
Chapter 51 3/4

Naomi smiled. "Of course, our family welcomes you. This way, Fey."


Fey nodded, "Is it okay if my kids come too?"


Naomi frowned, "You have children? I did not see any centaurs nearby…"


"Uhmm, well that's because they're inside the caravans."


As they had been speaking, Fey had been trotting toward the gates of the nearest wall which held a large red pair of double doors, black iron caps dotted over their surface


"Well, that's fine, our compound is massive, they can all come inside."


"Great!" said Fey with a smile.


"You're wicked, absolutely wicked sometimes Fey," said Flora, rolling her eyes, "Just a few kids, no biggie."


The gnome gestured at the twenty four caravans and the doors banged open one after another along the street, ramps and staircases extending as an absolute flood of Feytaurs roared out with their arms raised, yelling their victorious escape, desperate teddy bears trying to herd them toward the red doors.


"Wh-what the fuck are those?!" said Naomi, staring at the tidal wave of miniature centaur-like things charging toward her and through the double doors.


"Uhm, my kids?"


"What do you mean kids, what even are those things?!"


Fey shrugged gently as she stepped through the double doors and beyond, Feytaurs flowing around her hooves like a river. "They're something alright…"


Fey passed beyond the doors, the roar of Feytaurs flowing through the entrance and across the grass beyond, spreading outward like a fan as they raced forth, a number of startled looking purple skinned short people stood frozen mid-step as what seemed like an army of tiny centaurs invaded.


The interior of the compound appeared to be set out as a massive square half the length of the street, in the middle of the square was a square ring-shaped building, a single-story building with a courtyard inside.


The Feytaurs conquered all of it, flowing through sliding doors and entrances and running into every room, much to the concern of the occupants judging by the cries and shouts of alarm.


The invasion was fast and ruthless, all territory conquered and considered taken over by the Feytaurs, at least judging by the satisfied grunts they were making. Behind them the army of teddy bears herded the last of the stubborn Feytaurs inside until there were ten thousand plus of the things galloping around the compound.


Behind came the others Ellaria, Vivi, Flora, and then floating over the walls came Kayla and then Lily. Lily's huge breasts were covered in white cloth, of course, but as she was lowered down onto the grass a few of the Feytaurs tried grabbing at the cloth covered nipples to her distress, trying to get at her milk. Some of the teddy bears fought them off with sticks.


Naomi stared dumbstruck between the army of Feytaurs wandering around and curiously touching things, and then Lily, her breasts many times larger than she was, staggeringly large things, her enormous thigh thick nipples tenting out the fabric they were wrapped in.


"Is this all okay?" said Fey looking over her shoulder at the small purple girl.


Naomi blinked. "Alright? This is fucking awesome!" she grinned, her hands going up in the air. "We're going to completely upstage the other cardinals at the midsummer menagerie! South is going to be so freaking jealous of us! Look how crazy this is! Nobody has anything like this anywhere!"


The other girls on her back looked equally excited, practically jumping up and down.


"I… see?"


Naomi suddenly slipped from her back to the ground and waved up at Fey, "Come on, follow me, let me get you something to eat."


She made it about two steps before being buried in a mound of Waah-ing Feytaurs, one purple hand all that was visible of her sticking from the pile. Completely bodied.


A number of teddy bears rushed up and began shoving and pushing the Feytaurs aside and hauling the small purple girl free. 


She spluttered, as she was freed, stumbling onto the grass.


"Your 'children'... are very… curious." she managed to get out.


"Aheh," said Fey, scratching her cheek.


With a guard of bears Naomi made her way forward, striding across the ground and up to the main building where she passed through an open sliding door into one of the huge rooms beyond, Fey following behind.


The ceilings of the interior were tall, but with Fey's height, she still found the top of her head nearing the ceiling. The furniture however was decidedly not Fey-height-friendly and built for the diminutive size of the small girls, tables only a little over a foot above the ground.


For a small species the compound as a whole must appear a vast thing Fey realised, and that if it were relative in size to them compared to a larger species, then they owned one of the largest properties she had ever seen.


The table wasn't much good for pulling out a chair and sitting at, since it was more like a coffee table than anything and didn't have any chairs, but that didn't stop Vivi from flopping down and sticking her white furred legs underneath it. She grunted in surprise. "Hey, it's warm under here," she said as she wiggled her toe beans in delight.


Naomi nodded, "Yes, it's enchanted to keep you toasty."


