Celestial Mage

Chapter 630 Glory or not, it all depends on the strong one's thought (1)

Chapter 630 Glory or not, it all depends on the thought of the strong (12)

The so-called holy spirit refers to the powerful divine power of level 8.

The number is very small, except for the Supreme God, there are only 10 in the Emerald Wilderness, and there are only 32 Holy Gods in the entire Eight Realms.

The Holy Spirit Conference is naturally a conference in which the Holy Spirit participates, and the other gods are not even qualified to attend, just wait for the notice.

The venue of the meeting is the highest ceremony platform of the Earth God Palace.

During the meeting, the entire platform was shrouded in layers of divine barriers, and no one could hear the specific content of the meeting.

On the steps of the ceremony platform, there are true gods standing one by one.

The number exceeds 2000, and almost all the true gods in the land gods have arrived.

The position is not just standing randomly, but standing in order from strong to weak, from high to low, just waiting to listen to the orders of the holy gods.

There are more than 2000 gods, and Rosen, as a 6.3 medium god, stands in the middle and upper part of the team.

In the country of the Earth God, there are more than 300 middle-level gods, and there are more than 50 middle-level gods who are at the same level as Rosen.

Rosen knew Alantis and Dadalit, one of them had level 6.8 and the other 6.7, both of which were higher than Rosen.

As for the other 40 or so people, their divine power is generally below level 6.5, which is at the same level as Rosen, and all of them are unfamiliar.

Rosen didn't know any of them.

But he didn't know other people, but others knew him. When the other party saw him, they would often nod and smile in greeting, so Rosen could only smile in greeting as a response.

After saying hello, I was still confused, not knowing who it was.

If the middle peak is high, it is a powerful divine power.

The quantity is much less at once.

There are only 5 gods in the country of the earth god, that is, the five gods except the goddess of the night Menels, plus the powerful gods from the other nine countries who came to visit with the holy god, there are only 23 people in total.

Among them, the god of war with a divine power level of 7.9 has the highest status, and is only one step away from the ceremony platform.

But it was the gap in the last step that made him only a spectator of the summit meeting, but unable to enter it and become a decision maker.

God of War is a god with a straightforward personality, and he writes on his face when he has any thoughts.

Rosen clearly felt his desire for powerful level 8 power.

The Holy Spirit Conference started at 7:9 in the morning, and at [-]:[-] in the morning, there was a slight wave of waves in the originally calm divine power barrier, and a magnificent announcement came from inside the barrier.

The voice is very strange, it is composed of multiple groups of voices, and there is no distinction between male and female, nor identity, which means that this is the common will of the holy gods.

"The holy gods of the Emerald Wilderness, in response to the proposal of the Goddess of the Earth, will form an Emerald Expeditionary Army starting today to fight against the approaching chaos and darkness together."

Hearing this, Rosen felt relieved: "Fortunately, there was no accident."

But after thinking about it, my current divine power is only about one-twentieth of the eighth-level divine power.

Whether this matter is successful or not, he has no way to interfere.

I couldn't help but secretly sighed in my heart: "I often deal with powerful gods, so I have the illusion that I also have great power."

The current him is essentially just a middle-level god who has comprehended some special laws and has some trump cards.

It was like a little snake with venomous fangs, which might cause damage to the beast by surprise, but a casual blow from the beast could also shatter him to pieces.

So I woke up completely: "All my glory now comes from the gift of the strong, and naturally it can be deprived by the strong at any time."

"So, unless you become a powerful divine force, you can't be too cautious."

At this time, another voice came out.

"Aranza, the God of War, Sedrana, the Goddess of Flame Destruction, and the Apostles of Light stepped forward to obey."

He summoned 10 gods in a row, all of them were the most powerful level 7 gods in each kingdom, and their average power level was as high as 7.6.

The ten gods walked to the middle of the steps, bowed and waited for the order.

A grand announcement sounded again from within the barrier.

"From this moment on, the God of War, Alansa, will be the Generalissimo of the Emerald Expeditionary Army, and the remaining Nine Gods will be the commanders of the legions, each leading the legions of various countries."

