Cell Repair

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: ;Jin Chan Chuan Gong

There are too few alien beasts, and even fewer can be on the list. One must know that the necessary condition for being on the list of alien beasts is to have the function of searching for spiritual things between heaven and earth.

At this point, I don’t know how many monsters have been stumped, and this treasure hunting function is also different.

There are those who are good at finding herbs, some are good at finding mineral veins, some are good at finding spirit stones, and there are everything…

It stands to reason that as long as it is useful to the creatures of the world, it can be counted as a treasure.

In fact, most animals and humans have this function.

For example, human beings use pictures and learn some knowledge to find something useful to them.

Beasts use their innate genetic ability to find something useful to them.

It can be seen from a word spread by humans; “Where the geniuses and earth treasures grow, there must be guardian spirit beasts.”

However, the alien beasts that can be on the list of alien beasts are not simply searching and guarding, but must be the alien beasts with top treasure hunting magical powers.

Just like on the earth, everyone has certain life skills, but most people are not proficient.

Those who are proficient in one or more of them are generally called masters.

beasts are the same, most of them have their own natural advantages, and fewer are proficient.

Anyone who is proficient belongs to the overlord of one party.

The alien beast is equivalent to the genius children or supernatural beings among the masters on earth.

Imagine how many people there is on the earth? That’s close to tens of billions, but as far as the king formation knows, the total number of global supernaturalists does not exceed a thousand.

But there are only fewer alien beasts. Generally speaking, a cultivation world, tens of thousands of planets, awakened alien beasts, can count the number of hands on the list.

Ordinary people may not understand why treasure hunting monsters are so popular?

However, as long as you are a cultivator, you know that if you are accompanied by a strange beast, as long as you don’t die halfway, you will become immortal or Buddha.

Dharma, companionship, wealth, land, four essential conditions for comprehension,

But after all, money is the most important thing.

The wealth in it refers to the treasure born between heaven and earth.

Everything has an anim, and each has its own way. In order to survive, in countless years, all kinds of treasures have long had their own ways of covering up.

or born in the underground, or in the deep sea, or in the valley, or born in the sky, unusual methods can be found.

But everything in the world has mutual growth and mutual restraint, and the nemesis of the treasures of heaven and wealth is the strange beast.

The supernatural powers of alien beasts are born for treasure hunting, each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

This is also the reason why alien beasts are so popular.

After all, as a cultivator, who doesn’t want to be accompanied by a strange beast that can look for treasure anytime, anywhere?

When you are still worrying about Xiulian resources, those with strange beasts have already found the resources they need.

When you are still worrying about not having magic weapons, people who have strange beasts have already changed what they want.

There is really a kind of feeling that I have a strange beast in my hand.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. Although the treasure hunting ability of alien beasts is well known in the world, it has been extremely rare since ancient times.

Some people may have heard of it, but they have never seen it in a lifetime,

There are some people who don’t know even if they have met, but when they think of it, they are too late.

Even between alien beasts and alien beasts, not many have seen each other.

“Although I don’t understand why we are required to help each other in the bloodline inheritance, since our ancestors said so, there must be a purpose.”

“Besides, the baby is still a child, just obedient.”

Jin Chan recalled her inheritance memory, and thought to herself.

Although his cultivation has reached the stage of his imminent ascension, he has basically grown up by eating ten thousand years of ground milk.

ate and slept, slept and ate, in just one hundred years, from a toad who didn’t understand anything, he cultivated to the peak of a monster’s realm.

And for the golden toads, this century is only an early childhood.

Turning his head to see Wang Zhen, Jin Chan glanced at his mouth, and thought silently in his heart; “Could it be that this is the human being in the legend, why is it so ugly.”

“There are no lumps all over the body, and the mouth is so small, it seems that the tongue is also short, I don’t know whether to eat bugs or not?”

I thought about it so much, but it was just a moment.

Looking back, Jin Chan’s Divine Sense Transmission asked the treasure hunter; “By the way, you should have awakened the bloodline memory, but why you still use the language of your rat race? Is there no “mastery of all methods” in your inheritance memory Dharma?”

When the treasure hunter heard it, he asked in surprise; “How do you know that I have awakened blood memory?”

There is also, what is the mastery of all methods.

Jin Chan listened and smiled mysteriously; “Because I have already awakened the blood of the three-legged Jin Chan, and the blood between our strange beasts can be sensed by each other.”

“I know the alien beast, because I am.”

“But the three-legged golden toad is a strange beast, why don’t I know, there is no memory in my bloodline inheritance!”

Upon hearing the treasure hunting mouse Dabao, he asked suspiciously.

Hearing what the treasure hunter said, Jin Chan suddenly thought of when he had just awakened.

At that time, he only passed on a small amount of knowledge and practice techniques.

It wasn’t until his cultivation gradually deepened that he gradually gained a large amount of knowledge inheritance.

“No, you won’t just wake up!”

“Yes, I just awakened for a few days.” Treasure Hunter Dabao said naturally.

You need to know the time when it awakens, or when the formation is teleported here.

Because of unconsciously absorbing a large amount of spatial energy in the spatial channel, it awakened part of the bloodline memory.

“Okay, I see, it may be the reason you just awakened.”

“By the way, it’s not convenient to communicate. I will teach you the “Mastery” method. Don’t resist.”

Jin Chan thought for a while, opened his mouth, and a ball of light floated out of his mouth.

“Dabao, be careful.”

Seeing Dabao chatting with Jin Chan, Wang Zhen who was looking around, suddenly saw Jin Chan spit out a ball of light, thinking that Jin Chan was going to attack Dabao.

subconsciously blocked it with his hand, who knew that the light group disappeared when he started his hand, but suddenly there was a new exercise in his mind; “Master of all laws.”

Proficient in all methods; after learning, you can understand, UU reading www. uukanshu.com speaks the language of all creatures in the world, and since then makes communication between languages of different races barrier-free!

The origin is unknown.

大宝; “…”

Jin Chan; “…”

Wang Zhen; “…”

“Brother, is your master stupid?”

“No, very smart! Treasure Hunter Dabao responded stupidly.”

When Wang Zhen heard this, he turned his head awkwardly; “By the way, you continue, I won’t bother!”

After speaking out, Wang Zhen was stunned.

“Why suddenly I understood what they were saying? Is this the function of the light group just now.”

Jin Chan rolled his eyes speechlessly when he heard it, and had no choice but to spit out another ball of light to Dabao.

After    Treasure Hunting Mouse Dabao absorbed the light ball, suddenly, a timid voice of a tender girl appeared in Wang Zhen’s ear.

“Boss, I am Dabao.”

“No way? Are you a mother?”

Wang Zhen subconsciously exclaimed when he heard it.

Jin Chan on the side of    heard it and exclaimed, “No, you turned out to be a mother.”

“I hate it, so what if someone is a mother.” Dabao on the side listened, pretending to be shy, and said with a wink.

“Thank you, Brother Jin Chan, look back.”

Treasure Hunter Dabao shyly thanked Jin Chan.

A man and a beast never thought that the treasure hunter was a female, and Wang Zhen didn’t pay attention to it.

But Jin Chan is preconceived. When he first saw Dabao, he would have an embryonic aura depending on his words and expressions.

So Jin Chan thought that Dabao was just like it, a male monster.

“Hey, no, when did you learn how to master the secret method?”

Recovered, Jin Chan asked suspiciously

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