
Chapter 47 1/2

Previously on Centaurus: The band successfully fill the dragoness to an incredible degree, making her vastness cover most of Rina's estate much to Rina's horror and despite the efforts of the Size Queen Tea Club to interfere. The band snatch the opportunity to escape Bine and Lady Alexandria's clutches, leaving the city at last atop the good ship Flora. 

Now, Chapter 47:

Fey held onto Flora for dear life as the ocean of trees racing past below them came closer and closer, the gnome rapidly losing control, the sound of treetops snapping and cracking below filling the air as they hit against the bottom of Flora's belly and Ellaria cried out her command.




The elf then reached over and slapped the sleepy Flora on the ass cheek.


With a gasp of surprise the gnome arrested their flight forward and dropped them down to the ground, The gnome girl's vastness landing with a ground shaking Boom, crushing dozens of trees to splinters beneath herself.


A second after she landed came similar booms as Vivi and Lily crashed down beside her, triplets in pregnancy with Flora as the largest.


Fey held tight to Flora's ankle as her great pregnancy sloshed and rippled with the impact, the back and forth motion seeming to go on forever as Fey struggled to keep herself from tumbling out of control.


But at last Flora's body came to a stop and the non stop muffled clack-clack of the many eggs from within slowed and then stilled.


"I'm sooo furking tired," groaned Flora, flopping across her belly and burying her face in her cleavage.


"Yes, well, you did hold down an entire dragoness in her true form for an extended period of time. I imagine you would be magically exhausted and suffering from severe mana backlash once again even with your growth in magical power," said Ellaria, who had been using Flora's breasts to keep her balance.


Flora didn't reply but a muffled groan of agreement came from her buried head.


Ellaria flopped down herself after a moment and glanced over at Fey who was somehow tangled in her own limbs. The centaur struggled valiantly before rolling over onto her front and managing to sit up. She then wiped stray locks of hair out of her face, doing her best to re-style it into something attractive. 


She looked up to find Ellaria staring at her while biting her lip.




"Mmm? O-Oh it's nothing…" the elf looked away, a faint pinkness to her cheeks.


Fey suddenly recalled that her relationship with the elf had recently been taken to a new level, they had been… very intimate. It might not have been the true breeding that Ellaria desired but it was still a life changing experience for Fey, she felt, well, her heart felt weirdly light.


Flashes of memory crossed her mind, a rumpled dress, perfect skin beaded with sweat, soft breathy moans, the elf's perfect pussy greedily pulling her deeper-


A huge spray of precum exploded from the tip of her rigid cock and sent clear fluid shooting a dozen metres across the smooth dome dome of Flora's belly and leaving a long wet mark behind.


Maybe it was a good idea to avoid thinking about what happened too much.


Suffice to say that there were new fresh green shoots amongst the growing blooming feelings between herself and her captain. They had passed well beyond being just captain and bandmate into something else, something wild, something untamed, something that Fey felt she couldn't predict, just how far would they go? It made her hearts race.


Ellaria lifted her head from where she had flopped down and looked over the mess Fey had created over Flora's belly.


"Thinking about what happened between us by any chance?"


Fey nodded meekly "Y-yeah. It was… something special."


"Special… but shared with many others. It's not what I dream about Fey. But I don't mind waiting a little…"


"Waiting for what?"


"For more of you. I've changed my mind about having guys touch you. Everytime I see some male near you I have to fight down the urge not to grab him and thrust him against you to have you absorb him, making your body grow bigger, taller, larger, more of you Fey, and more of…" She glanced down at the centaur's cock, peeking out from where it was angled to the side under her barrel.


"Uhm, b-but that's probably not a good thing right! I don't want to make guys into, uhm, cute tiny versions? and if I get bigger I'll be- I'll be even bigger than a cart horse! That's not very lady like! I'm so big now I was even able to look down on Kevin and he's a male centaur!"


"Kevin? someone you met?"


"...I don't want to talk about it. Ever." muttered Fey darkly.


"But I want you bigger Fey, so you can properly dominate me, forget what other centaurs think about you, if they have a problem with it you'll be so big and strong you can pick them up and simply throw them over the horizon."


