Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Volume 5. Chapter 2: I had to Wait a Decent While… (Chapter 403.)

Chapter 2: I had to Wait a Decent While…

(Celia’s POV)

Sava wasn’t joking about me staying in the water. She had made me just chill out for… I think a few weeks? It is hard to say in such a weird world. Regardless, Sava was correct about how well the water would work. I feel… Eh, I’ll just cheat!

Celia: “…”

Huh!? My System isn’t showing up… Is it not allowed here or something? That would suck so much! How else am I supposed to know how much stronger I am!? Well, I do feel significantly more powerful, though…

Sava: “Did you just try to check your Status?” She asked.

Celia: “I did, but it wouldn’t pop up.” I answer with a pout.

Sava: “It won’t work here, silly. I didn’t add a Main System to this universe of mine. Though, if you would like me to do so, then I am more than willing to make it as such.” She replied with a laugh.

Celia: “Please do.” I reply with a smile.

Sava: “Okay. But you have to stay in the water for longer!” She secretly added to the deal.

Celia: “…”

No, wait… Why does she want me to stay in the water for longer? I don’t think that I can get any stronger than this, and I don’t feel like anything else is changing by this point. I asked this to Sava.

Sava: “Just a little experiment of mine, you see.” She replied.

Celia: “Experiment?” I repeat with a head tilt.

Sava: “Yes, prior to you, only one other person has used these waters. As such, I am very curious about what would happen if you stay in it for longer. The other person, well… she paid me, and I only let her stay in the water for two weeks.” She explained.

Celia: “What if something bad happens!?” I exclaim, getting up from the water.

Sava: “This is my universe, Celia! If something bad happens, then I can just revert time. There is no risk.” She said, effortlessly pulling me back down into the water.

Celia: “…”

As she pulled me back, I had finally recalled that… Sava was amazingly powerful. This woman was even miles more powerful than Ria. Who was previously the strongest person that I have ever met.

Honestly, the fact that she let me choose what I wanted to do… was very nice. In truth, Sava could easily force me to do anything that she wanted me to do. Her strength was seemingly endless, and this was her universe. Sava was in full control at the moment, but she didn’t take away my agency. That is something that I am thankful to her for.

Sava: “Though you’re away from your family, you should just see this as a break.” She proposed.

Celia: “A break, huh?” I repeat.

Sava: “Yes, a break, a time for relaxation, etc. So far, you’ve lived your new life on the edge, always needing something crazy to involve yourself in. Just relax for now, silly girl.” She replied with an oddly motherly tone.

Celia: “Fine… but if I end up turning into a rabbit or monster, I will resent you for life.” I reply with a small pout.

Sava: “Kill the Will for me, and I will willingly let you end my life if you wish.” She replied, rubbing my head.

Should I consider Sava as another mother to me? Like with Solia, Yona, and Amelie, I feel like Sava already treats me like her daughter. Though she needed something for me, I could feel that she wasn’t just helping me for that something.

Instead, it was like Sava had adopted me on the spot, much like how I’ve adopted a few daughters of mine. Perhaps she is just lonely, and this is the first time in a long while that she could use her real personality with someone? It is hard to say, and I don’t want to ask her right now.

Sava: “Ah, it is time to eat!” She said, making food appear out of nowhere.

Sava is having so much fun, and I don’t want to ruin said fun by asking her any serious questions right now. I didn’t really need to eat much, given my higher race and all. But Sava still fed me three meals a day.

The woman didn’t even let me eat myself, taking to feeding me while I still lie in the water. It was an odd feeling, I won’t lie about it. But I did like this, somewhat. Sava was going to give me power, and I was giving her the chance to dote on someone after being alone and ostracized for so very long. This was a deal of pure mutual benefits for all involved.

As the woman continued to feed me, I was lost in thought. What will come of this extra long dip in the water of mine? Will I end up a monster, or even more powerful than before? It is hard to say, and it seems that not even Sava herself truly knows what the result will end up being.

Sava: “Such a good girl… No wonder your mothers love you so damn much.” She praised.

Celia: “…”

Sava: “Can you see me as another mother? I’ll warn you right now… I had a daughter, but the Will erased her existence.” She continued.

Celia: “It erased your daughter?” I reply with a sad tone.

Sava: “The Will did, yes. Which is the main reason why I want revenge. With my own universe, I really have no reason to kill it. But it murdered my daughter… No. It did something worse. It completely erased her existence. I couldn’t even find her soul…” She answered with a sorrowful tone and expression.

The longer that I knew this woman, the more she would express her emotions on her face. Rather than being emotionless, Sava must just not have had much chances to learn how to show her emotions, I guess.

Celia: “Do you want me to replace your daughter, Sava?” I ask with a serious tone.

Sava: “Will… will you forgive me for something?” She asked nervously.

Wow… Sava looked like a child who got caught stealing some cookies, or something. What does she want my forgiveness for? My mind boggles at the possibilities… And I could see that Sava was struggling to get the courage to admit her supposed and unknown sin to me. What did she do?…

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