
Chapter 46 2/3

Tami rolled her eyes. "Whatever, we're late but this is still fine so let's just get on with it, how much cum does this dragon bitch even need anyway?"


The teenager snapped her fingers together a few times and ropes started writhing into the air, grabbing hold of the tubes and dragging them indoors where female shrieks of alarm soon after emanated from the nearby buildings.


"A lot Tami," said Lily.


The voice of Flora drifted over.


"Look that dragon is becoming an undead!"


"I demand you stop calling them dragons gnome!"




"Quiet! I can tell you are simply trying to distract me with your sheer unbelievable stupidity. Clearly, you are enthralled to whoever is attacking my estate."


The dragoness's head rose high and looked down upon her property.


"I demand you show yourselves scoundrels, if you have touched my Fey I shall burn you all alive. You have until the count of three before I start making ash of these buildings... One."


"Ohshitohshitohshit," groaned Lily, "We're not ready!"


"Doesn't matter! We're going all in!" yelled Vivi.


A rumble came from one end of the garden and then after a moment a building's windows and doors blew out, wood and glass going everywhere as masses of tentacles exploded forth, lashing and writhing into the air, huge person thick tubes of glossy white slime monster.


The tentacles rushed forward and spiralled up the dragon's tails and legs in an instant.


"Two- arghwhatthefuckisthat!?" came a draconic shriek.


The dragoness immediately began thrashing, her wings rising up into the air as tentacles swarmed over her body, tying down her legs and tail and diving around her vast belly, before latching onto her arms.


Still the dragoness seemed like she would be able to free herself, she was still able to move fairly well despite the entanglement and Wummy was clearly struggling.


That is until a voice bellowed.


"Kill and burn all gnomes into extinction you say?! Well FUCK YOUUUUU!!"


An ungodly force crashed down on the dragoness and her tail and arms and legs crushed down against the ground, her belly rolling outward slightly as her body was pressed into it making it wider. Her wings that had been flapping at the air splatted against the ground as what seemed like countless tons of weight hooked onto them. Lastly her head smashed down into the dining hall with a boom, her neck flattening against the grass before it.


So great was the force and magic being applied to the dragoness that the air above her body gained a rippling heat haze.


Still, despite all this, the dragoness fought ferociously, struggling and twitching, fighting back against the slime and gnome pinning her down, snarling and snapping.


"Gogogo!" cried Lily and teddy bears leapt onto the many levers on the many pumping machines as a bundle of roped together rubber 'out' tubes started to rise into the air, the ropes tied around them guiding them like a great snake.


Fey watched in disbelief as the bundle of tubes rushed toward the person sized pussy of the dragoness and rammed home, hitting so hard that the soft muff of the dragoness rippled and wobbled before the tubes forced their way inside, her labia slipping around to engulf them.


"Fey, help out!"


Fey blinked and turned to see the bears on the largest pump struggling to operate it. Not sure what she was doing anymore Fey stepped over and hauled down on the main lever. 


A howl went up from the surrounding buildings as a powerful vacuum sucking force was applied, and the clear rubber tubes that ran into the various doors and windows were suddenly filled with white, white rushing down each tube and toward the dozens of huge iron pumps. 


Fey pumped vigorously, watching as her cum left her many girls, was sucked into the pumps, and then roared up the larger bundle and into the dragoness's pussy.


A muffled shriek of draconic outrage came from the dragoness's head from where she was held down in the remains of the dining hall and her struggling redoubled.


The dolls of Vivi and Lily watched hopefully as cum roared into the dragoness, some spurting around her labia where the tubes didn't perfectly fit but for the most part pumping directly into her womb.


"It's working! I think!"


"Yes, look!"


Lily pointed at the edge of the dragoness's belly at the far end of the garden. It was gradually expanding, slowly rolling outward and pushing over another statue of Rina before then crushing it flat as the pale scaled belly of the dragoness grew larger.


Lily fist pumped the air for joy.


"Wooh! We can do this!"


Fey rammed down the lever sending uncountable gallons of cum roaring into the dragoness with each motion.


"Is-is it going to be enough?! there's not enough tubes to connect everyone to her!"


Lily shook her head, "It's fine, as long as we can keep her pinned we can just reuse the tubes on an unpumped person."


