Celestial Mage

Chapter 610 Competitors for the Throne of Logic (12)

Chapter 610 Competitors for the Throne of Logic (12)

Sunset Shrine.

The maid is just an extraordinary person who is not lost in the world, and she still has a character that can't control her mouth.

It's easy to get words out of this kind of person.

After waiting patiently for a while, seeing the maid returned to his hut, Rosen released two divine power projections as soon as he had a thought.

A projection turned into the appearance of a talkative maid, dragging the cautious maid outside.

The other projection turned into the appearance of a cautious maid, and followed the talkative maid into the house.

As soon as the door was closed, Rosen got straight to the point: "Hey, do you think the master will agree to the request of the great Mr. Osseron?"

The talkative maid already liked to gossip. If someone came up to her, there was no reason to refuse her, but she was still a little cautious.

"You told me not to say it just now, why do you say it now?"

Rosen smiled: "Just now, people will overhear you if you talk too much. Now we are inside the house, just the two of us. What's there to be afraid of?"

This is true.

The talkative maid was immediately aroused to chat, her eyes lit up, and she approached with great interest.

"I think I will agree. After all, Mr. Osseron is such an excellent person."

Rosen immediately questioned: "Is he good? Not necessarily?"

The talkative maid immediately spoke up.

"Of course he is excellent~ He is young, he has reached the peak of medium divine power in less than 300 years old, and I heard that he has also mastered the law of creation in the void, so he is the most promising candidate for the throne of logic."

"If you ask me, Mr. Oseron will definitely become a god-lord, and if the master becomes his partner, his status will naturally rise rapidly, and we servants will definitely get great benefits."

Hearing these two sentences, Rosen's heart sank slightly, and he smelled a faint conspiracy.

As soon as he arrived in the Emerald Wilderness, he was intercepted and killed by two reckless middle-level gods. After entering the Emerald Wilderness, he heard that a mysterious person from the Kingdom of the Earth God had offered him a reward.

Obviously, there is an existence in the land god who wants to disappear.

There is a high probability that this person is a candidate for another logical seat.

But because the land god kingdom is amazingly big, and Rosen went to the Dragon Blood Continent immediately, and also annoyed the queen because he gave up the competition for the throne of logic, so he didn't continue to investigate this matter.

But now, he felt that this 'mysterious man' didn't seem to intend to simply let him go, or in other words, he didn't underestimate him because he gave up the competition for the throne.

Because Desya is the most important bridge between him and the queen, if this bridge is broken, Rosen's way forward will be greatly affected.

He thought to himself: "So, do you want to completely suppress me?"

I don't know if this Oseron is the 'mysterious man' himself, or the guy who was put out by the 'mysterious man' as a shield.

So he continued to induce: "I admit that Mr. Oseron is very good, but there are 8 contenders for the throne. In terms of power, Oseron may not be number one, right?"

The talkative maid did not refute.

"It's not the first, it's also the second. But I personally think that Mr. Oseron should be stronger. After all, Mr. Dadalit was promoted to the peak of middle-level divine power later."

Mr Dadalit?
Rosen knew that among the eight candidates for the God of Deep Logic, two had reached the peak of mid-level divine power, and Oseron was one, so the other would naturally be Mr. Dadalit.

From the perspective of competition alone, the God who issued a reward for his life back then is most likely one of these two.

There is still too little information, so the situation is still confusing.

But one thing Rosen was certain of was that sister Desya could not agree to Osailun's request.

The first step, of course, is to find out what Sister Desya's intentions are.

How to figure it out?
Of course, taking advantage of the convenience of living in the shrine together, I went directly to sister Desya.

Based on the friendship between him and Desya, it is completely possible to ask directly.

Before asking, I still need to inquire about Desya's attitude towards this matter.

"Then tell me, will the master agree?"

The talkative maid tilted her head and thought for a while, then shook her head uncertainly.

"Every time Mr. Oseron comes, the master treats him politely, and the two of them seem to be able to chat quite well, but the master has never publicly stated that he likes Mr. Oseron. Therefore, this matter is really uncertain."

Hearing this, Rosen felt confident. No matter what Desya's sister thought, she still hadn't made much progress.

Thinking of this, Rosen found an excuse to end this topic, and at the same time quietly retracted the two divine power projections, then got up and left the bedroom to find Desya.

After leaving the bedroom, I found a mortal attendant with a strength of level 8 standing at the door. He was very young, in his early 20s, but his actual age should be in his 40s.

Luo Sen was not very familiar with the situation in the Sunset Shrine, so after a little thought, he condensed 10 crystals of level [-] pure divine power, and put them gently in the pocket of his attendant.

"Young man, I need to find Miss Daisyah, please show me the way."

