Celestial Mage

Chapter 1 Snowy Night in the North

Chapter 1 Snowy Night in the North

Cold winter, snowy night.

Northern Territory, Shimmer Forest.

The stars and the moon had no light, the sky and the earth seemed to be soaked in a ball of thick ink, and the cold wind whizzed, like the howling of hell devils.

In the depths of the forest, there is a simple cottage built of logs called Yelang Village. In a corner of the village, there is a low sheep pen, in which dozens of goats are kept.

It is a thick-velvet curly sheep unique to the northern region. It has thick and thick wool and is extremely cold-resistant.

Even so, the flock of sheep nestled tightly together to resist the biting cold wind that kept piercing through the gaps in the planks.

Suddenly, a young man's shrill voice came from among the sheep.

"Joe, can you calm down?"

After a few seconds, a hoarse drake voice sounded again: "Don't worry, I know what's inside."

Immediately shouted in a high-pitched voice: "There are so many farts! You said that last time! You said that last time! But you never got it right!"

The voice of the male duck also became louder: "Why are there so many nonsense? Can't you follow Rosen's example and shut up properly?"

"Is it reasonable for you to do such dirty things all day long?!"

"What, want to fight? You are not as big as a goblin, I can beat your shit out with one hand!"

"Come on! Afraid of you?!"

Two teenagers suddenly stood up in the middle of the flock.

By the faint light of the torches to drive the animals in the village, one can vaguely see a young man who is very thin, with his thin linen clothes thrown down to his waist, revealing a pair of bony legs.The other was thinner and extremely short, like a thin hemp stalk.

The two formed a battle, ready to fight.

At this time, another boy's voice came from among the sheep: "Calm down, both of you, the sheep are startled, and if they start making noise, no one will be able to please anyone."

It was Rosen who had been silent.

The male duck voice looked indifferent: "Hmph, it's just a few whips, what's the big deal?"

The high-pitched voice did not show weakness, and snorted, "I'm not afraid either!"

Rosen smiled lightly, and said in a calm voice, "Let me remind you that my son just died yesterday, and you are not happy. Do you want to touch this bad luck?"

As soon as these words came out, the two skinny teenagers shrank their necks subconsciously, and all their courage disappeared, but young people want face, and neither of them wants to back down first.

Rosen's voice sounded again.

"It's so cold that your toes will freeze off, and you're all hungry, so save your energy. Joe, you should move more slowly."

With the steps, the two teenagers were discouraged.

They stared at each other, snorted coldly, and retreated to the flock again to keep warm.

On the other side of the sheep flock, the boy who persuaded the fight was curled up among a few docile ewes, his immature face couldn't help showing a trace of emotion.

It has been a month since I traveled through time, and I actually worked as a shepherd for a group of bandits, sleeping with the flock every day, not enough to eat and not warm, and my body was covered in fleas and bugs.

I thought I wouldn't be able to hold on, but I didn't expect to get used to it, not only not uncomfortable, but also inexplicably comfortable.

In the previous life, when people reached middle age, their bodies gradually declined, but the burden on their shoulders increased day by day.

Parents need to be cared for when they are old, and children need to be cared for when they are studying. They opened a factory, and more than [-] workers have to be paid monthly. However, the economic situation has not been good these years.

It was as if there was an invisible giant hand tightly grasping his body, tightening it up bit by bit, bit by bit draining the life force in his body until it was completely drained!
But now, he is a shepherd in the bandit's den. The bandit's father died three years ago in a robbery, and his mother fell into the arms of another bandit that night, and died of dystocia two years ago.

As a young bachelor who is only 15 years old, Rosen is like a bird entering the forest and a fish returning to the sea, with an indescribably refreshing feeling.

But there are also many troubles.

To sum it up in one sentence, there is no hope for life!
He didn't want to hang out with bandits for the rest of his life.

'It's a pity that I didn't get any benefits after traveling through time. '

Thinking of this, Rosen smiled even more bitterly.

