Cell Repair

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: ; 11 robberies

Hearing that in the story, Li Canghe mentioned the artifact parts again. Somehow, Wang Zhen suddenly remembered the crocodile-like monster that he saw in the lake when he had just crossed.

I remember that when it was practicing, the magic weapon that seemed to be sacrificed was in the shape of a crescent moon. Could it be that the crocodile was the monster that took advantage of Li Canghai’s serious injury and snatched its divine weapon, the moon wheel.

“Uncle Li, I seem to have seen the part of the artifact you mentioned on the body of a monster, is it a crescent shape?”

While Li Canghe was reminiscing, Wang Zhen thought about it and said it.

“What? Really!”

Hearing what Wang Zhen said, Li Canghai held Wang Zhen’s hand excitedly.

“No, I have to tell my ancestors first.”

As he said, Li Canghai took out a communication jade charm from the storage ring. After being excited, a light swish disappeared!


Less than ten seconds after the jade talisman was issued, suddenly, a wave of spatial fluctuations flashed.

A handsome young man in white appeared between the three.

But it was the young man who was going to catch Li Xue back when he went down the mountain.

“Let me go, is this the eleventh calamity scattered immortal in the story just now? Why is it so young?”

This is the first thought of Wang Zhen.

“Ah! Old ancestor, why are you here!”

Seeing that young man, Li Xue went up to hold his arm and asked coquettishly.

She ran out secretly, and saw her ancestors suddenly coming, and she felt a little frustrated.

“What’s the matter, suddenly a message told me that there is news about another artifact part?”

The young man glanced at Wang Zhen, and did not answer Li Xue, but turned his head to look at Li Canghe.

“It’s so strange numerology, I can’t tell the path of his destiny.

This is San Xian Luo Yu’s first thought when he sees the king formation.

You need to know that at his level of cultivation, he can get a general idea of the numerology of ordinary people.

Wang Zhen was still the first person he couldn’t see through.

is such an old ancestor, Li Canghe told the old ancestor how he found the storage ring of the head, and what Wang Zhen said.

San Xian Luo Yu listened, and looked at Li Xue; “Suddenly remembered that Li Xue was going down the mountain, so I gave him a hang!”

“There is a great opportunity waiting for her at the foot of the mountain, is this young man the great opportunity that Cher has hit?”

“It should be. His numerology is so strange that I can’t see through it when I am close to the realm of Jinxian. It is definitely not an ordinary person.”

After Li Canghe finished speaking, San Xian Luo Yu looked at the king formation and asked softly; “May I ask the old man, can you take the old man to the monster forest again?

Wang Zhen listened, thought about it and wanted to agree; “Yes.”

“A stupid immortal asks you to do something and promises to owe you a favor. A fool is not willing.”

“Besides, the storage ring on his body is still from Li Canghai, and now his seniors have found it!”

“Let you take it with you, if you can still go.”

Canghe prepare, when the day breaks, I will teleport and take you there. As for Xueer, just stay here!

San Xian Luo Yu heard that Wang Zhen agreed to go to the Monster Beast Forest again, and he was relieved.

The forest of monsters and beasts is so big, and Li Canghai’s breath is covered by the formation restriction, if no one leads the way, even if he is a loose fairy, he doesn’t know how long it will take to find the place the king formation said.

“No, ancestors, they will go too.”

Xueer said non-compliant when she heard that she wanted to leave herself in the shop.

“With your ancestors here, would you still be in danger, why leave me in the shop?”

San Xian Luo Yu thought about it, he was already regarded as the strongest in the realm of cultivation, even if he encountered ordinary immortals, he was more than able to deal with them.

He was just caring and messed up, so he thought about leaving Li Xue in the shop, but he didn’t expect that, in fact, his own side is the safest.

There was nothing to say all night, and after confirming that he would set off to the Monster Beast Forest at dawn, Li Canghe arranged a first-class suite for the royal formation.

After entering the room, Wang Zhen fell asleep as soon as he lay on the bed after a simple wash.

Since crossing the realm of comprehension, Wang Zhen has been cautious along the way. Even the slightest movement of sleep at night will wake up, so I have never slept well.

Don’t worry about danger again this time! Wang Zhen only felt that this sleep was extremely comfortable!

“Ah! What time is it!”

Wang Zhen, who just woke up, touched the head of the bed intentionally, but found that there was nothing.

“I’m going, the phone is gone!”

Wang Zhen’s sleepiness swept away, and he immediately sat up.

The King Formation sat up, looked at the furnishings in the room, and stared blankly for more than ten seconds before remembering that he was no longer on the earth.

With a creak, the door of the room was opened, and Li Xue walked in with a stack of folded gowns and a new pair of boots.

“Brother Jin, you finally woke up! My dad is about to die!”

said, threw the clothes in his hands to the king formation.

“Here, these are the clothes I specially bought for you early in the morning. Try to see if they fit properly. Your clothes are ugly!”

Wang Zhen heard this, and smiled at Li Xue and thanked him; “Thank you, sister Xueer! Sister Xueer has such a good vision, she must be a good fit!”

If Li Xue didn’t talk about clothes, Wang Zhen really hadn’t thought of it.

The clothes on    were still undressed at the beginning. Wang Zhen specially asked Jin Chan to make clothes for himself according to the undershirts on the earth. As for the feet, the Wang Zhen had been walking barefoot since crossing.

Snake skin sweatshirts are extremely comfortable to wear, but in this world of comprehension, where everyone wears long gowns, it looks a bit different, not to mention that the king’s formation has been barefoot!

So along the way into the city, because of the clothes, Wang Zhen has received unusual eyes!

Originally, Wang Zhen wanted to help Li Xueer find his father, and then went to buy some clothes and boots to put in the storage ring.

Who knows that when I was busy last night, I forgot it again!

What I didn’t expect was that Li Xue had already seen through his thoughts www.readwn.com I prepared clothes and boots for him in advance!

“Huh, I will say nice things!”

Li Xue was very happy when she heard it.

“It’s really not wasted that she went to help him buy clothes and boots early in the morning, and the praise from her sweetheart made her feel like eating a secret.”

“Alright, Brother Jin, you can change your clothes!”

Li Xue glanced at Wang Zhen, and jumped out of the room happily, closing the door incidentally when he went out.

After Li Xue left, Wang Zhen took a look at the clothes Li Xue had brought him.

A total of four gowns, four belts, two black and two white.

White gown with black collar and gold trim, black gown with white collar and gold trim. Regardless of black and white gown, the material feels smooth to the touch, and it looks like the finest silk.

“How did Cher know that I like black and white clothes?”

looked at the gown, Wang Zhen was extremely satisfied.

When on earth, Wang Zhen liked black and white clothes very much, just like his people.

That’s why when Jin Chan was helping him refine clothes, he didn’t even want black.

After thinking about it, Wang Zhen chose a black long gown among the four gowns, and the remaining three sets were all received inside the storage ring.

Putting on the long shirt, Wang Zhen tied his belt, and then put on his boots, plus the flowing black hair, there will be someone there who can tell that he is not from the realm of comprehension.

“Why don’t there even a mirror here?”

was neatly dressed, Wang Zhen wanted to see the effect, but found that there was no mirror in the room.

“Okay, forget it! If you don’t have it, don’t have it! Go out quickly, don’t wait for uncle in a hurry!”

After speaking, Wang Zhen opened the door and walked out.

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