The divine power of only 10 crystals is very stable, and it can be stored for at least ten years without a special anti-interference container, which is enough for this young man to turn it into his own power.

The young attendant felt the great power contained in the divine power crystal, and was very happy, and immediately said: "Please follow me, the great Mr. Rosen."

He led the way, followed by Rosen.

Soon, the two walked out of the shrine and entered the shaded garden in the backyard.

The attendant explained: "Master usually likes to stay in the shaded garden in the afternoon, or take a walk, or read a book, or meditate, or receive guests."


Walking along the huge garden for about 9 meters, I saw a wooden pavilion shaded by trees in the distance. On the several paths around the pavilion, there were guards standing at the peak strength of [-]th-level mortals.

The attendant who led the way went up and said to the guards blocking the way: "This is the great Mr. Rosen, the master's guest. I have something important to see the master."

The guard glanced at Rosen, fisted his chest and saluted him respectfully, but his face showed embarrassment.

"Great Mr. Rosen, I'm very sorry, the master is receiving the honorable Mr. Osseron, I'm afraid you need to wait for a while."

Rosen's heart skipped a beat: "This Osailun moves very quickly, with the high efficiency of chasing the wind and the moon without letting up."

If he is really an ordinary god with no name and no great power, he can only wait at this moment.

But he is not, he is now well-known in the God Realm, and his strength has reached level six, and he is improving every moment.

He believed that even if he forcibly broke into the pavilion, Desya would not really blame himself, at most she would complain a few words.

So, he laughed, and raised his voice slightly, and said, "Ah~~~ I heard that Mr. Osailun is a great master of logic and spells with outstanding achievements. I was just looking for a chance to visit him. How about today?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand to push the guard aside, and strode towards the wooden pavilion.

The guard immediately raised his hand to stop him: "Mr. Rosen, the master ordered not to disturb you!"

But how could his strength compare to that of Luo Sen, he raised his hand and pushed him lightly, and pushed him a few steps away, then strode forward and shouted enthusiastically at Mu Ting.

"Master Oseron, the progress of logic and magic lies in communication. It is a great honor to meet you here, and I hope to exchange my experience in magic with you."

After the voice fell, Luo Sen had already arrived at the door of the wooden pavilion, and saw a round table in the pavilion, on which were some tea and snacks for guests.

An elegant man in a water-blue robe and a silver-gray shawl is sitting on one side of the round table, and on the other side is sister Desya in a pink and green dress. A maid who takes orders.

Rosen came in with a smile, still 'full of enthusiasm', and a smile appeared on the elegant man's face, but those silver-gray eyes were as indifferent as ice, without the slightest ripple.

He ignored Rosen, but looked at Desya with a smile: "Miss Desya, who is this?"

Desya was a little surprised by Rosen's sudden arrival, but no one stipulated that Rosen must stay in the bedroom all the time.

She immediately introduced: "This is Master Rosen from the Golden Continent. He used to be a candidate for the throne of logic just like you. Of course, he has now voluntarily given up his qualifications for competition."

Then she said to the maid: "Bicui, bring another chair over here and put it... well, put it next to me, yes, it's right here."

The empty chair was placed on Desya's left, less than half a meter away from her, almost sitting side by side, thus creating a situation where Desya and Rosen faced Osailun together.

This detail moved Rosen's heart slightly, and the thoughts that had been raised all the time were completely relaxed.

'It seems that Sister Desya has no idea about Oseron, it's just pure ceremonial hospitality. '

If you have an idea, it will be troublesome.

"Rosen, sit down."

"Thank you sister."

Rosen sat down on the chair. During the time he sat down, 1040 stars were quietly allocated from the already high 700-star spellcasting star technique, and he closely observed Oseron's reaction on the opposite side.

I could clearly feel that there was a faint shadow in Osailun's silver-gray eyes, but it was very well disguised. If Rosen's soul was not so powerful and the number of casting stars was ridiculously high, he might not have been able to discover this.

He sneered secretly in his heart: "Heh~~ This guy really has a lot of hostility towards me."

Originally, he didn't intend to continue to pursue the matter of interception and killing, because he was very busy and didn't stay in the green wilderness, so he was too lazy to spend energy on this stupid matter.

He only thought that since he had given up the competition for the seat of God, as long as his opponent stopped pestering him, he would let the past go.

But now it seems that things are not as simple as he thought.

The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind doesn't stop.

'Today completely broke your abacus! '

Thinking of this, he looked at Desya with a smile: "Sister~ You left in a hurry just now, and I forgot to give you a small gift."

Desya was startled: "Small gift?"

"My sister is so kind to me. As a younger brother, of course I have to express my gratitude. How can I make my sister busy for me for nothing?"

As he said that, with a flash of thought, he condensed 100 million pure divine power and handed it over: "Brother, I am a rough person, and I don't know what my sister likes. This bit of divine power, sister can use it as she pleases."

