Celestial Mage

Chapter 28

Chapter 28
At one o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Bolai came back, bringing back an official reward document by the way.

Harrick took the official document and read it.

"Recently, there have been three consecutive homicides around the south of the city square, with similar modus operandi and brutal methods."

"If anyone provides clues to the murderer, depending on the value of the clues, a reward of 5 to 10 crowns will be rewarded. If the murderer can be directly captured, the reward will be 30 crowns—City Hall Public Security Department."

He looked up at Xia Bolai: "Are you planning to become a bounty hunter?"

Xia Bolai nodded: "I've been in the Rose House for a month, and my martial arts skills are a little rusty. It's just a good time to exercise my hands and feet and earn some living expenses."

"That's plausible." Harrick praised, and then asked: "How is Rosen's business going?"

"I went out in person, there is no reason to fail."

Xia Bolai laughed, and stretched out his hand towards Harak.

"I have to borrow 2 crowns from you. Don't look at me like this. I don't use the money, it's for Rosen. He wants to ask someone to be his teacher, so he can't come empty-handed, right?"

"It's almost there."

Harrick fished out 2 crowns from under the counter.

After receiving the money, Xia Bolai rushed upstairs and shouted: "Lawson~Lawson~ Come down quickly, the matter is settled."

A few minutes later, Rosen appeared at the stairs. His clothes were neat and his hair was not messed up.

"Is it finished? Then when will you come to visit me?"

"Right now."

"That's great." Rosen was really happy.

He had already mastered the "Principles of Precise Geometry" by heart, and almost memorized the punctuation marks, but he still didn't dare to learn formal spells, and desperately looked forward to having a mentor to guide him.


Xia Bolai threw 1 crown to Rosen: "I will take you there, and bring some gifts along the way."


Rosen was very relieved that Xia Bolai, who was serious, was still very reliable, but he didn't notice that Harrick's face turned black in an instant.

Xia Bolai saw it, but pretended not to see it, and walked towards the gate with his arm around Rosen's shoulder.

"Let me tell you, your tutor has become more and more eccentric, and he is very difficult to deal with. I came to the door just now, and she scolded me without saying a word."

"Fortunately, I have a thick skin, and I said about you despite the scolding, and she agreed."

"She doesn't want to see me very much, so I'll take you to the door of her residence. The rest is up to you, understand?"

Rosen was startled, and asked, "What's her name? What's her personality like? I mean, will she be aggressive?"

He didn't want to meet a guy with a small belly like Cyrus.

Xia Bolai smiled and said, "Don't worry, she just has a weird temper, you are safe."

"By the way, her full name is Anna Serrandis. Since she is a distinguished official mage, you should call her Ms. Serrandis."

"I remember."

Soon, the two walked out of the hound's house, and walked south of the city for half an hour along the tidy road paved with gravel.

When passing by a grain store, Xia Bolai let him buy 50 catties of semolina, plus 10 catties of high-quality smoked meat, and a bottle of medium-grade moonshine wine.

1 crown, exactly one point left.

Carrying a large bag of food, continue walking until you reach the south of the city square, and then enter a remote alley with few pedestrians. The alley is called 'Square No. 1 Alley'.

Going deep into the alley for more than 100 meters, I came to an old two-story wooden building. The house number in front of the building reads 'No. 1, Lane 89, Serendis House. '

"Here, here it is. She happens to be at home. You just go and knock on the door."

Rosen was still a little apprehensive, so he collected himself and was about to knock on the door.

"Don't worry."

Xia Bolai held him, lowered his voice, and instructed earnestly.

"Recently, the south of the city square is not very peaceful. There have been several murders, and the victims are all young people from other places traveling alone."

"So, be sure to return to the Hound House before dark, and if you miss the time, you can simply rest here overnight."

"In short, before the murderer is brought to justice, you must never go out at night, understand?"

Rosen's heart trembled, and he nodded seriously: "Remember it."

"Okay, let's go. It's time for me to do something."

After speaking, Xia Bolai turned around and left the alley. After a few big strides, he disappeared at the corner of the street.

Rosen took a deep breath, walked to the door, grabbed the rusty iron door knocker and gently buckled it.

'Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk~~'

A young woman's response came from inside the door: "The door is unlocked, so come in directly. Close the door after entering."

Rosen was slightly surprised: "Such a young middle-level mage?"

Listening to the voice, he is not very old, he seems to be in his early 20s, and he seems to be a very good mage.

Back then, Cyrus was already in his early 40s, but he was still a low-level mage. Even if he got the ember bird feather, he couldn't break through to the middle level.

Pushing the door open, turning around and closing the door again, the room immediately became quite dark.

Through the faint light coming in from the small narrow round window, one can see that the hall on the first floor is empty, with only a round table and a few broken chairs, it is like a barren house.

"Bring a gift? Very good, let's put things in the kitchen."

The sound came from the second floor.

Rosen turned his head and looked around, and saw a small half-closed door in the corner of the hall. There was a dark frying pan hanging on the wall beside the door, which probably was the kitchen.

Putting things on the floor by the kitchen, it was overwhelmed by the damp and badly moldy floor, making a 'squeak squeak' groan.

The sound alarmed the mice in the corner again, and a big, skinny, black mouse ran out. It was not afraid of people, and stared at Luo Sen with its black eyes, 'curiously'.

Considering that all my presents are food, if you want to put them outside at will, it is basically an extra meal for the mouse.

Rosen walked over quickly to scare the rats away, then walked around the simple kitchen and found a dilapidated grain storage cabinet.

After checking, the cabinet was intact, and no rats had bitten the hole, so he put the semolina, bacon, and wine in all at once, and carefully inserted the wooden dowels tightly.

The woman's voice sounded again: "Come upstairs when you put your things away."

Rosen exited the kitchen, and saw a narrow wooden ladder half a meter wide by the wall. The slope was very oblique, and he could only half climb and half walk upstairs.

On the second floor, there is a long and narrow platform of less than 1 square meter, which functions like a porch.

Behind the platform is a wooden door, behind the door came the faint sound of 'crash clatter', as if someone was taking a bath inside.

"Come in and let me take a good look at you."

Rosen took a deep breath, pushed the door open and entered.

The windows in the room behind the door are much larger than those on the first floor, and the light is much brighter.

The layout in the room is much richer than that on the first floor. There is a single wooden bed on the right side, a coat rack beside the bed, a desk next to the window, and a half-old armchair in front of the desk.

On the other side was a large bathtub, and in the bathtub sat a young woman with fiery red hair, who was rubbing her snow-white round arms with something like a loofah.

The water in the tub had no bubbles, and no coverings such as flower petals were sprinkled. The pure water could see the woman's body at a glance.

Rosen was startled: "It looks so good-looking, but also so bold?!"

As soon as he saw the person, he immediately understood why Chapolet had daydreams.

With this face and figure, it should at least be placed in the "Rare and Best" folder.

Although the other party asked him to come in, it is very inappropriate to look directly at the body of a strange woman.

Rosen immediately lowered his head to look at the floor, and shouted at the same time, "Ms. Serrandis, you are well."

The other party didn't respond, but Rosen could feel her eyes turning back and forth on him.

"Ha, Xia Bolai actually found a kid to be my apprentice. It's really interesting."

Luo Sen's body is only 15 years old, long-term malnutrition has caused stunted growth, his height is about 1.5 meters, his body is very thin, and his face is full of childishness.

Probably, this is also the reason why the other party does not shy away from taking a bath by himself.

To her words, Rosen didn't know how to respond appropriately. After thinking for a while, he said, "Ms. Serrandis, I'll wait for you downstairs, shall I?"

"No. Let's start now."

Seeing Luo Sen sticking at the door like a log, she said again: "Boy, be smart, you have to see life in your eyes!"

Luo Sen was very speechless, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Is there something in your eyes?What can I do on this occasion? '

The voice came again.

"If a woman is bathing and that woman happens to be your future mentor, then you should offer to serve her. For example, rub my back."

As she spoke, she threw the loofah in her hand to Rosen, turned around again, and leaned against the back of the bathtub, revealing her white and clean back.

Luo Sen secretly sighed: "It's a pity that I can't do the cupping." '

He took the loofah, walked to the edge of the tub, rubbed the other person's back in silence.

