Celestial Mage

Chapter 660 Almost broke up with the Queen (1)

Verdant wilderness.

Tranquil gardens in the Emerald City.

On the top of a small hill covered with green grass and flowers, there is an exquisite two-story building built alone.

The morning sunlight shone in from the window, and it happened to shine on the big bed in the bedroom on the second floor, reflecting the two divine bodies lying on the bed like sculptures.

It's just that one sculpture is made of flawless suet white jade, while the other is made of bronze.

Rosen is already awake.

In fact, he will never be able to fall into a complete slumber, and more than 80% of his spiritual thoughts will enter a calm state, which is considered to be sleeping.

But his spell-casting astrology has risen to 4100 stars, even if 820% of them have fallen asleep, there are still [-] stars remaining active.

This is already equivalent to the brain power of a level 6 peak god, and this is just the power of one of his clones.

If all the avatars are added together, it will be completely taken advantage of by others because of the rest.

Although awake, but do not want to get up for the time being.

With his eyes open, he looked at the painted ceiling of the bedroom in a daze. One hand rested behind his head, and the other hand gently painted the ups and downs of his wife's body, feeling a thousand times more wonderful than the world's best silk and satin.

Most of the Divine Sense of the Earth Queen is still sleeping.

Her spellcasting ability is 1500 stars, which is very high, but it is far behind Rosen.

When sleeping, only souls with less than 150 stars remain awake.

Sensing her husband's movements, she didn't wake up. She just adjusted her sleeping position and nestled into Rosen's arms.

The peaceful time was like a flowing stream, and after about half an hour passed slowly, the empress woke up completely, but she was still motionless and her eyes were not opened.

"Honey, there's news from the Intelligence Department that Rand has officially declared war on us."

The intelligence department has always been in charge of the empress, and the god in charge of the intelligence department is the goddess of the night, Menels.

If there is any important news, she will be notified as soon as possible.

Rosen is mainly in charge of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Electric Power. In theory, he is not as sensitive to changes in external information as the Queen.

Of course, in fact, he already knew the news from other sources.

If war had been declared three years ago, Rosen would have been under a lot of pressure.

But the situation is completely different now. Whether it is the war potential accumulated in the emerald green wilderness, or Rosen's personal cards, it is enough for him to easily face the situation of one against two.

He smiled faintly: "Rand's movements are really slow."

The queen naturally knew why Rand behaved so outrageously.

"He is the God of War, and he attaches great importance to personal dignity. He must not be humiliated. Otherwise, his soul will be aggrieved and his spiritual will will be blocked, and it will be difficult to exert the strongest combat power."

"Speaking of which, the God of Darkness who always jumps out at critical moments to provoke Rand's anger is really a good helper for us."

When she said this, the queen opened her eyes and looked at Rosen with a half-smile.

"Honey, aren't you going to explain this?"

Tiamat is not so low-minded, one time can be said to be a misunderstanding, but three times or four times will make people suspicious.

The queen has information support from the Ministry of Intelligence. After a little analysis, she suspects her husband.

Rosen knew that he couldn't hide it, and even now, he didn't bother to spend too much time making up a seamless lie.

Confess directly: "It is true that I did it, but I can swear that I did not use any illegal spells during the whole process."

"In addition, those mortal souls that I extracted were not abused, but were taken into my divine kingdom to be raised. The total number is quite large, about 1000 million."

The queen immediately asked: "I really want to know, where is your kingdom of God?"

Speaking of this, the relaxed look on her face disappeared, and she became a little dignified, and her black eyes were about to stare at Rosen without blinking.

"I also want to know if the man in front of me is the real body, or is it still just a clone?"

Rosen's avatar is almost exactly the same as the main body, but the queen is the supreme god who has countless sources of information after all, and after all, she has been with him day and night for three years.

From all kinds of clues, it is natural to discover some small actions that Rosen deliberately concealed.

Especially after successfully creating the source of ten thousand dharmas, the hidden movements are more perfunctory, and more clues are revealed.

Rosen looked back at the Queen of the Earth, looked at her face, and felt the other party's mind through the fate-fettered blessing ring, feeling that the other party's soul was moving away from him little by little.

Obviously, his own concealment melted the trust of the other party.

If it was before, he would feel very worried and try his best to please him.

But now, he just feels it's a pity, after all, he still likes the Queen of the Earth.

