Centennial Family, Rising From Hong Kong Island

Chapter 251:

Zhou Huimin said angrily, her pretty face puffed up.

And Zhao Yazhi, who had just given birth, was at a time when motherhood was overflowing. She was also distressed when she saw several Chinese children crying in terror on the ground.

"Why are those natives like that? It's really hateful that such a small child can do it." Zhao Yazhi said with a snort.

She had hugged her son from Su Shaoze's hand, so she could feel at ease when she hugged her son at this time.

"Brother Ze, why don't you teach those natives of Yinmu! They are a bunch of savages." Seeing that Su Shaoze's hand was empty, Zhou Huimin immediately leaned over and grabbed Su Shaoze's arm and shook it.

And Ye Yingwen said helplessly: "Amin, don't make trouble, this kind of nationwide riot broke out in Yinni, unless other countries intervene, they can only quell it by themselves. Our Su family is only a businessman's family, and it is difficult to intervene in this. a political event."

As an official of the legal company, Ye Yingwen has also become more mature and rational. At this time, she just got off work, wearing a lady's suit, she is very capable, showing the momentum of a strong woman.

But for her words, Su Shaoze shook his head: "It's okay, it's okay, I've wanted to teach those monkeys a lesson for a long time."

The situation of this riot became more and more chaotic, and Su Shaoze's impetus was behind it.

To muddy the water first, pull those ghosts into the water, and create some fishing reels that are not conducive to the printing mud in the world, this is the first step of Su Shaoze's plan.

Form a political correctness!

Indigenous people are savage criminals, while the Chinese are poor victims

Then it's time for Su Shaoze to really do it. The indigenous government actually wants to engage in Su Shaoze's oil field, which is to move the cake in Su Shaoze's hands.

For the sake of profit, you can never die!

Taking advantage of this riot, we will solve this matter at one time.

"Drip, drip, drip~"

The satellite phone rang, and after Su Shaoze connected, Hou Weidong's voice came over the phone.

"Boss, there are several guests who want to meet you.".

Chapter 435 Nanyang Chinese Family 【Seeking flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

At 9:00 am on March 12, a plane from Malay landed at Hong Kong Island International Airport.

A middle-aged man and a young man got off the plane. They all looked like standard Chinese, wearing suits. They didn't have the temperament of ordinary people. They must be rich or expensive.

But their faces were full of exhaustion, and the moment they stood on the land of Hong Kong Island, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, a man in a suit appeared in front of them with a photo. After confirming the identities of the two, he said, "Mr. Liu, Mr. Huang, our boss, Mr. Bao, asked me to pick you up."

Hearing that it was Ship King Bao who came to pick him up, the older middle-aged man nodded and said, "Excuse me~"

The two followed the man into the car and slowly left the airport.

The middle-aged man's name is Liu Minglun, and the young man next to him who has been seldom speaking is called Huang Wenxiu.

Both the Liu family and the Huang family are big local Chinese families in Nanyang, who have come to Nanyang more than 100 years ago.

Relying on the Chinese people's hard-working quality and smart wealth, these Chinese families quickly became rich.

Each family holds a large number of rubber plantations, plantations, industrial parks, and some other businesses.

But money is the original sin of everything, and money without the ability to protect it is the source of sin.

Those rich and powerful indigenous people have long coveted the land and wealth in the hands of these Chinese people.

So taking advantage of this opportunity, those aboriginal rich leaders colluded with government officials to attack these Chinese families.

"Hey, nephew, don't be too sad, everything will be fine, and we will definitely rescue your family."

Liu Minglun comforted the young man next to him, but he didn't know whether his words could be realized or whether the Huang family could be rescued.

Now the rich Chinese people in Nanyang are in a difficult situation. They feel precarious like leeks. Among them, the situation of the Huang family is the most miserable.

Just the day before yesterday, the indigenous people officially started to attack the Huang family. They first gathered hundreds of indigenous gangsters to attack the Huang family's manor industry, but the Huang family was not a vegetarian.

In plantations, rubber plantations and processing enterprises, there are a large number of Chinese immigrants from China. Seeing that their jobs are about to be robbed, these people pick up guys and work with these natives.

The Chinese are just a little honest in character and don't want to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean that they are really incompetent.

