
Chapter 49 2/3

She stepped over to an enormous eight-wheeled intercity caravan as she spoke, the thing the size of a building, one of many that could be seen between the trees circling the camp. There a simple leather bag had been left to hang off the side, a poor replacement for the lost dimensional bag. Ellaria fished around in it for a moment and then pulled her hand free.


A fist-sized chunk of what looked like rough quartz was held in her hand. She held it up to show Kayla.


"A summoner without their summoning stone wouldn't be of much use so I thought I had better get you one of these."


Kayla gasped in delight, eyes lighting up with excitement as she spotted the stone.


"Give! Quickly give me eet!"


Ellaria approached as the excitable otterkin girl made grabbing motions in the air, eager to get going with her new Class at long last.


"Now Kayla, please be careful with this. From what I know about summoning, a low level beginner's stone will find a weak monster at random from somewhere on the continent and bind it to the stone to be summoned on demand. We are capable of restraining the monster if you aren't able to control it, but you will wield by far the most mastery. If it gets out of control simply unsummon the monster, ideally before it does anything too troublesome, we don't want it attacking the feytaurs okay?"


"Mhmm! gib give meeee!"


Ellaria hesitated but then placed the stone in Kayla's grasping fingers. The otterkin took it in both hands and brought it close to her face staring with furious concentration, small tongue poking from the corner of her mouth.


After a moment… nothing happened.


"Uhm, how does this work?"


Flora rolled her eyes, "Listen to what your Class is telling you, go with the flow, don't try to force it."


Kayla blinked but then refocused on the stone, holding it a little further away from her face and over her cleavage, giving it a more casual look as though she and the stone were familiar acquaintances comfortable in each other's presence.


This time she got a reaction.


The stone flickered and a light seemed to come from within, a rippling light.


"H-huh, is it supposed to glow like this? It looks a bit different from the crazy human summoning stone."


Fey squinted down at the stone. 


"It looks a bit watery, don't you think?"


"Yeah," said Vivi, "Like swimming underwater and looking up at the surface."


"I think… I think it's working!" cried Kayla as the light brightened, she held up the stone, mouth open in awe as it seemed to come to life, rippling light shifting inside, like water, like waves, an ocean held in her hands. 




The stone suddenly erupted, splitting apart in her fingers, becoming liquid particles, a sea spray ripped from the tip of an ocean wave. She was left holding nothing apart from the cloud of particles floating between her fingers, which promptly flew into her open mouth to the otterkin's cross eyed horror. 


She was sent coughing and spluttering as her mouth was filled with salty ocean spray, spray that rushed down her throat. 


"She can't breathe!"


Fey quickly reached down and patted her on the back as well as pushing a little healing magic through her to make sure she wasn't being hurt. Fortunately she seemed unharmed.


"Ella is this normal?" said Fey looking at the otterkin with alarm.


Ellaria seemed just as surprised as everyone else.


"No, you don't normally inhale the summoning stone as a summoner, that wouldn't make for a very good summoning stone."


Kayla wiped at her face, tears in the corners of her eyes


"It's going wrong again! Everything is-"


She paused.


There was the little spot that had always been at the back of her mind since she had gotten the Class, the one she was afraid to go near, let alone think about, but by that, a new lighter and bluer spot had appeared, one decidedly more friendly.




"What, what is it?"


"I'm not sure…"


Hesitantly Kayla turned and lifted a small hand, concentrated, narrowing her eyes, and then unleashed her Class.


A spot appeared in the air before her, a tiny dot that a fine line of water streamed from, a narrow stream of water that came down in the middle of the clearing. Then the dot suddenly expanded, becoming a circle a foot wide, and with it came the same amount of water, a torrent of water a foot wide.


The band stood and backed up in alarm as the grass was quickly flooded, water flowing over feet and hooves as the circle became even larger until it was suddenly plugged by something coming through, something colourful.


The many coloured shiny surface bulged as it was seemingly forced against until with a lurch a limb came through. No, not a limb, a large orange and blue tentacle with a white underside and cream white suckers.