Concentrating on it, I said silently in my heart: 'Desktop. '

Immediately, the eyes light up slightly, and there is a computer desktop with a dark blue background in the field of vision, with a length and width ratio of 16 to 9, 24 inches, the classic specifications of an office computer screen.

The desktop is empty, there is no task bar, no start button, and no tools and software, only one folder.

Folder name: "My Harem".

Open the folder, there are a lot of subfolders in it, open one of them at random, and there will be a large number of entertainment pictures and videos that normal men like.

That's right!

Other people's time travels are all gifted against the sky. He, Luo Sen, traveled through time, but he only brought along the ladies and sisters he had collected for many years.

So how many girls are there?

It’s not too much. After 20 years of collection, seven or eight computers have been replaced. Accumulated along the way, it’s only five tons.

This benefit is not completely useless, after a month of exploration, I also found a usage.

Choose a picture of a young lady, stare at it for 2 seconds, and a 'whether to print' option will pop up.

As long as you choose 'Yes', pick up a tool that can draw at the same time, and then relax your mind, you can accurately 'print' the young lady.

If this world also has the profession of 'painter', then he should be able to earn a living with this craft.

It's a pity that the bandits in Yelangzhai are all rough and don't understand art!
Rosen tried to use charcoal to draw a few pictures of beauties on a wooden board. When the bandits saw it, they could only say "well done", and then snatched the wooden board away, hid in a corner, and reviewed their ancestral craftsmanship in front of the wooden board. .

Occasionally, bachelor thieves would come to him and ask for beautiful wooden planks, but don't think about the rewards. If you dare to say no to painting, you will be beaten in the next second.

Traveling through a month, a "big rich man" with 5 tons of treasures can only help the bandits herd sheep every day, and fill his stomach with a few leftovers.

During the usual chats, Rosen also learned some basic information about the world from other people.

He now knows that the land under his feet is called the land of gold, and it is ruled by various golden gods, and the wild wolf village is at the northernmost point of the land of gold, and the lord is called the Duke of Ice.

The leader of this den of bandits in Wild Wolf Village is nicknamed 'Iron Claw Wolf'.

It is said that Iron Claw Wolf once served as a soldier under a baron when he was young.

His nickname was not in vain. When fighting, his hands would light up with a blue-black shimmer like iron. With one claw, it would be easy to tear open a belly, open a tablet and crack a stone.

Half a month ago, a large grizzly bear weighing several tons attacked the Wild Wolf Village. Rosen saw with his own eyes that the Iron Claw Wolf strode over, stabbed down with one claw, and directly pierced the hard bear's head.

It is stronger than Jiuyin White Bone Claw!
Two days ago, another scary thing happened in the village.

The bandits went out to rob, and encountered a terrifying curse mage on the way. Although they escaped quickly, the leader's son was cursed by the other party.

When I first came back, there was nothing unusual, but my face was a little pale, but after less than two days, I died with black blood from all seven orifices and cracked skin all over my body. It was extremely miserable.

Rosen couldn't help thinking: "Such a powerful Iron Claw Wolf can only be a soldier."Such a powerful bandit went out to rob, and when he met a cursed mage, he ran away without fighting spirit, and his son didn't dare to say revenge after being killed.It's a scary world. '

His expectations for the future are falling again and again.

When he just crossed over, what he thought was lying drunk on the lap of a beauty, waking up and taking power in the world.

Now, his idea is very realistic: "Live well, if you have the chance, escape from the den of thieves, go to the big city, and make a living by sketching for the young ladies." '

A sharp voice appeared immediately: "Joe, can you have something to do!"

"I'm thinking, why do all the women in the village have their own owners?"

Drake sighed, and said again: "If only I knew magic.

"What has magic got to do with women?" asked the shrill voice.

"Are you stupid?" Drake said with contempt in his voice, "If I know magic, at night, I will turn all these goats into women and sleep with me every day."


Rosen heard it was interesting and couldn't help laughing out loud.

The male duck snorted, "What are you laughing at, Luo Sen? Don't you miss women?"

Rosen smiled lightly: "Of course I want to."

All men have desires, and among them, adolescent men have the strongest desires!
The boy's body is like a gunpowder keg, with no sparks visible, as soon as he sees the white arms, he can jump to the children and grandchildren in a few seconds.