Seriously working hard is absolutely awesome, these natives were immediately beaten away,

But after all, there are still many people in the indigenous people. The second time they gathered more people, there were thousands, and the two sides fought another battle.

Both sides died in this match, but the natives were still beaten away.

But then the natives began to play hooligans completely shameless. The local Sudan sent hundreds of military police with guns directly. Under the threat of firearms, the Chinese had to give up their resistance.

Those military police first beat the Chinese, killing a few members of the Huang family, and then in the name of causing trouble and hurting people, they arrested all the rest of the Huang family. Now most of the Huang family are locked in prison. in.

Only the young Huang Wenxiu escaped from the chaos and found some uncles and elders who were friends with his father on weekdays, hoping to rescue their Huang family.

But in the current situation, what can Liu Minglun and the others do to save the Huang family?

They are all precarious.

Today is the unlucky Huang family who was arrested. Maybe tomorrow, other Chinese families will also be arrested and thrown into prison.

It has not been a day or two for those indigenous people to covet the wealth of the Chinese. If they do not hurry up this time, the wealth accumulated by these Chinese families for many years will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

These Chinese families discussed together as a family, and in the end they could only seek external rescue and some international support.

In the world of Chinese capital, Hong Kong Island and American Chinese are undoubtedly the two most influential groups.

Therefore, Liu Minglun, who is quite prestigious among the Nanyang Chinese, came to Hong Kong Island with Huang Wenxiu, who was full of anger.

Want to meet his old friend, Ship King Bao!

There are also many rich people on Hong Kong Island, trying their best to get more help for their Nanyang Chinese, as well as the support of fishing boats.

When the car came to the center of the island, Liu Minglun soon saw a group of people walking on the street.

Noisily, hundreds of people stood in front of the gate of the Hong Kong Governor's Office, blocking the entire road.

They held up signs and shouted slogans loudly.

"This is?"

Liu Minglun said in surprise, and soon learned the answer from the driver's mouth.

"These are citizens who spontaneously protest."

"They were very angry when they learned about the tragic situation of the Chinese in Nanyang, and they all spontaneously gathered and ran to the gate of the Hong Kong Governor's Office to protest."

"And just yesterday, Nanyang's snack bar on Hong Kong Island was smashed. If the police didn't stop it, everyone in Nanyang's snack bar would have to go to the hospital and the morgue."

The driver briefly talked about the current situation on Hong Kong Island, and the two Liu Minglun were very moved.

The Chinese all over the world are together and have a heavy friendship. In this crisis, they are not alone.

"Are we going to Taiping Mountain Bao Chuanwang's house?" Liu Minglun asked.

The driver shook his head: "No, the boss is going to invite you to catch up with you tonight. Let me take you to see Mr. Su at Su's Manor. The boss is already waiting there."

Huang Wenxiu, who has always been taciturn, immediately reacted: "Mr. Su? Mr. Su Shaoze?"

"Yes, it is Mr. Su Shaoze. The boss said that maybe Mr. Su can help you solve some problems." The bodyguard said.

Liu Minglun nodded and said, "If that's the case, that would be great."

Although he has never dealt with Su Shaoze, Liu Minglun has long admired him.

Even in Nanyang, the Galaxy Group is well-known, and no one dares to underestimate a young rising star like Su Shaoze.

In just a few short years, Galaxy Group has become the largest group chaebol on Hong Kong Island, and Su Shaoze has surpassed Bao Chuanwang to become the richest man on Hong Kong Island.

Powerful and powerful!

Liu Minglun only hopes that Su Shaoze can really help them Qi.

Chapter 436 Armed Forces, Lonely Wolf Dispatches 【Seeking Flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

At ten o'clock in the morning, in the Su Family Manor in Taiping Mountain, in Su Shaoze's study.

Huang Wenxiu sat on the sofa nervously, looking at the young man who was younger than her from time to time.

He is now the richest man on Hong Kong Island and chairman of Galaxy Group, Su Shaoze.

Although he had already seen Su Shaoze's photos in some newspapers and magazines, he couldn't help being surprised when he saw the real person.

It turns out that Su Shaoze is really so young, and he is even more handsome than some celebrities, with a noble temperament, and there are stern eyes flashing in his eyes from time to time, which is breathtaking.

