Celestial Mage

Chapter 653 Huge pressure from outside the territory (22)

Chapter 653 Huge pressure from outside the territory (22)


Aranza left contentedly, but Rosen still stayed by the lake.

He sat on a flat boulder, admiring the beautiful sunset of Goddess Lake.

After watching for a while, he said, "Don't hide, come out."

In a flash, Nova, the rose lady in a dark red dress, appeared on the stone, walked a few steps forward, and sat back to back with Rosen.

Both of them have powerful divine power, and after being blessed with invisibility, they don't have to worry about being noticed by mortals at all.

In fact, they can't be seen below the powerful divine power.

So it's safe to talk.

Even so, Nova cautiously set up another layer of divine power barrier.

She said softly: "The power of the emerald green wilderness made Rand feel great pressure."

"And this pressure will make Rand gradually go crazy, and may even make him give up his past prejudices and join hands with Holly, the Supreme Demon God of the Great Abyss Realm."

The three great god realms, conceptually speaking, the natural wilderness is similar to the golden red fairyland, and they all belong to the order camp.

But under the concept, there is a more basic thing called 'survival'.

If survival is threatened, the idea becomes meaningless.

Just like a person who has been hungry for three days and three nights, he will never be picky about the taste of food.

Rosen agrees with Nova's words: "At that time, the Verdant Wilderness will be fighting on two fronts, and the pressure will definitely be enormous."

"And when the pressure reaches a certain level, Rand should exchange his troops in exchange for forcing the Queen to let me step down, and even issue an order to expel me."

"At that time, even if she is personally unwilling emotionally, the Empress will probably agree to the exchange in exchange for breathing space in the emerald green wilderness."

Nova nodded: "That's right, you are just the queen's husband. There were six such powerful gods in the past, but now all of them have fallen."

"The burden of the earth god kingdom cannot be easily carried by a powerful level 7 god."

According to past experience, all this is very likely to happen.

But Rosen was very optimistic, he said with a smile: "That's because the power of those powerful gods is not strong enough."

In at most three years, he will be able to create his own source of ten thousand dharmas.

Although the highest level of divine power produced by this source of all magic is only 3.2, it can be upgraded step by step.

When he achieves level 8 Holy Spirit, he can be promoted to level 7, and the maximum second power reaches 3000 million crystals.

Once he possesses such power, it will be enough to conquer the Eight Realms with a single god.

Nova naturally didn't know what Rosen was thinking, and said with a smile: "It's good to be young, but I still want to advise you, you should find a way out for yourself, and don't release all your enthusiasm on the queen."

"After all, she is an empress first and a goddess second."

These words were all correct, Rosen reached out and patted Nova's thigh.

"I remember your words, and I will be ready to retreat."

"But things are not completely pessimistic, there is still a possibility."

"What is possible?"

"Emerald Wilderness has one against two, and still holds the upper hand. They sang all the way, and even directly attacked the Golden Red Immortal Realm and the Great Abyss Realm, causing the two supreme gods to fall at the same time."

"At that time, as long as you are promoted to level 8 Holy God, I will support you to become the Supreme God of Jinhong Immortal Realm."

Nova didn't know how to comment on this extremely optimistic to crazy idea, she was silent for a while before speaking again.

"Then let the brush of time paint the future bit by bit."

During the conversation with Nova, the real body of the God of Time and Space, also discussed the future development with Serendis, who had been close to him.

Today, Serendis is also a medium-level divine power of 6.7, the highest level of divine power among the five goddesses, a full level higher than the second-ranked Gendroni.

This is not only the help of Rosen, but also depends on her own efforts and talents.

At this moment, the two of them were chatting while doing business in the soft snow of a hidden col in the Holy Mountain of the Kingdom of God.

Although Rosen has countless women, he still likes to be with Selandis the most.

Because the two souls can blend together almost perfectly, resulting in an indescribable sense of joy.

This feeling cannot be replaced, so in his heart, Serandis is unique.

At this moment, in the state of close fusion of souls, the communication efficiency is extremely high.

Rosen stared at Serendis's bright crimson eyes, and said silently.

"There is no doubt that whether it is our fate or the situation of the Eight Realms, we have reached a critical turning point."

"Next, as the queen's husband, I will essentially lead the emerald green wilderness against the other two great god realms."

"Although I really want to ease the relationship between the supreme gods, even if it is only for five years, so that we have enough time for development, I am afraid that the opponent will not give us this opportunity."

Serrandis supported Rosen's chest with both hands, and complained softly: "Honey, you are powerful now, please use less power."

Rosen smiled apologetically, and immediately pulled back.

Only then did Serandis relax, and said with a smile: "Actually, I found a good thing in the technical documentation, which may alleviate the crisis."

Rosen's eyes lit up: "Let's listen."

