Celestial Mage

Chapter 6 The 3rd Golden Rule

Chapter 6 The Third Golden Rule

Green Warbler Inn.

In the dimly lit room, Rosen clearly felt Cyrus' hostility. Although he was puzzled, he didn't dare to be careless.

He hurriedly jumped off the bed, and asked cautiously, "Teacher, did I do something wrong?"

Cyrus seemed to be immersed in some kind of emotion, and Rosen's voice woke him up.

The cold light in his eyes faded quickly, but there was still a lingering coldness on his face, like ice edges floating in icy water, which was shocking.

"No, you did nothing wrong, you did a good job, very good, far beyond my imagination!"

When he spoke, a trace of jealousy that could not be concealed flashed in Cyrus' eyes.

He didn't expect that a shepherd who came out of a mountain lair, who obviously had no foundation in magic, would enter deep meditation when he first learned it.

It took him half a year to achieve this in Golden Dawn Academy back then, and even now, 20 years have passed, he still cannot guarantee that he can enter a state of deep meditation at any time.

Even shallow meditation is difficult to do when the mind is disturbed.

What he couldn't do, this little thing did it all at once, it's really maddening!
Jealousy gnawed at Cyrus' heart like a poisonous snake, making him extremely depressed.

Every time he looked at Rosen, this boredom would increase. He almost wished to cast a poisonous curse on this guy on the spot, causing his heart to burst and die.

But reason abruptly suppressed the impulse.

"Rosen, you have perfectly mastered silent meditation. But if you want to learn more about spells, you must earn more money."

"Yes, teacher."

Rosen's demeanor was as respectful as ever, but deep inside he felt chills.

He was not confused in his previous life, and his vision of experience naturally far exceeded that of a 14-year-old boy. He could see through Cyrus' thoughts at a glance.

'Obviously a low-level mage, but he will be jealous of me as a beginner, and even almost kill me.This mind is smaller than the tip of a needle. '

When dealing with this kind of person, especially when you are still in an absolute disadvantage, you must be extremely careful, and you must not stimulate the other party's self-esteem in the slightest.

He thought to himself, "Then keep it clumsy." '

On the other side, Cyrus naturally didn't know Rosen's thoughts, he took out a book from his arms.

"Take this "Oil Painting Technique", and I will give you these paints and canvases. You study carefully and master the painting skills of oil painting as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, seeing Rosen was silent, he felt displeased immediately: "Why don't you talk?"

"Teacher, I can't read." The boy's voice was like a mosquito, his face was flushed, and he seemed to feel very ashamed.

Cyrus frowned, and patted his forehead lightly: "Oh~ a wild child like you who grew up in a mountain den is indeed impossible to read."

He was full of annoyance and impatience on his face. After pondering for a moment, he said very reluctantly: "Well, I will read this book to you. If you don't understand anything, just ask me, do you understand?"

Rosen was overjoyed and nodded hastily: "Yes, mentor."

It was already 7 o'clock at night, and the sky was already dark. Sellers lit the oil lamp on the table, laid "Oil Painting Techniques" on the table, and read sentence by sentence.

Rosen listened carefully, his eyes fixed on the words on the page.

After reading a few sentences, Cyrus asked, "Can you understand me?"

Rosen wanted to say that he understood, but when the words came to his lips, he remembered what happened before, so he shook his head blankly instead: "Mentor, I don't quite understand the word 'evenly mix' in the third sentence."

Cyrus scolded disdainfully: "What a fool!"

After scolding, I held up my temper again and explained carefully.After all, it is related to his future income.

In the following time, Cyrus explained while reading, and Rosen played the role of a stupid child, studying clumsily. It was not until the middle of the night that he finished reading the book "Oil Painting Techniques".


Cyrus let out a long breath, his face full of exhaustion: "That's all for today, I have told you the basic skills of oil painting. Starting tomorrow, you will start to practice with real objects, and strive to master this skill as soon as possible. "

"Yes, I remember."

Cyrus lay down on the wooden bed, and pointed to the corner of the room: "I'm going to rest, you sleep on the floor over there. You are not allowed to make any noise while sleeping, do you understand?!"

