Celebrity Lady

Chapter 105

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‘Are you really helping me now? What’s going on…?’

I smiled faintly and spread out the dance cards. Just as he said, his name was written on one line.

“That’s right.” Shane muttered, shooting Kedrick a pitiful look, “I’m not familiar with this party culture since I’ve been in the Magic Tower all day.”


“But it’s common sense to know that forcibly dragging a girl who doesn’t want to dance and making her dance is disrespectful behavior, right?”

Kedrick remained frozen in place.

The noble gentlemen who had been whispering to each other in secret now openly sneered at Kedrick.

“Yeah, he’s insane. How could he act so boldly because of his family…”

“It’s a funny thing. The Diollus family is also a tremendous household…”

“Young Lady Diollus is kind-hearted, so she just let it go. If it were me, I would have embarrassed him even more.”

“It seems they weren’t even close, but he threatened me not to pay attention to her…”


“He said that to me earlier.”

Kedrick floundered absentmindedly, hearing the mockery that reached his ears.

Though I wanted to ridicule him, I gracefully reached out my hand toward Shane, refraining from doing so.

Shane flinched.

“Don’t you want to dance?” Pretending not to know, I blinked playfully, and his gaze turned toward the hyenas around me.

After hesitating, Shane clicked his tongue and grabbed my hand.

“Thank you. I was in a difficult situation.”

Quietly expressing my gratitude, meant for Shane alone, I led him toward the center of the ballroom. An easy dance rhythm was flowing.

“You’re not good at dancing, are you? But this one is fairly easy.”

“What do you see me as?” An exasperated Shane pulled me tightly by my waist, and he clasped my right hand with his left.

“Oh, you can dance.”

“You became a mummy while you were away.”

“A mummy? Shouldn’t you compliment me for achieving a healthy figure?”

“You don’t look particularly healthy, though.”

How unpleasant his words were. It was surprising that he helped me, but Shane hadn’t changed a bit.

We continued to wander around the ballroom, whispering to each other.

“Oh my, you brought my gift.” Suddenly, I noticed a cool watch on Shane’s wrist. It was the gift I had sent to the Tower along with a gratitude letter. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It’s expensive. It’s the most popular design from <Blanc de Ruby>.”

“It’s not beautiful at all. It’s relatively convenient, that’s why I wear it around. Otherwise, I would have thrown it away. There’s no need to be loaded with unnecessary jewels.”


Why is this person so distorted?

I grumbled, “Well, you’re definitely not someone with that much sense, so how would you know what’s beautiful?”


I playfully whispered into Shane’s ear, “I heard that the owner of the Magic Tower did the interior decoration of the ballroom today. No wonder it looked a bit tacky. The lighting was too glaring, it hurt my eyes.”

“Wh-hat did you say?”

“And what’s with that video board over there? If you were going to put up a billboard, you could have made it more sophisticated.”

The large video board above the pedestal, displaying “1520 Descarde Debutante Ball,” had garish colors and a blinding brightness that made it hard to look at twice.

“It kind of looks like a PowerPoint…”

“What the heck is that?”

“It means it’s unnecessarily flashy and childish, and it doesn’t really fit in.”


Did I go too far? I wanted to hold back my laughter and say it was just a joke, but for some reason, Shane gave me a strange glance and smirked.

And then…

“Oh, my goodness!”

“What is that?”

Everyone in the ballroom widened their eyes and stared at the pedestal simultaneously.

What’s going on? I turned around, following their gaze, and was astonished.


♪♬★☆♡♥♥Congratulations♥ on the social debut of Princess Rubetria Diollus♪♬★☆♡♥

“Did the owner of the Magic Tower do it?”

“Seems like it. Look, he’s dancing with Young Lady Diollus right now.”

“The first dance with His Highness the Crown Prince and the next dance with His Highness Shane. She certainly keeps the company of remarkable individuals.”

My name flowed prominently on the flashy billboard. I couldn’t spare any attention for the whispers directed at me.

“Damn it. What the…?”

Shane smirked, satisfied and full of derision.

“Geez, to attack me like this…”

“How’s my sense?”

I surrendered while trembling. “Oh, you’re very good. I’m embarrassed, so please, please stop. I admit defeat.”


However, the naughty Shane didn’t stop even until the end of the dance, no, until the end of the ball.

He didn’t take down that enormous billboard…

‘The owner of the Magic Tower, Shane, has a strong tendency to repay in kind when offended. I should refrain from provoking him in the future.’

I firmly inputted that into my mind and reflected on my actions.


On a night when the yellow moon rose, Behind the palace where the ballroom, Evian Hall, was located,

The 2nd Prince, Nathan, witnessed an unexpected situation.

