Celestial Mage

Chapter 636 Some things can be handed over to ordinary people, and some things are absolutely not al

Chapter 636 Some things can be handed over to ordinary people, and some things are absolutely not allowed (12)

Underground Temple.

As the god who has the most comprehensive information on the giant island, Rosen first expressed his views on this small and medium-sized soul ranch.

"Based on the basic information obtained from the Intelligence Department, the average lifespan of a mortal on Black Rock Giant Island is about 45 years old."

"There are five stages in total, namely the infant period before the age of six, the growth period from six to fourteen, the prime period from fourteen to 35, and the twilight period after 35."

"The time is not too long, and the total belief provided is naturally not enough."

"But in fact, this is not the natural lifespan of mortals, but the result of the interaction between mortals and the social environment."

"If the latter can be improved, especially the medical level of the society, then the average life expectancy of ordinary people can be increased to around 90 years at most."

"As for a mortal, his body grows, becomes strong, or ages, but between the ages of 20 and 70, the strength of the soul remains at a fairly stable high level, which can provide a strong and stable power of faith."

"Comprehensively considering the cost of upgrading, then it should be the most reasonable to control the average lifespan of mortals at 70."

"If it grows longer, it will pay a huge amount of maintenance costs. If it is less, it will lose faith income."

"So, my personal opinion is that we, the Logic God League, should not only care about the souls of mortals, but also take care of their physical health as much as possible, so as to maximize the role of a mortal believer."

"After all, it takes ten months to conceive a mortal body, and a full 20 years for a mortal soul to fully grow. It is a pity to die so easily at the age of 45."

All the gods listened carefully.

After listening, Alantis said: "To improve the level of medical treatment, it is inevitable to interfere with the operation of mortal society."

"This is inconsistent with the principle of 'souls to gods, and the world to mortals'."

The purpose of this great principle is to liberate the creativity of mortals. It was first proposed and implemented by the Queen of the Earth, and it did have a huge effect, allowing a large number of talents and amazing wisdom to emerge in the mortal world.

Therefore, in the camp of the gods of order, this principle is highly respected by the gods, and they will not violate it easily.

Naturally, Rosen would not disobey, because it would be slapping the Queen in the face, but he also had his own ideas.

He nodded: "It is true that there are some discrepancies, but the principle proposed by His Majesty is the most ideal state, requiring every mortal to control the world at a very high level."

"But obviously, regardless of wisdom or ability, the vast majority of mortals can't reach this state."

"Although most mortals like to call themselves intelligent beings, most of the time, mortals are irrational beings who are not, and should be easily swayed by emotions."

"Even the most rational mortal logician has many out-of-control moments, so the world will always be full of uncontrollable chaos."

"In peacetime, there is no problem with doing this, but at the critical moment of fighting against the Dark God, this kind of chaos is unacceptable."

"As the leaders of mortals, we must grasp some key secular areas in our hands to better control the direction of mortal society and prevent the devil from stealing the fruits."

The logic mage Farsklaw felt deeply about this.

"I completely agree with Master Rosen's views. In fact, my views are more pessimistic."

"I think most of the time, mortals are a group of unreasonable beings!"

"Of course, I also know that my view is too extreme, but it will never be too far."

He was a little agitated, and he must have been deeply troubled in his mortal years.

Alantis concluded: "Then, the principle we need to follow should be to take good care of the bodies of mortals so that they are generally in a healthy state. Also take care of their souls so that they are not tempted by the devil."

"As for other fields, leave it to mortals to decide for themselves?"

Rosen shook his head: "No, besides medical care, there are several fields that we must also firmly grasp."

He looked around the gods: "From the general principles that Ms. Alantis said, two important priesthoods can be deduced logically."

"One is medical care. The other is education."

"The former takes care of the body, while the latter is more meaningful. It not only maintains the soul, but also improves the soul, strengthens the soul, and even awakens the soul."

"If we do well in the field of education, it will be our biggest source of competitiveness."

"Excellent education lasts up to three generations, and the average soul strength of our ranch will be greatly improved, and the resistance to the devil's bewitching will also be greatly improved. Naturally, we can also gain more power of faith, and even gain a large number of elite allies and countless Unclear fruits of wisdom."

"So, the priesthood of education is closely related to the entire future development of the ranch, and even determines whether we can win this expedition in the end."

All the gods nodded in approval of Rosen's words.

Nova laughed and said, "A god of medical treatment, a god of education, full of the sense of refinement of the logic law system, is there any more?"

