Celestial Mage

Chapter 22 My Amazing Apprentice

Chapter 22 My Amazing Apprentice
By the cold water river.

"Hey hey hey~~hahaha~~~~~"

Cyrus let out a icy laugh, and with his laughter, explosions appeared one after another in the snow on the surface of the cold river, bursting out clusters of astonishingly lethal gray-white flames.


The ice on the Hanshui River melted so quickly that it melted the ice surface more than a hundred meters long and tens of meters wide, exposing the jet-black, icy-cold water below.

The rushing water blocked Xia Bolai's way.

At the same time, the living corpses on the river bank were in a semicircle, approaching Xia Bolai from behind.

Cyrus slowly retreated to the opposite river bank, his disdainful voice crossed the water with the cold wind and reached Chapolei's ears.

"You warriors all look alike, thinking that anger can change the facts."

"As everyone knows, the only function of anger is to move yourselves, and what can really change the world is the power of reason and wisdom."

The ground was burning with ashes and ice, and the sky was filled with snowflakes. Cyrus' voice seemed to be mixed with the mighty power of heaven and earth, showing a suffocating oppressive force.

No matter how angry Xia Bolai was, he had to stop.

The right time and place were all taken up by the opponent, and a nearly perfect trap was set up, but just now when a wave of full strength erupted, his strength was less than [-]% left.

Forcibly rushing at this moment, not only would he not be able to kill the opponent, but he would also die in vain.

The living corpse behind him was getting closer and closer, and after a moment of hesitation, he would be surrounded again.

Seeing that Cyrus was getting further and further away, the blood in Xia Bolai's heart quickly subsided, but he still felt deeply unwilling.

"Cyrus, wait for me! I will definitely kill you! I will definitely kill you!"

As he spoke, he stooped to pick up the stone from the ground, and threw it at Cyrus with all his might.

He hadn't practiced throwing much, his accuracy was average, and the opponent was protected by living corpses, so naturally he didn't expect the stone to hurt the opponent, it was just to vent his anger.


Sure enough, a living corpse took a step forward, stood in front of Cyrus, and blocked the stone with its own body.

But the stone thrown by the high-ranking warrior was still very strong, and the living corpse was also staggered and almost fell down.

Cyrus chuckled lowly.

"You know, Xia Bolai, you look like a defeated rooster now, I forgot, your name is not Xia Bolai now, what should you call it?"

"Trash, or a lost dog?"

The traps were carefully arranged, and despite the full protection of the high-ranking warriors, the goal was still successfully achieved, and the high-ranking warriors only dared to jump on the shore, so that they had to use stones to vent their anger.

This kind of power is something he never dared to imagine before.

He was so refreshed in his heart that he couldn't help laughing, at first he laughed softly, then he laughed louder and louder until he looked up to the sky and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha~~ Starting today, I, Cyrus Gogoril, will no longer be an unknown wandering mage!"

"No one dares to laugh at me anymore! No one dares to despise me anymore!"

"From this moment on, I am the mighty Ash Mage, the bringer of death and fire, the embodiment of destruction"

'boom! '

Cyrus' body shook violently, and a piercing pain emerged from his chest, piercing into his mind like a sharp knife.

Under the severe pain, his body was completely paralyzed, and the thinking in his mind almost stopped, as if frozen.

"what happened?"

Cyrus lowered his head with all his strength, and saw that his chest was sunken, and a glass bead the size of a walnut was deeply embedded in the sunken place.

Because of the violent collision with the ribs, cracks were everywhere inside the glass bead, and it was already on the verge of shattering.

"glass bead?"

"Why are there glass beads?!"

Cyrus' thinking was nearly stagnant due to the severe pain, and he really couldn't figure out why something like glass beads appeared on his chest that had nothing to do with the current situation.

Suddenly, a slightly immature young voice drifted into his ears with the wind: "Teacher, thank you for teaching me the last lesson."

"It's Rosen?! Aren't you dead?"

How could he hear such a miserable scream?
Cyrus turned his eyes to look at the river, and found that Rosen was standing naked on the snowy ground. His clothes had been burnt to ashes long ago, but his body was intact.

"How is it possible? How could he resist the flames of the Ember Bird?"

Even after his absorption, the power of ashes, which was originally extraordinary mana, was greatly reduced, but it was still extremely lethal.

Even high-ranking warriors dare not underestimate him. How could he, a mere magic apprentice, block him?

"Teacher, if I don't scream, you will definitely make up the knife to confirm, right?"

While speaking, the air flow in the air suddenly became faster, and another glass bead flew towards Cyrus at an extremely fast speed, and with a bang, it hit Cyrus in the eye.

Under the huge impact force, the glass beads directly exploded Cyrus' eyeballs, and then slammed into the skull behind the eyes.

The glass bead shattered directly, and the shattered shards splashed around the eye sockets, tearing Cyrus' face.

Cyrus felt his head shake violently, his vision went dark, he could no longer control his body, and fell on his back on the snow.

Blood flowed continuously from his chest and face, and spread continuously under him, a crimson blood flower gradually blooming.

Not far away, Lilith was stalked by living corpses, desperately dodging.

When they were in a hurry, those living corpses suddenly stood still, and then fell to the ground like a wooden stake, and then fell to the ground.

She was slightly surprised, turned her head, and saw Cyrus lying on the snow, and then turned her head, and saw Xia Bolai who was stunned.

Finally, he turned his gaze again, and finally saw Rosen standing naked on the snow.

"Rosen is not dead?"

"And how did Cyrus die?"

Two big questions came to mind.

On the other side, Xia Bolai finally came to his senses.

