Celestial Mage

Chapter 656 Let's put aside the matter of the green wilderness first! (1)

The next day of the Starlight Dreamland Party.

The holy gods of the Emerald Wilderness brought their confidant Congshen to gather again at the Temple of the Earth, and began to discuss the cooperation details of the Emerald Wilderness Alliance.

Today, the situation in the Eight Realms has become more and more complicated, and it may completely get out of control at any time.

Every god has a vague sense of urgency in his heart, and he wants to do everything possible to make himself safer, so as to avoid the fate of falling.

Every god has this jittery thought.

Therefore, after the idea of ​​​​single gods came together, it became a consensus.

Move faster, and faster!

The entire emerald wilderness is like a suspension car that has raised its mana output to the limit, racing violently on the road of time.

Therefore, after only one month of discussion among the gods, the final version of the "Oath of the Wilderness Alliance" was successfully issued, and the establishment of the "Kingdom of the Wilderness United Gods" was announced to the Eight Realms.

In the past, it would have taken at least a hundred years.

As soon as the announcement came out, all the gods of the Eight Realms were shocked.

However, the newly established Kingdom of God ignored all kinds of noise from the Eight Realms. Master Rosen, who had just become the queen's husband, immediately launched three major transformation plans.

First, establish a standard belief system.

Driven by the three cores of clergy, belief in godhood, and high computing power control core, a belief system that spans the entire wilderness and the kingdom of gods and their soul pastures is built to obtain power from the souls of mortals with the greatest efficiency.

According to calculations, after the transformation is completed, the divine power income of the entire United Kingdom of God will be at least three times higher than the current one!
Second, supernatural replacement, also known as "War Control"

During the war of gods, in the non-critical areas of society, ordinary power was used instead of divine power to maintain social operation and save the consumption of divine power to the greatest extent.

The former is open source, and this one is throttling. After a thorough transformation, it can reduce the consumption of divine power by more than 90%.

With the combination of the two measures, the divine power used in the Supreme God War will increase by more than 10 compared to today.

This is a huge leap of orders of magnitude.

But more than that.

With power comes the skill to use it.

Therefore, Rosen introduced the third article.

Thirdly, establish the Ministry of War Industry with the "Supreme Floating City Research Department" as the core.

The Ministry of Industry will use the sun destruction technology as the core to develop and mass-produce various brand new combat artifacts.

This department belongs to the United Kingdom of Gods, is responsible to the Holy God Council of the United Kingdom of Gods, and accepts the supervision of the Parliament.

As a result, manpower and material support can be obtained from various provinces in the entire Kingdom of God.

Simply put, this is the super arsenal during the war of gods.

After the arsenal is running at full speed, the alien version of the missile aircraft and cannon will be able to enter the field, directly changing the form of the god battle.

What is even more shocking is that the three major transformation plans are not a rough idea, but a specific implementation plan is directly given. As long as it is passed, it can be started immediately.

As soon as the Empress saw the plan, she submitted it to the newly formed Council of the Holy Spirit.

All the saints were shocked when they saw it.

Not only because of Rosen's powerful ability, but also because of his terrifying work efficiency.

If the same content needs to be replaced with other holy gods, it may take more than ten years to complete.

Perhaps infected by Rosen's work efficiency, after some intense discussions, the plan was passed smoothly, and then it was immediately implemented in the newly established United Kingdom of Gods.

Every holy god in the Kingdom of God is in a hurry, as if he was ten thousand years younger.

However, half a year after the reformation of the Wilderness Divine Kingdom was in full swing, the Holy Spirit Conference of the Golden Red Immortal Territory had just been held.

The meeting place is naturally the Golden Red Temple in Rand.

Rand's supreme divine body, as magnificent as a mountain, was still sitting on his throne, and in the hall in front of him, six level 6 holy gods gathered.

Including Rand, there are a total of 7 people, 3 fewer than the Verdant Wilderness.

This is also a matter of course.

Who made Rand the God of War?

Influenced by the Supreme God, Jinhong Xianyu has always advocated fighting to solve problems.

In contrast, the Pax of the Verdant Wastes are fond of courtship and kinship.

Whatever conflicts you encounter, if you can resolve them peacefully, you can resolve them peacefully.