Sedrana said: "I think there is still a need for a god of war to lead mortals to fight against foreign invasion."

All the gods nodded in approval.

In troubled times, it is naturally impossible for the realm of war to be handed over to mortals for self-determination, and it must be firmly grasped.

It can also be predicted that in the age of war, the status of the God of War will be very high, and all other fields must serve the God of War.

Fasklaw said: "Then there are three priesthoods left."

Naturally, Rosen thought about it carefully, and then continued: "The more mortals there are, the more power of faith they provide."

"And as far as I know, the female dystocia rate and infant mortality rate on Heiyan Giant Island are very high, and the latter is even as high as two-thirds!"

"In addition, there are many illegitimate children on Heiyan Giant Island. Under the influence of the forest god, the combination of men and women is very casual."

"This can be seen from the names of common people, such as riverside, tree, sheepfold, horseback, etc."

"While illegitimate birth greatly increases the fertility rate, it greatly hinders education and produces a mass of poor-quality believers that does not pay for itself."

"Therefore, I think a dedicated God of Marriage and Fertility is needed to reduce the additional loss in this area. If this is done well, the population growth rate and population quality of Giant Island will at least double."

This is indeed very important, so all the gods nodded in approval.

Rosen continued: "There are two priesthoods in the end, and I have a preliminary idea."

"First, protect the priesthood."

"Mortal people are weak, and their thinking is often controlled by fear. When facing demon gods, they are even more helpless. Even with the help of the Tower of Justice, they are by no means opponents of demon gods. If they are not careful, they will fall into the devil's trap. "

"Therefore, there needs to be a god who protects the souls of mortals, so as not to be taken advantage of by the devil."

This priesthood is almost equivalent to a mortal's nanny.

"Second, the priesthood of death."

"Mortals are mortal, but mortals are all afraid of death, and they are most likely to be tempted by the devil at this point. The establishment of the priesthood of death makes mortals realize that death is not the end, but a new beginning, and they can calmly face the cycle of life and death .”

Death has existed since ancient times, and the importance of the priesthood of death is naturally irreplaceable.

In this way, there are six very important priesthoods, corresponding to the six gods.

But the six clergy alone cannot cover the entire social field, and there must be many supplements.

After some discussion among the gods, many more small priesthoods were added, covering all aspects of mortals from birth to death.

These small priesthoods are naturally held by each god.

In the end, it is to determine the candidate for the priesthood.

Sedrana recommends herself.

"I hope to become the God of War, after all, I am good at fighting."

"I also know that this priesthood is very important. During times of war, the God of War will gain more power of faith, but the war cannot last forever, and this is also a reasonable return for the huge risk of the God of War priesthood."

To be honest, Sedrana, who possesses a level 7.8 divine power and masters the laws of flames and destruction, is indeed the best candidate for the God of War.

Rosen said: "I have no objection."

Other gods, either do not have the confidence to rule this powerful priesthood, or are unable to compete with Sedrana.

Nova, who is the only capable, is not interested in God of War.

In the end, all the gods nodded in agreement.

Therefore, Sedrana is the god of war on the giant island of Black Rock, and also holds many minor priesthoods related to war.

Such as weapons, command, courage and so on.

Alantis also recommended himself: "I would like to be the god of marriage and fertility."

This job is very important, but it is cumbersome and tedious to deal with women and children, and it requires great patience.

Since she was willing to take over this burden, the other gods also nodded in approval.

Fasklaw said: "I am personally very interested in life alchemy, and I know a lot about life alchemy. If you trust me, I am willing to become the god of medicine."

No one is robbing, after all, this field is extremely professional.

Then it was Nova who spoke.

"Death is the end of mortal life and the beginning of life in the kingdom of God."

"I have lived for so many years. I have seen countless deaths, and I have seen countless mortals and gods before they die. I know that what people fear most is not death itself, but the unknown of death."

"So, I am willing to be the God of Death."

Indeed, no one is more suitable for this priesthood than her.

Finally, there are two priesthoods, guardianship and education.

Alandri is very self-aware.

"My knowledge is far inferior to that of a mentor. I don't dare to be a priest of education. I will be the guardian god and focus on protecting the souls of mortals."

He is Rosen's apprentice, and Rosen has a clear understanding of his abilities.

Knowing that this matter is done by him alone, it must be difficult to do it comprehensively.

After all, there are tens of millions of mortals, how can they protect them all.

As a mentor, it is natural to help.

But in fact, the gods of the old age were very careless about the believers.

