Celestial Mage

Chapter 650 After the Great War (12)

Under the Great Abyss, a certain huge cave.

In the majestic and square black gold temple, the body of the dark god Tiamat sits on the precise and gorgeous black gold seat, with one hand propping his cheek and the other on the armrest, pointing his fingers one by one, making a light 'da da' sound .

The Fenghua Continent's war situation collapsed in an instant, so fast that he didn't even have a chance to open the endless treasure house to release reinforcements.

This was indeed beyond his expectation.

The war tactics used by Rosen also made him discover a huge flaw in his past way of thinking.

"I rely too much on mana, but ignore the simple fact that matter is the foundation of the world."

"Perhaps, it's time for me to change my mind and study the fundamental laws of matter in this world."

Going down this line of thought, you will soon encounter the first obstacle.

"It is very, very difficult to block the mana field, almost impossible."

"That is to say, no matter how I research, it is difficult to rule out the influence of mana."

"Um~~How did Rosen do it?"

After pondering for a long time, there was no answer.

I can't figure it out at all, I have no clue at all.

But in the end, he still thought of an effective coping method.

"Rosen has the innate talent to see the basic laws of the world, but I don't. Therefore, if I compete with him on this road, I will definitely lose."

"But I also have my strengths."

Thinking of this, Tiamat's black eyes engraved with circles of dark gold lines became very deep.

"I used to have some scruples, worrying about excessive damage to the Styx, but now I can't control so much. As long as I completely perfect this illegal spell, I will truly be on top of the world."

This illegal spell is called 'Supreme Power'!
It is a super skill that Tiamat accidentally discovered when he was promoted to the 8th level of Holy Spirit Realm and researched the deep mana rules.

Through this spell, he can temporarily gain a part of the authority of the Supreme God.

The spell is not yet perfect, so it is a partial authority.

If you continue to explore, it is possible to obtain permanent and complete supremacy.

The authority of the three so-called supreme gods is greatly lacking.

If he has complete authority, then no one in this world will be his opponent.

Neither can Rosen!
The only scruple is that studying this illegal spell is very destructive to Styx, and he is afraid that Styx will have problems.

I have always had scruples and dare not let go completely.

But now, he wasn't worried at all.

Either he wins in the end, or everyone dies together.

For him, there is no third choice.

When Tiamat was about to desperate, in the distant Fenghua Continent, twelve Styx boats emerged one after another at an altitude of about [-] meters above the continent.

Fleet flagship command module.

The three powerful gods, Rosen, Sedrana, and Nova, are observing the situation on the ground through the eyes of insight.

As far as the eye can see, it is all endless smoke and dust raised by the explosion.

It was raised tens of thousands of meters high, so that the air around the fleet was gray, and one could only see a black and yellow earth wall at a glance.

Rosen was connected to the eye of insight of the synchronous satellite magic weapon, and looked down from an altitude of about [-] kilometers.

I saw a thick cloud of khaki-colored smoke centered on the ruins of Saf, spreading rapidly in all directions.

At present, the spread area has a radius of more than 500 kilometers.

If it is on the earth, facing this scale of smoke and dust, there is naturally no way but to wait for natural settlement.

During the waiting period, the ground will cool down greatly due to the large amount of sunlight being shaded, resulting in an ecological disaster.

This is the so-called nuclear winter.

But this is not the earth, but a different world with true gods.

Rosen opened the command channel and contacted the true god of the whole army.

"These smoke and dust are obviously very harmful to life, but I'm not very good at dealing with them. Which god has similar experience?"

As soon as the words fell, 16 gods took the initiative to stand up and sign up, including 4 medium gods and 12 weak gods.

Ms. Rose Nova also smiled and said, "This situation is actually not difficult to deal with. As long as the water vapor is extracted from the sea, it will rain heavily for a few days and nights."

"I happen to be watching the whole battle, so let me help you wrap up the battle right now, lest others say that I am here for sightseeing."

Sedrana also said: "Then I will help evaporate water vapor from the sea."

Otherwise it would be a trip.

So the two mighty gods took the gods to the nearby sea.

About half a day later, an extremely thick cumulonimbus cloud drifted over.

After a few thunderclaps, it began to rain heavily.

First it rained mud, and as it continued to rain, the sky became more transparent and the rain became cleaner.