Fey nodded and redoubled her pumping, arms going up and down furiously. She would escape the dragoness's clutches! She was not an object the dragoness possesed!


Things seemed like they were going to work out perfectly as Tami successfully and smoothly replaced the first of the emptied girls with fresh ones, but then a loud and commanding voice broke over the statue garden.


"Fey Swifthoof. As you are no longer counted as a living being, I, Lady Ariawyn, shall be taking possession of you. You are now my property."


Fey nearly fell over the pump in surprise and had to slow down so as to not hurt herself. 


She turned her head to find a crowd of lavishly dressed women perched on a few dozen open air palanquins held up by their servants.


"K-kinda busy right now!" yelled Fey, trying to get back into the rhythm.


"What you are or are not busy with no longer matters as you are an item, you do as I require."


Fey shook her head, what was this? She was busy!


"Don't you know Lady Alexandria has already claimed me! Do you want to get in trouble!"


"I am well aware, which is why I shall be making an equivalent exchange, centaur for centaur."




Fey turned her head to see a centaur trotting from behind the palanquins. 


That wasn't shocking on its own, but the blonde wig and what were quite clearly a pair of watermelons in the bearded centaur's blouse made her eyes bug out of her head.


She was so startled by the sight that her hand slipped on the lever and the metal thing smacked her on the chin.


She stumbled back with a cry and crashed into another statue of Rina sending it tumbling to the ground where it shattered. She tripped over the pieces and promptly fell over it, coming to a stop amongst the rubble. 


She held a wrist to her head and groaned.


A hand reached out offering to help her up and she almost took it before realising who it belonged to and snatched her hand back. She struggled to her feet alone to find the male centaur standing beside her.


"Hey, I'm Kevin. Nice to meet the real deal Fey in the flesh."


Fey blinked away the pain and attempted to take in the fake Fey centaur dressed as herself. She was over a foot taller than the centaur so she had to look down which gave her a direct view of the centaur's melon based cleavage, a few locks of his blonde wig trailing across the green fruits.


Fey found she didn't have words for what she was looking at.


"Speechless? I know, it's rather a good imitation of your body. I suppose I must thank you, I've gone from being on my last silver coin to having more money than I know what to do with."


"...Ablurgh?" Fey was vaguely aware that wasn't actually a word.


"Uh, I'll assume that's a compliment… Uhmmm, soo what is exactly that you want to do? I can't say I'm into being the bottom, but I'll make an exception for you if you really want it… Although that tool of yours is uh, kind of intimidating." He lifted an eyebrow as he leaned his head to the side and eyed her massive cock. "I'm gonna need an ice pack for my bunghole after taking something like that."


"Wh-wh-wh-what are you saying?!"


"Oh, I mean, if you want me on top that works too, I can do it with my real cock meek and small as it is, or the dildo uh, copy of your cock I wear on top." He swayed his hips side to side and Fey felt her eye twitch as she watched a huge black dildo swing out from either side of his barrel, one longer than his leg.


"Aheh, I might need a stool or something to reach your cunny though, you are rather a bit larger than me. But don't worry once I get  thrusting I'm very good, you would not believe the number of five star reviews I get."


"I, I think I need to have a lie down," said Fey faintly, her hand touching at her head.


"Kevin, I didn't purchase your services to service my Fey, I purchased them so that you can replace her."


Kevin scratched his beard and turned to look back at Lady Ariawyn.


"Uhhhh, doing what precisely?"


"She wants you to be with Lady Alexandria…" mumbled Fey, still not quite processing what was happening.


Kevin froze mid beard scratch and his eyes rose up and up above to where the tentacles wrapped tail of the dragoness hung and pipes ran up into her puss.


"I mean, I'm pretty good in the sack…" he swallowed fearfully, "But a d-dragoness?"


"Your payment is sufficient. Fey come stand at my side. Now."


Hearing that a swarm of teddy bears suddenly rushed from the bushes and surrounded the nobles and their servants.


"You're not taking her!" cried Lily standing atop the larger pump. "She's in our band! We never leave band mates behind!"


The Vivi doll struggled up onto the pump beside her.


"Good adventurey words Lily, and yes she is right. You will die if you attempt to kidnap our band mate. It's a blood rule of adventurers. No poaching, especially against their will."


