Cell Repair

Chapter 1183

Chapter 1170: ; The Great Fusion of the Cell World (End)

“Okay, one million high-grade spirit stones were sold.”

When Wang Zhen heard the stall owner’s offer, he smiled because he sensed the opportunity he wanted in the statue of Lao Tzu riding the blue bull.

So, without thinking about it, he agreed.

As he said, he stretched out his hand and inhaled, the statue of Lao Tzu riding a green bull flew into his hand, and a storage ring also flew towards the stall owner.

“Look at the storage ring. There are 1 million high-grade spirit stones in the storage ring. If there is no objection, then we will clear them up.”

After the statue of Laozi riding the green bull got in his hands, Wang Zhen rarely reminded the stall owner in a good mood.

“Ah, that’s the deal, don’t tell me the price!”

After the stall owner took the storage ring, he was shocked by the number of spirit stones inside and asked with a dazed expression.

“No, goodbye, the money has been paid to you, this statue is mine.”

Having said that, Wang Zhen left without looking back, taking the treasure hunter big treasure.


After walking out of the antique market, Wang Zhen took the treasure hunter Dabao teleported to an unmanned space.

“Dabao, the master has a hunch that there is an opportunity for me to become a holy in the picture of Lao Tzu’s Blue Bull, so I have to retreat for a while. Could you help me protect the law!”

After arriving in space, Wang Zhen looked at the treasure hunter Dabao and said.

“Well, good master, don’t worry, no one can disturb you with me.”

The treasure hunter Dabao nodded in agreement after hearing what Wang Zhen said.

“Well, thank you then, Dabao.”

Wang Zhen heard this, said a thankful word to Dabao, and then began to study the statue in his hand.

After some research, Wang Zhen found that the statue of Lao Tzu riding a green bull in his hand was covered with dense forbidden gods. No wonder, except for him, no one recognized this as a treasure.

Fortunately, these prohibitions are not difficult for the royal formation.

Between the arms of the king formation, the bans one after another were cracked by him instantly, revealing the real thing in the ban.

A purple jade slip.

Holding the jade slip, Wang Zhen’s heart moved, and his divine sense leaned into the jade slip. Then, a piece of ancient scripture engraved with a **** pattern came into his mind.

“Tao De Jing”

Tao can be Tao, very Tao; name can be famous, very famous. Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth, famous, the mother of all things. Therefore, there is often no desire, to observe the beauty, and there is often desire, to observe the behavior. The two come from the same name but have different names.

Seeing that it was the Tao Te Ching, Wang Zhen was stunned.

“Could it be that my chance of becoming holy is the legendary Taoism?”

Seeing that he had the full text of Tao Te Ching in his mind, Wang Zhen couldn’t help but wonder.

Tao Te Ching, this thing is written by Lao Tzu, the originator of Taoism in China. Although Wang Zhen has not read all of it, it is still slightly dabbled.

However, he really didn’t expect that his breakthrough opportunity would be in this scripture.

After some meditation, Wang Zhen couldn’t find the answer, and then he simply began to recite the Tao Te Ching in his heart word by word.

Once, twice, three times…

At the beginning, Wang Zhen didn’t feel much.

But as Wang Zhen read more, he felt more mysterious about Tao Te Ching.

Finally, I don’t know how long it took, when Wang Zhen read the Tao Te Ching ten thousand times.

Wang Zhen was stunned when he read the 101st chapter of Lao Tzu’s Theory of the Generation of the Universe in Chapter 42.

Dao begets one, one life two, two begets three, three begets everything.

Isn’t this the process by which those cell worlds in his body are formed?

If you understand him as Tao, then every cell in his body can be understood as one.

Then the yin and yang two qi are two, and the three can be understood as the earth, water and wood of the five elements.

When these three things coexist, all living things can evolve.

It’s just that, unlike what is mentioned in the scriptures, part of his process of evolving the universe was reversed.

According to the scriptures, Dao produces one, one life two, two produces three, and three produces all things in the order.

The derivation process of the world in the royal formation should be that first there is the cell dantian, then the yin and yang two qi, and finally the five elements, after gathering together, you can derive all things.

However, at this point, the process of derivation of the cell world in the king’s body has not been achieved.