Fey wasn't really sure how the elf imagined that she couldn't absolutely dominate in her current size, apparently the elf was having some pretty interesting dreams to think Fey still wasn't big enough for her.


She lifted a hand and vaguely waved it about. The gold bracelet was still on her wrist and the few remaining chain links attached to it jangled.


"Well the strength part might be a problem. There was this other elf with Kevin and her servants attached these to me. I'm way way weaker wearing them Ella…"


Ellaria blinked and then shuffled over, peering at the golden cuffs, then down at the similar manacles on her horse ankles. The remains of broken chains dangled from their linkages. 


"I did wonder why you were getting so easily bounced around as we landed. This is elven workmanship. It suppresses a prisoner's strength to the point that they are as weak as a babe and barely able to stand. We elves used them in the old empire to control populations by keeping their loved ones as hostages. They were supposed to have all been destroyed after the empire fell."


It was easy to forget sometimes that Ellaria came from a species that, similar to dragons, had commanded insane amounts of political and military power and ruled unimaginably vast territories.


Then again with Ellaria's style of strict leadership maybe it wasn't that hard to forget.


"If they are of elven make, does that mean you can remove them? I tried breaking them like the chains but they seem much stronger."


"No, I cannot, and to be honest it's a miracle you are still able to move at all, you are somehow beyond the limits of what they were designed to contain. We will have to see about finding an elven blacksmith who knows how to remove them once we reach draconica."


Fey fidgeted with her blouse. 


"Uh, about that, do we have to go to that place? My only experience with dragons is… not good. I can't help but think that this will be insanely and unbelievably dangerous Ella, we barely just dealt with one single dragoness, if more than one comes for me it's over."


Ellaria placed a comforting hand on the centaur's fidgeting arm. 


"Listen, Alexandria had one thing right, it's a guarantee of finding out if there's any danger from what's happening to you. But don't worry, not all dragons are so… militaristic… Although admittedly they are still greedy, however they won't know what Alexandria knows about you and even if they did the male dragons will have zero interest in you. We will simply find the oldest dustiest male dragon soulomancer in the city and have them examine you. We won't interact with or go near any other dragon, I promise."


Fey made a face but then sighed. "Fine, I guess." 


Ellaria gave her a very reassuring smile, which was also a very attractive one and she felt her cock twitch. She realised after a moment that Ellaria was still holding her arm and bit her lip.


The last rays of the setting sun illuminated them as Ellaria began to move. First she slipped out from her clothes, which because she was an elf seemed to come off far too easily. One moment she was wearing trousers and the next she wasn't, slipping them off so quickly and smoothly that Fey was left wondering if she had been wearing them in the first place. The rest of the clothes soon followed, removed as easily as breathing and the elf swayed her hips side to side as she bent over the dimensional bag, presenting her pussy to the centaur. Unlike other girls Ellaria seemed more resistant to acquiring a long term massive gape and it was already less than half the size it had been, although still impressive.


Then Ellaria plunged a hand into the dimensional bag and hauled free a big and thin white cotton bed sheet.


Fey found herself being gently pushed onto her side as the sheet was flapped over to cover her as darkness slowly fell.


That wasn't the alarming bit, the alarming bit was when Ellaria slipped beneath the sheet with her. 


Fey found herself on her side with an elf embracing her. She looked down to see red hair buried between her massive breasts, the elf snuggling into her chest, her head dwarfed by each breast on either side.


Soft comfortable murmurs emanated up from the elf, the vibration of her voice tickling Fey's skin.


Fey shivered in delight. She was under the sheets with the most perfect elf in existence. It was hard not to feel a heady rush of emotion from that fact.


Her cock agreed as it throbbed stiffer, then stiffer still as soft elven skin touched against its hardness.


Fey went cross eyed as she felt Ellaria's feet touch against the tip of her cock, the soft soles pressing over the rock hard tip, her toes playing across each nub and bulge, a pinky toe pushing lightly into her large urethra.


Fey couldn't help it and let out a keen as a surge of pre cum gushed forth.


The elf squeaked in delight between Fey's cleavage as her feet and shins became wetted with pre, squirming her now slipperly slick legs together with the slightly sticky substance, then back onto the cock twirling her feet around the tip.


"Mmmmff, I love how reactive you are Fey, I can tell how you feel soooo easily."