Without waiting for Desya to open her mouth, she grabbed her hand, placed the brilliant crystal of divine power in her palm, then gently closed her fingers, and said a little domineeringly: "Sister, this is my brother's Be careful, don't refuse."

After a little estimation, Desya realized that this divine power was enormous, she should refuse it deliberately, since there are outsiders present, pushing and shoving is not a problem, so she can only accept it for the time being.

"Then thank you brother~~Mr. Rosen."

He just wanted to return it after Osailun left, after all, this divine power was too great.

On the other side, Osailun finally couldn't hold it anymore, and a gloomy aura visible to the naked eye appeared on his face.

He sneered: "Master Rosen, it's not a glorious thing for you to send around the divine power obtained through illegal spellcasting."

Rosen's expression was also cold: "Mr. Osailun, you have to use evidence for what you say, don't slander other people's innocence out of thin air!"

Seeing the worry on Desya's face, she explained it seriously.

"Sister, I did use some illegal magic before, but that was because I didn't know the laws of the Kingdom of God. After His Majesty reminded me, I never used it illegally again."

"And my divine power is the spoils of war captured from those demon gods after defeating Vanderlon."

Pure divine power is identical, only quantity is an attribute.

Does the ghost know whether he was captured or reproduced?

And if it is captured, it is completely feasible, because he has indeed seized divine powers of various levels from the defeated demon god. In conversion, it is as high as 10 crystals of level 10 divine power.

And these messy divine powers were all converted into level 6 divine powers by him with the help of the Spirit Devouring Bracelet, and the total amount was about 2.4 million crystals.

These are well documented.

When Desya heard this, she immediately felt relieved, and said with a smile, "Mr. Rosen, you have made such a generous move. It seems that you have gained a lot this time."

Rosen turned his head, with a smug smile on his face: "Sister, it's not that she's not small, she's very, very rich. Of course, I'll talk to you about it after the outsider leaves."

Who is an outsider, of course it is Aldron.

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Aldron, his expression became cold again.

"Mr. Osseron, I thought you were a master of logic spells, and I was looking forward to sharing spells with you, but I didn't expect you to be such a character who doesn't talk about evidence and slanders out of thin air."

"From this point of view, even if you have made some achievements on the road of logic and magic, I am afraid that it is very limited. The future prospects are not very big."

These words are too harsh, if someone else said it, Osailun would of course dismiss it.

But if it comes from the mouth of a peerless genius who has been promoted to medium divine power in less than 30 years, it will have a very huge lethality.

If this matter was spread, it would be like slapping him in the face and back and forth in front of the people of the entire Earth God Kingdom.

If you don't fight back immediately, when the news gets out, others will say that no matter how powerful Osailun is, he will be as honest as a son meeting his father when he meets Rosen.

If this matter is not resolved, even if he really becomes the God of Logic in the future, he will not be able to hold his head up when he meets Rosen.

So, he was put on the fire and roasted at once.


Osseron stood up abruptly and glared at Rosen angrily: "Mr. Rosen, you are the first person who dares to comment on my magic achievement like that. Since you said it so heartily, let me see your true ability!" "

"Oh~ what do you think?"

"One month later, each person prepares one hundred thousand crystals of divine power in the arena of the Ring of the Earth in the Emerald City, and there will be an upright duel of spells!"

It is an official invitation to a magic duel, and it is also the only way for Oseron to wash away his shame.

Rosen smiled and asked, "Is it finite or infinite?"

"We are all the people of the Queen of the Earth. At this moment of chaos, the death fight will only benefit the Dark God, so it is a limited duel."

"The loser apologizes to the winner in public, and compensates 100 million crystals of the sixth-level divine power!"

"Do you dare to accept it?"

Rosen nodded: "No problem, I accept."

Osailun looked at Desya again: "Miss Desya, my request is always valid. As long as you nod, I will swear the Styx oath, so that you and I will share our destiny and glory."

Desya slowly shook her head: "I still say the same thing, Mr. Oseron, I am the queen's envoy. I only serve the queen. I don't want to, and I won't become another god's partner."

This is a clear rejection.

Osailun turned his eyes around the two of them, and finally settled on Rosen.

"Mr. Rosen, you did become famous when you were young, but God's time is very, very long. No god can always go smoothly. I hope you don't get too carried away and be careful."

Rosen narrowed his eyes and smiled: "The same warning is given back to you, Mr. Osseron."

"I would also like to add a word, there are countless strong people in the world, don't think that you have achieved some achievements, and then underestimate all other strong people, be careful not to offend people you can't afford!"


Osailun strode up and left, flew up to the sky and left quickly.

After he left, Desya sighed: "Brother~ You are really going to cause trouble."

