Celestial Employee

v2 Chapter 42 - Caveman

Suzaku was naturally curious. When he saw the cave among the weeds in the Eye of Chaos, Suzaku couldn’t help but go in to explore. Just saw the two people who grasped the blood **** son and became a benevolence if they didn’t succeed. I was very curious. Now that I saw the dark and dark island right in front of me, Suzaku could bear it.

“Let’s go.”

After getting the five-color divine light, except for Hongjun Taoist, Suzaku hasn’t had a good relationship with people, so Suzaku can’t wait for there to be a bunch of monsters and monsters on the island, so that he can have a good time. Secondly, the present Suzaku has done a lot of shrewdness. When he took the lead with Zhao Lingjun, Suzaku actually did not forget to cast two Maoshan and Wumen spells learned from Zhao Lingjun. After he and Qiong Xiao, Yun Xiao’s mana wave fluctuated at sea. It made Zhao Lingjun and others look at Suzaku a little.

The guesses of Wu Xiaoye and Suzaku pedestrians are pretty good, and there seems to be something magical on that dark and lonely island. Can make the magic weapon flying sword out of control, but that thing has no effect on the spell. Suzaku and Qiong Xiao, Yun Xiao drove the cloud, and within a moment, she quietly flew to the side of the black island.

This time is at noon, but after the oblique sunlight has passed through the thick malaria, it has become a mass of blue and yellow light. Zhao Lingjun and four others hid in the shadows covered by the thick malaria and saw the strange rocks on the island. Apart from the tall and strange plants like leaves and iron, they did not find any trace of living creatures.

“Did you see those birdmen flying to this island, can it suddenly evaporate?”

Suzaku and others do not believe that those birdmen will disappear from under their eyelids, flying around the black islands along the dark and dull places under the thick malaria.

“Boss, look quickly.” After the four people flew around the island, Suzaku saw a huge cave in the shadow of a black mountain surrounded by depressions. Looking intently, the opening of the cave seemed to have some black iron-like feathers, which looked exactly like those of the birdmen.

“Let’s sneak in and see.” Zhao Lingjun knew that even if there were no demons in it, those birdmen must have gone to the cave. After making a wink towards Yunxiao and Qiongxiao. Four people quietly fell to the entrance of the cave.

The hole is about five or six feet high and three to four feet wide, with no traces of artificial excavation, but the sharp stones are staggered like dog teeth. Among them is the cloudy wind, and the smelly smells come from the waves that make the entire dark cave like the monster’s wide eyes, very eerie, but Suzaku and Zhao Lingjun are bold characters, and have seen countless rare terror Things, this little scene, how scared the two.

“MLGBD. People who live in this kind of place are not good birds.”

Without stopping at all, Suzaku jumped into the cave with Zhao Lingjun on his back. The cave is huge. A piece of black paint lantern. Because of the fear of disturbing the birdmen in the cave, Suzaku dared not cast a fire spell to illuminate. Perform the art of imperial wind. Floating towards the cave.

“If this cave is smaller, it’s almost like a sewer.” The cave walls are all sticky and smelly liquid. The cave Yongdao turned down again, and it was extremely steep. Zhao Lingjun, who was lying on the back of Suzaku, smiled bitterly, and couldn’t help but think of the sewer in Huajingyuan Community that made him go.

Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku, Yunxiao, Qiong Xiao went silently in the dark cave for a while, and it was already in the depths of the mountain.

After staying in the dark for a while, the eyes of Suzaku, Zhao Ling, Qiong Xiao, and Yun Xiao had already slowly adapted to the darkness in the cave, but unexpectedly, after turning around a right angled tunnel, their eyes suddenly flashed There was a bright light.


This sudden flash of light made Suzaku startled. Suzaku thought that he had reached the bird’s nest, but after his eyes slowly adjusted, the four talents could see clearly that there was still a long channel in front of them. In the corridor, there are white dots of light like fireflies floating like stars and lanterns, like thousands of floating lanterns, illuminating the green and dark green in the cave, the illusion of light flowing away, quite bright.

“How come there are these bugs here.”

Through the little white light, Yun Xiao saw that in the green slime on the wall of the cave, some small insects like green beads were creeping gently. Yun Xiao recognized these small insects as bone worms.