He was deeply afraid that Cyrus would not die completely, so he quickly bypassed the thawed river and ran to Cyrus, with the Demon Severing Knife resting on his neck.

Cyrus didn't faint, and still had a faint sense of consciousness.

Xia Bolai said coldly: "Do you have any last words, despicable thief?"


A low, miserable laugh escaped from the mage's throat, and he whispered to himself.


"My amazing apprentice~~~hehehehe~~~"


Xia Bolai cut off his head with a knife.

But it wasn't enough, so he chopped more than a dozen knives on the head, until the head was chopped into meat paste.

Afterwards, Xia Bolai kicked again and again, kicking Cyrus and the living corpse into the river, and the river faithfully carried away the corpse.

Everything returned to calm, only the whistling of the cold wind remained.

Xia Bolai stood blankly on the ice, but still felt that what happened before was not real, it was almost like a dream.

A voice floated down the wind: "Uncle, can you help me find a piece of clothing? I'm about to freeze to death."

It's Rosen.

It was only then that Xia Bolai came back to his senses. He quickly ran back to the river, and saw that Luo Sen's body was pale from the cold, so he took off his coat and put it on him.

He couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

Rosen was shivering from the cold, and forced a smile on his face: "Didn't I say, can I use the mage's hand to throw things at people?"

"The mage's hand throws things and hits people, but this is too hard?"

Almost blown Cyrus' head off.

Rosen shook his head again and again: "No, no, it's not powerful enough. I expected it to directly penetrate his body, but the result was only a serious injury."

Xia Bolai was so shocked that he couldn't speak, stared at Luo Sen for a while, and then asked suddenly: "Why can't the fire of ashes burn you?"

Rosen looked 'at a loss'.

"I don't know wow. I was on fire just now, and I kept rolling on the snow, and then the fire went out, but my clothes were still burned."

In fact, he was also on the line of life and death just now, and he was able to successfully block the missile with the flame barrier, which was actually a great luck.

The first is because there is only one missile.

The second is that there is thick snow all around his body, and the snow melted into water, soaking the leather clothes on his body, which greatly weakened Huihuo's lethality.

Xia Bolai naturally did not believe it.

Lilith came over, and she couldn't understand: "That's a fire of ashes, ordinary people will burn to ashes if they touch it!"

Rosen looked 'terrified': "Is it so scary?"

Of course he knew this was the case, but of course he wouldn't say it, he just pretended to be stupid anyway.

But unexpectedly, Xia Bolai took the initiative to find out the reason for him. He patted his head and said, "I probably understand why."

"Why?" Lilith and Rosen asked together.

Xia Bolai said: "Probably because Rosen has been practicing sun visualization recently, and it has been very effective. And the fire of the sun is the purest and most original flame in the world, which just restrains the power of ashes."

"Oh, so it is like this." Rosen 'suddenly realized'.

Lilith still found it incredible.

"After more than 20 days of meditation, I was able to resist the power of ashes. How effective is this?"

At this time, Xia Bolai had already identified Rosen as his wife's successor, so naturally he was unwilling to discuss Rosen's talent in magic arts too much.

He chuckled: "Why care about so much? Anyway, it's a good thing."

"Oh, yes, I want to take Rosen back to Silvermoon Castle. As a price, you Nightingale will cancel the money you owe me."

Lilith was a little confused: "Mr. Xia Bolai, we will pay back the money owed to you slowly. How can you take Rosen away?"

Even if it was a thousand gold crowns, with Rosen's painting skills, he could earn it back in a few years.

Fortunately, this prodigal warrior actually planned to take away the laying hen directly, and he looked like he didn't take advantage of it.

Xia Bolai's face turned cold: "It doesn't mean paying it back slowly. You can either pay me back a thousand immediately, or don't pay me back, so don't babble."


Xia Bolai's face became even colder: "Little girl, under normal circumstances, I don't kill beauties, but there are exceptions. You'd better not let me make an exception for you!"

Lilith didn't move immediately, she could only nod.

"That's fine. However, everyone is tired after a deadly battle, why don't you go back to the hotel to rest?"

Xia Bolai smiled: "Then there's no need. Time is too tight, so I'll take Rosen back."

Seeing that Lilith wanted to say more, he grinned and laughed.

"Little girl, don't make bad decisions. I am very clear about your Nightingale's tricks. You just want to keep me here and secretly plot against me, right?"

Lilith quickly denied: "No, no, you are a distinguished guest, how could we plot against you?"

"That's the idea of ​​taking the time to raise money so that I can gag me with a thousand kroner."

"Hmph~ Let me tell you the truth, even if you collect a thousand, I still want to take Rosen away! So, don't worry about it. Goodbye!"

He walked up to Rosen and picked him up: "Boy, let's go. I'll take you to Silvermoon Castle. Madam will be very happy to see you."

Rosen naturally had no objection.

He turned his head and waved to Lilith: "Goodbye, Miss Lilith. Thank you very much for your hospitality during this time."

Lilith looked at the innocent smile on Rosen's face, and felt that the other party seemed to be a different person.

She felt strange, and couldn't help but began to think about what happened in the past half a month.

Thinking about it, a terrible idea suddenly flashed in my mind.

'It seems that Cyrus and I have been tricked by this guy! '

'No, no, he is still so young, how could he be so powerful? ! '

But the more she recalled the details, the more horrified she felt, and she couldn't help asking Rosen for confirmation.

"Hey, kid, do you know everything about the deal between me and Cyrus?"

"No, no, it's all because of you, right?!"

Rosen didn't answer, just smiled slightly.

Xia Bolai laughed when he heard this.

"I said little girl, you are not so stupid after all. You can't control this little devil at all. I want to keep him. Whether you can survive this year is the question."

(End of this chapter)

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