"Simply put, it explains the purpose of the soul pole."

"The ultimate soul is actually a recorder, which records all the information of a life."

"And there are actually two extremes of the soul of a life. One is at the core of the soul, and the other is at the source of all dharmas."

"The two sides resonate all the time, and the information is transmitted extremely secretly."

Rosen already understood: "So, as long as I read the information of the backup soul in the source of all magic, I can directly reproduce the target?"

And this, he can do.

Serrandis shook his head: "You can only reproduce the body, but not the mind."

"My idea is that we can use this to disguise ourselves as the Dark God, and do things that he didn't do but in line with his style, which will greatly deepen the hatred between Holly and Rand, and increase the resistance of the alliance between the two parties."

Naturally, Rosen got it right: "The key to this matter is to pretend to be real."

If it is not true enough, it is easy to overturn.

"Then I don't know, because it involves the processing of massive amounts of information, which is far beyond my ability. You have to try it."

While speaking, Serendis shared the technical information he had found.

Rosen looked at it carefully, and then laughed: "Aha, this is basically the same as my forging technique, or in other words, this is a semi-legal forging technique."

With this thing, it can be easily planted.

At that time, even if the True God of Darkness has a hundred mouths, he will not be able to explain it clearly.

It doesn't have to take long, after three years, when he creates the source of ten thousand dharmas, he can be completely relieved.

Next, it is natural to work hard to repay his wife's help.

Five days passed in a flash.

At dusk on the fifth day, Rosen set off for the Emerald Forest.

But unlike other gods, he did not go from the river Styx, but from the queen's peaceful garden.

For such an important party, he naturally came to the 'body' personally, while the frontline Fenghua Continent was handed over to the replica body.

On the way, he was a little half a step behind the Queen, walking along a picturesque path by the lake, walking towards the Emerald Forest almost side by side.

The queen's face was a little dignified, with a trace of almost imperceptible heaviness on her face.

She hid it very well. If it wasn't for Rosen's super powerful spellcasting ability, she wouldn't have noticed it.

Now that you've found it, just ask.

"Your Majesty, has something bad happened?"

The queen was slightly taken aback: "Am I acting so obvious?"

Rosen took a step forward, turned around and gazed at the empress's gorgeous, noble yet feminine face.

"Dear Your Majesty, please don't underestimate the insight of a logician."

"Our souls and bodies have been deeply intertwined, so I can see the pressure on your heart."

"And since you plan to make me your husband, I should face the difficulties with you."

In this case, the Queen of the Earth no longer concealed it. Anyway, there was still more than an hour before the party started, and she sat down by a small pavilion by the lake.

"Rand contacted me, and he warned me that if I continue to reuse you, he will immediately withdraw from the alliance and declare war on the kingdom of the earth."

This matter itself is nothing, she is not personally threatened by this, because the current Golden Red Immortal Territory is very empty.

Even if the Golden Red Immortal Territory and the Great Abyss Realm join forces, it is not impossible for the Emerald Wilderness to win.

But the impact was extremely bad.

If it really happened, it's good that the subsequent battle goes smoothly. If it doesn't go well, the people of the Kingdom of Earth God will spread their anger on Rosen.

Rosen was not surprised by this, and asked, "Your Majesty, what do you think?"

The Queen of Earth frowned.

"I'm not worried about declaring war, I'm worried about you. I'm afraid that after you are with me, there will be no good ending."

"If you've lived for tens of millions of years, I wouldn't feel so guilty, but if you're under 40 years old, if I... I feel sorry for you."

At the end, the empress stared at Rosen with those star-like black eyes: "Why don't you forget it?"

How can this count?

Rosen immediately got up and knelt down in front of the queen, grabbed the queen's hand, and looked up at her.

"Your Majesty, someone has lived for 1 years, but the days are repeated for 9000 years."

"What is the difference between such a life of ten thousand years and a puppet?"

"In life, when you encounter challenges, you should go forward, step on your opponent's face, spit at him, and tell him that he is wrong!"

"If you shrink back and cringe, what's the difference between that and death?"

"So, even if you fail, Your Majesty doesn't have to feel guilty, just push me out to take the blame, because this is my own choice."

Tears welled up in the eyes of the Queen of the Earth, and she sighed: "Lawson, your light is like the sun in the sky, I don't even dare to look directly at you."

"I swear to Styx, no matter what the situation is, even if the supreme god falls, even if the kingdom of the earth is broken, I will face it with you!"

This oath is really a bit heavy, and Rosen is also very surprised.

"Your Majesty, you are the Supreme God, how can you give up hundreds of millions of people for me?"

The queen leaned down, kissed Rosen lightly on the lips, and said silently, "Because I'm tired of being a queen too, and I don't want to have an eighth husband anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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