Bone-eaten silkworms are small insects that live in a dark place and feed on their lives. They are venomous and are the materials used by many evil monks to practice Gu. These small insects are very cherished. They are hard to see at ordinary times. I think there are so many here.

“I *, these are behind phosphorous fire.”

Hearing Suzaku’s whisper, Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao and others were all stunned in the main, staring at each other, and surely found that the broken bones under the channel in front of them piled up like a mountain, and the little white light was from the piled up bones like a mountain Phosphorus fire emanating from.

“Did these bone-eating silkworms come from someone’s room?”

“You useless things! After going to so many people, I only brought back ten blood gods.”

Yun Xiao looked at the phosphorous bone in the tunnel in front of her eyes, and in amazement, there was a sudden cry of yelling in Yongdao.

The sudden loud howl made all four surprised, but the four had no time to do anything in the future, but the loud howling started again.

“If you don’t kill the last one, you will be effective. If you do things next time, how can you do your best.”

After the sound of “Gou” sounded, there was another roar of birdmen in Yongdao, as if they were begging for a strong howling.

“Those birdmen are really driven.”

Such thoughts just flashed in the minds of the four people, and the four people heard a scream of “clucking”, and the two birdmen were thrown out of the long tunnels, and they hit the front of the people impartially. On the far wall. The four of them held their breaths and saw that when the two birdmen were thrown out, their brains had burst and their eyes burst out, as if they had been killed alive by some means.

“It’s a poisonous means.” Zhao Ling expected that the guy in it would only kill a few birdmen that frightened the rest, but he didn’t expect that the man actually gave a heavy hand and killed two.

After the two birdmen were taken out, the bone-eating silkworms on the wall slipped like green beads, crawled on the two birdmen, and began to **** up the flesh and blood of the two birdmen. The sound of squeaking and smoking for a while was endless.

“I *!” Suzaku originally thought that the demon inside would throw out two birdmen, and they would appear immediately, but Suzaku waited for a while, and heard that his teeth were sour, but he didn’t see any movement in it, and finally endured Can not help driving the cloud, flew into the Yongdao.

Yunxiao and Qiongxiao saw Suzaku flying away with Zhao Lingjun carrying Yufeng, and naturally followed closely. Because the four of them did not know what kind of demon was in the cave, they were very careful when flying Yufeng. There was a trace of noise.

“It seems our luck is pretty good.”

Suzaku took Zhao Lingjun forward for less than 100 meters, and Zhao Lingjun’s eyes were horribly cheerful. What appeared in front of the four turned out to be a huge valley in a cave. The walls of the valley are covered with a dark and sudden cave, like a pit, and in the valley there is a windy wind, and there is a stone platform piled by rubble in the middle, on which sits a tall and burly body, the whole The body shone green, as if it were a humanoid monster made up of green phosphorous fire. Under the stone platform were kneeling down dozens of trembling birdmen.

These birdmen and monsters on the stone platform are facing away from the passage into the valley, and when Zhao Lingjun and others sneaked in, the humanoid monster’s body except for the sparkling green light ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The faint red mist appeared as if he had just engulfed the blood **** son and was refining it, so no one actually found Zhao Lingjun and other four infiltrating.

“What should I do?” Suzaku glanced at Zhao Lingjun with interrogative eyes.

“Let’s talk about it.” Zhao Lingjun felt that since he came here and was not found, it would be better to watch it for a while. Anyway, although the fluctuations in Dao strength radiated by the demon were arrogant, they looked at most similar to those of Yun Xiao and others. Those birdmen were of low mana. Zhao Lingjun was not afraid that the four people would not be opponents of the demon by then. So after making a glance at Suzaku and others, the four of them secretly hid behind a rock pile in a dark corner of the valley, hiding their bodies, and prepared to sneak a look at it for a while to understand what the demon was. After something, decide how to deal with this demon.

The demon did not disappoint Zhao Lingjun, but after a few urinations, the demon refined the blood **** and stood up.

“Go back to the cave.”

“Gu Go” screamed, and after hearing the demon’s words, the birds who obeyed were all amnesty, spread their wings, and dropped into the caves on the walls of the valley like pits. In a moment, the entire valley was empty, and Zhao Lingjun and others were left with the demon standing on the stone platform.

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