An older looking member of the small purple species with a waist length white beard came through carrying dishes which he carefully placed on the table, the table's surface glowed red as runes bloomed to life along it.


"The table will keep it warm, eat as you like,"


There was a cry of a distressed Lily from outside. "What about meee! I haven't eaten anything but bloody star peaches for days!"


Naomi rubbed her ear. "It's free for anyone to ta-"


A swarm of bears lunged for the table, grabbing the platters and fleeing out the door into the garden.


"-ake" finished Naomi. She stared at the now completely empty table.


"Dammit Lily, you're not the only one who likes to eat!" cried Vivi, thumping a paw on the table top.


"Uhm, one of our members has an appetite, an enormous appetite…"


"I see," said the elder as another elder came in with more platters and plates.


This time Flora slammed the sliding doors to the garden shut and kicked out any thieving teddy bears before settling down with the others, Vivi, Ellaria, Kayla, and Flora on one side, Naomi and her two sisters on the other, with Fey sat at the head taking up a lot of space. 


Kayla and Flora were able to sit cross legged at the table much more like a regular table with their small size, but to Vivi and Ellaria it was more like a low if large coffee table.


Fey sat at the end of the table, far too large to fit any of her body under it. She looked forlornly at the table, wondering what the supposed toasty warmth was like.


Naomi forked slices of spiced and sticky with sauce beef from the heated grill and piled it on her plate alongside what piles of various shredded vegetables, "So, is anyone going to tell me why there are currently thousands of centaur like things running around our estate? Are they-'' she lowered her voice, "-some kind of new species?"


Ellaria paused, a strip of beef partway to her lips that she had just finished dipping in a bowl of sauce. "No, they are just realistic golems like the teddy bears, they aren't alive, and interspecies mixing is not possible and would create uproar if it were. Obviously."


"Pssh, come on, I'm not gonna believe that, they're clearly alive."


One of the sisters elbowed Naomi in the side. "You seriously think it's more likely that they are interspecies? Come on."


"...I suppose."


"Speaking of species, I've noticed a few things about you that are reminiscent of Oni," said Ellaria as she added more spiced pork to her plate, "But you clearly aren't Oni."


Naomi rolled her eyes, "Hardly, Oni are hugenormous compared to us. No, we're Inari. A much less crude and barbaric kind of people. Migrants from the Izril Islands and the only ones of our kind in Draconica."


Ellaria frowned as though slightly confused by that answer.


There was a moment's pause as the group ate in silence.


"Why did you accept us as guests?" said Fey, "I feel like we're already causing trouble for you..."


"Oh that's simple, you saw the other estates on the street? Those are north, south, west, and we are the east clan. We cardinal clans compete, compete for prestige at the midsummer menagerie, and hosting something new and different in our menagerie is super prestigious. You have no idea how much we are going to kick the other clans asses with you."


"Yes we'll be all, oh, your clan acquired a diamond dog with two heads? Weeeell, we have a humorously large penised centaur, and thousands of weird tiny… centaur things," said the one with glasses, pushing them up with her middle finger and a smirk.


"And the otterkin with giant breasts, don't forget that!" said the hairbun girl.


"Yes, you will make an excellent menagerie to show off and win with," finished Naomi.


Ellaria paused in eating. "I hope you don't mean permanently, we aren't your prisoners."


"Oh gosh no, of course not, we just hosted a company of gymnastic merfolk before you and they left after a time by their own free will, more's the pity, so flexible in bed those ones. No, it has to be a novel menagerie, meaning our menagerie needs to change dramatically each year, repetition means losing points, so we couldn't keep you even if we wanted to."


One of the sisters scowled. "Those merfolk, they got poached from us by the northern clan and they moved into their estate. I've seen the northern clanners walking about the city with their guests, showing them off to anyone and everyone."


"Yes, but merfolk are rather tame in comparison to what we have here, no matter how they can flex their muscley bodies," hummed Naomi. "We're going to crush the competition, I can just see it!"


The old bearded inari lit candles as darkness set in, and then the band turned in for the night. Led from the room they came out onto the center courtyard, a garden of moss and grass and wizened oak trees, a small bubbling brook rolling through what appeared to be an ancient misty glade frozen and transported into the city.


The rooms surrounding it were luxurious, and there were a lot of them, a dozen on each side of the square, then another layer of rooms beyond that making the rooms double deep.


The old inari led them around the wooden planked flooring to one where he slid open a sliding door and gestured inside.


Fey poked her head inside but to her surprise found no beds. "Where do we sleep?"