That is to say, the Grand Marshal of the God of War, Aranza, is an honorary title, playing a central and coordinating role, and the only army he can directly command is the Earth Expeditionary Army.

The rest of the armies of the kingdoms of God will be directly led by the commanders of the legions.And for every major joint combat mission, a military meeting will be held to discuss and decide together.

Immediately after the announcement of the supreme military command of the alliance, the heads of the various special departments began to be appointed.

This part is quite a lot.

There are more than a dozen intelligence departments, alchemy departments, logistics departments, elemental hunting departments, etc., each headed by a powerful divine power.

For the heads of various departments, middle and weak gods cannot get their hands on them, because they are too weak to convince the public.

After reporting to the end, Hongwei's voice paused for a while, and announced a somewhat special order.

"The Dark God Tiamat is an unprecedented master of logic, and only the same master of logic can fight against him."

"Therefore, the Alliance will form the Dark Divine Art Analysis Bureau, which will be subordinate to the Intelligence Department, but will be directly responsible to the Supreme Council of the Holy Gods."

"The Director of the Analysis Bureau is Logician Rosen!"

In order to cater to the tradition, it was downgraded by one level and became a subordinate department of the Ministry of Intelligence, so it could be assumed by a medium divine power.

Rosen walked to the middle of the steps and respectfully accepted his orders.

When Rosen's name was read out, most of the true gods who were listening were not surprised, because Rosen was indeed the strongest logic master in the land god kingdom, and even in the emerald green wilderness.

He not only possesses legendary abilities, but also has a legendary experience. He even defeated the Dark God and rescued the Dragon Blood Continent.

It can be said that he is the most suitable candidate for the director of the Analysis Bureau.

Faintly, the gods belonging to the kingdom of the earth also had a feeling that the competition for the throne of logic was basically over.

Unless Dadalit took the lead in achieving powerful divine power and made great achievements in the expeditionary battlefield, Rosen performed poorly in the analysis bureau and was unable to break through for a long time.

But everyone knows that the possibility of such a thing happening is very small, almost impossible.

Even Dadalit himself didn't have the confidence.

He glanced at Rosen who was standing not far away. Before his eyes became dim, he quickly retracted and looked down at the ground.

A thought flashed through his mind.

"In the kingdom of the earth gods, the glory that belonged to me has been dimmed. I will gradually disappear and gradually become an ordinary god who is not worth mentioning and can be replaced by anyone."

"But this is by no means the fate I want!"

"Even if I can't stand on the top of the world, I must play an irreplaceable role, otherwise my life will be meaningless."

Obviously, Tiamat needs his power more than the kingdom of the gods of the earth.

Thus, Dadalit, who was originally confused, firmly turned to his new master.

On the other side, the appointments from the Supreme Council of the Holy Spirit continued, and it lasted for about half an hour before being declared over.

The majestic voice said again.

"All the gods, all the warriors who participated in the expedition, I want to tell you that our establishment of the Green Expeditionary Army is a declaration of war against chaos, a piercing of light against darkness, and a trial of justice against evil!"

"May the glory of victory shine on us forever!"

The gods responded in unison: "May order be eternal!"

From this moment on, the wheel of history has turned once again.

The old order of overall peace and stability has been completely broken, and a war-torn era has entered.

At this moment, every life in the Eight Realms, no matter how strong or weak, no matter how great or humble, is full of confusion in their hearts.

No one knows where the wheels of history will roll.

And at the same time, in the depths of the Styx, in the hidden kingdom of time and space.

Rosen and a projection of Selandis stood together on the highest holy mountain in the Kingdom of God, overlooking the souls of the first believers who entered the Kingdom of God.

There are more than [-] believers in this group, some died of old age, some died in battle, and a large part suffered from various accidents when rebuilding their homes in the mortal world.

But no matter what the cause of death, they are devout disciples of Rosen, the god of time and space.

Facing this vibrant and uninhabited unknown new world, I feel both novelty and timidity.

So, just like in the mortal world, I habitually pray to God for guidance.