The tentacle waggled around in the air in what was clearly a panic until with a rush, and an explosion of water, the thing it was attached to was launched through the opening and sent sailing tumbling to the ground as the portal snapped shut behind.


The band stared at the tentacled monster girl thing that was flailing around on the grass gasping for air, tentacles lashing as she tried to draw in breath, the dozen fat colourful tentacles that seemed to be a stand-in for her hair waving madly.


"It-, sh-she can't breathe!" cried Fey for the second time, racing over to the monster.


She slid to a stop on her haunches and grabbed hold of the girl's wrists, pulsing healing through her.


This caused a reaction and a cupful of water splashed from the girl's mouth as she managed to clear her throat, hauling in great heaving breaths as her chest rose and fell.


"What-" came a raspy voice as the girl glared up at Fey, "-The fuck."


"H-hey, this is from me right!? This my summon! I summoned a monster!" gasped Kayla in delight, rushing over with difficulty as her breasts, held up by levitating bra, were slow to move.


She tripped as she neared and flying completely out of control crashed into the tentacle-covered girl who let out a squawk of outrage as she was pushed down by huge body smothering breasts clad in a tree tailored blouse, her own cantaloupe sized breasts sliding beneath Kayla's and being squished down under their weight. Her pink nipples that had been hidden by small pink sea shells, came free as Kayla ground against her.


A moment of struggle followed with many flailing limbs and tentacles, the two girls practically hugging as they tried to untangle themselves from each other.


The accidentally intimate moment passed and the tentacle girl shoved Kayla off who to go rolling across the long grass.


"Who are you- you monsters!" cried the girl, shuffling away amongst a cloud of waving tentacles as she pointed wary eyes at the band.


Of course being so near the ground her eyes inevitably drifted up, up to the tree canopy, and then, where there was a gap in it, the sky above. She boggled, orange and blue eyes going round as she caught sight of the vast sky, miles tall white clouds drifting lazily like monstrous sky castles across the blue abyss.


"What the fuck is that?!" squawked the girl.


Fey followed her gaze up.


"Erm, the sky?"


"The what?!"


The band looked between the girl and the sky above, they then drew close in a huddle, whispering, occasionally shooting glances over at the girl who was crouched low and defensive, tentacles raised around her.


"Why doesn't she know what the sky is Ella?" whispered Fey.


"I- I don't know... I don't understand why the stone disintegrated into water and went inside of Kayla either."


"Uhm, I can sense whatever the thing is that lets me summon her, if that helps? It's like the stone is part of me," said Kayla looking between Fey and her captain.


"Maybe it's because of Fey and the effect she has," said Lily, her voice muffled as she gorged on another star peach.


"Strange, very strange, but I suppose the most reasonable assumption is that she is simply a monster from the ocean near our continent and was perchance picked up by the stone."


"A monster from the ocean that has never seen the sky?"


Ellaria paused. "Well, maybe she's from very deep in the ocean, I don't know do I."


"We could just ask her, you know," said Vivi, scratching her nose, "I don't know why we are standing over here whispering like idiots."


The rest of the band gave the vulpine a sour look but broke ranks and turned on the girl.


"Hey," said Flora, "You."


The girl flinched in surprise.




"Why don't you know what the sky is, have you never left the water?"


"Of course I've left the water! I know how to breathe nasty air, don't I?"


"Then why the fuck don't you know what that is?" saif Flora pointing up at the sky.


"I… don't know what's happening, none of the bubble cities are like this, I don't understand…"


Ellaria frowned.


"Have you never been to the surface of the ocean? When you swim up and break through the top and there's no more ocean?"


The girl gave her a genuinely confused look. "What are you talking about? there is no top to the ocean, the ocean is infinite. I have swum for thousands and thousands of miles up and down and in every direction, it never ends, it has no bottom and it has no top."


"Why is it the more she talks, the more confused I get," muttered Flora.


"I… okay let's just box that insane claim up and leave it alone for the moment. First of all, what kind of monster are you? I hate to admit it, but as much as I have studied countless monsters, I have never once heard of your kind."


