Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 160 Ethereal Voidbreaker slash

Chapter 160 Ethereal Voidbreaker slash


Meanwhile, Kyle was standing on the stage with a dazed expression when the Orc gazed at him with red eyes.

Kyle could see flames dancing in the Orc's eyes. He took a deep breath.

"I am tired and I only have 25% mana left. Let's see if I can kill this huge thing or..."

He chuckled and dashed at the Orc after activating 'Swift steps'. Now he only had two choices fight or flight and Kyle was not in the mood to back down.

The Orc axe was gleaming in the light when he saw Kyle coming at him at full speed.

He snickered and lunged at Kyle with his muscular body. The Orc movements were faster than Kyle but because of its heavy body, the latter speed was just slightly lower than his.

The Orc swung his massive axe, aiming to strike down the prey with a single attack.

After closing the distance, Kyle propelled his body to the left to evade the massive axe. He opened his palm, conjuring a fireball in his hand in an instant. With a swift motion, he hurled it towards the Orc's left eye.

The Orc's eyes narrowed when he saw the fireball. He reacted instantly and stepped back before stopping the attack with his axe.

Kyle clicked his tongue because the fireball only left some burn marks on the Orc hand.

With a roar, the Orc once again swung the axe at Kyle but the latter was nimble and quick, evading the Orc's strikes with graceful agility.

Kyle channeled his mana once more, this time summoning thunder arrows crackling with electric energy. With a flick of his wrist, he released the arrows, sending them soaring towards the Orc. The arrows struck true, electrifying the Orc and momentarily stunning him.

Seizing the opportunity, Kyle closed in, his sword gleaming in the air. He unleashed a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, each blow landing with precision and power.

The Orc, though formidable, lost momentum for a moment because of the sudden arrows and struggled to defend against Kyle's relentless assault. Sparks flew as the clash of steel echoed through the battlefield.

Kyle panted heavily. His clothes were drenched with sweat and his shoes screeched back on the stage when he clashed with the Orc.

In a final, Kyle took a deep breath. His mana was already down. He knew if he didn't finish the battle soon he wouldn't last long.

His eyes gleamed and with a decisive move, he gathered the remnants of his mana.

A painful expression appeared on Kyle's face when all his mana depleted instantly. He winced but glared at the Orc.

"If I am going down I will at least take you with me!"

"Third strike: Ethereal Voidbreaker slash."

He shouted at the top of his lungs and unleashed a devastating strike, imbuing his sword with every bit of mana present inside his body.

With a swift and precise swing, the blade sliced through the air, meeting the Orc's axe head-on. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the stage.

A rift of light and energy that obliterated anything in its path appeared on the stage. With a resounding boom, the Orc's axe shattered under Kyle's attack.

The Orc's body was flung backward and hundreds of wounds appeared on every part of his body. With a painful roar, he fell to his knees.

Kyle stood tall for a few seconds, his hand trembled because of the aftereffects of the attack. His blurry gaze landed on the Orc's blood-filled body.

"It's still al...ive.."

His legs gave in but he stabbed his sword inside the stage to stand. He gritted his teeth and looked at the Orc.

'After so much struggle I need to kill it at least!'

With his body battered and his strength waning, Kyle mustered every ounce of determination he had left and dragged his trembling body toward the Orc.

The orc, sensing him, tries to strike back with one final desperate attack. His large arms were broken but he flung them at Kyle.

In a moment of sheer willpower, Kyle stumbled and dodged the orc's arms.

He clenched his sword and counterattacked with a swift and precise strike. Kyle's sword pierces through the orc's defenses, delivering a fatal blow to his chest. The orc lets out a final roar before collapsing to the ground.

Exhausted and on the brink of fainting, Kyle's body dropped down on the stage with a victorious smile.

The battle is won but at a great cost. His eyes closed instantly and his grip around his sword loosened.

'Good night.'

He said inwardly and lost consciousness. A faint light appeared around his body and ejected him out from the dungeon.

The moment Kyle appeared inside the training ground. His body dropped. A lot of eyes stared at him with respect and awe. His score was still tied with Alec!

Some of the students even praised him inwardly when they remembered Kyle's talent.

In their eyes, his potential was only (B)-Rank but he was almost equal to someone who had (SSS+)-Rank potential!

Professor Aliza instantly arrived in front of Kyle's body. She bent down and gave him the healing potion but he didn't wake up.

Nine who was feeling a lot better crawled toward Kyle with a worried expression.

"Is he alright?"

Aliza grabbed Kyle's wrist and checked his nerves with a frown.

"He depleted all his mana. It will take some time for him to wake up."

Nine made an annoyed expression.

"It's just a mid-term exam. Why the hell these two are trying so hard!"

He gazed at Alec's name. Even though Kyle and Alec's points were equal the latter hadn't come out yet.


Meanwhile, Principal Ratric's gaze was glued to the projection from where Kyle disappeared.

The whole room was quiet. The two top students were giving them too much shock.

First Alec suddenly broke through to (-C)-Rank while fighting the Orc. Second, Kyle's last sword move left everyone speechless.

George took a deep breath.

"What a strong sword strike. It's only at the beginner stage but it's already so devasting."

He said and remembered how Kyle's sword moved to deliver the second last strike. It was strong enough to injure even a (C)-Rank monster not to mention the Orc who was only (-C)-Rank.

Principal Ratric nodded.

"I take back my evaluation. If Kyle fought with Alec now I think there's a 50 percent chance he can defeat him if he used this move."

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