“With whom did you engage in conversation?”

“I did as instructed and didn’t speak to anyone.”

“You’re blatantly lying.”

“I-I’m not lying…”

Someone was observing the secret conversation between Crown Prince Lark and Princess Rubetria.

“What did you talk about with the owner of the Tower?”

“We, we just danced a single song—”



With a menacing expression that had never been seen before, Lark tightly grabbed Rubette’s shoulder and intimidated her, “Listen carefully. If the future you witnessed unfolds as it is, I won’t be the only one to die.”


“If you want to live, behave properly.”


What could this all mean? Although it needed to be carefully reviewed and contemplated, one thing was certain.

Nathan had learned something quite significant.

‘They… They didn’t have the kind of relationship I thought they did?’

Nathan had assumed that the Vista’s contractor had seized the opportunity to become Lark’s ally.

‘But Lark is intimidating and threatening that young girl?’

Heh, the corners of Nathan’s mouth curled up with satisfaction. If that were the case, then perhaps things would become easier.

‘I’m glad I decided to come and see their faces at least.’

Immediately after concluding the kidnapping play, Rubetria Diollus revealed herself at the ballroom. Nathan, who had intended to approach her under the guise of a coincidence, near the location where her carriage was waiting, praised his quick judgment.

“Let’s go now.”


Lark forcefully grabbed Rubette’s arm, as if handling a slave.

‘Shall I make my entrance now?’

Nathan’s excitement made his footsteps resonate.

Lark, who was about to leave, stiffened and turned about upon hearing the sound of grass being crushed.


There was a noticeable expression of surprise. His momentary confusion suggested that he suspected Nathan might have overheard their conversation.

Nathan acted oblivious, feigning cluelessness. “Oh, Brother? What a coincidence to meet you here.”

“What brings you to the palace this evening?” As Lark questioned, hiding Rubetria behind him as if protecting a treasure, Nathan inwardly smirked.

“I couldn’t sleep, so I went out for a walk. Seems like I’m disturbing you?”


At that moment, Nathan hesitated when he saw the expression on Rubette’s face as she stood behind Lark, looking at him. Eyes widened with anticipation, trembling lips. Her beautiful face displayed a complex mix of emotions.

It was as if…

Yes, a slightly joyful expression as if meeting the awaited savior. It wasn’t a delusion; Rubette boldly pushed Lark aside and hurried toward Nathan.

And then, like someone desperate for life or death, she urgently spoke, “I greet the 2nd Prince Nathan van Rashmagh Descarde. I’m Rubetria Diollus.”


It was as if she was saying, “Please help me,” with every fiber of her being. Like someone with no other chance, she reached out her hand desperately, as if giving everything she had.

The handshake she abruptly extended, which went completely against etiquette, clearly conveyed something.

Nathan tactfully grabbed Rubette’s hand in return.

“Rubette!” Lark, who approached with a menacing expression, roughly grabbed Rubette’s arm.


Although Rubette winced in pain, Lark paid no attention, as if he had dealt with her like this a couple of times before.

“Brother!” Nathan intervened with a displeased expression. “What are you doing? Why do you treat this delicate young lady so roughly?”

“It’s none of your concern.” Lark’s expression, hiding Rubette behind him as if he wouldn’t even let them make eye contact, was filled with madness.

Nathan continued to feign ignorance, maintaining his expression of anger. “Isn’t the princess in pain? I am greatly perplexed whether you are the brother I know, treating a woman so recklessly.”

“I told you it’s none of your concern. The princess and I have a special relationship, and it’s something we’re accustomed to.”


“Leave quickly.”

Lark forcefully pushed Rubette toward the carriage, and she was dragged along in his grip like a slave being sold.

Nathan, watching their retreating figures with a pained expression, turned his body quietly as soon as the carriage departed. Then, with a rustle, he unfolded the small piece of paper in his hand and trembled with excitement.

“Wow, this is insane…”

Rubette, who had requested the handshake as if meeting a savior, had sent him a cute signal. The small note he received from her hand was folded several times.

Nathan bit his lip, his head filled with excitement. “This is incredible. This adorable princess.”


Returning to the duke’s residence after a long time, I found myself in my bedroom. As I stood in front of the vanity, applying toner before going to bed, I caught a glimpse of Wishit in the mirror.

“You.” He muttered with a fearful expression, “You’re good at acting.”

Tap, tap. I lightly tapped my cheek, pretending to be clueless, and then burst into laughter.

“Heh, hehehe.” Then, I turned to face the disgusted Wishit and shrugged. “Why, would you like to learn a thing or two as well?”

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