Fey looked down to see Ellaria looking up at her from between her breasts.


"You're literally in bed with me Ella," squaked Fey, "I'm feeling rather a lot of things!"


"We're doing it just to stay warm Fey, in the cool of night," murmured Ellaria as her toes curled around the edges of the cock. "And what better source of warmth than this?"


She clutched her toes and Fey stiffened as a massive splashy gush of pre exploded from the tip. The clear fluid had a clear direction this time with Ellaria's feet either side and the elf let out a small squeal as several gallons of precum sprayed up between her legs soaking her thighs and shooting directly into her gape, boiling hot centaur nectar momentarily filling her pussy before sloshing back out. 


The fluid steamed and the bed became warm, very warm and very humid.


"Mmfhhh! Fuck I love it." The elf rubbed her pre cum slick thighs together and hugged her arms tighter around Fey's waist, her feet already slipping and sliding over the tip of the massive slippery cock.


After the fourth surge of pre to heat their bed Fey heard a soft snore emanating from between her breasts. Was Ellaria asleep???  It really seemed she was…


Which was a small problem as despite falling asleep the elf's feet hadn't stopped vaguely massaging at her cock tip. 


A fifth gush of pre spraying up between the elf's long legs barely made her mumble in her sleep and her feet just kept on moving.


After the twentieth gush Fey lost hope that the elf was going to ever stop and found her own sleep coming on. It had been a long day after all, unconsciousness was destined to creep over her, continually spraying gallons of pre into her lover or not.


Darkness took her with the twenty fifth spray of pre.



Fey awoke with a start, struggling with a weirdly damp blanket that covered her head before pulling it down to find morning light brightening the endless blue sky. 


She squinted blearily around then down at the bed sheet. It was very damp and sticky. Had she continued producing pre all night?


"Ah, glad to see you're awake. Give me a hand would you?"


Fey turned to see a naked Ellaria busily working with pots and pans, rows of them. To her alarm she at first thought they were cooking over fires, fires that might burn the body of the gnome they were resting upon. But then she realised that the fires were magic, Ellaria's magic to be precise, floating fires that hovered above the gnome's belly and redirected all their heat upwards.


"She's fine Fey" said Ellaria, noticing her expression, "Although it is cute of you to worry."


"Did- were you with me all night?"


The elf shrugged lightly trying to hide a small smile.


She did look, well, healthy, and Fey blinked as she noticed that the elf's breasts had grown larger during the night, her stomach too, rounding out from just an elegant curve to a more pregnant look. Her new perky appearance was highlighted by her flushed cheeks. 


Apparently spending the night having her pussy sprayed down with precum had refreshed the elf.


She seemed determined to return the favour judging by the amount she was cooking. Flora's belly was dotted with cooking fires, pots and pans and caldrons all steaming lightly.


"Uh, what's with all the food?"


"After we come back from a big job it's sometimes nice to feast and make merry. Pinning down a giant dagoness and filling her with so much cum she can't fly is a job and a half so…"


"Oh god I feel like shieeeet!" came a groan as Flora lifted her head from her cleavage. The gnome's face was very pale, and there were large dark bags under her eyes. The mana backlash was clearly taking its toll, the price of pushing herself too far magically.


She raised a hand in the air and made grabbing motions at Ellaria. 


"Bacon. Sausages. Coffee. Give."


"And how do you say that nicely?"


"Please fucking give me the hangover food Ella before I literally expire."


"Much better."


A stack of bacon and sausages and eggs as well as a jug of coffee was promptly supplied to the gnome who tore into it like a starved dog.


"Hmm, Fey we might need more. Here," said Ellaria as she pulled a sack of potatoes from the dimensional bag.


Fey found herself sitting and mashing potatoes in pots and then throwing them into a cauldron suspended above one of the floating fires. Even as she finished mashing one sack Ellaria produced another.


"So many?"


"The pregnant tend to eat rather a lot Fey, especially after growing."


The elf gestured at Flora's chest and fey blinked as she noticed for the first time that the gnome girl's breasts had grown significantly larger in the night. In fact so had her belly as the tops of the tree tops were more distant below them than when they had gone to bed.