At this time, Su Shaoze was smoking a cigarette and talking with Bao Chuanwang and Liu Minglun, but the indifferent look, the cold temperament, and the aura of the superior did not look like a young man at all. It is vaguely dominated by Su Shaoze.

Over the years, Bao Chuanwang, the richest man in the old generation of Chinese, seems to be retreating behind the scenes, which is also the reason for his health.

And Su Shaoze, a new-generation tycoon, is growing in power on Hong Kong Island.

Whether it is the four major families or other families on Hong Kong Island, there is a vague feeling that the Su family is headed.

Huang Wenxiu was shocked. You are also a young man under 30 years old. Why are you so good?

Started from scratch, at this time, he has become a big man who can shake Hong Kong Island three times after stomping his feet.

"I personally feel very sad and angry about the matter of the Huang family." Su Shaoze snuffed out the cigarette **** and said with a heavy sigh.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different."

"The natives of Nanyang cannot tolerate our Chinese."

The number of Chinese in Nanyang was originally far less than that of the indigenous people. Now that the military and police have personally come off the scene, the situation is completely one-sided.

The situation of the Chinese is precarious.

"Yeah, we Chinese are too rich, the greedy natives can't tolerate us, and they are always thinking about taking away our wealth." Liu Minglun sighed.

"Those natives always say that we are greedy vampires, but isn't the wealth in our hands accumulated bit by bit with our hands?"

"On the other hand, those natives are greedy and lazy by nature, thinking about getting something for nothing all day long."

"It's targeting us Chinese everywhere."

"But what can we do? Leave Nanyang?"

Liu Minglun shook his head: "Our families have been living in Nanyang for hundreds of years, and the family business that we have fought for for generations is in Nanyang, and we can't live without it.

Liu Minglun's mood was very low, talking about the situation in Nanyang, the atmosphere in the room was very depressed.

After a while, Huang Wenxiu couldn't wait. His family was still being held in the prison set up by the indigenous people, and he needed Su Shaoze's help urgently.

He said directly to Su Shaoze: "Mr. Su, I ask you to save my family. They are being held in prison and are very dangerous."

"I know that Lone Wolf Mercenary is your company, and you can definitely help me."

Lone Wolf mercenaries are well-known internationally, ranking among the three major mercenary groups.

The forces are mainly distributed in South America, Feizhou and the Western Pacific generation, relying on the powerful combat power to make many forces fearless.

Huang Wenxiu has already thought about it. Since Lone Wolf is a mercenary, he will spend money to hire them to help him rescue his family.

However, it is different from ordinary tasks. After all, this is to save people from prisons in a country. In disguise, it is to provoke the majesty of this small country of Nanyang.

Only with the approval of Su Shaoze and the overall consideration, Lone Wolf will accept the task.

Listening to Huang Wenxiu's words, Su Shaoze always had a calm face, leaned back on the sofa, tapped the armrest of the sofa lightly with his fingers, and seemed to be thinking seriously.

It seems that this is a difficult decision for him, and Huang Wenxiu and Liu Minglun's mood has become uneasy, and their subconscious breathing has eased.

Finally, when Huang Wenxiu became more and more nervous, Su Shaoze finally spoke.

"Yes, Lone Wolf Royal Shield can accept your employment to help you rescue your family, and can also accept the employment of Nanyang Chinese rich people to protect their lives."

"However, our relationship is just a simple employment relationship, and there will be no political issues involved, and the commission for this time will be very high."

Hearing Su Shaoze's words, Huang Wenxiu and Liu Minglun finally smiled and looked grateful.

"We understand."

"Excellent, thank you, Mr. Su."

The two are very happy, regardless of the commission, as long as they can solve the problem, they are absolutely willing to spend money in this crisis.

As for the political issues that Su Shaoze specifically emphasized, they can also understand Su Shaoze's difficulties.

But for Su Shaoze, political issues are by no means the root of his concern, he only cares about his own interests

If he really cared about political influence, the lone wolf mercenary would not be in Feizhou, accepting the employment of a warlord from a small country to help him launch a coup.

And what Su Shaoze plans to do in Nanyang is similar to this.

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