Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 70 Cat Dad and Cop of the Year

Chapter 70 – Cat Dad and Cop of the Year

“Is this a prank call?”

The officer’s name was Qin Mu. He was the only son of Qin Yun, the owner of the convenience store where Xiaomao had been working part-time.

Although Qin Mu was a capable police officer, he was a veteran street rat that understood how the world worked. Thus, he turned off the office recording device to avoid complications. He then pulled the desk drawer and brought out a laptop, which had installed a similar program, but it didn’t report back to the higher-ups.

Qin Mu plugged the laptop into the computer and began recording the conversation with his laptop instead.

“This is not a prank call. Tell me the info, and I’ll give you the dough.”

“Good. Transfer me some Bitcoin to my account to verify your credibility, and I’ll deliver the files to your email.”

“Send me your wallet QR code to my telegram. My ID is…”


A minute later, 10 Bitcoin was transferred to Qin Mu’s crypto wallet. He confirmed it and grinned.

Cryptocurrency trading was illegal in China. However, no government official seriously cracked down on traders as they also relied on the system to stash their slush funds. Thus, Qin Mu wasn’t afraid of being busted..

“Very well, then. What would you like to know?”

“First off, did you talk to Miao Xiaomao?”

“Of course, I just talked to him.”

“How are his injuries?”

“He’s fine. He is an eyewitness, not a victim in this incident.”

“Huh? Really?” Pan Xian paused for a moment, “What was he doing, then?”

Qin Mu rubbed his chin. Instead of telling Pan Xian the truth, he mixed in false information.

“Miao Xiaomao said he woke up late and missed the bus, so he took a taxi to the marathon event. But the accident happened, and he helped out the victims. We brought him to the police station for some inquiries.”

Again, Pan Xian paused for a few seconds before he continued, “Another question. Did he do something unusual recently? For example, did he exhibit superhuman strength or did something unusual or illogical?”

Qin Mu thought of the time when Xiaomao sent bikers to the hospitals. He pretended to press the keyboard and let the keyboard noise get on the phone.

“Aside from being healthy, no.”

“Did he commit crimes in the past?”

Qin Mu mixed in some truth, but he also half-lied, “Yes. He got into a brawl with some kids, but nothing was unusual.”

“Last question. Does he have a bicolor cat?”

Qin Mu frowned. He didn’t understand why Pan Xian wanted to know about cats. As Qin Mu found this information irrelevant, he told the truth.

“Yes. He had a fat cat with him.”

“Do you know his name?”

“It’s a long-ass name. I don’t even remember. It’s Mihaly Dumitru something.”

“Not Mu-Nyang?”

“Never heard of it. What’s that?”

“Ahem. Forget it. I want his data, records of his testimony of this incident, his current address, and criminal record files. Send them to me, and I’ll transfer the rest of the cash.”

“Got it, boss.”

“Remember, this conversation never happens.”



Pan Xian ended the call.

Qin Mu snickered and stopped recording. He put on earphones and listened to the recorded conversation.

<Very well, what would you like to know?>

The voice was crisp. Now, he had a backup plan. If Pan Xian backstabbed him, he would use this conversation to fight back.

“Easy money. Welp, time to work.”

Qin Mu reviewed the conversation file before he encrypted it. Then, he put the laptop away and worked on his office computer as if nothing had happened.

He also edited Xiaomao’s criminal record. In the file, Xiaomao had a record of excessive violence charge as he busted the balls and broke a few bones of the bikers. There was also a complaint from the parents of Niu Fu, whose balls were also shattered by Xiaomao.

Qin Mu copied the files and edited these records. Instead of listing them as excessive violence, he changed them.

“A brawl between club mates because they fought over a girl and self-protection against delinquents from another school. Now, my lucky boy is clean!”

Qin Mu pressed entered. Then, he edited the history of the file and sent them to Pan Xian’s private telegram without tampering with the official files in the police station’s database.

10 minutes later, 9 million USDT was transferred to Qin Mu’s crypto wallet. The cop laughed.

‘What an idiot. Is this fool a gay pedophile? Welp, good luck, kiddo. I hope you practiced clenching your butt cheeks! Anyway, I secure my retirement fund. It’s time to quit my job and migrate to a better place. Oh, I should call dad and tell him to close down that convenience store. I should also bring him abroad and leave this hell hole.’

Qin Mu packed his stuff and waited for his shift to be over. He also got busy writing his resignation letter. While drafting the letter, he wondered if Uncle Sam’s police department would accept an immigrant.


Meanwhile, Xiaomao was also on the phone. Liu Bei seemed to be enthusiastic about something.

‘Hey, friend. I heard you won big.’

“Won what, munya?”

‘Don’t play dumb. Did you check the auction house?’

“What auction, munya?”

‘Oh, my. Silly me. I jumped the gun. Well, did you play Pangu Online 2?’

“I do, munya. What do you want?”

‘What is your ID again? Which world are you playing?’

“None of your business, munya!”

‘Don’t be like this. Didn’t I give you some cash?’

“You did, but that was for the trouble you caused. I owe you nothing, munya!”

Xiaomao remembered Liu Bei and his generous gifts. However, he wasn’t that close to this gangster to the point that he would share sensitive information.

‘Listen here, friend. It’s not that I want something from you. I’m here to recruit you to my association and guild. How about it? Don’t you want social connections? I can introduce you to a few movie stars, sexy women, and politicians. My father is the mayor, remember?’

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