Cell Repair

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: ;Nether Snake Armor

“By the way, Xiaojin, can you practice instrument skills?”

Looking down and seeing the snake skin on his body, Wang Zhen suddenly thought of the novels he had seen on Earth.

Many people in the cultivation world, whether they are demons or cultivators, know a little about training tools.

And his idea is, if Jin Chan can practice weapon skills, see if it can help him train a suit of snake skin.

For a person who is used to wearing clothes, it is really too painful to have no clothes on this road.

“Well, boss, although there is knowledge about training tools in my inheritance knowledge, I haven’t tried it yet.”

Jin Chan said embarrassedly.

Since the bloodline of awakening, because of the ten thousand years of earth milk, it eats and sleeps every day, so there is time to learn those exercise techniques.

“Well, it’s okay, as long as you can.”

Wang Zhen heard it, and was pleased to comfort it.

What he wants is just a piece of clothing, not the legendary spirit weapon, fairy weapon, as long as he knows how to do it.

“Come on, you don’t need to know too much, just help the boss train a suit.”

said, Wang Zhen carefully drew the shape of clothes and trousers underground.

“Well, this is simple, but, boss, I have no materials!”

Jin Chan looked at it and nodded in relief. Such a simple pattern is relatively easy to refine at a glance.

“It’s not easy, how about using this snake skin on my body?”

Wang Zhen turned around and asked.

“Whether it’s doing it, the snake skin of the Demon Alchemy Period is not a very good material, but the training clothes are still enough, but it is a little bit less. If you have more, or have its scales, it may be better. ”

When Jin Chan said that, Wang Zhen was shocked, Dabao helped him find this snake skin, and there was something extra.

Nether Snake is so big, there must be more than that, snake skin and scales, but I didn’t bring it here.

Who knows that the Dabao on one side listened, but said happily; “Don’t worry about the gold coin brother, I have it here as much as you want.”

As he said, with a wave of his small hand, there was a large piece of stuff on the ground, but it was just a piece of dark snake scales and a section of dark snake skin.

Wang Zhen looked at it and was stunned.

“So many things, where is the big treasure?”

You must know that Dabao is only the size of a palm, but the pile of things in front of you is at least a few meters high.

En, that’s enough, I don’t need much, you can take the rest away!

Who knows, Jin Chan was not surprised when he saw it. With a wave of his paw, several sections of intact snake skin flew out from the inside, and a few pieces of scales that were different from other scales and contained some faint golden threads.

Dabao listened, and with a wave of his paw, the remaining material disappeared.

“I’ll go, better than the legendary storage ring.”

Wang Zhen was about to ask Dabao what was going on. Who knew Dabao seemed to know that he wanted to ask, jumped to his shoulder, and said in advance; “Boss, I didn’t intend to hide you on purpose. This is our treasure hunter’s natural ability. As long as you awaken, you will have a different space.”

“It’s very small at the moment, about 100 cubic meters, but it will grow as I grow.”

“No way! So hanging.”

Wang Zhen was really dumbfounded this time.

One hundred cubic meters still feels small, if you know that if you give him a storage magic weapon, it will be one cubic meter, he is willing.

let alone one hundred cubic meters.

And it can still grow, don’t worry about falling.

“Well, good boss! I’m ready, can I start training?”

Jin Chan on the side of    carefully recalled the content of the training device in his mind. After feeling very sure, he asked.

“Well, it’s okay! You can start. Wang Zhen nodded in response.”

“By the way, boss, I copied a copy of the knowledge about training equipment in my memory, and now pass it on to you.”

Jin Chan thought for a while and said, there is too much inheritance knowledge in his mind, it can’t cultivate at all.

Since I have already recognized the boss, it is better to pass it to him. If he has that talent, then there is no need to worry about no magic weapon.

As he said, Jin Chan’s heart moved, and the knowledge about training tools in his mind turned into a ball of light, floating towards the royal formation.

After the    light group enters the mind of the king formation, it automatically melts into its mind.

Then, a strange and familiar text appeared in Wang Zhen’s mind.

“Swire Training Device Collection”

is unfamiliar because he is sure he has never seen this text, and he is familiar because, although he doesn’t know the text, he understands the meaning of it.

The chaos is on, everything is born.

One grass and one wood, one sand and one soil.

The existing things in the world have their reasons for existence.

Since it exists, it has its own way.

So no matter whether it is poor or low, you can practice equipment.

This is the opening introduction of Taikoo Training Device.

“Boss, I’m starting.”

Jin Chan spoke suddenly, awakening Wang Zhen.

After finishing speaking, Jin Chan’s heart moved and his body began to grow bigger.

Magical powers “Dharma Xiang Tiandi” started.

The body is too small and the training device is inconvenient. If it becomes bigger, it will be different.

About two meters or so, Jin Chan stopped.

Then, he opened his mouth and spit out a pure green flame.

This is a demon flame, a flame unique to the demon race.

After the flame left his mouth, it hovered motionless in the air about one meter from Jin Chan’s body.

I saw that with a wave of its claw, the skin and scales of the snake on one side floated above the flame.

Then, when visible to the naked eye, whether it is the skin of the snake or the scales of the snake, it becomes a black liquid with shining gold threads.

After    turned into liquid, Jin Chan moved his mind, and the black liquid became three parts, one small and two large parts.

Under Wang Zhen’s eyelids, the three lumps of liquid slowly began to stretch, and in a blink of an eye, they turned into the shape of a pair of black sports pants, a black shirt, and a pair of boxers.

“Is that so? Boss. UU reading www.uukanshu.com” Jin Chan asked when he turned his head.

“Well, that’s it.” Wang Zhen nodded happily, and finally didn’t have to go to neutral.

Seeing Wang Zhen nodded, Jin Chan continued to dance with both hands, hitting a ball of light and dissolving it into three pieces of clothing.

The sharp-eyed Wang Zhen looked at it, and always felt that the lines of those patterns were familiar.

Can’t allow it to think about it, one of the shirts suddenly changed into the shape of an ancient battle armor after absorbing the light mass.

Densely densely covered with small snake scales, on the left and right shoulders, a vivid black snake appeared.

Wang Zhen looked at it, but it was exactly the image of the underworld snake.

After   Nether Snake appeared, it seemed to be alive, swimming back and forth around the surface of the black armor.

As the golden toad’s light ball penetrated, it solidified on the shoulders of both sides of the black armor.

Then, a snake hiss flashed, and the black armor turned into a shirt shape again.

Then, fulfilling his mission, he didn’t expect it to be a middle-grade spiritual weapon. Jin Chan said happily.

It was the first time to refine a weapon, I thought it would be good to be able to refine a treasure, but I didn’t expect it to refine a middle-grade spiritual weapon and two treasures, which it had never thought of.

“By the way, you can use it when you drop the blood to recognize the master.”

Seeing Wang Zhen holding the palm-sized clothes, he didn’t know how to use it, Jin Chan reminded him.

“I said that, it’s so small, how to wear it, it turns out that you still need a drop of blood to recognize the Lord!”

As he said, Wang Zhen bit his finger hard and smeared blood on his clothes.

Then, he felt that he had a connection with his clothes.

So, with a move in his heart, the clothes and pants will automatically be put on his body, and again, the clothes will become the armor mode.

“Little Jin is really amazing, this armor will be called the Dark Snake armor from now on!”

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