After three days, the dust raised by five hundred big fat men fell back to the ground again.

Rosen looked down again, and saw that the Saff Fortress had completely disappeared, replaced by a large lake with a radius of more than 50 kilometers.

Because it has just been accumulated, the lake is very turbid with a yellowish yellow color. When it clears up in the future, it should be a beautiful scenery.

Rosen said to the two powerful goddesses who had returned to the command cabin: "Could you give this lake a name?"

Sedrana said: "It's better to call it the Demon God's Grave."

Nova shook her head: "The name is too gloomy. Since it is the lake where we joined hands to gather rain, why not call it Goddess Lake."

Sedrana's eyes lit up: "Ah, that's a good name."

Rosen made a decision: "Then call it Goddess Lake."

By the way, I swallowed the 'fatty lake' I was thinking about.

Later, Rosen issued an order: "The whole army landed, and the landing site was the lakeside on the west side of the Goddess Lake."

Twelve ships, in addition to carrying weapons and angels, also carried tens of thousands of craftsmen and combat supplies, with the purpose of quickly establishing a temporary war fortress.

But now that a complete victory has been achieved, it is naturally a permanent fortress of war.

After landing, the middle and weak true gods were divided into two groups.

A group began to direct the craftsmen to build the fort according to the scheduled construction plan.

Another group was busy counting the losses and gains of the battle.

As for Rosen and the other three powerful gods, they naturally just waited leisurely for the result.

When they get up, they will also have fun together.

Six hours later, the detailed statistics of the battle results came out.

The one who gave the report was a middle-level god from the kingdom of nature.

His face was agitated, his tone trembling slightly, but his posture was upright, and he showed great respect to Rosen, even a little worship.

This is also expected.

On the battlefield, whoever can bring victory will be worshiped by the soldiers.

And this expedition to the Fenghua Continent completely wiped out the Saff Fortress within two days.Only four of the Guangda Demon Gods fell, and apart from the loss of some war supplies, there were almost no casualties.

Such a victory can only be described by the word 'brilliant'.

So he reported: "Great Marshal Rosen, great Lady Sedrana, great Lady Nova."

"This time, we spent a total of 500 Sun Destroyer Artifacts, destroying 6 ordinary Angel artifacts and 200 powerful Battle Angel artifacts."

"A total of about 300 million crystals of level 7 divine power have been lost."

"But also a legendary result."

"In addition to annihilating the entire army of demon gods, about 480 million crystals of pure level 7 divine power were harvested, and a large amount of precious metal materials were dug up from the ruins of the fortress at the bottom of the Goddess Lake, totaling more than 7000 tons, including 20 tons of krypton gold. "

He began to read it like announcing the menu, and he reported it for 5 minutes.

Rosen and other gods naturally listened carefully.

After listening, Rosen said: "Save materials and divine power, make good use of them, and use them to strengthen Fenghua Continent's defense against demon gods."

"In addition, I also need something with symbolic significance to report this victory to the Queen of the Earth and Her Majesty Rand of the Golden Red Immortal Territory."

Nova is a powerful god in the Jinhong Immortal Realm, so this expedition to the Fenghua Continent can be regarded as a coalition of two god realms.

Naturally, I have to pay credit to Rand.

"Is there such a thing?" he asked.

The middle god nodded immediately: "The great Marshal Rosen, in my opinion, there is no item more suitable for rewarding merit than the remains of the Great Demon God Sarfo."

"What are the specific ones?"

"In terms of symbolic meaning, there are exactly two."

"A broken head of the Great Demon God, and a complete Legion Command Sword 'Hell Flame'."

Rosen was very satisfied: "Then pack these two things carefully, give the head to His Majesty Rand, and give the commanding sword to the Queen of the Earth."

The Queen of the Earth doesn't like seeing bloody and pickled things very much, so it's appropriate to give a command sword, and Rand is a god of war, and he pays attention to the merits of the first level, so it's also good to give a head.

The middle god immediately said: "As you wish, great Mage Rosen."

After he stepped back, Nova said softly, "I'm afraid His Majesty Rand will not be happy."

Rosen was taken aback: "Your Majesty Rand doesn't like heads?"

Nova shook her head: "It has nothing to do with the head, it has something to do with you."

"To be more precise, it has something to do with you being the subject of the Queen of the Earth. If you are his subject, then he will be very happy."