"Mo-? I'm not a monster, you absolute clownfish, you're the monster! Where are your fins, you finless freak? huh? You don't even have tentacles or gills!"


Ellaria's eye twitched.


"Kayla, would you… deal with your monster, please."


"Not a monster," muttered the girl.


Kayla bit her lip but hesitantly approached, the girl pulled back into her tentacles, two of the girthy things covering her face so that she was peeking between the gap.


"Uhm, h-hi? I'm your summoner…?"


"You're a sea cow that's what, look at the size of those udders!"


Kayla blushed. 


"Erm, I'm not... that, but I did summon you here, from the ocean. There is no ocean here."


"Really?'' The girl looked around in surprise, as though trying to gauge her surroundings, all though that wasn't much with so many trees and caravans blocking the view. "It looks just like a bubble city in here, but," she glanced up, "But the ceiling is way different than normal, why is it a flat blue? And what are those big white things?"


Ellaria hummed. "I feel like we are missing a lot of information here, but I can surmise a few things. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable if I were to tell you that this is just like a really really big 'bubble city' that you mentioned?"


The girl hesitated. "The infinite ocean has many wonders, I guess I can believe that, although how the heck I ended up here…"


"I summoned you! I brought you here, with my magic!"




Kayla paused, "Uh, w-well…" she glanced over at Ellaria


"To fight for us Kayla, that's what summoners do, they link to and summon powerful monsters which they are then able to buff to incredible degrees."


"Y-yeah that!"


"Psh, yeah right am I fighting for you bunch of weirdos."


"But you're the monster! Summoners only summon monsters! A-And the summoned fight for the summoner!"


"I'm not a monster, go swivel on it seacow."


"Stop saying that!"




The two glared at each other, summoner and summoned.


"Listen, Kayla," said Ellaria, voice serious, "Your relationship with your monster is important, ideally you need to get on, to tame her, to build a trusting relationship. You should be able to intuit a link with her that should help."


"But she's!"


Ellaria raised an eyebrow.


"Fine. A trusting relationship." huffed the otterkin. She turned back to the girl. "My name is Kayla. What's your name? That is if you have one…"


"Hmph, My name is Klbk'itrer Nazgu'wagh lathygd R'lyeh"


Kayla stared at her.


"Sounds like the translation spell included with the summon messed up," murmured Flora. She'd floated down on one of the caravan benches and began playing with her new glowing rectangle as they spoke.


"...I'll call you Riley."


"That's fine, I'll call you seacow."


A twitch of annoyance crossed Kayla's face, but she managed to fight it down.


"You need to understand, you're my summon now, we're linked! I- I think."


Kayla closed her eyes and focused. 


"I can sense that you are afraid of what's happening… that you miss the feeling of water on your skin… and you're wondering why I have such awesome boobs."


The girl spluttered, "No I'm not!"


"Now you're wondering how it would feel to have such magnificent milky brea-"


The girl stood up, hands forming fists. Or at least it appeared she stood. Her tentacles shifted and she rose, but there were no legs to be seen. Kayla stared blankly at the girls hip area, where there might be a transition from hips to legs there was instead a transition from a pale human upper body to eight colourful tentacles. She was like a centaur, except her lower half was that of a brightly coloured octopus, chunky tentacles with stubby rounded tips.


"Huh," said Kayla, staring at the tentacle bottomed girl.


"Huh, what? You got something to say, leggy."


"Nothing, nothing at all, I'm not saying anything."


The octopus girl narrowed her eyes, then after a moment closed them, focusing.


"You think… you think my tentacles are weird!" she gasped in outrage, "And you're wondering if I have a- a- What the hell!?!" she cried, her eyes snapping open.


"Well you don't exactly have normal plumbing down there," muttered Kayla."Can't blame me for being curious."


Riley glared flaming daggers at her. "If you must know I have the normal… equipment, yes, why the heck wouldn't I?!"


The two girls scowled at each other and then both closed their eyes at the same time. Concentrating furiously.


"You miss your prized carved coral dildo collection."


"You can feel the pressure in your breasts and are wondering when you're going to next get milked."


