gnoll knight and gnoll soldiers were in disarray as they pushed each other away from the attack range. A dozen unfortunate gnolls accidentally stumped into the general’s attack range and were sliced into two in one hit.

Still, the spinning attack had its weakness. The remaining ex-general of Warg Lord leaped to the sky and smashed the tamed general with its claymore.

The blade hit the hard helmet, but it failed to stun him as the general was in a frenzied state.

“Caught you, you little mutt!”

The tamed general grabbed the ex-Warg Lord underling’s ankle and smashed him to the ground. He stopped rotating and raised the claymore.


He pierced the general’s back, decreasing its HP by 20%!

The soldiers rushed Xiaomao’s servant to help their master. The shamans also chanted a new spell, increasing the attack power of their colleagues, and healing the gnoll general.

While their attention was focusing on Xiaomao’s slave, a hail of bolts appeared in the sky. Another deathly volley landed in the middle of the gnoll shamans. Upon impact, the grand hall turned into a sea of flame, and a hundred gnolls perished along with the shaman team at the back ranks.

Hopping from a wall to a pillar was a small fur ball with tentacle legs. As the flying sword was broken because of the knight earlier, Xiaomao could only rely on his legs.

Bolts after bolts pierced gnoll soldiers and ended their lives.


The knights that had stolen a skill book earlier also got hit by the balls, suffering critical damage. Their HP instantly dropped to zero. Items were ejected from his corpses right away. The consumed skill books returned as item drops, but they gave the same loot as gnoll soldiers.

Because of the sea of flame, everything in the room was in chaos. Xiaomao turned toward the pile of items that had been dropped from Warg Lord. He discarded two equipment items from his inventory and slipped in the pile of equipment and meat. He managed to grab an orb and a mermaid model from the item mountain.

Upon getting the item, Xiaomao jumped out and dashed toward the treasure room.


A gnoll knight bashed his shield onto the small cat, sending it flying. A large number, 1750, appeared over his head.

Xiaomao turned toward the soldier to retaliate.


<The Rough Hephaestus Crossbow has returned to Nameless Nymph!>

Unfortunately, the rental weapon was expired. Xiaomao clicked his tongue and hopped away from the gnoll knights. He swiped the keycard and opened the door of the treasure room.

Another gnoll soldier grabbed a claymore sword from the dead gnoll general. Then, he evolved into another gnoll general! Several gnolls also picked fallen staffs of gnoll shamans and changed their classes!

Xiaomao gazed at his tamed slave, who was isolated in the middle of the crowd. Before the door of the treasure room closed, he shouted.


The tamed gnoll general howled as he heard his new name. Lucky’s red skin blended into the sea of flame as if he was elated by the new identity. His claymore chopped off the head of the gnoll general on the ground and bashed the other gnoll soldiers and newly emerged gnoll knights.

The door was closed. Now, Xiaomao had to race against time to save Lucky’s life.

In the treasure room, Xiaomao brought out the item that he had gotten from the Warg Lord’s dead body.

It was the blank dungeon core!

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