The Golden Red Immortal Realm is completely another extreme, so every holy god rises out of blood and fire.

In terms of single-god force, it is far higher than the emerald green wilderness.

Under normal circumstances, one-on-two has a high probability of winning.

Then why did the gods really hold a meeting until now?
Because the three holy gods had all ended in person before, and the battle with the demon god was at the soul ranch, and the battle was at its most intense, so they couldn't just call a truce for a meeting, right?

Even if you want a truce, the Demon God will not allow it.

So we can only wait.

One wait is more than half a year.

Anyway, they finally got together.

Rand spoke first.

"The Emerald Wilderness has fallen, and it actually reused a young god who used illegal magic to rise to power, and even made him the queen's husband!"

"What's even more depraved is that they have completely abandoned the sacred traditions that have lasted for tens of thousands of years to this day, and let that unreliable and evil logic rule the mainstream of society!"

"Abandoning the traditional emerald green wilderness, there is no essential difference from those chaotic demon gods. In the near future, it will definitely fall into complete chaos!"

"So, we have become the last hope of the order camp!"

"My idea is very simple. Before the green wilderness is completely hopeless, launch an attack on its major soul pastures, forcing it to expel, or even kill that evil young god!"

Having said that, he looked at the six holy gods in the hall: "Everyone, express your opinions now."

The six holy gods are all male gods, and they are all strong and dressed as war gods in battle armor. At the same time, the styles of the battle armor are almost exactly the same, with gold and red as the main color.

If you don't look at the face, it's even hard to tell the difference from each other.

One of the holy gods walked to the middle of the hall with a look of disdain.

"The girls in the Emerald Wilderness are full of flamboyants, but when they really fight, they don't have much skill."

"Let me see, don't waste your time on the soul ranch, just form an elite team, sneak into the emerald green wilderness, kill the little mage who hasn't even grown a hair yet, and you're done!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another Holy Spirit stepped forward.

"Gore, your thinking is too simple, how can there be such an easy thing?"

He looks the youngest among the six holy gods, but his divine power level is the strongest, reaching an astonishing 8.6 level.

He saluted Rand respectfully before expressing his thoughts.

"Your Majesty, regardless of whether the spell is illegal or legal, one fact that has to be admitted is that Mage Rosen is very powerful."

"Since his rise, he has personally commanded three divine battles, each of which has achieved a near-perfect victory."

"Now, the empress of the emerald green wilderness is placing a heavy bet on him. It is a huge challenge for us and the Great Abyss Realm!"

"I think we should first abandon the ideological dispute with the Great Abyss, and join hands with the Supreme God Holly to cooperate with each other and fight against the emerald green wilderness."

Before he finished speaking, Holy God Gordon sneered.

"Orison, how dare you make such an absurd statement! Don't you know that among the gods present, everyone has a family member who died at the hands of the demon god?!"

"Now, you don't want revenge, but instead let us cooperate with blood feud, what about your glory as the God of War?!"

As soon as these words came out, Orison frowned: "Gore, of course blood revenge must be avenged, but to avenge, we must first live. And patience is an essential quality of an outstanding fighter."

"Bullshit quality!"

The third Holy Spirit came up and glared at Orison angrily.

"Three months ago, the demon god Atigok broke through the fortress where my daughter was stationed, slaughtered all [-] soldiers in the entire fortress, and ate my daughter... my daughter raw!"

"When I rushed to the fort to help, I only found one of my daughter's fingers!"

"I heard that you like your third daughter Agatha very much, and regard her as a flawless gem."

"Let me ask you, if Agatha was treated so cruelly, would you still say such a thing?!"

Orison opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but he didn't have the confidence to refute, because he couldn't bear it either.

In the end, nothing was said.

The new Holy Spirit turned to look at Rand, and said bluntly, "Your Majesty, I don't agree with your point of view."

"Mage Rosen did use chaotic and illegal spells, but I heard that he has sworn the Styx oath and never used them again."

"But now we and the Emerald Wilderness are allies, and we have expeditioned against the Demon God's Legion together, and achieved a lot of results. It is time to make persistent efforts and completely defeat the Demon God."

"I think, no matter how legitimate the reason you say, turning against the green wilderness at this time is a betrayal of order and an accomplice of the demon god!"

When it came to the last sentence, the God of War's words were already very rude, almost equivalent to cursing in person.