Rosen shook his head slightly: "Sister~ I didn't cause this trouble, I brought it on my own initiative. I just turned the trouble in the dark into a trouble in the open."

Desya was taken aback, and she understood after a little thought: "That's right, are you sure about the duel?"

"I will do my best to prepare. As for the result, I will leave it to fate."

Osseron is also a top figure, to be able to make it to this day, his skills must be astonishing.

Therefore, Luo Sen's attitude is contemptuous, but he attaches great importance to it in his heart, and he dare not be careless in the slightest.

But his words were enough to reassure Desya, because in her memory, Rosen had never lost.

She handed the previous divine power to Rosen again: "This is too much, and I can't use so much. You need these powers more than I do."

Rosen didn't answer, but took the opportunity to grab Desya's hand and not let go, while staring into her eyes, squinting and smiling: "Sister~ You actually know what I want, right?"

Daisya's pink cheeks turned red: "No, what I told Oseron was the truth, I am the queen's loyal envoy, I can't."

Rosen fully understood Desya's thoughts, and didn't feel disappointed. Instead, he thought it was good, so he said with a smile, "Then I'll just touch my sister's hand, isn't it okay?"

It's not really necessary to touch this, it's just to further narrow the relationship between the two parties and increase intimacy.

Daisy's face was like the sunset, and her voice was like a mosquito: "Mmm~~ This is fine, but it can't be too much."

Luo Sen admired it carefully, and found that Desya's hands were also pretty. Her fingers were slender like tender white water onions, her nails were naturally pink and tender, her skin was soft and white like suet white jade, and there were faint dimples on the backs of her fingers, which felt very comfortable to the touch. of.

While appreciating, a slightly angry voice suddenly came to mind.

"Rosen, you slutty maniac, how dare you plan on my envoy!"

As soon as the words fell, Rosen saw that Desya's face changed suddenly, from rosy to pale in an instant. Obviously, she also heard the words.

Rosen himself was also slightly shocked, thinking something was wrong.

Hastily let go of Daisya's hand, stood up and bowed her head, and replied respectfully in her heart: "Your Majesty, I salute you!"

This time it was not a remote connection with mysterious resonance, but the Queen of the Earth really came.

Of course, it should not be the ontology, but a projection.

But even the projection represents the Queen's will.

Desya was so frightened that her body trembled a little, and she couldn't help kneeling on the ground with a 'plop', and hurriedly explained.

"Your Majesty, this is all my fault. I failed to keep my duty. I beg you to spare Rosen."

Hearing this, Luo Sen secretly sighed in his heart: "Sister Desya is so kind to me~"

Naturally, he couldn't allow Desya to be punished, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, this matter has nothing to do with Miss Desya, it's me."


He was interrupted halfway through the conversation.

"Hmph~ There's no need to explain. I'm not blind. I can see clearly. It's the fault of this rascal, Rosen!"

"Rosen, you come to my palace, come alone, Desya, don't accompany him!"

"You rascal, you have a deep mind, and you hide too many secrets in your body. If you don't explain it to me today, you will never get any help from me in the future, and don't even think about entering the green wilderness again!"

These words are quite heavy, and there is no room for maneuver at all, which shows that the queen is really angry.

But Rosen was a little confused when he heard this.

He didn't understand why the queen appeared suddenly, but he was worried that someone else was pretending to be the queen to swindle his cards.

After all, the God Realm's internal communication is not smooth, which gives the conspirators a lot of room to operate.

After thinking for a while, a replica body far away in the Dragon Blood Continent immediately contacted the Queen of the Earth in his heart to confirm the identity of the other party, regardless of the possibility of angering the Queen.

After calling a few times, I heard a cold snort: "Rosen, you are so bold, you still dare to doubt the authenticity of my projection?"

Rosen hurriedly explained: "The main reason is that I have too many enemies in the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God cannot use mysterious resonance, so I am afraid that someone will be bolder than me!"

The Queen's tone eased slightly: "You are cautious, but that projection is indeed real."

"You couldn't contact me last time because the distance was too far. But in my kingdom of God, no one has the ability to use my identity to play tricks!"

"Originally, I sensed your arrival and wanted to talk to you alone, but I didn't expect that you would not change your naughty nature and molested my envoy as soon as you came over!"

As he spoke, his tone became angry again.

Only then did Rosen feel relieved, and raised his hand to comfort the trembling Desya: "Sister, leave everything to me."

Then he took a deep breath and walked towards the Queen's Palace in the side hall.

Now that he has come to the Verdant Wilderness, he has made all the preparations to meet the Queen.

See you sooner or later.

Speaking of which, this is also the first time I have seen the real face of the queen, and I am still a little curious in my heart, wanting to see what this supreme god looks like.

(End of this chapter)

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