The old inari gave her a funny look but gestured at what looked like a roll up camping mattress on the floorboards.


Fey blinked. Well, it wasn't a bed, but if anything it was far better for a centaur, especially one of her size when most beds would simply collapse under her weight.


She trotted forward, wiping her hooves on a mat, and began paddy pawing at the blanket, spun around a few times before slowly easing down.


A moment later she had rolled over onto her back, horse legs pointed up in the air, and started softly snoring.


Whispers woke Fey a few hours later, and she cracked an eyelid to see the sliding door starting to ever so slowly ease open, and then near the bottom, a purple and white haired head appeared, and then above that another, and another, three heads looking into her room, looking at her.


"See, I told you she'd be asleep," whispered Naomi.


"Yeah, now get out of the way and let me get at her."


There was a scuffle, and then the door slid wide, allowing the three girls to fall through in a pile. They quickly struggled up and tiptoed over to Fey.


One of the sisters, the one with a hair bun, stood by her enormous weighty balls laying heavily on the mattress. She looked down upon them with awe, apparently for the first time seeing them close up. "Oh my god, they're bigger than my entire head! Bigger than goddam pumpkins!"


She fell to her knees then hesitantly lifted her small hands, placing them on the surface. The incredibly warm flesh radiated through her fingers. She leaned forward pressing her weight onto them and to her surprise found there was no give, as if they were incredibly packed tight and full with seed.


"I- wow, not even that merfolk who hadn't gotten laid in a year had balls like these. What happened to this centaur? Is she celibate?"


"That might explain why she's rock hard erect even now…," said Naomi leaning against Fey's barrel to peer at her cock. As Fey was so large and so was her barrel, the Inari's head was level with her cock. "If she rarely if ever ejaculates then maybe that's why she seems to have a perma boner."


"Or maybe, it's like a medical condition," said the girl on Fey's balls, "Maybe she's sick?"


Her hands followed the curve of the dark smooth testicles, feeling the heat and… vibration?


The inari blinked at the balls which came up close to her hips in height such were their size.


"Hey, did you hear that?"


"Hearl what?"


"I don't know, it was like something moved…"


She frowned and turned her head, one of her huge ears pressing against the surface of the balls, listening closely.


Focusing, she began to hear a distant rumbling growl. Like some impossibly large monstrous beast searching for prey, no, not prey, a mate to breed.


She yelped as the surface of the balls suddenly bulged outward an inch and hit her so hard in the head that she fell back, landing on her rear with a thump.


She stared at the rolling balls before her, a low rumbling snarl filling the air as they churned and moved, then they grew a little larger before her very eyes. 


"What's wrong with her balls?!" said the one with the glasses warily standing to the side.


The one sitting on her rump, opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. "I think… I think that's uhm, her s-sperm." She flinched as one side of the balls shifted, dragging the whole set of testicles an inch to the side and toward the one with glasses. "I- th- think they're trying to get at your womb."


The three inaris stared at Fey.


"Woah. That's…. kinda hot."


"She's got some kind of super determined sperm… I kinda want to know how that would feel in me…"


"Well good luck with that girl, that cock is as thick around as your waist."


She pouted, "My hips are wider."


"And that's going to help fit her… how exactly?


Naomi rolled her eyes and with a bit of effort managed to scramble on top of Fey's stomach, joining the massive cock on top. 


It was… jaw droppingly large. Three feet and nine inches of thick vascular cock. Her feet, which were smol and only a few inches long, looked miniscule compared to it, and so did her hands when she hesitantly pressed one against it.


She swallowed noisily, realising that a few of the veins were thicker than her wrist.


"W-well I am not planning on fitting her, I just want a joy ride, you know, for the secret backrooms at the midsummer menagerie when the other girls are boasting about whatever part of their menagerie they fucked." She glanced over to the one with glasses. "Get ready to draw while I pose Eiko."


The Inari with glasses pushed them up her nose with her middle finger, flipped through a few sheets of her sketchpad and then readied her pencil. As she did so Naomi lifted a leg and stepped over the top of the cock, straddling it, the thing resting between her legs, her ankles just brushing up against its rough and hard surface. 


It was very hot to the touch.


Her heartbeat accelerating, she lowered herself down, ass cheeks pressing against the surface as she landed. 


"Clothing, Naomi" said Eiko as she began sketching.


"Hmm? O-oh, yes."


She began unknotting her thigh high kimono, pulling apart the gold string like chains around her waist and then allowing the blue and orange cloth to slip free, falling across Fey's cock behind her before slipping down to the side as she was left stark naked and sitting straddled on horse cock, her bare purple skin and pleasingly shortstack body exposed, posing as best she could while riding on top the massive shaft.