Rosen understood immediately.

The three supreme gods are all independent in nature. In today's world of great controversy, the supreme gods are at risk of falling.

Obviously, whoever is stronger will have a lower risk of falling.

In other words, there is a substantial competitive relationship between the three gods.

As an important minister under the Queen of the Earth, he was naturally not liked by Rand.

So, he spread his hands: "I did what I should do. As for whether His Majesty Rand is happy or not, it is not up to me to decide."

He is not pure divine power, but he cannot please everyone.

Nova also shrugged: "That's right, let it take its course."

Subsequently, Rosen began to summarize combat experience.

"Two ladies, this battle has proved the great power of this sun-destroying magic weapon. I intend to promote it to the entire expeditionary force to deal with the Great Demon God."

Nova smiled lightly: "Then the demon gods are in trouble, but can this power be made smaller?"

Before she watched the battle in space, she felt that the power was really amazing.

She once thought that the ground would be blown through, but luckily the ground was much stronger than she imagined.

Rosen nodded: "Of course it can be as small as one tenth, one hundredth, or even one thousandth."

Sedrana said: "I think that since the mysterious resonance is used as a control method, the distance and types of remote control can be increased to throw this sun-destroying magic weapon more safely and secretly."

When Rosen heard it, he secretly smiled: "Isn't that a hypersonic strategic nuclear missile~"

With the technology he has mastered now, it is not difficult at all to develop an accurate and reliable strategic nuclear missile.

It can be done in a year at most.

He nodded: "Then I will make the normal version first, and then I will upgrade the throwing method later."

That's it.

At this time, the battle situation in Fenghua Continent was basically stable, and the results of the battle were counted. As the commander of the expeditionary force appointed by the queen, Rosen naturally asked the queen to report the good news.

Directly contact the Queen of the Earth with a mysterious whisper.

"Your Majesty, I have won. The Demon God Legion in Fenghua Continent was completely wiped out by our legion."

"The four powerful demon gods, as well as all the weak and middle demon gods, and the 50 Dark Angel Legion were all killed by our army, and our losses were extremely small, and the loss of personnel was about zero."

The queen was shocked when she heard it. If it weren't for knowing Rosen's character, she would almost suspect that he was lying about his military exploits.

"I can't believe it."

Rosen smiled: "Your Majesty, the messenger has set off with the Observation Crystal, and also put on the Legion Command Sword of the Great Demon God Sarfo."

"As for me, I have to start busy preparing to deal with the demon god's counterattack."

After a pause, Rosen smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty, you are ready to announce your new husband."

Now that that's been said, it should be true.

After the shock, deep joy emerged in the queen's heart.

He smiled lightly and said, "Of course I will announce it, but are you so impatient?"

Rosen laughed: "That's natural."

"I look forward to becoming your legal husband every day, so that every man in the Eight Realms will know that I sleep with the most noble woman in the Eight Realms every day, hehe."

The queen scolded with a smile: "You actually have such a blasphemy idea, I suddenly regret it."

"Your Majesty, it's too late to regret now."

The Queen of the Earth 'lamented': "Okay, okay, who made my eyesight look bad, I searched and searched, and found a romantic fanatic like you."

But then he said seriously: "But let's talk about it first, unless we have completely defeated Tiamat, and you really have the ability to protect the kingdom of the earth, otherwise I cannot, and I dare not conceive a son of God for you."

"Of course, deep in my heart I still hope to have a son of God."

"After all these years, apart from my mother, I have no other blood relatives."

Other gods, even the holy gods, can conceive a god son, but she can't, because the supreme god is always alone.

Therefore, when other goddesses can hand over the important affairs of their gods to their children, while she retreats behind the scenes to enjoy leisure, she can only do everything by herself.

It takes 3 years to do it.

This is no enjoyment, but torture.

Rosen also replied earnestly: "Your Majesty, I will do my best to gain enough strength to protect the Kingdom of God and you."

This time, the queen no longer doubted.

"Then I will wait patiently, and I believe that you will never let me down."

"In addition, you also need to prepare for the war between us and the Golden Red Immortal Territory."

Rosen's heart moved, and he immediately knew that the queen had predicted everything.

He said seriously: "Your Majesty, I will." (End of this chapter)

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