"Adventurers…" said Lady Ariawyn.


"Adventurers with powerful magical classes, so I suggest you leave, now, before things get out of hand, because we won't hold back."


"Hmmm. Did you quite foolishly think that adventurers have a monopoly on Classes?"


The servants who had been carrying the palanquins kicked out their stands and lowered them onto the ground. Cracking their knuckles and rolling their shoulders they pulled away and turned to face Fey, eyeing her with clear intent to do violence.


All the servants appeared readying for a fight as the noble ladies looked smugly on, sipping from beverages or eating sweet meats as though they were simply watching a play, an entertainment.


Tami waved for their attention.


"We merchants aren't going to stand for this? You're walking all over my family's property and making impossible demands! This is trespassing! All of you are trespassing!"


"Ah, the daughter of that nasty little Lamia merchant, how quaint that you would think your words are of any value to the nobility," sniffed Lady Ariawyn.


"T-Tami," hissed Emallia, "This isn't the time, you're going to be put in danger!" the younger noble had sidled up to her school friend as the others readied to fight.


"More danger than a freaking dragoness thief trying to steal everything my family has ever built?"


"She's right, I d-don't belong to you or Alexandria!" cried Fey.


"Correct," said Tami, "She actually belongs to me, she was on my family's property when she was made an object under the law therefore by the law we the Besindral family can claim primary ownership over the centaur."


"T-Tami?!" squeaked Fey, a little betrayal in her voice.


A murmur of anger went up from the watching nobles. 


"Amusing. But we aren't here to fuss around with silly little trade deals as you and your ilk are so obsessed with, no we will be claiming Fey by force of might and wit as the nobility of old."


The Ladies murmured their agreement, busily eating as they watched the argument go back and forth.


All the Ladies that is apart from Lady Audrey.


She lifted her arms over her head and stretched then leaned out side to side doing warm ups and stretches.


"I wouldn't mind going all out Ariawyn, I haven't had a chance to go for a run today."


"You have read the stories you know how strong she is Audrey! The others too!" said Emallia.


"Yeah, I know, that's why I said all out, it will be necessary. Ariawyn?"


Lady Ariawyn rolled her eyes but turned to face the warming up Audrey.


"Lady Audrey, would you mind maintaining perfectly focused balance and poise no matter how hard you push your Class's Skills."


Audrey smiled. 


"Don't mind if I do."


Audrey Moved.


Fey blinked. One moment the Lady Audrey was lowering her centre of balance, and the next she had vanished. A scream came from the side and she turned her head just in time to see the Lily doll being hit by a fist from a sprinting Audrey. The doll was launched from the top of the pump and meteored across the garden where she smashed into the belly of the dragoness creating a minor ripple.


"She's got a Class!" yelled the Vivi doll leaping off the side of the pump.


All hell instantly broke loose as the servants charged toward Fey, hands raised as water or ice appeared or weapons were loosed from clothing, daggers and knives.


It seemed like they weren't going to reach her however as a tidal wave of teddy bears roared from the bushes and charged into their legs, swarming up their clothing as living ropes darted out like snakes from the grasses, grabbing and snatching at limbs even as the servants hacked and attacked the bears and ropes.


Not to be outdone Vivi called out and glossy white tentacles darted from within the building the other tentacles emerged from, grabbing and reaching for the frenzied servants, lifting them up into the air and throwing them into trees.


The servants were on the back foot but then a cry came from within the swarming tentacles and ropes and teddy bears and a block of teddy bears were frozen in a miniature glacier. Then in a blur Audrey sprinted by so fast she could barely be seen. Wherever she struck bears were launched into the air, ropes cut, or tentacles knocked aside, a storm of motion that affected every part of the battlefield at once.


What at first appeared an easy win for their side was quickly being pushed back and to Fey's dismay she found a number of servants lunging for her, gold chains and cuffs held in their hands.


"G-get back!" she cried in alarm as they came for her.


Not having a clue how to actually fight Fey swung a fist at one of the servants. They expertly and smoothly ducked out of her way and she swung wide, her fist connecting with the larger pump. The iron caved in around her fist in a crater and with a dreadful metallic shriek the pump came to a grinding full stop.