This time, Rosen didn't respond through the channel of faith. As soon as he thought about it, the white clouds in the sky turned into a figure shrouded in endless brilliance.

A majestic voice descended from high heaven.

"My children, this place is the paradise I promised you~"

"There is no disease, no hunger, no pain, and no demons here. The brilliance will always protect this land."

"In this heaven, I will be with you."

While speaking, many guardian angels appeared out of nowhere in the sky, and one by one fell on the souls of believers, leading them to build their new homes in heaven.

With God by his side, the souls of the believers will no longer be confused, and they will burst out with great enthusiasm.

On the holy mountain, Rosen watched the scene calmly, and said softly to his wife: "Anna, the expedition is about to begin, and the Eight Realms have completely entered the era of war."

"Yeah, I don't know what the end result will be."

Selandis was full of apprehension.

Rosen smiled and said, "Although I don't know the result, I know what to do next."

"Our first goal is to obtain complete freedom."

"Freedom of divine power, freedom of will, freedom of action, freedom of life safety."

As soon as Selandis heard Rosen's tone, he knew that he had a specific idea, so he asked, "This wish is naturally very good, but how can it be fully realized?"

Rosen spoke of his inspiration from the Wisdom Tavern, and after a day of research and consideration, he already had a more practical idea.

"I decided to create a source of all magic."

"A small source of magic power with a maximum mana conversion power of 3.2% of the current source of magic power, a strength of level [-], and reserved infinite upgrade potential."

Serendis's beautiful eyes grew a lot, but they quickly returned to normal, with a gentle smile mixed with love and admiration on his face.

"Rosen, you can always come up with some shocking ideas, so what should you do?"

"In three steps."

"First, help me fully enhance my supernatural power and obtain the alchemy means to create the source of all magic."

"Second, build a small sun to provide energy for this unique source of magic that belongs to us."

"We can start to build our current capabilities, and this small sun is also an important tool for us."

Serrandis shook again: "How to build a small sun?"

Rosen smiled and said, "My dear, this is not very difficult. I will tell you the basic principles later."

The world's cognition has not yet reached the stage of fusion, Selandis does not know that fusion is normal.

If it is the earth, controllable fusion is naturally very difficult, but in this different world with mana, fusion can be easily achieved with gravitational magic.

In other words, the essence of Rosen's plan is to create a new source of all laws with the help of the existing source of all laws.

Serrandis felt shocked again, and asked after a while, "Then what about the third step?"

"Thirdly, build a heavy element furnace based on the small sun."

Serrandis quickly asked: "Heavy element creation furnace? Use power to create material elements?"

"That's right, and this is an essential tool for creating the source of all magic."

Rosen smiled and said, "In fact, the source of ten thousand dharmas integrates the function of the element creation furnace. My reproduction technique is actually based on this function."

"Originally, this super function was only open to the authority of the Supreme God, but because of the failure of the source of all laws, the authority was leaked."

He finally concluded.

"My plan is to achieve powerful divine power to obtain the ultimate space-time alchemy technique, create a small sun to provide endless power, and then create a heavy element creation furnace to create a sufficient number and strength of heavy elements to create various large-scale monsters that condense the source of all magic. Sophisticated equipment."

"After these three steps are successfully completed, we can create our own source of ten thousand dharmas, and once successful, we have realized true freedom."

After Serrandis listened carefully, he asked, "How long do you think it will take?"

"The various steps can be advanced in parallel. According to my calculations, about ten years will be enough."

Serrandis nodded: "Then for the first ten years of this expedition, we have to be very conservative."

After all, the main energy is not on the expedition, so naturally it can only act in a low-key manner.

Rosen nodded lightly: "Then for the first ten years, let's just be spectators."

After being unable to use illegal magic, he also has no crushing advantage against the dark god.

Then you can only use the style of fighting with your life.

Rosen didn't like this style of fighting the most, and felt that it was no different from barbarians fighting with sticks and stones.

It is a last resort only in desperation.

And with his own source of ten thousand dharmas, he can do his best to become an independent pole of the Eight Realms!
(End of this chapter)

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