Not only did it fail, the order of second and third was reversed.

“Could it be that this is the reason why I have been unable to break through the saint?”

Thinking of this, Wang Zhen was a little confused.

“Dao begets one, one life two, two begets three, three begets everything.”…

The king formation, who couldn’t find the answer, subconsciously began to continue chanting this sentence.

“Hey, since the order in which I created the universe is reversed, then the cellular world in my body, everything, three, two, one, all are there. If I turn them back together, wouldn’t it be the universe?”

After thinking about it, after thinking of the fact that his second and third are inverse, Wang Zhen’s head shook, and suddenly this bold idea emerged.

That is the reverse generation of the universe.

Since one, three, two, and everything can’t create the universe, then everything plus three and two and one?

Thinking of this, Wang Zhen had an epiphany.

As a result, his heart moved, and the cells that he didn’t want to stem began to come into contact with each other and fuse.

One, two, three, four…

Every time a cell pubic region around you merges, the original cell pubic world will become bigger and bigger, and there will be more planets inside.

Soon, one trillion cell pubic pubic fields disappeared, and three huge cell pubic field cells and one normal cell pubic field appeared in front of the royal formation.

These three huge cell pubic pubic fields, each cell pubic field contains 333,333 million planets, and it has become a big universe.

And that normal cell dantian was the only one among his many cell dantians that was unwilling to fuse.

Originally, the king formation was going to force it to be merged into the pubic area of the rest of the cells.

However, he stubbornly made a calculation and found that the dantian of that cell had another good fortune, so he let it go.

As for the universe where the three cell dantians merge, it has inherited all the rules and laws in the cell dantian, forming the unique rules and laws of the universe.

“not enough!”

Seeing this, the king formation was not satisfied, and commanded the three universes to begin to merge again.


I don’t know how long it took. After the fusion of the three universes ended, two identical universes appeared on the spot.

Everything begets three, three begets two, and two begets one.

“not enough!”

Seeing this, the king formation was still dissatisfied, and once again commanded the remaining two universes to begin to merge.


Finally, with the fusion of the last two universes completed, what appeared in the king’s array was a universe with one trillion planets, one tiny cell pubic region.

Seeing this, Wang Zhen’s heart moved, and several empty worlds suddenly appeared in his body, covering some planets in the universe.

Afterwards, all the beings in the trillions of planets moved to those worlds separately between his thoughts.

The world that the demon race moved to forms the demon world.

The world that the ghosts moved to www.readwn.com formed the ghost world.

The world that the underworld moved to forms the underworld.

The world that the realm of cultivation moved to forms the realm of immortality.

The world that the demons moved to form the world of demons.

After everything was done, the king array snapped his fingers, and in an instant of effort, all the billion-cell planets, except those that formed the various realms, turned into chaos.

“Congratulations to the little friend for entering the holy realm, and I also ask the little friend to finish handling the affairs of the universe as soon as possible and rush to the creation **** realm.”

Just as Wang Zhen had completed the fusion of the cells in his body into a new universe, a voice suddenly rang out of his mind, reminding him.

Needless to say, you can guess that it must be the Heavenly Dao or the Lord of the universe in which he lives.

“Well, thank you for reminding me. I have nothing in this universe. Please send me to the Creation God Realm.”

After hearing the voice reminder, Wang Zhen thought about it, and when he found that he had nothing to deal with, he said directly.

As soon as Wang Zhen’s voice fell, the next second, I only felt a flash before my eyes, appearing on the colorful **** seat in a colorful world.

“Me Gaia!”

“My Zeus!”

“I burn the sky!”

“I, Izanagi!”

Meet the Founding God King and welcome the Founding God King to return to the Creation God Realm again.

Wang Zhen had just arrived in the Creation God Realm, facing a group of Creation Gods who bowed towards him.

When Wang Zhen looked at it, he was taken aback for a moment. Looking at Wang Yu and Li Xue who had appeared on either side of him without knowing when, a large amount of memory suddenly popped into his mind.

“I, the king formation, turned out to be the founding **** king of the creation world!”

After the memory was restored, Wang Zhen looked at the many creation gods below, and said with exclamation.

(End of this book)

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