"Yes, teacher."


Cyrus put out the lamp, and the room was plunged into darkness.

Rosen tiptoed to the corner of the room and lay down on the floor with his clothes closed.

The wooden floor was dirty and hard, but fortunately this was on the second floor, and downstairs was the lobby of the hotel. The fire in the lobby was smoking the ceiling, and by the way, the wooden boards were also slightly heated.

Still cold, but barely bearable.

Tightening the animal fur coat on his body, Rosen closed his eyes, concentrated, summoned the desktop, opened "Rosen's Adventure Log", and began to replay the reading process in the first half of the night.

In the video, while listening to the voice, Rosen began to learn the characters of this world by comparing them with the characters of the other world in the book.

An illiterate can't be a mage.

Just as he was concentrating on studying, he suddenly heard a very loud airflow coming from outside the house, and the windows were also slammed by the airflow.Immediately afterwards, the dogs in the small town started barking crazily.

Rosen was startled, and opened his eyes to look at the window. Through the poor-quality green glass, he saw gray-white light coming in from the window, as if it had dawned.

But he remembered very clearly that before Cyrus took out his pocket watch to check the time, it was only a quarter past one at night.

Cyrus was also awakened, he got up from the bed, bent over and walked to the window, only exposed his eyes on the window sill, and looked out cautiously.


Another very penetrating sound crashed in, directly shattering the glass, and also buzzing the ears of the two people in the room, almost deaf.

The entire hotel and even the entire town were awakened, and there were constant exclamations coming from outside the room.

After a while, Rosen felt that he could hear something, and asked in amazement, "Mentor, what happened?"

Cyrus didn't respond, the pale light outside the window reflected on his thin face, completely exposing the horror on his face.

Obviously, this matter also greatly exceeded the limit of his ability.

At this moment, Rosen saw, in the sky outside the window, a huge black shadow like ink loomed in the low and thick gray-white clouds.

The black shadow flicked across the gray-white clouds at an incredible speed. One moment before, the black shadow was still approaching the sky over Baima Town, and the next moment, it was already flying towards the northwest.

It's like a supersonic fighter jet flying at low altitude!

This scene is also like a huge ink painting with the sky as the drawing board, full of freehand brushwork in black and white.

And as the black shadow receded, the off-white light in the clouds quickly dimmed until it returned to night.

The cold winter night fell silent again, and the anomaly that happened before seemed like a nightmare.

But the broken glass on the window sill and the constant voices coming from outside the window are constantly proving the reality of the nightmare.

After a long time, Rosen came back to his senses and asked cautiously, "Mentor, what is that?"

Cyrus had regained his composure, but the look of horror still remained on his thin cheeks.

"The Ember Bird, the King of Nightmare, is the fallen descendant of the undead bird. Fortunately, it was just passing by. Otherwise, its fallen fire would have burned Baima Town to ashes in an instant, and the creatures burned to death by the fallen fire would have Reborn as a sleepless undead."

Rosen became more and more horrified: "If it wants to commit murder, can anyone stop it?"

Cyrus sneered: "No one can stop it, only God can stop it. But there is no need to worry too much. Thousands of years ago, the Golden God and extraordinary creatures made a non-invasive contract, which is the third golden rule. "

"The contract stipulates that the Golden Land will never be infested by extraordinary creatures, and those who break the law will be punished by God. Therefore, unless the ember bird is crazy, it will not attack Baima Town."


This answer gave Rosen great psychological comfort. After all, no one likes to live in a chaotic, turbulent, precarious place.

Cyrus pointed to the broken window: "Take the bear skin and close the window, clean up the broken glass, and then continue to sleep."

"Yes, teacher."

After a while of busy work, Rosen lay down on the cold and hard floor again, but his mind could not be calmed down for a long time, and his thoughts kept coming and going.

'Are human beings God's captive pets? '

'If there is no protection of gods, how can mortals face the real world? '

'What kind of existence is the golden god who established the golden law? '

There is no answer, presumably Cyrus will not, and dare not answer this kind of ungodly question, so the answer can only be found by himself.

Rosen tried his best to calm down, and began to study alien characters again.

(End of this chapter)

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