As she looked around she realised Flora wasn't the only one, both Vivi and Lily had grown massively while she slept in both breast and belly, easily surpassing the size Flora had been the day before although she was larger than both now.


As she watched Vivi waved a paw in their direction.


"Oih, this is torture! you expect me to wake up to sausages I can't reach?! Move me!"


Fey looked between the fox girl and Flora. Flora seemed in no condition to be moving anyone closer and seemed to have passed out with her face in a plate of bacon.


"I, uhm don't think we can move you closer!" yelled Fey back at the distant Vivi.


There was a wordless cry of outrage hearing that, but then white tentacles began to pour from between the fox girl's thighs, sliding down her vastness to the forest below and then underneath her.


Fey watched in surprise as the big snow white ball that was Vivi neared, moving on a carpet of tentacles that ripped up any trees in her way and tossed them aside.


She came to a stop when her belly pressed up against the gnome girl's, the two masses squishing together.


"Yo. Any chance I could get some of that?"


Ellaria rolled her eyes but held up a plate of sausages. A tentacle darted out and snatched it, dragging it into Vivi's waiting paws where she greedily dug in.


"Hey what about me?!" came a distant voice from the opposite direction.


Fey turned to see Lily waving at them, a small dot atop her vastness. 


After a moment the small army of teddy bears on her started to move and a weighted rope was launched across the gap from what appeared to be a crossbow. 


A squad of teddybears including the Lily doll made their way across the gap where they promptly pounced on Flora ripping the plate of bacon away that she was using as a pillow.


"Wha- what's happening..." mumbled the gnome girl, a rasher of bacon stuck to her cheek.


"It's an emergency Flora! you need to drag me closer or we're all gonna die!"


Flora blinked at the Lily doll in confusion then followed her pointing finger to the real Lily some distance away.


Flora vaguely lifted a hand then held her other hand to her head with a groan, clearly dealing with a headache. Still the mass that was Lily began to near, dragged through the forest, trees crushed flat by her vastness until she slammed home against Flora sending her rippling.


Flora flopped down on her cleavage once more and mumbled "What was the emergency?"


"The worst kind of emergency," said the Lily doll gathering heaps of food onto a plate, "A food emergency."


The bears helped quickly construct a rope bridge between the tops of Flora and Lily and began a conga line of plates toward Lily's hungry mouth.


Fey found herself spooning out mash potato to the patiently waiting bears as they held plates over their heads. She had a feeling she might be working for a while considering the insane appetite of Lily.


"That slime monster…" said Ellaria, eyeing the tentacles that were snaking around Vivi's belly, occasionally reaching for plates of food for the fox girl to devour.


"She, uhm, did save us Ella…"


"She did. And that is… concerning. I had suspected she was powerful, but what she did exceeded my expectations several fold. Which is a problem."


"Don't be mad at her Ella, Wummy is just, well, she seems nice, and she has another form, you saw it right?"


"I saw it. But the issue still remains that she is a monster and we are adventurers. Wummy Is becoming stronger with us as we are. What if she were to go out of control? What If she were to attack a city? At the very least we would be purged from the guild."


"She wouldn't!" gasped Fey. 


"Did you see how she reacts to being hurt Fey?"


"I… did." It was unfortunately true that the slime had a rather animalistic reaction to being injured. The image of the noble elf going splat underneath a carriage sized tentacle flashed before her mind. That had been a powerful elf, one that had clearly lived a very long time with long experience and great power. Yet she had been squished like a bug by a slime monster of all things. Wummy had crushed her to death like she was nothing.


She hated to admit it but if Wummy was ever successfully attacked by a group not knowing that she was a good slime then Wummy might proceed to butcher ever last one of them, which would then lead others to attack her, which she would then kill, and then more would attack her and so on, things spiralling more and more out of control until the slime girl was killing cities. If she could help hold down a full sized dragoness there would be few that could stop her, fewer still if she became even stronger.


"Squee?" came a curious sound and Fey looked up to see a blob peeking from between Vivi's thighs.


"Yes, come out. If you are to be an honorary member of Magic Mog then you need to break bread with your captain."


The slime stared blankly at Ellaria from across the gulf between the two bellies.


"Uh, it's okay Wummy, this will be a good thing I think. You could become an apprentice? or something?"


"No, not an apprentice, the adventurers guild would never accept it."