"Before I summoned you, you were on your way to meet with your shark boy fuck buddy for your weekend lay!"


"You're internally screaming to be pounded by a massive insanely big horse cock again and to feel like a goddess cock sleeve and, and to be filled with- with-..."


Riley's eyes opened and she blinked.


"What the hell am I seeing from your head? Your weird fucking dreams? There's no way you could take such a ludicrous tool from… from…"


Her eyes shifted from Kayla to Fey standing a little ways behind. Fey gave her a nervous wave.


Her eyes drifted down to see an astonishingly large and stiff penis throbbing gently beneath her barrel.


"Wha- are you part whale?! What is with that cock?!"


"I'm just a regular normal centaur, I, uh, just got a bit bigger over time," mumbled Fey nervously scratching the back of her neck.


She turned back to Kayla, "And you dreamed of being fucked by her? HAH! wow that is truly pathetic, too small to take her so you can only desire her at a distance, how sexually frustrated must you be?"


Kayla crossed her arms over her chest. "I took Fey perfectly fine thank you, multiple times. and it was the best sex I've ever had in my entire life, nothing comes even remotely close. You were going to get laid with that shark boy huh? Well that would have made you feel nothing as satisfied as being with Fey."


"Seabullshit. You're tiny."


"It's true. I took Fey in my pussy. All of her."


"Stop lying."


"You saw my memory, it happened, what are you just afraid you couldn't take so much cock? That you're too weak in bed and wimpy and afraid to take a real dick?"


The octopus girl's tentacles writhed with irritation, her arms crossing as she glared down at Kayla.


"I am not weak in bed, I am an excellent bed maiden, all my boytoys say so."


"I can take Fey, but you can't, though."


Riley scowled even harder. "You are annoying me, and attacking my pride."


"Yes. Wanna prove you're better than me? Then take a real cock."


The flustered and infuriated Riley started to move toward Fey.


"Why me!?" wailed Fey as the tentacles reached for her.


"Hold still you bizzare hippocampus thing!"


Ellaria gave Kayla a studied side-eye as the otterkin stood with her arms folded, watching as a panicking Fey slowly had tentacles wind around her, the octopus girl quite literally climbing her body.


"And this is something you intended?"


Kayla shrugged lightly. "H-hey, you said I should tame her, but not what I should tame her with, taming via horse cock is a perfectly valid way to do things."


"Kayla help!" wailed Fey. "The suckers are sticking to meee!"


"You are putting Fey up to this, the least you could do is assist you know."


Kayla smiled sweetly. "I never intended not to, now's my chance to get preggers again."


She skipped toward the centaur as best she could with such large breasts, which was not easy, and sent her softness wobbling like jelly as she moved. Still she made it over to Fey who was looking over her shoulder with great concern as the octopus girl sat on her back, eight tentacles curling around her barrel and upper half's hips.


"Uhm, what do you- d-do you need something?" said Fey, giving the strange girl a worried look.


"Yeah, I need to prove a point."


"Y-you do? Ahn!"


Fey cried out as a number of tentacles suddenly latched onto her balls, slithering around and around them until they were encircled with powerful suckers kissing at the surface, applying a vacuum-like pressure and then releasing one after the other in a rhythmic pattern.


"Oh no, that feels really weird!" gasped Fey as her balls rumbled under the stimulation, her mildly confused sperm stirring to life and wondering just what the hell the sucking massaging on the exterior was.


"Sheesh, what's up with your balls? I can practically feel them moving, it's like they're alive!" said the octopus girl peeking over the edge of Fey's rear and down at her enormous balls.


"Y-you're making them needy," groaned Fey as her balls suddenly lurched in size and jerked in the tentacle's grip, the sperm inside pushing out against the tentacles of the female touching them.


Riley flinched back in surprise.




"J-Just imagine the most virile, most productive guy you've ever been with," said Kayla, "And times that by a trillion… and you'll get like one small part of her load."


Riley squinted down at Kayla who was looking up at her with hands-on-hips.