Because there are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of believers, and the highest magic-casting ability of gods is only a thousand, it is difficult for even the most diligent gods to achieve one-on-one equality with believers.

Therefore, it is inevitable to leave many loopholes that can be exploited, and it is inevitable that believers will be disappointed, leading to the loss of faith.

In this regard, Rosen naturally has a way to deal with it.

So, he said: "As the League of Logic, the biggest reliance is our wisdom."

"Through wisdom, things that were impossible in the past can be made possible."

"For the management of believers, I have learned from the experience of the Dragon Blood Continent, and specially developed a smart artifact that cooperates with the godhead, called 'Faith Steward', which should help you better manage believers."

As he spoke, he condensed out the spell book corresponding to the artifact and distributed it to the gods.

"According to my calculations, a small butler can help manage 1000 million believers. If they form an array, there is no limit."

This thing is the youth version of the desktop believer management program.

The function is about one-tenth of the full version.

The gods are no strangers to intelligent artifacts. After all, many mortal civilizations have independently invented corresponding artifacts.

But when I saw the spell book Rosen gave me at this time, I still felt a headache after reading it, because it was too professional and cumbersome.

Only Fasclaw, who is also a logic mage, found a treasure. After a quick glance, he couldn't help but patted the armrest of the chair.

"Aha~ With the assistance of this wonderful artifact, the godhead is truly complete!"

Otherwise, God will either act as a round-the-clock nanny for believers, or the management will not be in place, and a lot of faith will be lost in vain.

Of course, other gods are not stupid, and they will definitely think of similar methods to improve efficiency.

But the Godhead of Faith was designed by Rosen, and it must be the most useful auxiliary artifact given by the designer Rosen.

In the end, only the education priesthood remained.

The importance of this priesthood is self-evident, and it directly determines the upper limit of the ranch's divine power income.

For this priesthood, Rosen is naturally well-deserved.

"Then, I am the god of education."

The gods had no doubts about Rosen's ability, so they naturally agreed at this time.

So far, the distribution of the six main priesthoods has been completed, and the assignment of some related minor god positions has been discussed, so the division of labor has been completed for each god.

But this only clarifies the responsibilities, and how to do it specifically still needs to be discussed by the gods to achieve coordination and make the mortal society an organic whole with an orderly division of labor and cooperation instead of being separated from each other.

However, this matter cannot be done behind closed doors. It has to be combined with reality and prescribe the right medicine.

Rosen said: "Ino, the god of the forest, has twelve mortal saints, and there is one in White Deer City, called Bailu Saint Meng Qili, please ask her for help."

Just about to summon White Deer Saint Meng Qili, Nova suddenly said:
"Wait, we haven't created a kingdom of God to house the souls of dead believers yet."

When a believer dies, his soul returns to God, which is also a very important source of divine power, which is roughly equivalent to the power of faith of a living person for ten years.

Nature cannot be ignored.

In the past, it was sent to the resting place of the Divine Kingdom of the Earth, but now the Queen has introduced a new policy. During the expedition, [-]% of the souls will be self-determined, so placing the souls has become a problem.

Rosen has his own space-time God Kingdom to place the souls of believers, but other gods don't have it, and they won't create a God Realm.

There are currently two ways to deal with the gods.

The first is the idea of ​​building a kingdom of God under the earth. Simply put, it is to dig a huge pit underground and pretend to be an independent world.

Obviously, this huge pit cannot be dug too big, the world disguised by divine power cannot be very beautiful, and its safety is difficult to guarantee, so it can only be said to be useable.

The second is to create a large artifact, and set illusion inside to design a new world.

The Kingdom of God designed by this method is very beautiful, and requires a lot of divine power to maintain, and it is easy to collapse if you are not careful.

In terms of cost performance, it is much worse than the first one.

Rosen asked, "What do you guys think, is it the underground kingdom of God? Or the kingdom of illusion?"

After some discussion, everyone unanimously decided to use the underground kingdom of God, and then use illusion to decorate it a little bit.

The reason is to save divine power.

Rosen said: "Then let's divide the work and cooperate, one part will build the Kingdom of God, and the other part will contact the Bailu Saints."

After a little discussion, Rosen, Nova, and Elandis went to find the White Hart Saints, while the other three gods went to dig a 'giant hole' underground.

Meng Qili has been completely subdued. After her soul was summoned, she answered every question and cooperated very well.

Because the main body of Logical Theology has already been discussed, Meng Qili's role is to perfect the details.