So I thought about explaining it carefully, so as not to lose this beauty.

But this great beauty is the supreme god, so it is really not easy to fool her.

Just thinking about how to explain it, his silence misunderstood the Queen of the Earth.

"Is it because the truth is too dark to tell me?"

Speaking of this, she raised her hand and grabbed Rosen's hand, holding it tightly, a faint gleam of water appeared in her black eyes.

"Rand has been emphasizing that you are an extremely deep god, and you are likely to become an even more terrifying dark god."

"I have never believed it. I firmly believe that as long as I am sincere to you, you will be sincere to me."

"But I didn't expect you to hide so much important information from me."

"What the hell do you want?"

"Are you coveting my supreme god? Do you want to replace me as the supreme god?"

"If you really want to, why bother to do such a small trick, you just tell me, will I reject you?"

When she said the last sentence, the Queen of the Earth finally couldn't hold back, tears welled up from the corners of her eyes, and formed a crystal teardrop on her white cheeks.

Rosen clearly felt that the Queen's suspicion had probably been brewing for a long time, and today it was just a general outbreak.

Maybe the other party has been waiting for him to take the initiative to explain, but he has not waited, so he becomes more and more disappointed, and finally can't help but bring it up.

I also feel that if this matter is not handled well today, I will have to break up with the Queen completely.

I really don't want to lose the Queen of the Earth, so I can only try my best to make up for it.

He reached up to touch her cheek.

"Don't touch me!"

The queen turned around and lay with her back to Rosen.

Rosen leaned over and hugged the Queen of Earth from behind.

The latter struggled, and Rosen restrained him forcefully.

During the confrontation, the Queen of the Earth felt Rosen's true power and was even more shocked.

"You have already advanced to the realm of the Holy God!"

Rosen didn't get entangled in this section, and leaned closer to the Queen's ear, earnestly answering her most core question.

"Enya, I have never coveted your supreme position, not before, not now, and never in the future."

"But I do want to become the Supreme God, and I plan to grab one from Rand or Hawley."

With her husband's assurance, the empress calmed down a little, and sighed: "Actually, I can give up my position to you. I have even considered this issue a long time ago. Because I have already hated this position."

"And your abilities are far superior to mine, and you are actually more suitable to control this kingdom of God than me."

"What annoys me the most is that you've been lying to me!"

Rosen also sighed: "Your Majesty, the strong can be willful, but the weak cannot make mistakes, because the price of making mistakes is death."

"Of course I know that you love me very much, just as I love you very much, but true unreserved trust cannot be condensed overnight."

"You are the Supreme God. Your experience is far richer than mine, and your thoughts are far deeper than mine. Many times, I don't know what you think."

"As a weak person, I don't dare to test your bottom line easily."

"But I still have to move forward, so I can only choose to hide it."

The Queen of the Earth was silent.

After a while, she asked, "Then why are you daring now? You have achieved the Holy Spirit Realm, so even if you offend me, you don't have to worry about my sanctions?"

"If you think this way, then you are wrong. As long as I want to, I can always sanction you."

Rosen shook his head: "It's not only the power of the Holy Spirit, but also another more important hole card."

"I couldn't say it before, but now even if I say it, if I anger you, if you want to sanction me, I will be safe and sound."

The Queen of the Earth was startled, and couldn't help but turned around again, facing Rosen head-on, staring at his face carefully.

"I can feel that this is the biggest secret you are hiding."

"Say it, tell me, and see if I can accept it."

If you can accept it, then you can continue to be a husband and wife.

I can't accept it, and I can't force it.

After all, each god has its own philosophies. If they have different philosophies but force them to stay together, it will only lead to mutual destruction in the end.

Rosen nodded slightly: "You are my wife who is connected by fate. We were once blessed by the River Styx, so I will tell you this secret."

"If you can't accept it, I will choose to leave."

"And this ring, I will seal it up forever and never use it again."

The Queen looked down at the Ring of Fate Fetters in the hands of the two, with a look of reluctance in her eyes, but she quickly hid it and nodded calmly: "Then tell me."

Rosen leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I found a method, and through this method, I created a river of Styx that belongs to me alone."


The Queen's body shook violently, and the shock on her face rushed out of her face like a volcanic eruption, and she couldn't hide it no matter what.

