Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Chapter 13: Frog to Human Relations.

Hello! This is my latest novel! Unlike my other novels, this one isn't finished yet. The first volume is finished, though. And you can buy it on Amazon here. If you would be so kind, you can also get the first volume(and anything else I've made.) on my Patreon for donating $10 or over that, here. If you wish for updates, the $10 and over tiers will give you access to chapters when I actually finish them. (Maybe one a day? Idk, as I will be mainly working on other novels as well. But, there will at least be one new chapter every few days.)

Chapter 13: Frog to Human Relations.

*Celia’s POV*

Rather than just one person, there was an entire group of them. They looked to be a group of somewhat young adventurers. They spoke in a language that I did not understand. Not like I could talk to them in this form anyway… The group kept attacking me, though. I wasn’t about to kill them. Even if I had the ability to do so.

As such, I just ran off back the way I came. I had explored a decent ways into the cavern, so it took twenty minutes for me to make it back to the pond. Frogs can somewhat swim, so I just jumped right into it.

They were frustrated that I was now out of reach within the water. My plan was just to chill out in the pond, just until they get fed up, and leave me alone.

This plan worked out extremely well. Just not in any way that I planned… While they were scoping out a way to get to me, two Primal Goblins showed up.

I thought that this would be a perfect time for me to make my escape, and so I jumped out of the water, and ran into a different direction than before. Once there, I noticed the distinct lack of the sounds that would happen during a fight.

With my curiosity peaked, I hopped back over to where the pond was located at. Even though they were a group of five, with the youngest of the group maybe not even 30 years old, they were all killed by the Goblins…

Look, this can’t be my fault, right?… Oh! One of the members of the group is still alive! It was a woman who looked to be a demon. Aren’t they supposed to live a long time? Shouldn’t she be wiser than this? At least, they do in fantasy stories…

Despite leading them into an early grave, I still wished to save this woman. So I stupidly jumped and then kicked one of the Goblins in the head. Much to my own shock, the Goblin went flying somewhat, and even landed in the pond. Thus, his death was certain.

The remaining Goblin didn’t care at all, and was still attacking the lone woman. Just repeating what I did last time, that Goblin was also sent to a watery grave.

The woman, she looked to be pretty beautiful. She had blood red hair that went down to her chest. Her eyes were the same color, and so were the horns that adorned her head. Honestly, seeing her covered in blood, made me feel oddly aroused…

What I am trying to say, is that even when covered in wounds and blood, this woman is very attractive. Since the frog that she chased had just saved her life, it seems that she was still in shock from this odd event.

Those Goblins had crude weapons, which left very messed up wounds upon the woman. She needed medical attention very soon, or she’ll end up dying. Either from blood loss, or from an infection. Due to the need for her to rush, I hopped up to her, and nudged her in the direction that she and her group came from.

Demon Woman: “?evael ot em gnillet uoy erA huH” She seemingly asked with a confused tone and expression.

Since I couldn’t really respond, nor even understand her at all, I just nudged her once more. Which was really the only way for me to communicate with her.

Demon Woman: “...od I fi enif tsuj tuo krow dluohs ibila ym taht kniht I ?ereh seidob eht evael tsuj I dluohS” She said with what I assume was a sad tone, while looking at the bodies of her comrades.

Once again, I nudged her. After doing that a few more times, she finally relented, and started making her way out of the cavern. Or at least, in the direction that she came from.

I felt the need to follow along with her. Not because I knew that I could protect her. Despite my bravado, when I kicked those Goblins, I lost 30 HP with each kick. Not even mentioning that I am still currently starving from the evolution…

The walk, unfortunately, was not uneventful. One or two Primal Goblins would show up from time to time. This cavern was like a maze, with many tunnels within it. So Goblins could show up from anywhere. At the very least, the woman’s group had marked their path, probably so that they wouldn’t get lost.

Although I say this, even with the pitiful frog me, and the wounded woman, we were still able to deal with each fight. She used a normal sized straight sword. The fights usually went like this, I would either kick one of the Goblin’s head, or use my tongue to trip them, and then she would easily kill them off.

I mentioned kicking them, but nowhere near as hard as before, so I didn’t get injured from doing it this time. After walking for about an hour, we came to what I assume is the entrance of this cavern.

When we made it out, the woman flashed an expression of relief, before switching to an expression of remorse. Considering that I was sorta at fault for this whole terrible event, I feel quite bad about it as well.

Since I felt remorseful, I did not want her to thank me at all. Even if she thanked me in a language that I didn’t understand. So, I just hopped back into the cave. I could hear her saying something, but I just ignored her, and went further into the cave.

After all of this excitement, I was beyond starving. Much to my own annoyance, my hunger was already at zero, but while walking with the woman, my HP was slowly ticking down. Which was probably an effect of me starving…

I wasn’t going to bother with eating any insects, and I was not big enough to eat the Goblins that woman and I killed, so I had look for a ten minutes to find some food.

A chunky lizard was perched on a rock. It was small enough to fit in my mouth, so using my tongue, I snatched it up, and the lizard was flung into my mouth.

With the lizard inside my mouth, I figured that the job would be done once I swallowed it. But much to my dismay, it fucking bit me! I forgot that lizards even have teeth…

System: “Warning! You have been poisoned.” She said.

What!? The stupid lizard actually poisoned me!? Dammit! Trying my best, I spat it out of my mouth. Back on the ground, and covered in my saliva, the lizard seemed to want a fight. I figured that using my inspect skill, would be a good idea right about now.


Name: None.

Race: Scaled Poison Lizard.

Level: 10.

HP: 42/50.

Hunger: 25/25.

Exp Gained From Killing: 90.

Drops: None.


A Scaled Poison Lizard, is a lizard type creature that is smart to a decent degree. Their poison is deadly to most beings smaller than it. It prefers to only hunt things that it can easily kill. It’s poison gland, is the only valuable part gained when harvesting it.

Due to all of the shit that has happened recently, I am now down to only 20 HP… this lizard, who I assumed would be an easy kill, turned out to be a bit difficult.

Actually, if it wasn’t from the levels that I gained from killing those Goblins while protecting that woman, I would have probably died by now…

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