This matter was very cumbersome and quite boring. After asking for a while, Alantis and Nova found an excuse to dig a hole underground, leaving Rosen alone to communicate with Meng Qili.

No way, who made Rosen a patient and meticulous gentleman?
After some exchanges, Rosen had a fairly in-depth understanding of the mortal society on the Black Rock Giant Island, and at the same time made a promise to Meng Qili.

"From this moment on, I, the Gods of Logic, will be the guardians of the giant island of Black Rock, and we respect the tradition left by Yin Nuo, the god of the forest."

"In the future, the giant island will change, but it will be done step by step to allow time for mortals to adapt."

"Our greatest hope is to make the Black Rock Giant Island more prosperous and prosperous, rather than chaotic and withered. I hope Ms. Meng Qili can rest assured about this."

Meng Qili was really worried that this new god was bright on the outside, but dark on the back, now that she heard this, she was relieved.

Then respectfully said: "Great ones, it is the supreme honor of the giant island to be protected by you. We are willing to cooperate with the great ones to protect the prosperity and tranquility of the giant island together."

Thus, gods and mortals reached a contract.

The future path of Heiyan Giant Island has been preliminarily determined.

In the following time, the gods of logic began to transform this brand new soul ranch in an orderly manner.

The wheel of time, which had stalled for a while, began to move forward rapidly again.

In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed.

The time may not be long, but the giant black rock island has already begun to sprout a prosperous scene that has never appeared before.

Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and everyone's soul is peaceful and happy.

The direct manifestation is that in two years, the number of newborns exceeds 600 million every year, while the number of deaths is less than 100 million.

As a result, the number of believers has increased from 4000 million to 5000 million, and the power of faith provided is pure and stable.

The income is so high and stable that even Rose Ms. Nova, who has seen the big scenes, was very surprised and began to really pay attention to the soul ranch of Black Rock Giant Island.

Naturally, Rosen, the god of education, has also gained a large number of devout believers among the people.

Under the new belief mode, a mortal can devoutly believe in several gods.

As a result, in two years, the number of close connections among Rosen's followers increased to an astonishing 6000 million.

Among them, the black rock giant island is 4000 million, and the space-time continent that has been in operation for six years has reached 2000 million.

At the same time, Rosen's main body also quietly promoted to powerful divine power, reaching level 7.0.

But quietly.

Because he is trying his best to build the youth version of the source of ten thousand laws to achieve complete security and freedom.

Also, the overall situation of the expedition is pretty good.

The four powerful gods of Star Amitel have gained a firm foothold, and there is also a strategic stalemate on other fronts, and the overall advantage is a good situation.

Rosen originally thought that he would develop believers step by step on the giant black rock island, and smoothly create the source of ten thousand dharmas.

But after another month of such calm, a shocking event suddenly broke out in the Eight Realms.

This matter is so big that even Rosen, who has become a powerful divine force, feels the slightest bit of shock.

Messages from the frontline of the expedition.

Dadalit successfully promoted to a powerful god, but at the same time, he also degenerated into a demon god.

And his depravity and betrayal directly led to the fall of Tyrod, the 7.7-level powerful god of the natural god kingdom.

The battlefield of the God of Storms is one of the main battlefields of the expedition, the seventh moving star Serrandis, and the Fenghua Continent.

The powerful god fell, and the battle collapsed instantly, resulting in the killing of 7 medium gods and 20 weak gods, and the degeneration of 5 medium gods and 18 weak gods into demon gods.

The Fenghua Continent has completely fallen into the hands of the Chaos Demon God, and the strategic situation of Serendis was forced to change from offensive to defensive.

This is also the first powerful god of order to fall in the expedition so far, and it is also the worst failure.

When the news came out, the Emerald Expeditionary Army's morale was shaken!

As for Rosen, after regaining his composure, he immediately realized the opportunity.

"This is a good opportunity for me to intervene in the frontline battlefield and gain more believers!"

It is true that his current level of God's Heart is level 7, but the management authority of the Source of Ten Thousand Laws is still level 6.7.

Because the authority of the Source of Ten Thousand Laws is only related to the number of devout believers, 6000 million believers correspond to level 6.2 divine power.

The minimum standard for believers with powerful divine power is [-] million!

Therefore, the more believers, the better.

In addition, in the not-too-distant future, he will be completely independent, and he can start earning his reputation and building up his fortune in advance.

However, those great soul pastures with huge expected returns are all occupied by powerful gods and cannot be squeezed in.

Now that one is vacated, he just makes it up!
(End of this chapter)

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