"Hmph, I don't know if that's true, maybe you showed me dreams, your wet dreams about this centaur."


"Hey! Okay, admittedly I've had more than a few of those, but I've still totally done it with Fey here, tell her Fey!"


"It's uhm, true, she has totally done it, uh, with me."


"Size difference between a couple is cute to see and all, but there are limits, her dick is literally longer than you are tall."


"Wha- That doesn't matter! It's magic! tell her Fey!"


"Uhm, yes It's magic, you've touched me so you've already been affected I'm afraid, you could take me if you really wanted to."


Riley rolled her orange and blue eyes.


"...Do you really think I'm going to believe that…"


Fey jerked as a tentacle circled around her barrel, the tip touching lightly at her dick, pushing and prodding at it experimentally before slowly moving to encircle it.


A shiver rolled over her as she felt the soft vacuum like suckers plop over her finger thick veins, catching before jerking past with a jelly like sucker wobble. The tentacle fully encircled her shaft and then squeezed down, eliciting a groan from the centaur. The octo girl could apply a lot of pressure!


Another tentacle joined the first, then a third, wrapping around her cock near the top, the middle and near the bottom, easing around and then all of a sudden pulling back with a pop pop pop! only to repeat the process again.


"OooH!" came Fey's voice unbidden as the rigid surface of her cock was made to feel an unbelievably strange yet weirdly enjoyable sensation.


Hooves dancing she couldn't help but let a small stray gallon sized spurt of precum splash between her legs.


Riley paused. "Did you cum already? just from that? Sheesh, I think Kayla here might have been hoping for a bit much from you."


"Actually," said Kayla looking smug, "That was just precum."


Riley blinked and then leaned out over the side of Fey's barrel, seeing the long line of wet that had been splashed over the grass.


"Uh, what? no its not. She just came. Don't be stupid."


Kayla huffed. "If you really want to see her cum then you are going to need to let her fuck you. She can't cum otherwise."


"I don't see why-


Another jet of precum gushed from the tip and splashed over the grass.


Riley raised an eyebrow.


"Wow I barely moved my tentacles that time, talk about premature ejaculation.


Fey grit her teeth, eyes squeezed shut as she tried to maintain self control


"I'm not cumming, I'm not!




A third spray of pre leapt from between her front legs.


"Yikes girl, do you have a medical condition?"


"Maybe you do, in the head," muttered Kayla, "Look, just take a closer look."


Riley clucked her tongue but began sliding, her upper body slipping around Fey's barrel as her suckered on tentacles shifted her moving her to the side so she was horizontal and then around and under until her upper body's midriff was nearly in front of the massive horse cock.


She curled in to look at the thing, eyes gazing over its surface from the broad nobbled head perfectly designed to scrape up a girl's most sensitive parts to the thick meaty length riddled with vascular veins, down to the fat medial ring designed to plunge in and out of a girls folds then down even further to the even more vascular and thicker base.


"Humm. It's an attractive cock, I'll give you that."


Experimentally she removed a few suckers along the length, the pop plop plop sound filling the air as dozens of vacuums broke. A soft whine came from above and Fey's cock jerked, going more rigid and rising up as her urethra suddenly spread.


A fraction of a moment before Fey unleashed her pre Kayla leapt into the air, heaving herself up as best she could with levitating breasts and shoved hard against the length. The impact wasn't much but it was enough, the cock swaying to the side at just the right moment that the line of fire lined up directly with Riley's abdomen. 


The octopus girl barely had a moment to take in breath before precum blasted from Fey's cock, hitting her in the belly and exploding in every direction.


Taken unawares she flailed, desperately trying to block the long powerful spray of pre with her hands, without success as the hose of fluid sprayed around her fingers, soaking her hanging body from top to bottom in boiling hot pre cum.


"You crazy seacow!" she cried, desperately trying to glare at Kayla from beneath the deluge.


The last of the jet ended and Riley was left hanging limp and completely soaked with pre, her skin and tentacles extra shiny and glossy with the slightly sticky coating covering her.


"Look, it's clear! Well mostly clear, and not thick white like real cum!"


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