But after all, I have experienced it in my previous life, and I have also deeply understood the cold truth of life hidden behind the fiery hormones, so I have less indulgence and more patience than ignorant teenagers.

He said softly: "The magician is very powerful, even the leader is afraid of seeing him. If you become a magician, will you worry about not finding a real woman?"

'Haha~~' laughed loudly.

"That's true." Gong Yasheng scratched his head in embarrassment, and also laughed.

Having said that, Rosen expressed his understanding of Joe's behavior, but he was too lazy to care about it.

Adolescent boys, commonly known as "ghosts and sorrows", are the most rebellious and unruly. Among the three, Luo Sen is the youngest and the weakest. If he disagrees with him, he will be beaten.

For the sake of his own health, he has always been cautious in his words and deeds.

Turning over, covering his numb hands and feet with warm cashmere, Rosen continued to close his eyes and rest.

Suddenly his back was itchy, and he stretched out his hand to touch it, but it turned out to be a blood-sucking bug.

Chong'er was already full of blood, and his stomach was swollen like a red bean.Throw it directly into your mouth, bite your teeth, give it a 'crack', just like eating fried beans, and then swallow it directly without spitting it out.

Life is hard, and no nutrition should be wasted.

Outside the sheep pen, the cold wind howled, and the snowflakes fluttered tirelessly. As the night gradually deepened, Rosen yawned, and his spirit gradually became trance-like.

In the haze, the mind is still full of thoughts.

'Can the computer in my mind install new software? '

"Being a erotic painter in this world should be able to support a family, marry a wife and have children, right?"Or do you just want to be a bachelor for the rest of your life and be free and easy? '

'Cursed mage. What kind of existence is it? '

'Can I learn magic? '


Suddenly, a sheep cry came from the ear, the sound was not heavy, but full of vigilance.

The next moment, all the sheep in the entire sheepfold stood up with a 'crash'.

Rosen woke up instantly. With the firelight penetrating through the gap, he carefully looked at the flock.

The sheep were a little restless, and the head sheep hit the wooden fence of the sheep pen with its horns many times, making a 'bang bang bang' sound.

The other two teenagers were also awakened. They had already got up and were standing among the sheep, looking at each other.

"What happened?" asked the squeaky voice.

"It may be that there are ferocious beasts outside the village, and it was the same when the grizzly came over last time." The voice of the male duck guessed.

Rosen thought so too, but he was a taciturn character, and he would not jump to conclusions until he had a thorough understanding of the situation.

The next moment, the mutation reappeared!

Among the sheep, the expressions of the two teenagers suddenly changed drastically!
The faces of the two turned blue and purple at a speed visible to the naked eye, and blood continued to flow from their mouths, noses, and eyes. A pair of hands as thin as chicken feet were scratching at their chests, and they said "uh~~uh~~~" from their mouths Suffocation.

After less than 5 seconds, the two teenagers stopped struggling and fell limply to the ground.

Their faces turned black, their heads were abnormally swollen, like an inflated, shiny black balloon, and their deaths were extremely tragic!

An unexplainable horror scene happened before Rosen's eyes, which brought him a severe mental shock.

His eyes were wide open in shock, and he stared closely at the corpse in front of him. He felt his heart beating like thunder, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

'Ding! '

Vaguely, there was a slight shock in his mind, and a stream of information passed through Rosen's consciousness.

'The software "Rosen's Adventure Log" has been installed. This software will record the user's adventure experience from all angles, and the user can play back and take screenshots at any time. '

Rosen was taken aback: "Have you installed new software?"What's the use? '

Before I could think about it, more anomalies appeared.

The restless flock seemed to have been appeased in some way, and gradually calmed down.

The head sheep stopped hitting the wall, and the ewes lay on the ground again, but at some point, all the animal-repelling torches on the outer wall went out.

The entire cottage was plunged into a ball of ink that was so thick that it couldn't be melted, and you couldn't see your fingers, as if a dark hell had descended on the world.

(End of this chapter)

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