Worse, the servant she had missed darted in and snapped a gold manacle around her wrist which was pressed against the metal, one quickly joined by more, her ankles and wrists all quickly manacled and linked by chains, although very thankfully her cock was not imprisoned this time.


Fey cried out in distress and thrashed, throwing off the servants who tumbled to the ground.


"You can't do this to me!"


Taking hold of the chains she tried to pull them apart but to her dismay found she simply couldn't, even when she put her utmost into it, a strength so great that it had caved in solid iron couldn't affect the chains at all. Something was clearly very wrong.


"Yes my Fey, you will no longer have that filthy barbaric strength of yours, it is not needed as our masturbation toy for the Size Queen Tea Club. You shall be placed on your back as our coffee table in the center of the tea room as we sip our tea, A toy that will remain immobile forever more and that we shall take turns riding. You are solely our stud to stretch ourselves upon Fey, you do not need to be strong."




Fey took a shaky step forward. Even the chains felt heavy on her.


"Do not struggle object, it is over for you."


A spasm of anger suddenly rushed through Fey. She had had rather enough of being told she was an object recently.


She grabbed hold of the chains and twined her fingers through them. Then she began to pull.


"Stop that. Audrey, stop her."


Audrey blurred to a stop in front of Fey.


"Calm down, it's over, just come quietly, really-


"I. Am. Not. An. Object." roared Fey as the first of the golden chains snapped. The metal hoop pinged against Audrey's chest and she abruptly took a step back in alarm.


"H-hey I thought that was supposed to suppress her strength!"


Lady Ariawyn's face became a little pale. "It is suppressing her."


Plink. Plink. plink. Golden chains started to rain down on the grass as Fey ripped through them. With a bellow her arms went wide, gold showering down around her as she freed herself, hooves kicking and pulling apart the chains on her ankles.


She was left standing, breathing heavily.


"Enough! We're busy trying to fill a dragoness with so much cum she can't fly! so s-stop freaking interfering! It's really important!"


Lady Ariawyn looked sourly upon Fey as a murmur went up amongst the noble Ladies. 


Then she sighed and stood from her palanquin, stepping down on the grass, her long skirt falling around her feet.


"I really would rather not have had to show this. But be as it may."


She lifted a hand and a red glow shone from her palm. This caused squawks of alarm from the other noble Ladies. 

"Yes, it is true, I have a Class, I have had one long before I made my home here in Bine. We elves live such long lives that it could be said that we live many lives, having multiple careers and multiple ambitions."


"Y-you used to be an adventurer?" squeaked Emallia in disbelief.


Lady Ariawyn didn't answer, instead the red glow massively intensified until a shard of liquid fire pushed from her palm and rose into the air until it was over a meter long. Her hand shaped into a fist and grasped the grip of the lava blade.


She lowered the weapon and aimed it at Fey, the servants and Kevin scrambling to get out of the way of the vicious looking thing that dripped droplets of lava onto the grass sending up little strings of smoke from the burned greenery.


"I didn't want to have to do this, but we are short on time and you refuse to be restricted. Fortunately, I do not mind If you are de-limbed, as long as your cock remains then that is fine. A centaur without arms and legs can still be fucked most enjoyably."


Fey took a step back, eyeing the sword with concern. It gave off a truly menacing air.


"Uhm, d-do we have to do this, couldn't you settle for Kevin?" 


Kevin whimpered hearing that and ducked back behind the tree he had been hiding behind.


Lady Ariawyn sneered and suddenly lunged forward, her dress flying up behind as she sprinted toward Fey who backed away in alarm, stumbling as she panicked.


The sword raised as Lily cried out for her to stop. But it didn't matter, the blade's fall seemed inevitable as the setting sun, a blade coming down to lop off Fey's arms as she raised them in defense, to dismember and cauterise in the same savage motion.


The blade came toward bare skin and-


A flash of glossy white whipped down from above, a massive tentacle that slammed between them knocking Fey back even as it took the sword strike in Fey's place, the lava blade chopping through the tentacle entirely, leaving a black cauterised stump in its wake.


The severed tentacle flopped over the grass as a distant scream of pain was heard.


Unfortunately, every tentacle wrapped around the dragoness reacted to the pain, shaking and writhing in distress.


Which of course was just enough for Lady Alexandria to move.