"An honorary member I could maybe swing however, I've read historic record of loyal monsters kept as pets by summoners then being made honorary members after doing battle and saving innocents."


The slime narrowed its eyes and sunk back between Vivi's thighs. "squeeeee."


"I don't think she actually means a pet Wummy, you aren't a pet, probably, you're a member of the band, in a way, right?"


Ellaria pursed her lips. "Yes. A band member. In a way."


The slime seemed to consider this, but after a moment plopped free from Vivi's legs, a sole tentacle leading back inside of her from the blob's rear. 


She shuffled closer to the edge of Vivi's expanse and as she moved she changed, her body going from a spherical blob to a humanoid blob. She stepped, once, twice, then leapt, lifted into the air by other tentacles and carried across the gulf.


She came down in front of Ellaria in her fully humanoid form, a cute girl in a summery dress, which to Fey's surprise she realised was loosely based on Ellaira's dress, The Dress, Although her bust was a bit smaller than the elf's, especially now with her night time growth. A tentacle tail led from under the dress back to Vivi's pussy, the only thing indicating that what Fey was looking at wasn't her entire body.


The slime girl eyed the elf then the fires dotted across Flora's belly.


"It's not dragon fire Wummy, it's safe, it's not the same thing," said Fey, trying to relieve the tension.


The slime seemed to consider this but didn't relax much more.


Ellaria eyed the slime girl up and down, taking her measure as a monster.






Ellaria turned to Fey, "What does that mean?"




Ellaria sighed and dropped down to a sitting position, crossing her legs on Flora's expanse, still completely in the nude. The slime girl gave her a suspicious look but reluctantly joined her, sitting down across from the elf.


"I know for a fact that slimes eat meat, and most anything really. But with you…"


The elf hesitantly lifted a plate of eggs and bacon and held it out for the slime girl. Wummy looked down at it blankly.


"I don't know if she understands its food Ella, she has changed kind of a lot from normal slimes."


"A drink then?" Ellaria lifted a wooden tankard up and mimed drinking from it at the slime.


The slime girl seemed to consider this, tilting her head to the side. She lifted her hand and made drinking motions in a mirror to Ellaria. Then she blinked understanding dawning on her, making faster drinking motions.


"I think she gets it, now the question is what does she want to drink?"


"We could start with water-urRk!"


A tentacle suddenly lunged from beneath Wummy's skirt and snaked across the ground aimed directly at Fey's cock which was angled out to one side where she sat. 


The tip of the tentacle slapped home and then swallowed the tip, forming a milkling nozzle and instantly applying intense vacuum pleasure as the slime rippled and massaged the surface.


"E-Ella! What is she doing!!!"


Ellaria started to get to her feet in alarm but then Fey gasped as a powerful jet of precum sprayed into the tentacle forming a ball containing a few gallons of pre. The pair watched mesmerised as the ball of pre moved along the tentacle across Flora's body and then up under Wummy's skirt, shiting the fake fabric up as it moved under.


With a slosh the entirety of the thing gushed up into her belly making her belly bulge outward some as though she had eaten too much.


The tentacle slipped free from Fey's cock and whipped back to her skirt where it slipped back under and disappeared from sight.


The slime girl licked her lips and smiled, her eyes closed as she patted her belly. Already the liquid mass in her stomach was becoming smaller as the slime girl gradually absorbed it.




Ellaria and Fey stared dumbfounded.


"Th-that massage on my, uhm, thingy, felt really really familiar Ella, I think she somehow learned something from you last night, she was copying your technique…."


"I… see. I guess precum is her preference then…"


"She-she can drink more if she, uhm, wants," murmured Fey, blushing furiously. "I've been doing it all night so a little more won't matter I guess… Eep!"


A significantly larger tentacle that had been wrapped around Vivi's belly lunged across and attached to her cock, pulsing and rolling up and down its length as another pair of tentacles slipped around her balls and began squeezing and massaging. It didn't take long for a powerful jet of precum to spray from her urethra, gallons quickly forming a clear sphere in the transparency of the tentacle.


They watched as the sphere of pre travelled back to Vivi and then between her legs where it drained into her causing the fox girl to let out a long groan, her legs twitching.