In the emerald green wilderness, this kind of thing would never happen, but Jinhong Xianyu is different.

Everyone is a god of war, and if you really want to be in a hurry, you don't lack the courage to fight to the death.

The so-called arrogant soldiers are nothing more than that.

Rand's face sank: "Atreus, you are presumptuous!"

Atreus stood up straight, still insisting on his point.

"Your Majesty, of course you can attack the army in the Green Wilderness, but I must avenge my daughter!"

"So, no matter what you decide, the only target for me and my army is the Demon God!"

"Of course you can announce the removal of my soul ranch and revoke my qualifications as commander, but even if it's just me, I will still insist on revenge!"

After saying this, Atreus turned around and strode towards the gate of the Golden Red Shrine without giving Rand any face.

Rand was furious and shouted, "Atreus, stop!"

"There is nothing to say, Your Majesty!"

Atreus kept walking.

"Then get out of here! Get out of my Golden Red Immortal Realm, and never come back!"

He didn't choose to do it, because the holy god's counterattack would consume a lot of power, and he might even be injured, which would greatly weaken his majesty.

It is much more serious than being refuted face to face.

Hearing this, Atreus turned his head to look at Rand, raised his hand and took off the golden-red helmet, then took off the golden-red battle armor on his body, and threw it on the ground casually.

"Then, this is the last time I will call you Your Majesty. May you always win."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

After he left, the hall fell into a deathly silence.

After a long silence, Rand asked, "Who else objects?"

There are five holy gods left, you look at me, I look at you, and then another 8.1-level holy spirit came out.

His name is Saga, he has a very stubborn temper, and he will go to the end wholeheartedly when he sees the target. He is called "Saga without regret".

He silently took off the golden and red battle armor on his body, and then gave Rand a deep salute.

"Your Majesty, the demon god Truk killed my beloved wife. I swore to Styx that I would kill all the demon gods and bury my wife!"

"So, I'm sorry I can't continue to serve you."

He turned away.

There were still four holy gods left, but they did not leave.

Rand looked gloomy and asked, "Do the rest agree with me?"

The four holy gods all nodded.

Holy God Orison said: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, no matter what method is used, as long as the final victory can be achieved, this method is correct."

"Using Mage Rosen again, the emerald green wilderness that starts to be completely logical will definitely become an extremely terrifying opponent. At this time, we should unite all forces to fight against them."

Holy God Gorgon said: "Your Majesty, I personally don't agree with your statement, but I have sworn to Styx that I will always be loyal to you."

"What about you two?"

Rand looked at the remaining two silent Holy Spirits.

The two saints took a step forward and bowed to Rand.

One of them said: "Your Majesty, your wish is my military order."

This is a loyal dog.

Another god asked directly: "I don't care who I kill on the battlefield, as long as there is fighting."

This one is a war madman.

Then, the remaining five gods have unified their opinions.

Rand said: "It's better for Atreus and Saga to leave now, so as not to become a hidden danger in wartime."

"The soul pasture they left behind, you discuss it, and divide it up."

"Then, start preparing for war."

"I need you to prepare everything within half a year, and then launch"

Just as he was talking, suddenly a middle-level messenger flew into the hall in a hurry and shouted from afar.

"Your Majesty, it's not good."

Rand's eyebrows jumped: "Say it directly!"

The messenger immediately said: "The True God of Darkness once again broke into the Jinhong Immortal Realm, and took away millions of mortal souls, and returned them."

"What do you pay? Hurry up and say it!"

"I also put the victim's body on the ground into a sentence, saying that you are a... yes a"

"Are you stuttering?! To be honest, don't miss a single word!"

The messenger had no choice but to grit his teeth and say what he saw.

"It's... a tough-mouthed, soft-ass sissy who deserves to be poked."

After the voice fell, the hall once again fell into deathly silence.

Rand took a deep breath, and after taking three consecutive breaths, he finally couldn't hold back.

"Wait a while beforehand in the emerald green wilderness, and first give a lesson to the Order of the Heavenly Law!"

He shit on his face, if he can bear it and not fight back, then he is not the Supreme God of War, but the Supreme Waste!
He also had no doubt that this matter was done by the Dark God.

Because he has done it many times before. (end of this chapter)

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