Serrandis didn't feel embarrassed at all, instead he groaned in enjoyment, his voice was so delicate that it made Rosen's heart thump.

After a while, she asked: "Xia Bolai said that you have foundations in magic arts, tell me, what foundations do you have?"

Rosen calmed down and answered truthfully.

"I've mastered rest meditation, sun visualization. Mastered the Mage Hand and made some improvements to the Mage Hand.

"By the way, I also mastered a technique to prevent dark spells. In addition, I have intensively read "Principles of Precise Geometry."

"Don't rub it all the way up, go down a little bit."

Rosen looked at the drop-shaped line of the other party's slender waist, and he didn't know what to do.

"hurry up!"

When he gritted his teeth, he thought he was rubbing a piece of white pork.

"Well~ not bad~ really good, after my family went bankrupt, I haven't been served like this for a long time."

Serrandis sighed in satisfaction, laying his head on the rim of the tub, his eyes narrowed like a napping cat.

Just when Rosen thought she was going to fall asleep, she suddenly spoke.

"Everyone has a sheep in their hearts. Most people's sheep are running around, but the mage's sheep must never go out of the pen."

Rosen's heart was slightly shocked, and then he was overjoyed.

'Well, that's great.This time we should be able to learn something real. '

After a while, Selandis asked again.

"How long have you been meditating?"

"More than two months."

"Oh~ Interesting."

After saying this, Serendis was silent for a while, and then suddenly asked again: "Can parallel lines intersect?"

"A flat surface won't. A curved surface might."

"Well, not bad. Help me rub the front again."

"Wow~" There was a sound of water, Serrandis closed his eyes, and lay on the bathtub naturally, neither shy nor embarrassed, as if Rosen was not a human being, but a human-shaped bathing tool.

Rosen also simply let go, and rubbed whatever he asked for. Although his heart was beating like a drum and his hands were shaking a little, he did not lose his composure.

While rubbing it seriously, I heard the other party's voice again: "Show your mana."

Rosen was taken aback: "How should I show it? I don't know much about it."

"Simple, you rub it for me with the hands of a mage."

Rosen complied.

He imagined an invisible hand holding the loofah. Just as he was holding the loofah and preparing to take a bath, he suddenly felt that the loofah was a little out of control, as if another invisible hand was pulling it.

He was startled, and immediately understood the reason, and immediately concentrated on pulling the loofah back.

At the same time, the opponent also strengthened.

Looking at the loofah again, it was suspended in the air, motionless, and only trembled occasionally, indicating its status in the arena of the two forces.

Both sides increase their strength, and I also increase their strength, so that the intensity continues to increase, and finally reaches a certain critical point.

'boom! '

There was an extremely dull and penetrating vibration in the air.

In this vibration, the heart-shattering loofah turned into powder.

The shock continued to spread in all directions, and soon hit the wooden wall, shaking the whole wooden building, and a large amount of dust fell from the gaps.

The bathtub near the shock center was already old and was under water pressure. When it was shocked by the shock, it disintegrated with a 'crash'. The water scattered all over the place, and Serendis fell to the ground with the water flow. Described as embarrassed.

Rosen was not much better either.

The loofah used as a grip disappeared, and the huge strength lost its support, and the whole body felt empty.

After being shaken, his footing was unstable, he staggered and retreated, and hit the wall with a 'gudong', causing his back to hurt.

As soon as he stood still, he heard Serrandis's shocked voice: "You have only meditated for more than two months?"

Rosen probably knew that his mana was quite strong, but he always thought it was just a low-level state, so he didn't stay strong when facing Serendis, a middle-level mage.

After all, he is a layman in the art of magic, and only by fully expressing himself can he get the most accurate guidance from an expert.

This happened, but he was completely unexpected.

He whispered: "It should be about 67 days?"

Seeing Serrandis sitting on the ground in a panic, he stepped forward to support the other party's snow-white arm: "Ms. Serrandis, are you not injured?"

Serendis completely ignored his naked body, and stared at Rosen with those crystal clear eyes like onyx.

"Don't call me lady, call me mentor."

"But keep in mind that my status as a mentor is only temporary, and I will only complete the enlightenment of spells for you."

"And after you get started, our master-student relationship will come to an end."

(End of this chapter)

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