She couldn't help talking to herself.

"How is this possible?!"

"Oh honey, you're scaring me!"

"But after calming down a bit, I feel that this matter is somewhat reasonable."

"Your insight into the fundamental laws of the world is so profound that there are countless moments where I am amazed by the light of wisdom you burst out."

"Now it seems that you have gone farther than I imagined, and it has reached a point that I can't understand."

"Oh~ It's crazy to build your own Styx~"

"No, the idea is crazy, but if you can turn it into reality, that would be the greatest feat in the world!"

Speaking of this, she looked at Rosen with an almost admiring gaze.

"Honey, is your Styx complete?"

Seeing her behave like this, Rosen secretly heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that he had passed the most dangerous level.

This magnificent Queen of the Earth is still his wife.

Luo answered the question seriously: "Of course there are some loopholes, but because I am the creator, it can be maintained at any time."

"Oh, that would be nice!"

The queen was a little excited, but suddenly felt wrong. She was still angry with Rosen for hiding the secret. How could she forgive him so easily.

So she put on a serious face: "I am very angry now, because I know that I am definitely not your only wife, and you must still have those wives in the mortal world."

"Your real body and your wife must be hidden in your divine kingdom, and then you throw out a high-quality replica body for me to deal with errands, right?!"

She guessed it all.

Rosen smiled awkwardly, but his face was firm: "Honey, it's true that I love you, but I also love Selandis, Gendroni, and Hejali."

"They treat me sincerely, and it is impossible for me to abandon them."

The queen knew that this was true, and felt a little resentful in her heart, but she also relaxed because of it.

Because it meant that she was right about Rosen. This guy is indeed very romantic, but he is also a gentle gentleman who loves his women very much.

This is completely opposite to the ruthless Tiamat.

She sighed again: "What about me, will you abandon me?"

Rosen raised his hand to show the ring in his hands: "If you don't abandon me, I won't abandon you either."

The queen is still a little dissatisfied, she can barely accept sharing a husband with other women, but at least she has to be equal to other women, right?

Instead of having only one avatar like now.

Since she didn't misjudge Rosen's character, she didn't have any scruples, and said directly: "The old Styx is like a dilapidated house with air leaks everywhere, and it may collapse at any time."

"And limited by the lack of resources, the new Styx you quietly built must not be as powerful as the old Styx, right?"

Rosen nodded: "It's a bit worse, but we can continue to upgrade."

The queen immediately said: "I will mobilize the resources of the entire kingdom of God to fully support you in upgrading the new Styx, but I cannot face a clone all day long."

"Because it's not fair."

It's not fair.

Rosen himself discussed with his wives.

After a family council, a unified opinion was reached.

The Queen's support is very important, and since she has become a member of the family and has greatly promoted the rapid upgrade of the Source of Ten Thousand Laws, she should be respected.

Then Rosen said, "Then, you are my fourth official wife."

The Queen of the Earth was satisfied, and turned over to Rosen.

"Given that my little husband has done such amazing feats, my wife must reward you well."

"You don't have to do anything today, just leave it to me."

Seeing that the Queen of the Earth accepted the status quo safely, Rosen was completely relieved.

After all, he really likes the queen.

When accepting the service of the Queen's wife, Rosen asked: "Honey, how are you going to deal with Rand's declaration of war?"

The queen shook her head: "I have some ideas, but I'm not sure, because I'm not sure about the performance of the new artifact. What do you think?"

Rosen naturally thought about it.

"After all, they belong to the order camp, and infighting will only make Tiamat happy."

"I'll send my clone to go to the Golden Red Temple first, to persuade Rand."

"If he doesn't listen to the persuasion, he will use the smart flying sticks to directly bomb the major military fortresses in the Golden Red Immortal Territory to wipe out its combat power to the greatest extent."

"By the way, the Golden Red Temple will also be bombed again, and Rand's face will be slapped face to face, so as to completely enrage him and reduce his intelligence to the greatest extent."

The queen asked: "Can your flying stick do it? After all, according to intelligence, the other party has also dug many underground fortresses over the years."

Rosen smiled: "Honey, I'm not idle either. I've also developed the earth-drilling function, which can drill up to ten kilometers deep and detonate deep in the earth."

The queen was completely relieved: "Then let Rand see the power of logical wisdom." (End of this chapter)

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