She whimpered at the feeling of her puss pressed against such a hard surface, the bump of one massive vein spreading her muff and pressing against her clit.


She turned to Eiko, "N-Now begi-"


The sounds of footsteps coming down the hall made her snap around in alarm along with her sisters, but there was little they could do, the horror of realising they had left the sliding door open leaving them frozen in place, touching at Fey's privates.


A shape appeared, a rounded shape, which quickly became a pair of breasts, and then the otterkin they were attached too.


The otterkin was holding a steel ring up to her face and appeared to be talking into it, that was until she caught sight of what was happening in the room. She froze, the girls all staring at each other.


From her stealthily cracked eyes Fey had a view of the ring in Kayla's hands and what looked like grey skin within it, like an elephant.


"S-sorry just passing by! Looking for the bathroom!" squeaked Kayla.


"Where is the cock!" came a booming demanding voice from the ring.


"N-not today!" cried Kayla, jamming the ring into her cleavage and practically sprinting out of view.


The three Inari sisters and Fey looked at the door, waiting to see if someone else would come.


"Gods, do you think she was after the centaur?"


"Maybe, I imagine it must be hard to resist being drawn to her cock, just scenting it makes me feel all squirmy down there you know."


"Yeah, like there's this hot itch that I can't scratch no matter how much I use my fingers."


Eiko leaned in close toward Fey's cock and breathed in through her nose, nostrils flaring wide, "F-fuck, It just got ten times worse," she said, squirming her hips, hand slipping between her thighs, nearly dropping her pencil.


"Well, masturbate it out, gods, it's not like you can fuck her."


Naomi turned her head back with a huff so that she was looking up the length of cock… and came face to face with Fey looking down at her, clearly wide awake and staring.


The two girls locked eyes. Then Fey's eyes drifted down, pointedly looking at the cock she was sitting on.


"Uhm, I- Uhmm, Look, I have a good reason for being here, okay?"


"You want to ride my penis?"


"What?! No!... Wait," she glanced down at the cock she was sitting on, "I mean, yes! But not ride as in s-sex, I just want to uh, sit and ride on it, like a, uh, saddle… Which Eiko will draw… and then show to our rivals to make them jealous…"


Fey shook her head slightly, "No, I mean to be bred, I can feel how wet you are on me, and how your stiff clit is pressing against me, your body wants me…"


"What?? It's not like that!" 


Fey lifted an eyebrow, "Uhm, it's okay, if you feel that way, I uhm feel guilty about what happened…"


"...You do?"


"Yes! dropping ten thousand kids on you!"


"Er, right, that…."


"So I… I decided I don't mind if you want to have s-sex! It's the least I could do!"


The sisters stared open mouthed at her.


"Well I appreciate the offer, but, logistically?"


Naomi rocked her hips side to side as if to show their size difference.


"No shot. Your cock is literally bigger than me!"


"It's okay, I promise, my cock is magic!"


"Your cock is…" Naomi boggled at her, not quite sure what she had just heard.


Fey nodded enthusiastically. "Yep, it's a magic penis."


"You know, I've had that line told me by a few boys in the past…" said Eiko.


"Oh no! I'm not flirting, I really do have a magic thingy, it's magic!"


If the sisters looked any more convinced by this, they didn't show it.


"Look, just try and fist yourself and you'll see!"


"...You want me to do what now?"


"Put your fist in your pussy!"


"I feel like I'm missing something somewhere in this conversation," mumbled Naomi completely off balance.


"You might as well do it," said the one with a hair bun, "We did accost her in the middle of the night for a drawing just so we could brag about sitting naked on her dick…"


Naomi huffed, "Easy for you to say Ren, you're not sitting on this monster! It feels waaay bigger when you're right on top of it!" but after a moment she glanced down between her breasts at her puss. Her very small puss, pressed against the very hard surface.


Hesitantly, she rocked her hips and leaned back, resting more on her rear and exposing her muff to the air, then she dipped a finger into her pussy, squeezing it past her tight labia. 


She blinked in surprise, then tried another finger, then another, and then another, until she was slipping her entire hand into her pussy.


"Wh-why am I so stretchy!?"


Distressed, she shoved her other hand down, slipping her other fingers inside her wrist and then her palm and the rest of her hands until only her wrists were visible, stretching her pussy wide, her fists filling her insides.


"...The fuck did I eat?"




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