Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Chapter 22: Miner Mistake.

Hello! This is my latest novel! Unlike my other novels, this one isn't finished yet. The first volume is finished, though. And you can buy it on Amazon here. If you would be so kind, you can also get the first volume(and anything else I've made.) on my Patreon for donating $10 or over that, here. If you wish for updates, the $10 and over tiers will give you access to chapters when I actually finish them. (Maybe one a day? Idk, as I will be mainly working on other novels as well. But, there will at least be one new chapter every few days.)

Chapter 22: Miner Mistake.

*Celia’s POV*

Like I was possessed by the Demon of Mining, I completely, and utterly lost track of time. By the time that I woke up from my weird trance, I was covered in blood…

Ruina: “Celia? Are you finally awake!?” She yelled.

Celia: “Yeah, I am now. What even happened to me?” I ask with a confused tone and expression.

Ruina: “You went into a trance, due to the Mana Crystals.” She replied.

Celia: “Why would that happen?” I ask still with a confused tone.

Ruina: “Mana poisoning. Basically, you were exposed to too much mana from the crystals.” She explained.

Celia: “If that is something that happens, why would people even risk obtaining, and dealing with Mana Crystals?” I ask with a head tilt.

Ruina: “Adults of most humanoid species can go for years of exposer to Mana Crystals. Your current child body was the key problem here.” She said with a sigh.

Celia: “Okay… so, I should book it out of this dungeon soon? So that I don’t get put back in a trance once again, right?” I ask with a serious tone.

Ruina: “This dungeon is a complete maze. What’s worse, is that you have gone even further into it. Leaving would be hard…” She replied.

Well… I really fucked myself over on this one. At least I am awake now. My pouch still felt the same exact weight, but putting my hand in it, I could feel that there were thousands of each type of Mana Crystals, as well as Goblin Ears and teeth, within the pouch…

Around me were bits of Mana Crystals, as well as the bodies of Primal Goblins. The blood is clearly from them…

Judging by the area around me, I can assume that I mined all of the Mana Crystals, but before I could move on to a different area, I was ambushed by these pitiful Goblins. I mean, my sword is still stuck in a Goblin at the moment…

I wonder what all of my Skills, and Stats are like now? Surely, I would have gotten a few levels up, right? This rampage can’t have been for nothing…


Name: Celia.

Sex: Female.

Race: Human. (Child.)

Age: 6.

HP: 515/515.

AGI: 37.

STR: 42.

DEX: 30.

INT: 62.

Hunger: 15/395.

True Level: 57.

Race Level: 15/100.

Current EXP: 638/725.

Titles: Kin Eater. Giant Killer. Goblin Genocider.

Self Improvement Points: 68.

Upgrades/Skills Available: 0.

Damn… I truly went on a rampage, it seems… Oooo! I got a new Title! Thinking about Titles, can I actually inspect them? My Status doesn’t really tell me what they do…

Ruina: “Wow… you know what, I have just realized that there is no way for someone who uses the System, to check out their Title’s in depth information…” She said with a shocked tone.

Celia: “Seriously? Didn’t you tell me what the Giant Killer Title does?” I say with a head tilt.

Ruina: “I can see what Titles do, but the end users cannot. This needs to be remedied straight away! While you wait, go clean yourself off in that small pond.” She said.

Oh? So you’ll have it fixed for me? Cool. I guess that I should heed her suggestion. I am still covered in blood, after all. And Goblin blood stinks to all hell! I mean, really… How fucked up of a creation do you have to be, to where even your Goddamn blood stinks?

Ranting aside, I walked over to the small pond. No. It wasn’t the same one from before. This entire area is completely different than what I’ve explored. There was a shallow side of the pond thingy, and I used it to wash myself off. After washing for ten minutes, I was completely clean. With luckily none of the blood sticking to me, or even my dress.

Oddly, it seems that my dress is slightly magical. Although it doesn’t clean itself, it did dry itself off within a few seconds. As I was admiring my cute and magical dress, a slimy tentacle grabbed my left leg.

Before I could react, I was flung into the air. Dangling upside down, I was face to face with a squid monster… Okay fucker… why the hell are you just chilling out in this small ass pond!? With all of the uh… unique? And totally family friendly books that I’ve read, I was hoping that it wouldn’t try to do inappropriate things to me…

Much to my appreciation, rather than assault me sexually, it only wished to just normally assault me. By that, I mean that it threw me into a fucking wall! Motherfucker! That hurt so damn much! You’ll pay for this, you little bitch! Before that though, I should peep at its Status.


Name: None.

Race: Red Odd Size Squid.

Level: 56.

HP: 250/250.

Hunger: 180/180.

Exp Gained From Killing: 425.

Drops: Ink Sack.


A Red Odd Size Squid, is a water and air dwelling creature that has high intelligence. Despite mostly encountered in its full form, while traveling around, it floats around in the air, in a very small form.

Said form is roughly the size of a hand from an adult human. When it is in a location that it sees as a good base, it will revert to its full size. Red Odd Size Squid’s are known to get as big as eight times the size of an adult human. Its ink sack is the only valuable part of it.

Wow… what an annoying monster to face off against… Now, the problem is that, my sword is still inside the skull of a Goblin, and my pouch is nowhere near the pond, since I did not wish to get it wet…

While I was thinking about my options, one of its tentacles shot out towards me, at a speed faster than I could react to. Once again, I was caught by this stupid fish! Yeah, I know you aren’t actually a fish, but fuck you! I will disrespect you as much as I damn well please!

In the air again, rather than throw me like a shitty doll, it tilted up its lower body, revealing its sharp toothy maw. Oh my God… I’m not going to actually die, right?

Oh please no! I have so much to live for! Look, for the first time in my life, I can easily avoid taxes completely! And now this cheaty fucker will take that away from me!?

Fuck that! I might not have my sword, but I could still bite the little shit! Using my teeth, I bit off the tentacle holding my leg hostage. Or not… I actually still have my fucking baby teeth! My teeth can’t do jack shit! This might be the end for me…

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