Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Chapter 4: Bigger Life Soup.

Hello! This is my latest novel! Unlike my other novels, this one isn't finished yet. The first volume is finished, though. And you can buy it on Amazon here. If you would be so kind, you can also get the first volume(and anything else I've made.) on my Patreon for donating $10 or over that, here. If you wish for updates, the $10 and over tiers will give you access to chapters when I actually finish them. (Maybe one a day? Idk, as I will be mainly working on other novels as well. But, there will at least be one new chapter every few days.)

Chapter 4: Bigger Life Soup.

*Celia’s POV*

When everything stopped shaking, and I stopped being flung around, I was able to realize what had happened… I think that I was in a container of some kind, and whoever owned said container, just tossed the contents of it into some more water.

Considering that there were cells in this container, it might have been some stale water that they left out for a while…

I say this, as my new environment is a million times bigger than my first one. But I do not have the time to process this right now, as I am currently dying…

Now that I wasn’t after experience points, I just swam over to the nearest dead cell that I could find. After eating one, I felt much better, but I clearly needed more food to regain my HP.

With that, I looked around for more dead cells. I’ll just have to eat them until I feel better. Of course, I could just look at my System, but every time that I do that, something bad happens…

*Many Dinners Later.*

After around an hour or so, I felt like my HP returned to normal. I did hear a few “Ding!”s while I was eating, but I just ignored them. I guess that I should look at my Status now. Of course, after making sure that I was completely safe. That is, safe at least for now.


Name: Celia.

Race: Unknown Cell.

HP: 23/23.

Hunger: 10/10.

Level: 4.

Current EXP: 4.5/12

Skills: Inspect: Level: 1.

Titles: Kin Eater.

Self Improvement Points: 4.

Upgrades Available: 4.

Ah, so I guess some of those cells were still alive. Considering that I got a small amount of Exp from eating them. Oh… I also got one SIP as well! Wait…

There is a new section in my Status, which is called, “Titles” and I have one… Did I accidentally eat one of my own siblings, and for real this time!?

Stupid fucking System! Why the hell didn’t you inform me about this!? Now I have no idea how many of my own siblings that I ended up killing, and or eating… Do cells even have family?…


System: “User, Celia, ignored the notification for gaining the Kin Eater Title. And also did not ask about it until now. None of this is my fault.” She said.

Wow… even though she has a robot like voice, I could still detect a hint of anger from it… There are tons of novels depicting the protagonist’s System, as a real being, rather than a soulless unfeeling robot. So, on the off chance that this is one of those types of Systems, I should be nicer to it.

Anyway, looking around, I felt like I had just finished the tutorial of this life… Small cells I seldom found. I have a feeling that the ones I ate, were the ones in the same place as me, and they just died from the fall. I never thought that I would end up as such a villain…

All around me, were cells bigger than the one that almost killed me dead. As for that one, I still haven’t seen it just yet. Most likely, it was killed by the bigger cells. A fate that I might soon share with it…

With nothing else to do, I guess that I will just get that Cilia upgrade. As I select it from the holographic menu thingy, I pass out once more. Fuck… I am not used to this whole thing just yet. I swear, getting an upgrade, and then passing out from the pain, is really not fun at all.

Though, now I have these weird fin thingies. They actually help me move around far better than I thought that they would. Doesn’t really solve my current problems, though…

None of the other upgrades seem to be that big of a deal at the moment either. Sure, being able to see better would be great, but none of them would help me kill these big cells.

Do I even have to bother to try to survive? I could just swim up to one of those cells, let eat me, and then this nightmare would be over quickly… Fuck it. I’ve never been suicidal, and I am not starting now!

Sure, the cell’s around this area, are fucking huge, and they even have mouths. But, surely, I can find a way to kill them, right? The System did say that the higher level I get, the more features that I can use.

*Much Brainstorming Later.*

Unlike the cell that almost did me in, these cells are pretty slow. As such, I figured out a terrible way to kill them… From the inside.

Yeah, I can most likely just go behind them, and then bite my way into them. Cells are weird like that, I guess. That said, I haven’t actually tested this just yet. Mainly, because I could actually die from testing it out…

Oh, well. Better to try and die than to never try at all! I say in my head to encourage myself. I then swam over to a big cell. Before I dip into its body and kill it, I should look at how strong it is.


Name: None.

Race: Random Cell.

Level: 45.

Wow… this dude is a faaar higher level than me… Can I even kill it? I guess that I at least have to try. Like I said before, these cells are really stupid, so I can use my intelligence against them to great effect.

Putting my horrible plan into motion, I swam to behind the cell, before then biting it. After biting it for a decent amount of time, a hole was made by me.

Swallowing my guilt, I swam inside the cell, and started eating my way through it. I wish that I could look at its HP, that way I could tell if I am even doing any damage…

*Lots of “Eating” Later.*

This is quite possibly, the most disgusting thing that I have ever done… Well, I think that the giant cell is at least dead now… Ah, the ding!


System: “User, Celia, gained ??? Exp from killing a Random Cell, and gained one level. Due to it being a far higher level than the current user, a hundred times the Exp was given.” She said.

Huh? Why just one level!? And why is the Exp gained just question marks? System! I demand an answer! I yell in my head.


System: “User, Celia, used a unique method to kill a being that she wouldn’t have been able to kill normally at her current level and Stats. As such, the penalty was that the full Exp from killing the Random Cell, was not given, and instead, you gained one level.” She said.

Dammit… Does that mean that if I find cheat ways to kill shit, I get a penalty? That really sucks… But at least I gained a level. I don’t even want to bother to check my Status, since I most likely only got one SIP from the level up. Huh?… Oh shit!

Look, I said that I was a teacher, but that doesn’t mean that I am not prone to do stupid things. What stupid thing am I talking about? Well, I am still in that cell’s body, and a big, no, a HUGE cell, just fucking ate me, and the cell that I killed, whole…

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