Wummy let out a long satisfied sound herself and made drinking motions and nodded her head. She then Gave Fey a thumbs up.


"I'm g-glad you like it W-wummy!" squirmed Fey as gallons more pre gushed into the tentacle.


"I suppose this is… one way to drink with your captain," grumbled Ellaria as she sipped from her coffee. 


Ellaria and Wummy continued to carefully watch each other as they drank until Ellaria seemed to come to a decision.


"Since you are a bandmate now Wummy and I your captain I would like to know your limits as it plays into my plans. For example had I known you had become so strong I might have planned differently against the dragoness."


Fey wondered if that had in fact been Wummy's full strength…


"I know your strength now, but your intellect is something obscure as you seem to only know one word yet clearly you aren't just a simple minded slime. You understand us on some level."




Ellaria leaned back, reaching for the dimensional bag discarded behind her. After a moment of fiddling with it she pulled out a chess board and set it down between herself and Wummy, pouring out the pieces from a bag and arranging them as Wummy looked at the thing in confusion.


She pointed to each piece, naming and describing their moves once they were set out, everything from dragon royalty to nobility to bishops to adventurer pieces, the smallest.


A dozen tentacles immediately began moving them across the board in jerking motions in full attack mode.


"We're supposed to take it in turns Wummy." 


Wummy scowled as she knocked down Ellaria's dragon queen but quickly reshuffled all the pieces back to where they had been.


This time the game played out much more slowly with each side taking turns and Ellaria correcting any of Wummy's frequent misunderstandings which included trying to take pieces as hostages instead of simply knocking them off the board.


Fey was left to cook mash potato as the pair became engrossed. 


There was a lot of mash potato to cook but fortunately she had a little help as an army of teddy bears had joined in, making the gnome's top side a factory floor for the production of foodstuffs. A line of bears gathered ingredients from Ellaria's dimensional bag discarded behind her, placed it over the many hovering flames, then plating it and transporting it over to Lily once cooked.


It was all the other members of the band could do to grab their own from the industrious army of bears.


Fey watched as the small otterkin downed an entire bowl of mash potato and butter several times the size of Fey's own. She truly seemed like a bottomless pit. Which was curious as Fey was pretty sure otterkins were not normally like that. Had her pregnancy had an effect on her? Wait, were all otterkins she impregnated like Lily? Was this something unique to otterkins?


Kayla at least seemed much more stayed, politely eating from a little bowl where she sat next to her sister's body on top of her expansive belly. Kayla had acquired a small red napkin from somewhere which helped identify where she was, other than that only the floating bowl indicated there was an invisible person there.


The twins were complete opposites in appetite and for Lily it seemed like her body was putting such vast quantities of food to one singular purpose. Fey watched with interest as the small otterkin girl's breasts steadily expanded, rolling across her vast pregnancy as they put on feet of size, her nipples growing larger and stiffer and a deeper pink as a pressure seemed to build up behind them.


Yet this didn't seem to deter the otterkin who only demanded more.


As this went on Ellaria became oblivious to it, mostly because to her great dismay and shock she had found herself repeatedly losing to her slime monster opponent. Ignoring everything else she was concentrating furiously and angrily on their games as Wummy smiled and moved chess pieces like it was nothing. The elf chewed on a fingernail as she stared at the board, time passing unnoticed, the bears left to do as their master commanded.


Things might have been getting out of hand when the bears started taking entire cauldrons of mash potato and stew across for the otterkin to rapidly drink down, but Fey was so entranced by the otterkin's breast growth that she almost didn't want it to stop. Each surge of Lily's breasts in size caused her cock to twitch with arousal in response and send another gallon of pre down Wummy's tentacle. Nearly an hour passed with the army of teddy bears working at a furious pace, enough food to feed an army thrown into the bottomless pit that was Lily.


Soon Lily's breasts were looming over the edge of her massive pregnancy, each a soft pale orb with so much cleavage a crowd of people could become lost within it, yet still the otterkin ate, seemingly determined to produce enough milk for not only her offspring but Flora's and Vivi's too.


It was only when Ellaria finally noticed that the bears were plundering the dimensional bag that things came to a stop, her stand off with Wummy coming to a draw as yet another sack of potatoes was dragged out by a dozen bears.


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