The dragoness's tail whipped down from the sky, a tail as thick as a building at the base coming down with all the force the dragoness could muster. 




Fey could do nothing but scream as the ornamental garden was instantly obliterated, earth exploding around the tail's impact point as servants and pumps and nobles and teddy bears were instantly launched skyward as the ground dropped violently away.


Fey came down rolling and tumbling as earth and grass hailed down around her in a storm of debris, even as she came to a halt it felt like the sky was opening up and dropping the entire garden on her head. She shrieked in terror as tonnes of solid iron pump landed next to her head with a crash, inches from killing her.


Fey curled up as garden continued to rain down from the sky, nearly a minute of stone and statue and dirt falling to earth before the very last speck had fallen.




Shakily, Fey got to her hooves, dirt sheeting off her back as she did so.


The garden was just gone, and the buildings surrounding it were full of holes, walls shredded by the impact of the statues being launched through them.


Just one single small motion of the dragoness and the blast wave from that motion had obliterated them all and there hadn't been a thing they could do to defend against it. If Alexandria were to fully escape her binds then they were all, every one of them, dead meat.


Mounds were rising from the earth around her as she watched, those launched by the impact. Even Tami was there, now her belly a big ball of mud, a teenager struggling to wipe dirt from her face at the top.


Particularly loud sounds of outrage came from a number of the dirt shapes and Fey realised it was the noble Ladies, now plastered head to toe in mud and grass and separated from their palanquins. They did not look happy about it.


A red glow was coming from one spot and as Fey watched Lady Ariawyn arose from the earth, the earth turning to magma and sloughing away from her clothes leaving them untouched and clean as she gracefully stood.


Her magma blade rose to point at Fey.


"This is your last chance object. I will allow you to come quietly, but if you say another singular word against my rightful ownership then I will be chopping off your le-




An ear piercing and incredibly loud sound broke over the destroyed garden, interrupting the elf. She blinked and frowned, turning to see one of the buildings surrounding the garden, the one the tentacles originated from. 


A rumbling sound was coming from within. A concerning rumbling sound.


Fey vaguely recalled that Wummy had been burned before, in the town they had arrived at originally after the dungeon, she… hadn't reacted very well to being burned.


"...What is that squee-ing noise?" said Ariawyn, her blade wavering with hesitation.


She got her answer as the building abruptly disintegrated and hundreds of tentacles launched skyward, in fact building after building was being ripped through across the estate as countless massive tentacles as thick as coaches rolled and rippled in a fury, thrashing from where they had been hidden and rising up into the sky in great arcs.


The sword drooped in the elf's hand as the sky above became filled with massive tentacles in all directions, all Wummy, everywhere Wummy.


"H-hey is that really just a slime-


A tentacle as thick as a coach slammed down from above. One moment the elf was there, the next she was gone as the ground shook with the brutal impact. The tentacle slipped away and Fey found herself looking down at a small crater, a few locks of blonde hair the only thing identifiable as elven amongst a horrifying mulch of gore. Ariawyn was just gone. Instantly killed on the spot.


The Vivi doll struggled up from the dirt beside Fey as Fey stared in a kind of detached disbelief at the crater.

"FFFFuuu-- fEy! she's hnnffff- g-going wild in meee--" moaned the Vivi doll, squirming and thrashing. "W-Wummy! The plan! w-we need the puuumps! HNNNN!"


"SQUEEEEE!" came the echoing reply and Fey watched as a thigh thick tentacle shot down from above and plunged between Tami's legs, the tip morphing into a nobbled many bulbed thing as it penetrated her pussy and then began to convulse drawing the cum out of her in a huge gulp.


One massive sucking draw and a heavy barrel size bulge of seed appeared near the tentacle's tip before it started to slide back even as a second bulge of cum was extracted to soon follow its path along the tentacle.


"NUUU! stoohpp! not agaiiiin!" wailed the muddy teenager, but she could do nothing as the semi transparent glossy white tentacle drew barrel loads of cum and sent them shooting back along the tentacle, pumping and draining her in gulps.


"H-hey Is-isn't that a problem Vivi? We need that for Alexandria!" 


"She's gotten better at- oh god Wummy harder- sh-she's g-gotten better at not accidentally absorbing eet! She won't absorb m-most of eeet! Hnnnng!"


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